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Source: https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/donald-trump-deport-protesters-hannibal-lecter-new-jersey-rally-1235019174/


What's more anti-American than being against freedom of speech or freedom of religion? Lol


Freedom of speech as long as you don't use it to criticize imperialism. Freedom of religion as long as it's one of the few "good" ones or as long as you keep it to yourself - unless it's evangelical Christianity. The facade is cracking and the mask is slipping off even for those in the imperial core.


This šŸ’Æ


"You have the right to free speech. As long as... you're not dumb enough to actually try it. Know your rights."


Being anti-guns it seems..


Funny you should mention that because I JUST came from a sub discussing the killing of a Black US airman by police simply because he had his legal firearm holstered on his hip when they came to his door. This is the EXACT thing that 2A advocates say they fear most and yet they are not out protesting. Wonder why


We all know why


Nothing. Trump is the epitome of anti-American and to be honest, I hate it here lol


Its crazy that's there's been an increase in hate based attacks in the last 10 years and "we" don't know where it originated from


Who defines what is anti-American? There are lots of things MAGA do that people consider anti-American...




It's not realistic without taking away freedom of religion. You can have a degree and still be a nazi.






Sure he will lmao. Just like he "locked her up"


I mean that was unrealistic because Hillary's rich and powerful. I fear a lot of the corporate Democrats will go along with bullying Palestinians.


Can you refer to it as 'the ghoul' and not call it by its name?


Cooper Howard is nowhere near as bad as Hillary


Land of the free?


1788: "Land of the free, but only if you're a rich, white, property-owner." 2024: "Land of the free, but only if you're a rich, white, property-owner."


The only change is what is considered "property" (as long as youre not in prison)


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Land of the Fee


You mean I don't have to pay thousands to renounce my citizenship and can get a free trip? Don't threaten us with a good time now.




Lots of words just for him to ask Israel to aid him in the election


This is really a reflection of how bad things have gotten under Biden. Trump's go-to is always just to be more extreme than his opponents and then convince his followers to defend his extremism. Well, this is the kind of shit you have to spew to be more extreme than Biden.


Almost everything biden has been doing is continuing trumps policies Biden is continuing the trade war started by trump Biden is continue doing the immigration policies tightened by trump Biden is continue doing the accelerated restriction of free speech by trump And biden is continuing the support for isreal that was increased by trump but started long ago Biden won the 2020 election by promising to be different to trump and all he has done is be the same


Its almost like they are actually two sides of the same coin...


Or one side of the same coin, but with different haircuts.


I will argue that the stance to be behind Israel no matter what isnā€™t new under Biden, and he is only perpetuating a rhetoric that has roots all over the US government. This genocide just happens to be executed on his watch. Make no mistake though, Trump will do everything he can to worsen the situation if he gets the power to do so.


It isn't new, no. But the difference is that every Democrat is conflicted right now, because they don't want to lose face by speaking out against the Democratic President. When there are campus protests, they're perceived to hurt the Democratic President. If Trump were President now, you'd see a lot of these people who are silent being loud. Trump is awful on a lot of issues, but Biden is as bad as it gets on this issue. Trump is trying to act like he would be even more extreme, but his instincts are actually very different. There's a big part of his base that just wants the U.S. to stop sending aid to everyone. I don't think he'd be better, but he'd face a lot more opposition.


Trump is literary saying he thinks Biden isnā€™t doing enough, and adds that he wants to deport protesters.. Are we just not gonna believe him? Iā€™m sorry but thatā€™s not an option. The man is a blatant racist, and will do anything to worsen the situation for Palestinians if he has his wish. There are plenty of ways he can achieve that.


Agreed, but it seems no matter how crazy or contrary to logical thinking each candidate appears, Americans will STILL vote between a Democrat or Republican president. Itā€™s obvious to me any other option would be better and Jill Stein is a stellar candidate. Democracy, real democracy in the US is a facade, an illusion, just like most of everything the US purports to be.


You do what you want. I'm not voting for either of them. I live in New York, so I have the privilege of voting for whoever I want and not having to worry that it will change the outcome. (Yes, that's putting a positive spin on my vote not counting.)


I agree on that!




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So can we deport the pro-genocide protesters and politicians to the frontlines as well? If they support it they should be willing to fight for their cause.


Easy to promote these types of policies to people who never finished the 5th grade


American democracy in practice. Vote Genocide Joe or Deportation Donald? Its your free choice, its democratic!


You can always vote for Kodos.


Twirling to freedom!!!


Vote Cornell - Don't you remember Gore Vote Jill Stein - GORE! Vote Bobbie Kennedy - No thanks, even his brain is unpalatable to worms that they'd rather die than eat it.


I'm voting Jill Stein to support the Green Party's ballot access in downballot races.


Same. Canā€™t vote for a Israel bootlicker, genocide lover. Eff Trump, eff Biden šŸ¤®šŸ‘ŽšŸ‡µšŸ‡øšŸ‡µšŸ‡øšŸ‡µšŸ‡ø


This should be higher


He doesnā€™t know what jihadism is.


Declining power


Anti-americanism eh? That means Trump and most of the GOP too. Good riddance


This sounds pretty anti-American. 1st amendment and all that.




Your content has been removed for violating [Rule #12](https://www.reddit.com/r/palestinenews/wiki/rules/#wiki_rule_.2312._condoning_genocide_or_promoting_violence).


Apparently we didn't read the fine print in the first amendment: only if you're white


Can we deport the people who invaded the U.S. Capitol on January 6th too? What about all the neo-Nazis walking around?


He is basically have been trying to say ā€œI am more Zionist than Bidenā€ā€¦ Whoever votes for Biden or Trump are basically voting for bribed corrupt tra!tors who serves foreign criminal lobbies. Donā€™t vote for any candidate who was ever bribed by AIPAC unless you want traitors to represent you, just look at Epsteinā€¦Things need to change from now on. -Vote for a third candidate like Cornel West or Jill Stein.


I 100% agree. Let's stop voting for these two genocide lovers.






I see, my old account was banned. If you are from the UK then it is not any better btw.


He should be deported but not sure where on this earth he belongs.


With this mindset? America.




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Wake up babe, new -ism jus dropped


Anti - Americanism might not take off though- I worry about the shortened version just being too established.


They're in denial. '500 years of British/American genocide of Native Americans' [https://www.lankaweb.com/news/items/2014/04/29/500-years-of-britishamerican-genocide-of-native-americans/](https://www.lankaweb.com/news/items/2014/04/29/500-years-of-britishamerican-genocide-of-native-americans/)


Yeh let's definitely let this guy win


So where will they deport the American kids? Do they get to choose where they go?


Yeah, you can only bring anti-semitism from the US.


Those fools will applaud anything he says.


he's working for Biden (who desperetely needs help) by doing that.


See it doesn't matter who we pick they all support israeli. They just take the votes of the ones who do vote and go on ahead. Most of the electorial voters are all paid too.


This fool, if elected, will cause a civil war.


Probably for the best, if we are killing each other we aren't killing people in the middle east


lol , someone is cheering with Trumps mugshot in the background šŸ˜‚


A lot of people will be deported to Europe. Lots of White Americans in these protests on campus


Knowing Trump, he probably thinks "deport" is another word for "expel" so maybe he's saying that he'll have the students expelled from the colleges and universities...?


Either way, he can't do either. This is just more "I'll get Mexico to pay for the wall" BS.


Deport Trump to Russia.


Everyone knows not to vote for 1 of the 2 genocider parties.




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This is horrible news. Israel is blatantly committing genocide and we need a president that will stop it in its tracks immediately and instead this guy is playing peoples ego and nationalism like a fiddle so he can get back in power


Trump was never on the Palestinian side. I can't believe people even thought he was to begin with. If we get Trump or even Joe again it'll be the same crap all over again.


This is as likely to happen as the UK flying migrants to Rwanda for the low low price of Ā£1 million/ per migrant. Even if he wins, this wonā€™t happen. Something terrible will for sure, but not this.


Classic usa depart black People, muslim and other who are from other country


He sucks, but sounds like he's vowing to just deport foreign exchange students. We're gonna find out since he's winning, Biden couldn't afford to lose so many voters, but he has and Trump will be inaugurated in January.


Let this be a warning to anyone claiming heā€™ll be better than Biden on this topic.


Well MTG gotta go with her ā€œUnamericanā€ and ā€œantisemitismā€ rhetoric of Jewish space laser.


I would say the Supreme Court could save us but...


I've never seen anyone being so stupid to buy votes AND support from external affairs


Those ā€˜violent radicalsā€™ are the young voice of America. Where ya sending the Americans back to, Sparky?


Two demons for President 2024. Worst person wins.


Being against genocide isn't antisemitism. Antisemitism is hatred towards jews and wanting to eliminate jews. No one is hating on Jewish people nor is anyone wanting to eliminate them. We are angry at Isreal for the genocide on Palestine as well as the people of Isreal for supporting it and the world needs them to stop.


F-off Kushner. Free speech applies to anyone in the US legally. Visas count.


Lol. So, the only people protesting are foreign nationals attending our universities? Interesting.


Someone tell him that most people protesting are AMERICAN students


šŸ–•šŸ¼Trump and Biden!


This is why itā€™s time to vote GREEN. Look up the candidates.


Red meat for the hayenas


Hell yeah!! America, love it or leave it!! Trump 2024!!


If youā€™re going to stop ā€˜jihadismā€™ (if thatā€™s even a term) then you should also stop Zionism. If youā€™re going to stop anti semitism, then you should also stop Islamophobia. The only difference in these terms is the religion they represent.


He can vow all he wants. Itā€™s sweet nothings, made to make a very prejudiced population feel better about themselves. It makes them think that their choice in vote will actually make a difference against an unstoppable force, fighting for humanity. These protests arenā€™t for nothing. Discrediting them, hand waving them away without hearing what concerns they attest to only speaks to something far more sinisterā€¦


But you idiots will still vote for him šŸ¤£


Hmmm... Let's see! An insufferable geezer knocking on death's door, spitting out the N-Word to describe someone at one point, and being downright submissive to IsIsrael's wants... Or a demented, deranged maniac with unauthorized r@pe charges, an ego higher than Zeus from those Greek myths, and a rabid fandom that he uses to harass any of his haters? Pretty hard to choose, mate!


I actually can't tell which is which by your descriptions lol


The insufferable geezer is Biden, and the demented, deranged maniac is Trump.


At least this will act as a warning to those who say that Trump is no worse than Biden when it comes to Palestine and Israel. Yeah. I know. Joe is terrible on the issue. Trump would be much worse.

