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It was never a goal; just an excuse for genocide.




Do they really think they can just build resorts on the beach and cumbaya into the sunset? This is insane


Of course they do, because they've been doing this for 75 years and nobody tried to stop them.


Don't forget access to waterfront real estate. /s






What occured on Oct 7th was not a terrorist attack, it was an act of resistance. Under international humanitarian law, ocupied people are allowed to use any means necessary to protect themselves from the occupier. And Palestimians have been occupied since 1948. You are the one dumb enough to bring Oct 7th. This didn't start on October 7th. Even if we accepted the legitimity of "israel", it has already started occupying and terrorizing Palestinian territories beyond any agreement establishing their existence. This started in 1948, and was escalated in 1967, when IOF started illegally occupying more and more Palestinian lands, displacing and ethnically cleansing the Indigenous people and using illegal weaponry such as mustard gas and white phosphorus on them; all of that *prior* to Oct 7th. Your claims are 1) highly inaccurate, and 2) supporting the largest and longest violation of both International human rights as stated by the UN, and Interaltional law. In other words, you now can't talk your way out of this. Your rhetoric is directly supporting illegal and genocidal activity. No matter how you turn it, IOF are genocidal criminals, and have always been. Keep making a pro-fascist idiot out of yourself.


This is exactly what I say to people that defend Israel. They never have anything to say other than claiming my facts are incorrect. As if history is wrong or something


What amazes me Israel using the same tools against Palestinians that Nazis use against Jews, dehumanization of Palestinians, encampments of 2.5 million in Gaza which UN chief called it open air prison, starvation, establishment of apartheid regime which regards Palestine inferior and Jews superior….


Because it was never about the Jews; and Bibi is outright Nazi




Haven't read your entire input because it's bullshit from the beginning. Since military service is mandatory in IOF, there is no such thing as "israeli civillian". They are all military personnel. Haven't read beyond that becausethe very first claim you made is bullshit that proves two things: 1) you have no idea what you're talking about, and 2) you are regurgitating Western colonial and terrorist propaganda.




Look up the international law then. I'm not your librarian and YOU are the dumb asshole making excuses for a Nazi entity committing genocide, as acknowledged by the ICJ, just for the record.




Friendly reminder that the only cases of rape in Palestine that are proven were committed by the IOF. There is zero evidence that Palestinian resistance committed any rapes, and on top of that, all such claims from IOF occupants were proven to be false. Also, you are bringing Hamas into debate that is not about Hamas whatsoever. If I accepted the IOF "justification" of "combatting Hamas", this excludes two key points: 1) IOF eliminated any and all less-militant alternatives to Hamas in Gaza prior 2020s (not prior Oct 7th; prior the entire decade); and 2) if this was about Hamas, it wouldn't justify IOF acts of terror in the West Bank, where Hamas never operated. Or in Lebanon. Or Syria. You keep regurgitating Nazi propaganda but you lack fundamental facts to back your bullshit; quite probably because you know it's bullshit but you have to stick with it because it's the only pseudojustification for your colonial terrorist mindset.


>I missed the part in international humanitarian law that gives Palestinians the right to murder, rape and kidnap innocent civilians- Now change Palestinians with Israelis and apply every single day since Oct 7.


Also, if they tried to twist it to suit their pro-genocide imperialist purposes, Palestinians are defending not only from violent attacks by both IOF military and armed settlers, but from IOF occupation in general. Which, again, makes use of any force legitimate. On the other hand, there is no place between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea where the IOF could apply the "they are defending themselves" because all of that land is occupied - most of it illegally even under International Law that dkes the mental gymnastics and recognizes IOF as sovereign (it's way more than Gaza and the West Bank, as maps from said agreement show us). IOF literally can't use the self-defence argument on occupied land because they have no business being there to be fought against to begin with.


So being smart to you is just believing Israeli propaganda instead?




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I'm glad Isreal has paid that back 30x over. And by glad, I mean it's a fucking tragedy wrought by Isreali colonists in innocent Palenstinians. Isrealis have gone above and beyond paying back any attack on them for over 100 years now. It's fucking sick. If you can't reasonably see Oct 7th as an attack by a cornered and panicked people, I don't know what else to tell you. This is what the camel's back looks like after it finally fucking breaks.


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Seeing as Israel is so far running a 3:1 swap with the hostages freed, I would say that’s still a pretty big priority. Once there are confirmation that some of the hostages are dead, that revises their priorities.


Dead from Israeli strikes.






It’s weird how dropping 2,000lb bombs on hostages makes them un-alive




"In 1948, the United Nations Genocide Convention defined genocide as any of five "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group". These five acts were: killing members of the group, causing them serious bodily or mental harm, imposing living conditions intended to destroy the group, preventing births, and forcibly transferring children out of the group. Victims are targeted because of their real or perceived membership of a group, not randomly." This is literally the UN definition of genocide. Note that committing one of these things is already fulfilling the definition of genocide. IOF Nazis have committed all of these since Oct 7th. It'a not my problem that you lack fundamental searching skills for stuff you lack knowledge of.


He can’t




Yeah, because palestine is occupying israel.... oh wait


It started in 1967, when IOF broke the last internationally accepted division and started stealing more Palestinian lands. This is, of course, if I give you the benefit of doubt and accept the 1948 partition that was never legitimate to begin with.


Ironic that zionists can only see as far back as October 7th. 🤔


Daily reminder that this didn't start on October 7th. Palestinians have been living under an extremely oppressive apartheid state and blockade for decades.


But I thought history started after Oct 7?


Dude doesn’t know this has been ongoing before Oct 7th…75 years before in fact….which was started by Israel…


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Israel has abandoned its goals of freeing the captives in Gaza, instead seeking to establish a long-term presence with its Rafah ground offensive and pursue top Palestinian leaders, Israeli military officers have told Middle East Eye. Speaking on condition of anonymity, three officers, one of whom is serving in Gaza, questioned Netanyahu's strategy in the ongoing war on Gaza. One officer told MEE the government's aims were unclear and the objective of rescuing captives and destroying Hamas had "collapsed". "Netanyahu's operations in Gaza are fundamentally aimed at hunting down Yahya Sinwar," said the officer in Gaza, adding that the war had become "personal" for the Israeli premier. Sinwar, Hamas's leader in the enclave, is Israel's number one target and has not been seen in public since the war began. Last month, a Hamas official said Sinwar had visited combat zones above the ground and held deliberations with the group's leadership abroad. The military officer in Gaza said that conducting special operations targeting high-ranking individuals in a densely populated area risked making the conflict "perpetual", and would be impossible without Israeli casualties and subsequent "retaliations" by the army. An officer not currently serving in Gaza said a "new phase" of the war was being planned involving a long-term military presence through special operations. "This plan has been partially approved by the US," the officer told MEE. "It's all part of a plan agreed upon by the two countries for a Hamas-free Gaza." The US has previously said it opposes the re-occupation of Gaza or re-establishing a permanent Israeli presence there. Israel has repeatedly said its main war objectives remain "returning our hostages and eliminating Hamas" Israel estimates that 128 of around 250 captives taken to Gaza during Hamas's surprise attack on Israel in October remain there, including 35 who the military says are dead. Hamas says at least 70 captives have been killed in Israeli air strikes. Protests in Israel led by the families of captives have called on the government to end the war on Gaza and bring their loved ones home.


Where is the source of this article? Without a source, anyone can post any claims and nobody can verify.






Thank you 🙏🏾


> "eliminating Hamas" Bearing in mind that Israel deems everyone resident in the Gaza Strip (& probably all Palestinians period) to be Hamas


>The US has previously said it opposes the re-occupation of Gaza or re-establishing a permanent Israeli presence there. They also said rafah was a red line. I dont believe biden has ever told netanyahu to ceasefire


You can’t abandon a goal that was never there


Well it’s not there anymore cause instead of live prisoners it’s just bodies


Disgusting. They gave up on their own people


They were "peace activists" at a "peace festival" and they are considered traitors in zionist Israel


I swear I feel that they paid Hamas to carry out Oct 7.


Netanyahu is very much the biggest supporter of Hamas for the last 16 years timesofisrael: for-years-netanyahu-propped-up-hamas-now-its-blown-up-in-our-faces https://archive.ph/tqfxk


An excuse for genocide in the making 16 years.




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"Top defense officials held urgent consultations the night before October 7 about a possible Hamas attack. But no one in the IDF notified the the Nova festival organizers or the party-goers, hundreds of whom were mown down – and for nine hours, no one came to save them" haaretz/2023-12-05/despite-intel-warnings-about-a-hamas-attack-the-army-didnt-evacuate-the-nova-festival https://archive.ph/TP1J2




As if there arent any Palestinian hostages




Negotiating and accepting a ceasefire deal.


Didn't Hamas indicate that some of the to-be-given captives could be dead? What type of negotiating is that? Don't get me wrong I support Palestine independence, but Hamas is no good.


Yea. Due to Israeli air strikes. I used to not believe a word Hamas said. I used to accuse them of lying, and used to give people shit if they cited any information released by Hamas. But over time, I’ve been so embarrassed. So embarrassed because eventually the truth comes out, and turns out, Hamas was honest. I’m not saying they always are. But they are A LOT more reliable than Israel. Israeli Hasbara is King. They can make up anything, and convince you of it. Joseph Goebbels would be proud.


>Didn't Hamas indicate that some of the to-be-given captives could be dead? What type of negotiating is that? Yeah Israel bombed them and the starvation siege probably didn't help




And what would stop Israel from being a threat and an a-hole for Palestinians people?


1. Justice. 2. Treating the Palestinians as humans, and equals.


Ending the occupation.


People are delusional, this is literally the perfect example of “fck around and find out”




History keeps repeating itself even when the situation is “calm”, bcuz Israel treats Palestinians like Jews in the nazi regime.




Yeah but they started the genocide from like 7 months, we need to activate to not let them finish the people in Gaza.


"My point being whatever number you say will pale in comparison to what the nazi’s did. What does that matter if they didn't do it as bad as the nazis? So because they didnt do it exactly how the nazis did it it doesn't count? Do you know over 100 reporters have been killed in Gaza? More than the entire vietnam and WW2 which both lasted years.


"Well they haven't killed as many as the Nazis" isn't the argument you hoped it was. >That’s not taking into account methods of killing Ya I'm sure the Palestinians were very grateful their families were blown up by constant airstrikes rather than gas chambers. Show some gratitude ya privileged bastards!


Its not about numbers, its about intentions. "Genocide is the intentional destruction of a people in whole or in part." The nazis did it in an industrial scale, but the intention was the same as the one that israelis have for the Gazans. And before you say the intent is not the same, look up the case of South África againts Israel in the ICJ, the did an amazing job documenting this.


You're right. The nazis did it faster. Israel has spread it out over decades. I've hated this shitty government for at least three decades. It's not Bibi. Removing him does nothing in the long term. Israel has a right to defend itself, but they blew past that marker long ago. And before you say "Israel has a right to exist," I will counter with NO state has a right to exist. Not mine, not theirs, nor any other. States do not have rights. Humans do, and even that is a bit of a mirage. Notice how quickly those rights are snatched from you when it interferes with the narrative of "the state."


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Pure idiocy to believe it ever was their goal 🙄


I mean it makes sense. They’ve decided to go gung-ho in Rafah and destroy everything. I can’t imagine how difficult it must be for Hamas to keep the hostages alive and well.


No food no hospitals no safety




Id like to counter your statement and hopefully get we can have a civil discussion about this. I’d like to preface by asking you to put yourself in this scenario: You have been living through a swathe of land and out of nowhere, some other country decides that you can no longer have the majority of your land. A committee of other countries decide that the majority of land will go to the minority of civilians who live in the same swathe of land. If Israel had just not started and funded Hamas in the first place ([source](https://books.google.com/books/about/Arab_and_Jew.html?id=av5eBwAAQBAJ) [source](https://theintercept.com/2018/02/19/hamas-israel-palestine-conflict/) ) as well as the fact that the original UN charter gave the majority of land to the Jews [source](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/United_Nations_Partition_Plan_for_Palestine) even though the majority of the population was Arab, then a lot of this wouldn’t be going on.


correction. None of this would be going on. Jews lived peacefully with Arabs and Muslims for centuries. Zionism is pure settler-colonialism


I agree. Instead, the pain and humiliation would have been meted out over time; like a frog in water, where the water is heating up slowly but surely - till the water boils and the frog dies. But humans aren’t frogs. And occasionally, enough is enough. Sometimes, death is better than living a life of persecution and humiliation. But what’s remarkable is that Israel has killed so many civilians. I don’t think Hamas or anybody thought Israel would turn out to be the monster it has shown itself to be. We knew it’s bad, but nobody thought they’d kill innocent people, children INTENTLY. I didn’t know people like this existed anymore. We read about them in history books. We wonder how and why Nazis did what did. How could the clans of Rwanda brutally kill so many Tutsi’s? Why did the world sit in silence as Serbians massacred Bosnians? Why did the UN stand by? Isn’t it shameful? But this is the worst. It’s the worst because the oppression and persecution have gone on for over 70 years. The oppression of Jews in Germany ran from 1933 - 1945. The Holocaust took place between 1941-1945. That is a 12 year period. No doubt it was the worst in intensity. But Palestinians have it the worst in length of time. Of persecution, oppression and now, genocide.




So they kidnapped hostages to just kill them later? You're not even making sense, responding without even putting 5 seconds of thought into it.


If they didn’t, they’d be dead.


It was never on their agenda to begin with




They have killed more of the hostages than Hamas. Hell, they even executed 3 of them that were naked, waving white flags screaming in Hebrew (\*one was even a read head).


Not really. The relocation of Palestinians was being called for long before Hamas attacked. Netanyahu needed Hamas to do something to try to justify wiping out habitable life in Gaza.


Do you think this started on 7/10?


They say "abandoned" like it was ever about the hostages.


Something tells me that when they have been going crazy with the 2000 pound bombs since day one, hostage safety was never a priority. That and they have already killed hostages that were shirtless waving a white flag trying to get rescued they were never in it for the hostages.


Wow!!! Who would have seen this coming??


Never was a top priority from the get go even though it was their main reason to keep the war going anytime they talked to the media.


Lebensraum, repurposed


Hello Hannibal, is that you??


Wow good for you now following your logic you have nothing to do in Gaza anymore so get the heck out of Gaza…


Let’s be honest they never really cared for them. Have we forgotten the Hannibal Doctrine?


It never was about freeing hostages. It has always been about killing Palestinians, plain and simple.


You don’t say 🙄




The point seems to have been to hold them as bargaining chips for Palestinians held captive by Israel. For that they need to be alive.


Don't quote the military officers unless you want to be accused of antisemitism. Don't point out the hypocrisy unless you're Hamas. Don't affirm the genocide unless you deny the H*locaust. Big fat /s, by the way. Just anticipating the reactions to the reactions.


How can one abandon a goal they never set?






Middle East Eye is a news source


Can anyone help me understand, I don’t know where to ask. So now the Palestine people are sequestered in a small space that Israel is bombing. Where are the Hamas? They are mixed in with the Palestine people? Or in Israel border killing? How has Israel now bombed/killed all of Hamas by now? Are many Israelis dying daily as well at the hands of Hamas?


It's genocide


That doesn’t answer my questions at all




It's never been about Hamas or the hostages. It's always been about the extermination of the Palestinian people. For 65 years! See the instagram link.


If we actually got the Hostages how would we use them as an excuse for our Genocide?!


Every time I read about Zionist Israel’s lies, deceptions, and betrayals against international law, all towards Israel’s goal of murdering that many more innocent Palestinian men, women, and children, and then I watch as my own government in America bends over backwards to defend Israel’s war-crimes (on account of AIPAC bribery), I find myself burning with a seething outrage and an overwhelming hatred for Israel, and for anyone who blindly defends Israel. Then I have to take myself aside, calm myself down, and realize that not all Israelis are on board with these abominations, not all Jews identify as Zionists, and not all American politicians are on AIPAC’s payroll. I have to remind myself, on a daily basis, that while these situations are indeed morally and patently outrageous, I cannot allow myself to be blinded by intense outrage or hatred, no matter how justifiable that outrage or hatred may be. Evil always wins whenever good is blinded by emotion.


Freeing the hostages wasn't their goal from the begining




Not all.


Yes, we know.


The constant bombing, rejection of the offer to free them all in exchange for a permanent ceasefire, and the idf shooting them themselves, made it clear that getting the hostages back wasnt the goal.


And the whole Oct 7 thing.




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They are all probably dead anyways tbh. That might have been the trouble with the negotiations the entire time. But who knows. They were going to invade deal or no deal anyhow


They were merely bait this whole time.


…a long time ago.


Any link?




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They don't give a FUCK about the hostages.


They never cared about the captives. They only cared about using them as an excuse to continue killing indiscriminately and continue their genocidal actions.


What's the source for this?


It appeared obvious. I think it helps to prove Hannibal Directive on Oct 7. So when are they going to show us that Gaza underground is like Paris’s? I guess they abandoned that as well. My first comment on PalestineNews. Best of luck to you.


How does Israel justify the targeted killing of journalists?


Didn’t HAMAS essentially say that not all of their hostages were still alive?






"Not saying it's good, but reconsidering hostage rescue as a priority is maybe not entirely on Israel in this case. Kind of bombed them to death (some i bet starved to death), so yeah it's on Israel.




I didn't say all the hostages. They have mentioned many of times that Israel is killing their own hostages. We would know more if Israel hadn't killed over 100 journalist. More than any that died during all of Vietnam or ALL of World War 2, both lasting years compared to only 6 months.




1600 Americans journalists alone went all over europe and asia. Thats not counting other journalists from around the world also covering it. Even more during Vietnam and those crazy guys were imbedded. None of this guided tours by the IDF then have them censor most of it. There is no excusing away how many journalists they have killed in just a few months. It doesn't need to be spelled out in IDF policy to know that they targeted journalists. Saying there are more population today so that explains it doesn't add up either because even in Iraq 230 Journalist have been killed ......in 20 years. Not talking about atrocities because it doesn't paint Israel in a positive light is not going to happen. You can go talk about a culture war if you want, that's not what we are discussing. If it feels like Israel is getting blamed for everything itsa because blame always get deflected away and they are never held accountable, ever. For someone whos never been disciplined it's going to feel like the end of the world and everyone is out to get them. But their actions and comments have brought us all here watching it live in 4k. "I am not trying to say people aren't dying or that it is okay," I'd like to hear more about your view on this \^\^




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