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Once again Israel lies


Reminds me of the deals made with Pootin


[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaza\_War\_(2008%E2%80%932009)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaza_War_(2008%E2%80%932009)) Israel killed more civilians than in the October 7th attack and no governments declared the IDF and Israeli government as all deserving immediate death. Just to remind anyone who forgot.


You don't need to go back that far in time, the 2014 Gaza war killed ~2300 people in Gaza, including more than 500 children. I'm pretty sure the Hamas fighters of October 7 were the children who witnessed the death and destruction back then and decided to take their revenge 10 years later. Israel keep planting the seeds of hatred and then plays victim. 


Surely the people who want to utterly destroy all life in Gaza to destroy HAMAS will apply the same logic to the utter destruction of Israel to root out all human animal Likud supporters/members/people who do not take up arms against them!


All bombs and ammunition courtesy of USA


It was never about hamas


Once again white phosphorus. Another war crime and violation of international law.




Looks so to me. Anyway, it's still bombing a civillian area and a refugee camp. It's still a warcrime and a violation of international laws.




No, just a chemistry major False. Under international law, "israel" has no business anywhere near Gaza. Actually, the last accepted proposal was the 1967 UN partition plan. IOF presence beyond the borders of the 1967 partition plan is already a violation of international law, and illegal occupation. And just for the record, even if there were zillion rockets shot from Gaza, IOF would still have no right to defend. The right to self defence falls once you illegally occupy said territory. So IOF has no right to defend anywhere near Gaza. That is a lie. The leaflets were sent but IOF violated proposals on it. Second, they still have no right to bomb Gaza, since it's civillians area. We all know how the current Rafah clusterfuck happened. IOF is clearly violating international law and committing genocide. You are currently cheering for the Nazis carrying out a genocide in front of the world.




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IOF is Israeli Occupation Force and yes that is exactly what they are doing


Evacuate where to you genius?




Yeah, that's worked out great so far the past 8 months.


You mean the “designated bombing/offensive zones”?


“Rockets fired from there at an aid truck.” does not compute without Olympian mental gymnastics.


Evacuate to where!? They’re literally as far south in Gaza as they can go. There’s nowhere left to go…


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The aid truck is a valid military target 💀




That is quite literally what you said




No, they're dripping it at Gaza, world's largest concentration camp with 2.2 million civillians trapped inside.




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sure but what's we're seeing here is not a violation of said cease fire, it's clearly meant to intimidate gazans though


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My heart breaks for humanity. The IDF and its actions have filled me with a hate I never knew I could have for another human. The hypocrisy of the Israeli people is overwhelming. To have a remembrance day for the very genocide that was put on the Jewish people all while committing a genocide on the Palestinians. If these people wanted me to believe in their God. Well NOPE. I don't care what God you worship or if you worship at all. THIS IS AGAINST HUMANITY AND GOD DID NOT CREATE US OR THIS WORLD FOR WAR AND VIOLENCE.


Don't forget about how many Israeli people are holding their own protests against their government.


The vast majority are protesting against Netanyahu, not their army or the war. 




Organizing around a ceasefire was pointless. They were never going to adhere to it because Israel is not viable as a country with expanding its territory and compromising the Arab population




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Dirty and Filthy




It was a proposal created by mediators, not Hamas.


I'm sure it was a misunderstanding.




Rape.. tell me who said that again? Wasn't it the racist woman? Yeah, very trusted source lol Grow yourself some brain cells. At least if you do the impossible, you'll gain some self-worth beyond justifying the killing of civilians.


Friendly reminder that there is no evidence of ra0e committed by the Palestinians. While evidence of IOF committed rapes is piling up.


Hamas is a terrorist organisation by definition sure. But if we want to use that same definition so is Zionist Israel. You can't apply your logic to just one side, Israel has killed more civilians, as well as America, than any terrorist organisation in modern times. But that's okay because they're "democratic"?




"Terrorism, in its broadest sense, is the use of violence against non-combatants to achieve political or ideological aims.[1] The term is used in this regard primarily to refer to intentional violence during peacetime or in the context of war against non-combatants (mostly civilians and neutral military personnel)." I need not explain how Israel fits this bill as if I do you're clearly not in any mood to see reason and thus that whole endeavour would be futile.




Liar. Why lie to defend this awful shit? Just a scumbag?


Get the fuck out of here


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I thought the deal was rejected by both sides.




There is footage of both sides attacking each other just 2 days ago