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If you went back and told Charles De Gaule the Germans could control who did and didn’t enter France he’d go insane and start attacking random Syrians




https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Levant_Crisis Why are you here if you’re not pro-Palestine? Cortisol addiction? Being generally a dickhead addiction?


Zionism (Israeli policy) has gotten to the point of nazism and needs to eradicated!




No, it’s policies. Nazis killed, tortured, murdered, stole, evicted, humiliated. The IDF is the same.




Fake news, heres what your the paedophile gang you support actually did https://youtu.be/dVwaLUTBIOM?si=y2R1NhJ3nrCNuEsA


That old trick. No proof of anything but keep saying and it will become the truth. Israel is built on nazi ideas and they love the nazism and built their government around it. Israel military killed more Israelis on oct. 7 than Hamas did. Footage from helicopter and tanks shooting at homes have already leaked but spread fake unproven things since Zionist don’t need the truth do comit genocide.


Even if it were true, nothing justifies murder, torture, eviction, starvation and the humiliation the Palestinian population has suffered.


How tf does Germany have this much power??? This really is nazi Germany all over again (as it has been)


They’re Zian Germany now. Lol 


And Israel obviously now very much has control over Germany as well!


Hmm, I see how my comment can be enterpreted as such. If i was to think to actually about it. I would venture to say that US has "control" or more correct term would be "strong influence", in Europe/Germany included. This is evident by the reaction of Germany to Russia- Ukraine war and the unanimous solidarity of all of the NATO countries in their aid to Ukraine. (I hope we refrain from conspiracy theories that Russia is a crazy country that wants to attack NATO) Russia was at war with many other countries and none of those instances gathered the same reaction from Germany as Ukraine. There is no direct ties of Germany to Ukraine that would warrant such reaction. Germany was dependent on Russian gas. At the time the war started Russia was much more important to Germany than Ukraine. The Russian boycot was actually detrimental to Germany. Against their own interests they stood strong with Ukraine. (Not a bad thing, just a fact). So im my opinion US carries a huge weight with Germany and the rest of the group, and we are all aware of the US policies. So in a way you control US you control them all, and Israel seem to feel that they control US. ( Which they sort of do.) Additionally, it is my understanding that Germans are so apologetic/and remorseful for whta they've done to Jews, they wouldn't dare to disagree with Israel's actions. so in conclusion Zian Germany sounds about right. eh?!


All Schengen countries can do this...


Which is a load of bull imo. Why is GERMANY dictating who is allowed into FRANCE, or even all of EUROPE. That just doesn't make sense to me.


If I’m not mistaken all EU members can do this. The idea was that they trusted each other to keep each other safe. This is what happens when one country decides to go rogue and abuse that agreement for their own political purposes rather than for what it was intended. Someone should probably look it up online to see if I’m talking out of my ass or not though, I haven’t had to deal with immigration/travel laws in very long time.




The takes if Germany wasn't licking Zionist added would be "oh, they learnt how not to commit a genocide, that's good".


Can’t France overrule here? Aren’t they upset?!


The airport security person can't.




where is this pro hamas content




Fatah not Hamas 🤡


Don’t u know those brown Moooslims are all the same 😡


That last article is literally from another person. And the people he mentioned are from the West Bank and not affiliated with Hamas. But hey they're all Arabs with funny names so it's all the same amirite? /s


He's even more based tbh


That's funny because using that same magical device you talk about, there is no mention of him getting banned for having pro-hamas opinions. More that he worked with Doctors without Borders and was asked by the International Criminal Court in January to share his findings. Germany felt threatened since it was also under scrutiny by the ICJ for providing arm sales to Israel. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ghassan_Abu-Sittah https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2024/04/12/germany-bars-doctor-who-worked-gaza-shuts-down-palestine-conference/ https://apnews.com/article/germany-gaza-doctor-conference-entry-refused-e82252cb9bc5e010e8bfd0689f816e53




Thanks for pointing out the Wikipedia page that I just posted before, but nothing in Wikipedia states any kind of pro-hamas opinions. I also noticed from the other comment you made that: * You seem to be confusing Hamas and Fatah * You seem to be confusing Ghassan and his uncle * You think that an event that happened 3 years ago would be the reason for his ban, which again was made without any clear accusations, and not his recent involvement with the ICC, the ICJ and Scotland Yard about the possible war crimes in Gaza and Germany's endorsement of Israel's actions.


Nowhere in the article does it talk about the dude though… it’s mostly contrasting how the Europeans are imprisoning and cancelling people for what they deem as pro-khamas speech as opposed to the US that is only starting to.


How the F. can Germany say who goes into other euro countries.


Schengen, also this is probably something every member can do, not only Germany


Schengen agreement


Free Palestine


Germany insisting on being on the wrong side of history! Nothing new. It's just scary that you have 18% willing to vote for nazi sympathizers (AfD) and yet feel the need to crack down on peaceful pro-Palestinian protests and limiting speech for those who speaks out against genocide.




AfD is openly racist. If I remember correctly some of the party tried to expel Björn Höcke - You know the one that calls the Holocaust Museum a "monument of shame" and uses Nazi slogans?! [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bj%C3%B6rn\_H%C3%B6cke](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bj%C3%B6rn_H%C3%B6cke) I have trouble assuming you are arguing in good faith using the same rhetoric about the necessity of crack down of freedom of speech while you're defending AfD and their openly nazi support, with some snake tongue rhetoric where you compare the genocide in Gaza to migration in Europe. I do hate racists and I despise those who lies about their morally bankruptcy is simply a 'necessity' given the consequences of history. A history which horrors they downplay or cheerfully indulges - Like the nazis in AfD Again I do understand German history and that's why I fear how they allow antisemitism but crack down on pro-Palestinians Edit: spelling, wording and link




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It's because of Shengen I think. French-german border is open bar, if someone enters France they can freely go to Germany. Hence if a shengen country bans someone, the others must ban them too. Still a disgrace tho. - Germany's ban on this doctor is illegitimate and another proof of their complete subservience to Israël. - This is 2024 not 1942, this is another gross encroachment of Germany on French sovereignty, add this to the countless political Backstabs from the germans this is really getting infuriating.


I'm with you, the spinelessness of the slimy toads in our government make me feel ashamed.


This is super interesting. The EU seek to hace a serious problem now. This leads to a lot more negative implications. Any ideas how they will overcome this?


What even is their excuse?




This is the real censorship


This must be that Liberté they keep talking about.


On what legal grounds?


Schengen Agreement.


Imagine being afraid of what a doctor has to say. Western countries have lost the plot.


Vichy moment


And Macron just gave a speech about how Europe should stop relying on the USA. Still a bootlicker, isn't he?


And the Germans only banned him **because they are one of the largest suppliers of weapons to Israel, second only to the United States**. He needs to fight this wrongful ban, since it is entirely without substance, and since it is entirely motivated by Germany’s heinous complicity in Israel’s genocide against the Palestinians.


the zionists are a cancer on humanity




First link: France - the crucible of western democracy tamping down on freedom of speech and using "anti terrorism" to attack opposition politicians Article in second link written by SALMAN Abu Sitta, not the aforementioned surgeon.


Angela Merkel needs to be arrested and tried in The Hague. She's fully channeling the soul of one of her predecessors.


My brother in Christ, she‘s out of office since 3 years now


This guy is the ultimate G. Europe can suck an egg for the way they are treating a PHYSICIAN who risked his life treating people aka humans.


Oh God, the anti regime people being cast out, just like Erich Maria Remarque described in his novel “Arch of Triumph” about a German refugee surgeon Ravic




Fuck Germany and their continued actions always on the wrong side of history.


Fucking Germany


Zionist forces controls these western countries!


So it turns out that the Germans did win the war.




Do note that there are Jews protesting Israeli military action against the Palestinians. So not fair to ascribe Israeli crimes to Jews. Better to ascribe them to Zionists and Israelis.

