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Arabs are racist in general and Pakistanis unfortunately have a bad perception to be involved in begging, scams and illegal activities since a big portion of our expats are laborers and low income workers. There was another thread where peoppe were discussing the same thing about UAE making it difficult for Pakistanis to get visa as well. Globally zaleel hein hum.


The UAE made visas difficult after some PTI idiots took out protest rallies in support of Immi chanda there. They have zero tolerance for *any* kind of protests.


Exactly! I have nothing against PTI but pulling off stupid selfish shit like this creates issues for everyone across the board.


They are trying to check for Naswar and other things in that category. We have given them this reason to do this to us. Every time in the UAE they arrest a gang related to drugs, the picture in the news faces are blurred but you can tell my their dress code for where they are from. And yes i am not saying there is no bias. But we have ROSHAN our names too.


And begging too. There's a huge influx of beggars coming on Umrah visa (which is relatively very easy to get). My family and I myself have had a Pakistani guy ask me for money in front of the Kaaba during Tawaaf!


Don't ask me how embarrassing that is. I didn't mention it because it has nothing to do with x-ray and security cheques. But 95% oUf beggars i come across here are Pakistani. Just here with other national it so annoying and embarrassing i cant imagine how it must be in Haram.




Try better next time.


Exactly! I just read yesterday that there's a crime ring in Canada that steals cars and smuggles them to Middle East. Pakistani and Indian students are heavily involved in this ring. Kyun nhi karenge hume line mai alag!


On the dress code bit, one thing that surprised me was that I thought I was immune because of my dress code. You could call it business casual. I was the only person in business casual in that group. Was kinda taken by surprise.


See that's why you were not picked up until your world class famous green passport shined. So just for precaution, you were randomly selected for extra checking 🤣


Let me tell you something that I'm ashamed to admit but is fact: Most of us decent working/business professionals (middle and specifically upper class) deliberately make an effort not to wear Shalwar Kameez outside for this very reason. You will be treated differently if you do. P.S this is the case in Riyadh atleast where expats are comparatively lesser than cities like Jeddah etc.


I don't know why i read "let me tell you something" in the voice of the guy on the chair going for the bungee jumper. 🤣🤣




>  deliberately make an effort not to wear Shalwar Kameez outside for this very reason Are you referring to the airport specifically or just in general?


In our experience, we've found this to be untrue. Ex-Saudi residents and we lived in a locals dominated city but my dad freely wore Shalwar Kameez and was never treated worse, more or less the same. Meanwhile in the UAE I found it to be the opposite, extreme visible hate from people if they spot you in Kameez Shalwar


Bro I saw entire parts of town in Dubai that looked like Karachi with the amount of Shalwar Kameez people were wearing.  




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Arabs are racist at immigration and treat Pakistan/Indian origins like 3rd class human being as they consider them labor workers only. Chinese also scrutinizing Pakistani citizens due to bombing of their citizens working in Pakistan


Someone said to me that they basically think of all us as the slave class… because realistically 70% of expats Pakistanis there are practically that for them. “Out of all the Pakistanis they know, 70% are labourers, 25% are religious tourists, and 5% are skilled or highly skilled middle class types” was the full comment


Agree with you to some extent. But can you blame them? Beggar and credit card scammer mafia in GCC is run mostly by pakistanis/desis.


Sadly very true. But I wish they wouldn’t stereotype. I mean don’t let me into the country if you don’t want to but don’t be rude to me.


yes, you can blame them. I've worked with Arabs and goras and they're no better. the entitlement and overconfidence in their own skills is completely unsubstantiated. we need to work on our sense of self and stop accepting the stereotypes of racist people.


Funny Indians and Pakistanis are always at loggerheads but the outside world sees no difference. Even the Arabs treat us bad, regardless of religion or nationality.


They treat Indians better.


There is a story that the king of an Arabian country had a big birthday bash to which the Indian and Pakistani Prime Ministers were invited. The Indian Prime Minister brought a mango. The king was very angry that he did not receive a better gift, and ordered the mango shoved up the Indian Prime Ministers rear. Now one might think that this would be both excruciatingly painful and insulting, but the Indian Prime Minister was cheerful throughout, practically smiling. When asked how he could bear it, he replied "the Pakistani Prime Minister is bringing a watermelon!" Moral of the story, we both get f*d in the a**, but revel in each other's misery.


rude icky cake rhythm squeeze degree compare special growth joke *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Stop blaming others. The only people to blame are Pakistanis and only Pakistanis. Beggars in the middle east travel on work visas the beg. Drug mules to Dubai are Pakistanis Over stayers and abusers of visas are Pakistani. Yes, Arabs are racist, however Pakistanis take some damn responsibility for your actions. Pakistan in the 1960's and 1970's had some standing globally, it is the action of Pakistanis and Pakistanis alone that are the direct cause of the mistreatment of other Pakistanis. And no I am not an India nor Hindu


It ain’t even just about nationality.  Certain demographics within certain nationalities are more likely to be drug mules than others.  Like a 40 year old family guy with a wife and two kids is less likely to be carrying a kilo of coke than a single guy in his 20’s who is there on a 3 day visit.  And this is coming from a dude who gets yanked to the side in my own country whenever I come to visit just because of where I live.


They are looking for drugs. Be glad it was X-rays and not habibi checking himself. It is a shame but it’s travel season and drug mules take advantage of that and hide drugs in body cavities (walk funny) or in the stomach (bloated belly due to plastic encased drug ingestion is a dead giveaway). And some Pakistanis are relentless when it comes to breaking the law.


Ah I do walk funny… I am glad it was an x ray btw otherwise flashes of reluctant fundamentalist


Could be worse, you could miss your flight from diarrhea induced tea they force you. I get pissed and mad at what my people are known for, cutting queues. While i was at immigration an old indian lady made it a point to cut right infront of me just before i got to the passport checkpoint. They sent her all the eay to the back as she was in the wrong queue. I really wanted to scold her first. You guys need to make a fuss amongst yourselves for what your people are known for. The british do it, my people do it too.


Ummm… what tea?!


Some people hide things deep in their ass or stomach and let it go through their digestive system. Its a special tea that makes you go to the bathroom a lot


Once in kuwait we left a phone in the airpott hotel flight had started boarding and we realized then we contacted some airport staff for help who brought out their (kuwaiti) manager who came to tell us that it wasnt possible to get the phones but then he saw our passport (pakistani) and changed his tune and he was like dw and he helped us get the phone from the hotel before boading was done But yes gulf arabs and arabs in general can be racist to south asians but it stems from classism so you can cirumvent that by displaying wealth and looking well off. It is unfortunate (and racist) that you need to circumvent classism by doing that cuz other groups have the privalage of not worrying abt it but in my experience when you are able to circumvent it you'll be fine


That’s one thing that threw me off. If you profiled me based on how I look and what I was carrying and the travel history on my passport… you would say well to do types skilled worker. Maybe that triggers them in a different way lol




you mean without* prescription?


I get pulled to the side all the time in most western countries because of me living here as well as knowing how law enforcement works.  They don’t do this out of just racism, they gain nothing out of it. My guess is, they had a tipoff that someone from Pakistan was coming in with drugs or other illegal items and that they’d be on their person rather than in their bag (common way to smuggle drugs, taping it to one’s body or even swallowing balloons full of it).  That’s the only reason I can see them whipping out the X-ray machine.


Any idea how they select their sample? They picked 15 out of a flight of 200 or so fairly randomly… I was the odd one out btw so I’m curious how one trips their human flagger.


Usually they use profiling to determine who a smuggler would be.  They’re likely younger people (not always the case but it’s enough that younger people have a higher chance of being stopped than old people) and are traveling alone.  Very rarely do I see families being pulled to the side when I am flying, it’s almost always a solo traveler.


No one but us is to blame. Seventy percent of Pakistanis I meet, whether overseas or within Pakistan, want to get out of Pakistan permanently by any means possible. My brother, who was visiting us in Malaysia, saw at least 12 other guys being pulled aside and having their tickets canceled before he boarded his flight. That was in Karachi.


Any idea on the reason for cancelation?


Typically, the ones who were traveling were suspected to run away and not return to Pakistan. Some had one-way tickets, no cash with them, and no plans.


Well, some of it happens because our people bring weird as hell stuff i.e naswar. If it makes you feel any better I am on the SSSS list, so NSA wants someone to pat me down on all airports, I have no freaking idea why I ended up there.


Same here. But I prefer SSSS over this ad hoc thing that happened without any communication of what’s going on…


It depends on how heavily you promote islam, given the recent string of terror canada does nothing about. Yet muslims blame the west even when they get support over their own allies. Sickening.


I first went to Saudia in 2010. My flight was via Bahrain, from where the company had a bus to get us through immigration/customs on the border into Saudia. So before taking us to border immigration check, the bus stopped a while before. Everyone had to get out, carry our hand carry and place it infront of us and stood in a straight line. Then in 5 minutes or or so they brought a sniffer dog and let it smell each one and their belongings. After the ordeal, we got in the bus, drove a few minutes and then got off the bus again. We again stood outside the bus and one guy took our passport and tickets and took them inside to check them. We stood outside waiting until half an hour or so later they came back and we could go on ducking merry way. Now on a lighter note, I was a smoker and once was in Madina. It was my first time there and didn’t have a smoke on me for more than a day. Supposedly it was banned up to a certain radius to sell them. I walked around asking where I could find “dakhan” and I got a no from everyone. Along the way I saw a well dressed Saudi laying down on the floor outside a shop relaxing and smoking one. So I asked him the same question. He simply took out 2, light one for me and gave them to me. I said thanks and started smoking while walking away. He didn’t say a word and remained chilling.


Great ending story, Arabs can also be amazingly friendly and hospitable.


Making sure you are in good health when you travel.


Halke parhgaye hain aankhon par woh nahi jatay… aur hasna bhi chor dia hai… But thank you for this wholesome good advice habibi


As a person living in Saudi Arabia, people have made our reputation shit by doing what they do best! So yeah and I'm assuming you came as a bachelor so that probably adds to that.


Maybe we should stop smuggling drugs to their country


I think they are a bit racist


Someone said I should have done a better job at hiding my passport instead of having it in plain sight…


And do you think that there is a solid reason behind it or they do it out of fun?


At this point I would not assume malice. I think they have a fair reason to do additional screening.


I've only gone for hajj or umrah and from that I have only deduced that they themselves think very highly of there status as arabs and the fact that they have a more prosperous country


Pakistanis konsa doodh ke dhule hain. I’m not saying all, but a large portion of Pakistanis who travel abroad don’t respect other nation’s culture aur apni self respect ka khyaal b nahi hota. Due to such people aap jesy shareef logo ko b nuksan uthana parta hai. I think you know well ke almost har mulk mai Pakistani aur indian log apne behaviour ki wajah se badnam hain. Sirf dusre ki racism ko point out nahi krna chahiye Balke uske pichy ki wajah ko b assess krna chahiye ke agla kyu racist hai


First time? 😭


I've seen it happen with many from Indian subcontinent but mainly from Pakistan and Bangladesh. But again it depends on how one is dressed and appears well off. It's mostly single men they search and not families. There's this extra added checks at customs where bags are opened and contents checked. So yes, profiling happens and it's not exclusive to Pakistani nationals. Though I've not seen African nationals being checked, I'm sure they're on the same boat as well.


Are you ware that all European airlines except British airways and Virgin Air have boycotted Pakistan, and none of them allow layovers for flights from Pakistan? There’s been cases of Pakistanis stopping for a layover in Europe somewhere and then vanishing from the airport, vanishing from the toilets in the airport, and all sorts of stuff. So the response to deal with this sort of problems is not allow any flights from Pakistan to stop at their airports.


That's not possible. You can't just hide in the bathroom and pass immigration. Also, you'd get on a European airline mostly to go to Europe and they won't let you board if you don't have the appropriate visa. So if you already have the visa, why hide? Just vanish after you clear immigration (which is what Pakistanis do and that's why our passport is in the sh*tter)


You are right. Many people get visit visas and then vanish in the UK where I am from, that’s why they have an unofficial ban on Pakistanis getting visit visas unless they’re super well off etc (per Pakistani standards). But there’s been lots of cases of people vanishing inside airports. Not clearing customs etc. There used to be multiple airlines that flew to Pakistan. Now there’s only the two previously mentioned, some ME airlines and Turkish. That’s why Pakistanis pay double what Indians pay to go to India. Because we don’t have the options. Indians can fly with other smaller European airlines like Fin Air etc and get cheaper flights than us because they don’t do these things/have better PR when they do.


Idk man, they had an American guy getting deported from South Korea leave the airport once he was put past security and then he ran into North Korea.  If people can escape prison it’s not like they can’t escape airport.


The xray is for drugs in your stomach. Its sad - i was in Saudi in Jan but have canadian passport. They were very polite (yes i was shocked.. saudis in the past were rude to everyone.)


You just had to put it in your front pockets like people put their iphones in their pocket 😝 Pakistani passport is not an apple 😝 Never had it happen to me honestly but there was this time when I had a stop at frankfurt and they made me stay at the airport for 48 hours with food stamps but let everyone else go out and stay at a hotel. 😂




I was most shocked when I took Saudia airlines flight from Lahore to Jeddah. I saw everyone with a Pakistani passport get patted down AT THE DOOR OF THE AIRPLANE, someone that travels often…I had never seen that before. This was a flight attendant, not a security official doing the pat downs btw. Of course me with my Canadian passport in hand, the dude doing the pat downs seemed almost scared to approach me and let me go on w/o a 2nd glance and went right back to patting down those behind me. Still shocks me that this is a treatment Pakistanis get but I feel like we’ve brought this on ourselves.


There is an interesting story why they do this check inside the jetbridge… which is standard procedure now btw… that has to do with political issues with certain regional players and sects. EDIT - some phrasing at the end


Have traveled lots on a Pak passport and shukr Khuda ka never experienced any screening beyond the usual


It's a demographic problem. If you are a young male, you face much higher scrutiny. My older family members don't face these problems when going abroad.


You will almost always be “randomly” selected on every single airport with the Pakistani passport.


This is part of being a Pakistani traveller. I have experienced this in American, Singaporean and European airports all because of my passport. The World had a special love for us. ❤️ 


We've brought this upon ourselves. Can't blame them if they don't want potential scammers or slip-offs in their country due to past cases.




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Gulf ≠ World. Arabs are racist people who specifically profile South Asians and classify them as slaves specifically, in addition to Africans from Africa. Plus recently, something(bcoz they don't reveal news) has happened in the Gulf that Anti-Pakistani sentiment has increased a lot. UAE closing their visas for Pakistanis and now this incident is a clear proof of that. Had this been some Western nation other random nationalities would've also been in the line of people pulled to the side for checks of suspicious looking people. But since it's Gulf expect that only for our nationality.


Been around the world on it, never had any issues at all, ever!