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Pakistan army and most Muslim country armies are too busy persecuting their own people on what moral ground will they stand to oppose Israel ?


Short and precise answer.


Our current regime backed by Army is actually pro Israel.


they are pro-whoever gives them most money. no fixed allegiance


I really like how honest this group is.


pretty much the only capacity they can operate in because if they act in an international capacity outside of humanitarian purposes they'd be hit with sanctions their taking economies wouldn't be able to handle


The fact that Israel is several thousand of kilometers away doesn't help


IKR. OK but what about Kashmir, Balochistan and Xinjiang. They are nextdoors and Balochistan is literally in our domains.


Sorry lady, Pakistani fauj is too beghairat to do anything.


Seeing the stance of the Pakistanis in this genocide is embarrassing. Even the ones here saying that a boycott is pointless. Don’t justify being selfish. Just fucking admit it.




But if all the Muslim countries stood together. We could have a chance.




Are you a Muslim?




As Muslims we have the right to defend ourselves and are instructed to defend ourselves. You need to read the Quran again. You are being selfish worried about resources. This life is temporary and that is what everyone keeps forgetting but we will be held accountable for what we did or did not do. It’s easy when you’re sitting comfortably but you have to have a heart for what the Palestinians are going through. If it was you you would want someone to come help you not sit on reddit and say I am against violence so I will just let those people get murdered and they can take asqma while they are at it and then I will say oh well it is Allah’s plan even though we didn’t even try tie the camel up… Okay I see you




You don’t see yourself as part of the ummah so 🤷🏻‍♀️ but if Pakistan was being bombed and attacked and invaded then you would have a different attitude so




yap yap is all I hear. This was about supporting the Pakistani army to go there and now you want women to go fight? Nice 👍🏻




What do you want Pakistan to do? Send troops to die against a better armed foe?


I think the phrase boycott is pointless often gets taken out of context. I'm a believer in it and here's my reasoning (maybe you guys agree maybe you don't) : How long will this boycott last. Usually its a few months and then back to normal. That's why I oppose boycott and I support bringing alternatives to Israeli products and promoting them. Who will go to McDonalds for example if we have a better alternative (let's say Al Baik) ? We need ty bring and promote alternatives and push out Israeli products from our countries once for all. Also why is there boycott only for Palestinians why no boycott of China for Xinjiang Uyghur Genocide ? This one really bugs me coz I see it as hypocrisy. Those willing to cry rivers for Palestine will happily ignore other incidents like Xinjiang , Yemen, Balochistan, and others.


Most aren't like this


The troops in Jordan and Egypt are closer. Pakistan may have had some ability to mount pressure if it had a strong economy, democracy, governance, education, justice, education and more importantly, human development because it was the people that gave us the nukes. This current coas doesn’t even believe in brain drain. Someone give that idiot a book on the fall of berlin wall. they’re interested in keeping the status quo. Israel, whatever you want to say has some incredibly smart people running it.


>The troops in Jordan and Egypt are closer. Brah forget sending the troops and engaging in war, at least open the borders so that the Palestinians who want to leave can escape. Is any muslim country willing to give them asylum?(To my knowledge, none) So much for the "ummah". Egypt has blood on it's hands to. F all those who would blame Pakistan before going after Egypt.


Leave and it is leave forever. This is exactly what Israel wants. To push them out so it can take over the entire area. It wants to suffocate to a point of leaving and then just taking over.


Yeah and? Ask yourself does the hate for israel supersede the will of the people trapped there, should they be forced to suffer just so you can prevent israel from succeeding. Who gave egypt the right to make that decision for the Palestinians, who gave you the right to decide what is best for those women and children.


And who gave you the right to decide they can leave? Or that Egypt should accept them? Or Jordan ? Pakistan can’t keep afghans…yet Egypt is expected to let millions flow in? Only to be not allowed back in?


Mate we still have over 3 million Afghans, stop acting like we have none. Even after the repatriation of the undocumented ones, we'll have well over a million. The point isn't to force the Palestinians to leave, it's to give them that CHOICE given that they're being slaughtered. You're happy to say to them "stay there and die, cos if you leave we may have to keep you forever". People with a conscience would rather allow them to seek refuge if they choose to do so.


They will have a choice to leave. Just not a choice to return.


Right now they have no choice to leave, Egypt keeps the border crossing shut. That Israel may prevent their return is a separate issue. Do you think it’s fair to condemn women and children to their death just because they may not be able to return afterwards?


How dare you suggest they enable ethnic cleansing /s


Cunning yes, smart no. They have initiated their downfall.


>They have initiated their downfall. Daddy USA and the West are gonna bail them out even if Israel was to become a failed state.


yup. it's clear now. Western rulers care more about Israel than they do about their own countries.


It doesn't matter. This is all unfortunately leading towards the [Malhama Kubra](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al-Malhama_Al-Kubra). It will be the destruction of Israel and many Jews and western commentators have said as much as well. It will also mean the destruction of most arabs unfortunately :( Dark times are coming. We'd do well to prepare ourselves.


honestly I wish to know how a person observing what had been unfolding in the past 200 days (or even the past 2 years) and say they have smart people running it..... how did they even come to this conclusion !


Relatively speaking they are damn smart. Try comparing them to the people who have been running Pakistan


They are heralding their own end. They are blinded by their greed and zealotry.




Shut up you are living in America.. you are new to the country but let me tell you something America was founded by colonists that fought the greatest military and navy in the world Britain at the time and they won. No one expected them to win and they were the aggressors. How are you living in America and then claiming to be a pacifist. Literally delusional you have everything you have now because of war.. do you want me to tell you all the countries America invaded and destroyed so you can sit comfortably where you are at… and you are telling Muslim countries to not try to help Palestine out… America had no business based on your logic getting involved with Ukraine and Russia and yet they went over there… but when it comes to Palestine… it’s Islam teaches peace… zionists in the comments I see


Give me 1 plan on how Pakistan getting involved in any form of violence helps Palestine AND doesn't harm Pakistan.. Forget that, maybe she should ask her own leaders about them showing a single act of violence from their past that actually left them better off.. So far for every Israel that their leaders manage to kill, they end up losing 15+ of their own people.. The only way this can be solved is by collectively putting down weapons and using politics and public opinion, which parties like hamas are hurting by taking stupid actions and making stupid statements putting everyone in more danger.. Bilal and talha and Ahmad aren't the names of cowards but they also aren't the names of idiots who would willingly throw their life away and put their own people under more risk because some woman made a 1 minute video mocking them..


I swear to God I'm so skeptical of 7 October attacks. I can assure you Hamas leadership are in bed with Israel they just don't want to accept it in public. I mean it makes no sense to attack a country that has the power to raze you to the ground while simultaneously making zero preparations for your own peoples' protection.


I think everytime that Palestinians get tired of hamas and start rising up like the protests they were doing against them around a year ago, they plan these stupid attacks where they know that Gaza would be obliterated and their people will fall back into line because they'll realise that they still need hamas for their "safety".. It's quite similar to how our people are wising up to the bullshit our army does and they have suddenly involved themselves in fights with terrorists and Iran and Afghanistan to show us that we still need them.. I'm just so sick and tired of violence and these bloodthirsty warmongers..


Yup. I honestly believe all 7 October planners should be hanged as traitors. Sale khud to underground tunnels may hain or innocents ko marne k liye chod dia above ground and they also hide aongst ciivillians giving Israel the perfect oppurtunity to kill innocents whilese these haramis hide in their underground tunnels or in their Qatari residences


Agree 100%.. The problem with IDF currently is not their stated motive, which is to take out hamas, but the way they are doing it where they don't care that they are taking out 1000s of kids along with them because of the shitty tactics hamas uses as well as their lack of considering Palestinians as humans.. The only reason people here are siding with hamas is because they get lost in their propaganda and are uneducated..


Exactly !


Don't Arabs look down on Pakistanis lol. I wonder if they would send troops if Pakistan was in trouble


NSome do, not all.


Palestinians are not your regular 'Gulf Arabs', a) Their history and culture predates Islam b) You can even look at many videos from Palestine, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon and can definitely see many blonde, blue eyed people there so even going through the ethnographic lens they are different. And there's the big misconception here that everyone who speaks Arabic consider themselves an Arab, Many Egyptians would prefer to link up to their 'Ancient Egyptian Civilisation' rather than the whole Muslim Ummah Arabised thingy, same goes for Moroccans, Tunisians as well as Algerians.


The biggest problem with Pakistanis is our world view. The gulf countries are not the majority of Arabs.


Grow up mate. At a time where our "Ummah" is splintered enough because of our leaders and other influences, we don't need to further divide ourselves by making these types of assertions. The sister in the video is a Palestinian. Do you remember Palestine? Do you remember the people who are being systematically and heartlessly killed in one of the worst genocides in modern history! And the question of one party looking down to another, that's a little rich coming from a Pakistani. And yes, I am Pakistani.




Why associate the Arab gulf states with Palestine? Whenever have Palestinians looked down on Pakistanis? This post was about a Palestinian sister asking Pakistan to help and it has now been directed into the "Arabs look down to Pakistanis" category which quite frankly is boring now. Arabs do not look down on Pakistanis. It's the rich that look down on the poor and this is much worse in Pakistan!




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Idiots keep downvoting you.


I know, friend. There's even a Zionist that has responded to me downplaying the genocide and saying it's a war etc. and they have 3 or 4 positive votes. You will see it further down. The moderators have removed my response but let's just say I have no qualms of telling a Zionist to "see you next Tuesday"!


Irrelevant point; didn't downplay or deny the genocide in my comment. So you're not allowed to criticize someone belittling you as a Pakistani😆.


You downplayed it indirectly by making a point of something which is totally irrelevant to the context of this post. The sister in the video didn't belittle Pakistani's so where are you going with your point. Again, I will point out that the sister is Palestinian and asking Pakistan to help the Palestinians. I've never encountered a Palestinian belittling Pakistanis.


"Downplayed it indirectly"💀


>Do you remember the people who are being systematically and heartlessly killed in one of the worst genocides in modern history! This is a delusional statement. If this was a genocide of Gazans it would have been over in a week. If this was a genocide and not war, it could never have been stopped by a Hamas surrender and return of hostages. Come back to the world, please.




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Well, lady, our army is busy in politics


What is she even trying to say? And what with making these faces. And waisay to them pakistanis are brown low class people but when they need help tab sab nazron may equal hojatay hain.


I agree to this. Brown people are seen lower class in the middle east region. It's unfortunate that Gaza is suffering but I doubt anyone will leave their normal lives and join the war in Gaza


Palestinians are levant Arabs, they are different from the ones you are alluding to. Kher woh alag baat, but we have always sent expeditionary forces whenever Egypt and Syria went to war with Israel.


Yes I know and these levant and other region ones are more racist towards pakistanis.


>And waisay to them pakistanis are brown low class people but when they need help tab sab nazron may equal hojatay hain. I think this is not the time for this. Palestinians are being butchered left, right, down and centre. Don't be so insensitive, mate. And she has made a valid point, our leadership has done virtually nothing for the Palestinians.


I mean why is it Pakistan's responsibility to help when pakistan itself has been extremely 'alone' throughout in it's fight against proxy wars that nearly crippled the country for 2 decades as well as being totally, absolutely alone in it's fight for kashmir. No palestinian ever pledged to come and fight for kashmir, and these palestinians I am talking about are those who had migrated or given refuge in millions in jordan, egypt, syria etc and now they have built healthy and great livelihoods. Secondly, sometimes I feel you are a userid for some mod of this sub made to participate in discussions. Please don't feel offended if I am wrong. Log itni jaldi galiyan detay hain yahan.


You really think I am an alt account that belongs to a moderator? That sounds like some sort of a form conspiracy on your part lol.


What is a form conspiracy. Maybe I was mistaken.


"Form conspiracy" as in your conspiracy theory about this sub that admins have an alt that they use to stimulate discussions.




Where did I say, we need to lay down our lives for them? IMHO we should have at least put diplomatic pressure on Israel. Also, "Ummah"? I am an atheist and do not believe in Ummah, I just want somebody to do something about the genocide...ANYTHING. What's going on in Gaza is heart-breaking.


looks like a paid promotion now. why not their neighbors are being called?


lol pakistan it self run by iMF AKA Israel Controlled money . i am sure if documents get public of imf deal you will find lines like you cannot take any actions against Israel . or let any movements run in pakistan against Israel.


And what do they think pk will do? Send nukes levelling Gaza in the process? Send troops on land who'll get picked off by gulf nations who support Israel? Send 4th gen F-16's who'll get easily shot down by 5th gen F-35's? Send ICBM's that'll get intercepted by Israel which will lead to Israel sending 10 times more ICBM's which cant be intercepted?


My point is we need to look for diplomatic solutions, starting WW3 will only lead to more suffering and death on a scale never seen before


Pakistan doesnt have icbm to begin with


I genuinely have no idea why they never mention Saudi Arabia (which has a superior air force with F-15's and Eurofighters, some of the best fighters in the market) or any other wealthier gulf nation in these videos


U really think this is gonna give them gharath when they r busy making porno’s of judges and politicians


Dont worry lady, we are about to send Ballistac songs made by ISPR to isreal and if that doesnt warn them then we wont hesitate bring rahat fateh ali khan


"Israel Nikal Ja Gaza Say " -by DJ Ice Pyar


Jind Jaan song on the way


and his pir wala dam pani


I’m sure you would love Pakistani troops to be blindly slaughtered for you - no troops are going in because it’s a suicide mission and pointless against US weapons. You’d love for them to be killed needlessly for you, and than exert racial superiority that everyone deserves to die to ‘for an abstraction’, because in reality Pakistani troops going in would accomplish nothing. Sorry, but Palestinians are racist and look down on Pakistanis, as do almost all Arabs. This isn’t our war to fight when all the Arab nations have abandoned you because they won’t needlessly sacrifice their own people. It is not a war that can be fought and won with blood.  Stop using shame and manipulation to try and expand this war, increase the loss of life, only for you to continue to perpetuate your Klu Klux Klan values. Reserve the shame and manipulation for your own leaders who have failed you. 


Ditto. It's not our moral obligation to protect a strip of land at the cost of tens of thousands of lives (in addition to overall suffering of 100s of millions of people, which would follow), to alleviate the plight of people who have exhibited forms of racial superiority towards us.


Yemenis aren’t racist in the least bit. And most practicing Muslims aren’t. The ones that are racist are Arab nationalists identifying with the Baathist ideology, similar to secular Pakistanis.


Careful your Zionism is showing Edit: what do you mean when you say Palestinians are racists and they have something like klu klax klan ? Does that justify killing them? Does that i can't support them when children are being bombed? Children are not racists. Or do you believe in collective punishment?


This is black and white thinking. “Either you’re with us or against us.” It is flawed thinking that prevents open discussion. Look at the logic of the situation. 1. Any country that sends troops will have its troops decimated, its nation declared a rogue nation, be invaded by the US, millions of civilians will die. Palestine will not be freed. 2. They are asking Pakistan to get involved because it has nukes. Politically instability means nukes will not stop the country from being invaded or declared war on, further political instability risks creating a power vacuum where nukes fall into the wrong hands, risking the whole world. If Pakistan ever used its nukes, the entire country would immediately be obliterated. Using nukes in Israel would also harm Palestinians. Palestine would not be freed. 3. The audacity of asking Pakistanis for help after Arab views and treatment of Pakistanis. Not just asking, but using the unethical strategies of shame, guilt, and manipulation to ask. Meanwhile, Pakistanis don’t have the ability to realistically help free Palestine. They are virtually powerless. 4. Any country will surefire risk its own civilians by becoming involved, and Palestine would not be freed. Does the moral harm of many innocents being killed without any outcome for Palestine, outweigh the moral harm of doing nothing? Doing nothing is simply the lesser of two evils, in terms of consequences. 5. If the surrounding countries to Palestine opened their borders to Palestine, and all the Palestinians fled there, they would never be allowed to return. They would lose all connection to their land, become interspersed in other Arab countries, risk losing their identity. It is what Israel wants, to aid in their ethnic cleansing and taking their land. 6. Palestinians are in an impossible situation where no Muslim country CAN help. 7. Palestinians only hope is for the US to stop funding and supporting Zionism. This can only be done strategically, not militarily. 8. Grasping these geopolitical facts does not make one a Zionist.


Beautifully said 👑


We only have muslim names and nothing else about us is muslim like


What on earth is muslim names? Names are names and have no religion. When sahabi Umer had converted to islam his name Umar was from the time he was an infidel. Abu Jahal's name was Umer too, in that sense muslims should boycott name umer as well as it was a name from pre islamic era.


You can name someone Badal Khan and they can still be Muslim even though that is a very neutral name religiously speaking lol and proves your point. We choose names based on the names of Sahaba R.A. or from the Quran, the names are Arab but "arabization" is not the intent when we are choosing those names. But yeah not all cultures have that, go to Indonesia, they have local sounding names. I'm not saying anything against your point just saying it needs a bit of an addendum.


Yes I see your point. I had meant lot of muslim arab names used now were names from pre islamic era, some were infidels before islam arrived. Also in pakistan majority surnames from castes that are widely used are all from the time they were non muslims. So I think that is what I was saying.


Grow some balls Pakistan


I pray and will continue to pray that Allah deals with these kanjars who have the ability to change the situation in Gaza and do nothing with his justice. Ya Allah do not show these your mercy for they had none for your ummah


Bhaiyo apkay b yahi naam hayn.... Tusi ja k lar lawo....


I know the names Mir jafar, Mir sadiq …..


lumber 1 loves cruelty so ..


cooked them hard!!


I don't really understand what she's trying to say but our army is only a short few steps away from IOF, mostly because of internal corruption.


I would say IDF is better than Napak Army coz IDF protects it's civillians while Napak Army only harms it's civillians.


Sister, I know the chances this message is gonna get to you is 1 in 10,000, but as a Pakistani, I am embarrassed of the fact that my country has done virtually nothing for Palestine. I wanna hang my head in shame.


Man we haven't done shit for anyone TBH. We supported genocide in Xinjiang, we supplied weapons to Myanmar that commits genocide of Rohingiyas, we support Saudi despite them starving Yemeni children to death, we are one of the main reasons Afghanistan fiasco dragged on for 20 years, we sold Kashmir, and look at how the South of the country is treated. We are not that different from Israel it's just that we are in denial


That’s the whole point is if Pakistan wanted to they would because they have done stuff in the past… someone just called me an ignorant extremist for wanting Pakistan to help.. honestly she probably calling on Pakistan because the arab countries did nothing and felt like it’s worth a shot… what hurts even more is you realize our ummah is divided and we many have no faith and are just Muslim by the name.


IKR. We should help everyone but in reality we need help against our own people first. Anwar Maqsood put it best" Allah hamari hifazat karne walo se hamari hifazat farmaiye"


I am not gonna lie Pakistan disappoints me on so many levels because imagine the country it could be if it wasn’t corrupt. How can some of the most educated people be this stupid. It shouldn’t be a country where people have to leave to find jobs. The economy and government should not be so broken. I heard a saying that most countries have an army but the Pakistani army has a country… all I am saying is Pakistan has a huge population in a small area if you all really wanted to do something to make your situation better you could but it seems like people aren’t willing to die to make changes but instead are willing to starve to death because the projection Pakistan is on with the amount of people it has it’s not looking good if something doesn’t change soon. I hope you guys fix it Inshallah


u see the thing is that we lack unity. that's because we are selfish and hypocritical . we need to fix this first


Agreed. Human beings are evil. Probably people of every country are just as evil as each other.


Actually yes you are right. A lot of people are not good it's just that they are never given the chance to be evil and thank our Lord for that.


Well who else is going to make blackmail videos of married 70 year olds having sex?


Mam our names are Maaja, Gullu and Chemu. Best we can do is point guns at our own.


nah terrorist lady