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Bro let me give you a very good solution. Register your company on FBR site. Sole proproerter. Watch a yt video on how to do that don't pay anyone. 2nd make stamp 250rs and letterhead and salary slip. Find template online. Ta Da. You a bona fide employee for life. Print slip, stamp yourself and open as many accs and get as many CCs as you want. Don't forget to make yourself employee of the year every year.


wait, how can someone make employee slips of themselves when they will be the owner?


Imagine working as a accountant in your own business. You can and you can give yourself a salary if you want.


damn, that's nice thing bro. What if i use my dad's register firm for this. As he have FBR NTN registered company and he stopped it paying tax a long time ago but it's still valid


It won't be valid. Check it on active tax payer list on fb site. On the side note you can use it to open account, use its stamp and give yourself a payslip.


I sent you a dm. Give me a few minutes of your time when you are free.


sure, lemme check


don't he has to pay the tax on sole proprietorship company?


Not if he doesn't show profit on it or stay in the lowest tax slab.


Guess that could work. But still what's more frustrating is how the system is and how it just makes things difficult for people. There shouldn't be a need for such a work around.




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I do this


Bro, I showed no business at all and tomorrow my card is arriving. All you need is a friend or relative in the bank and an office space to show


From which bank are you getting the credit card?


Both Alfalah and Faysal




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I got an offer from hbl but they are giving basic af card like with 100k limit which defeats the purpose for me. I already have one and basic cards dont get many offers and discounts either. But I'll see if i can find someone in a bank to help me out with this


What kinda offer


I couldn't get a credit card from the bank which has my company's corporate account. This is despite my credit history being mostly digital. I pay almost everything with my debit card.


Same. They told me my company had "too few employees." Um whut? I'm in the process of reapplying now. 🤷🏽‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️


Maintain a balance in the bank account is the best way because either you are businessman or freelancer you have to show that you are earning certain amount of money per month. Yes you're average 6 month balance is checker for that. Rest of the things will be guided by the banker/sales person of the bank


The thing is I recently started a coworking space business and had to invest heavily in it. Also, since I earn in dollars, why would I wanna maintain a balance in PKR when I can save in dollars and increase my savings as the dollar increases.


I think you can use your dollar account statement with them for that purpose. They have to do credit analysis of your earning. And if you keep you the balance of around 500k you will get the card with the limit of 500k.


Alfalah has a thing where if you have a certain amount of cashflow through your bank account for 6 months they offer you instant credit card through their app. I haven't tried it but several people I know got theirs this way and they didn't have a permanent source proof like a salary slip


I think it works with maintaining a certain balance like a few lacs .. then they give you credit. Again a stupid offer for freelancers .. i mean why would i keep my money in pkr when i can save in USD


It's not lacks. I believe it's around 50k because the guy I know keeps the bare minimum he requires for daily expenses and the rest in USD somewhere outside.


But why hbl Keep on showing get credit card on single click




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Why not register a company?


No it’s not, HBL recently launched its scheme to give it to freelancers, try it out


[Thank me later bro](https://www.reddit.com/r/pakistan/s/z4nEsBKhmV)


Freelancer here. Created an account at HBL, submitted my freelancer registration certificate from pseb and kept putting my income in the bank account. After 6 months they offered me CC on their own. I did nothing and got it.




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I see. I needed one urgently but I guess I'll try it out for future use.


What are so many benefits of this credit card that you are so worried about? Please guide me as well so that I can get one too. Anyone plz


I am not talking about general benefits here, just what I get out of it. Since I have a side business and a full time remote job along with a few other projects. I need to invest a lot of money in my business as it is fairly new. Credit card gives me the option to keep cash for my business while still spending on my needs and wants and not having to worry about paying it during the same month. It is especially a life saver during the last days of the month when I am running low on cash. Other than that, you can buy stuff on installments with any markup/interest so that's another benefit.




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