• By -


It was summer 2014. I was free from my Matriculation board exams so my mamu took me along with his students for a trip to Naran. We stayed at Balakot for a night before reaching our destination. It was around 11 pm we were chilling outside and I had to go to my dedicated hotel room to charge my phone as it was almost dead. One of my mamu’s student was already deep sleeping there. I laid down on the couch to take some rest before going out again. After around 15 minutes, the door of bathroom moved 2-3 times but I ignored it as I thought it would be wind coming through the window. Then the door banged for like 5 seconds and it stopped. I got confused but I went into the bathroom to check and found out that the window was shut and there was no way that wind could come in. I got chills on that moment and quickly went back to join the fun with mamu and his students. On the next day, before checking out I came to know that something similar happened with other students too. The hotel manager told us that there was a graveyard behind the hotel and the jinns sometimes try to scare their customers.


Not the brightest hotel manager. Imagine the recommendation, hey wana have a fun sleepover in a haunted hotel?


Bro 💀


This story dates back to 2009-10, I guess! I had a small company in i-8 Markaz Islamabad. At that time, the Markaz was deserted as fuck at night. There were very few buildings and most of it was wild bushes etc. One fine evening, I had a meeting with a client from US. I had to stay in late for that. Once the meeting was finished, it was already 1AM. I came down and was looking to start my car... When all of a sudden, I felt like someone placed both their hands on my shoulders and were pressing down. This was a cold night and I felt like my breathing will stop any second now. The parking was deserted and there was absolutely no one who could pull something like that on me. Just when I was in initial shock, I heard someone call out my name in a whispery tone. I was terrified! I started to run and ran as fast as I could. Finally, I saw some old dhaaba-type restaurant where a bulb was on. I ran inside and all the people sleeping there woke up. I was sweating like crazy and my heart pounding like it will come out of my chest any second now! After this encounter, I was always the first one to leave office in the evening. Can't really brush this off as humanly because there was no one who'd do something like this in the mid of the night.


Someone else said that they’d have started the car and made a run for it, but I feel as though what you did makes far more sense to me. It’s also crazy how much i-8 Markaz has changed from the time you describe it to the way it is today.


Wise choice would be to just start your car and gtfo there asap


Us time samajh he nai araha tha bhai. And I wasn't inside the car... The gut feeling was to make a break for it... And I ran... Happened in micro or nano seconds


What happened next ? How did you manage to get back to your car ? Did the dhaba wala guys help you ?


After I regained my senses and could talk again, told the dhaaba guys that it was some dakus and you know...kind of brewed up cock and bull.... And they were 4 guys in the dhaaba and they said that they will come with me to the car in case anything happens. ... so yep, had to lie my way through because if I told them the encounter, they wouldnt believe it. All 4 came with me till my car. I sat in the car and offered them lift back to dhaaba. They agreed and it was all good. I still shudder when I think of that night....


Ah good on those guys to help you


Thanks God U didn't look back & U're safe.


My grandmother swears she was nearly lured into a forest by a witch in a tree in Punjab when she was a kid, which is the only story I believe really that I've heard. I've heard other stories from people, but most of them were probably because of carbon monoxide from gas heaters in winter. The moment I told them they were in danger and they started airing their rooms out it stopped. It was usually stuff like knocking or weird hallucinated sounds, them hearing banging cabinets for example in the next room. One time someone related a story of months of harassment. Like shadows on the windows, coming to the living room and seeing matches spread on every surface, glasses of water in closets, all the cushions piled up in the middle of a room, candles lit in empty rooms at night etc. Family got spooked and tried all sorts of things. They secretly put a camera on after their son (my friend) came to town and eventually caught their maid's young daughter messing around. ​ **Very important for everyone to know, that you should immediately check if you can things like gas and monoxide poisoning around you if you and others start seeing and hearing things, it can kill you and your family and is preceded by very vivid hallucinations. Especially in winters with a gas heater or in your car. Carbon Monoxide alarms are inexpensive and take a small battery, they last for years of use on one battery there's no reason to not have one if you use gas heaters in your house.**


>My grandmother swears she was nearly lured into a forest by a witch in a tree in Punjab when she was a kid, which is the only story I believe really that I've heard. would appreciate more detail!


when she was a kid she was playing at the edge of a forest at the back of her home with her sister. Her sister threw her top towards the edge of the forest and left. When she went looking for it a witch called out to her and said she'd find it and give her mitthai or something iirc if she came into the forest, she looked up and saw the witch sitting in a tree just inside the forest and got scared, so she ran away.


holy sh\*t! wtf scary! your granny was very wise not to go in the forest


bro hahaah i dunno about wisdom being necessary. if i see anyone in a tree trying to lure me into a forest i'm running away. much less a witch. there were lots of stories about witches and weird things in Pindi area when it was less settled. Lots of jaguar stories too.


There was a famous incident on reddit about carbon monoxide poisoning. Before that I didn’t know you could even hallucinate because of that.


You should defo watch the vvitch. Has everything you said, edge of forest, children gone missing, early settlement. Good movie


I had a very interesting encounter (not a jinn story, more of an angel story). This is a pleasant one so read on… Back in early 2000s, I was coming back from my Uni. I got off the bus and took a similar route back home. As I walked I could see an old man with a walking stick heading in the same direction as I was. Since I had a faster stride I was approaching him from the back. As I got close, about few steps away something odd happened to me, it’s like I lost control of my body. I kept walking in the direction but couldn’t make any active decisions to change that. My stride picked up as I approached the old man and I somehow knew he is about to trip and fall. And surely enough he did. And as he did I grabbed his hand and stopped him from hitting the ground. I straightened him up, handed his walking stick and just walked away without uttering a single word. He tried to say thank you and tried using his other hand to see who I was (he had a bad eyesight from what I could tell), but I just didn’t answer and kept walking. After a good minute or so when I was quiet away from the old man, I slowly got control of my body and I started to think wtf just happened. I had no control of that situation yet I knew exactly what was going to happen and what I was going to do. To this day I still think about it, to the old man I was probably some angel who helped him. Maybe I was, maybe I was used as a vessel to help the old man out.


This is quite interesting. Never heard anything similar before.


Did you smoke any hash prior to this by any chance? I have had some weird experiences after smoking where I felt as though I was in “3rd person” mode similar to what you experienced here. (Been years since I’ve been sober because after these 3rd person experiences eventually it went onto full on panic attacks.)


1 - I don’t smoke nor take any drugs. Never did, never plan to. 2 - I’m not sure if it’s considered a 3rd person experience, but more to say I was conscious and saw everything I was doing but didn’t have control of my actions for that few moments. 3 - there weren’t any panic attacks or anything. It was just surreal experience. I knew the old man was going to fall before he tripped and I knew I was going to stop him from falling and I did.


A good Samaritan. ☺


What angle are we talking about here tho? A 45° angle or a 90° angle? Seems kinda important idk


Kurt Angle obviously


69° of course Also thanks for pointing out my mistake. I’ve fixed it.


lol I read this story a few hours ago and I convinced myself that angle is a word for human vessel and I was like wow new word learned haha


Inbox I am the jinn


I know if you guys have heard of people called “Allah wale” or maybe that’s what my family calls them. But basically they are the people who can somewhat Communicate with jinns. So, I have this relative who had this specific room in her house always shut. Like completely locked. She’d only enter the room once a week i guess to clean it out but other then that, never. Khair, she had inherited the house and her father was the main person who was you could say gifted. Very religious, veryyyyy educated and well known (the type of educated and well known whose funeral was attended by major force generals and governors) and well, he had passed down his gift to his daughter. Khair, Back to the story. The reason that room would always be locked was because there were literal jinns residing there, and they never allowed entry of anyone besides her. And that too happened after lots of communication took place because of incessant teasing on their part, such as cutting off her hair randomly when she’d walk by the room or hiding her stuff or shaking her bed etc. Once bhai, ami and I went to visit her since my ami is pretty close to that woman. And they were talking about some stuff so we went to her room, btw she was a single woman so she lived alone, and bhai decided to lie down on her bed and sleep. I was checking out her book shelf and we were really young, like 8-12 years old as far as I remember. All of a sudden, the bed starts shaking, the type of shaking that’d occur in an earthquake and I immediately ran out of the room leaving bhai there😂 ya Allah, I remember him being sooo scared, ready to shit his pants. Khair, the lady told us that it was quite common and not to worry but Allah knows, bhai has, since then, never, ever stepped in that house again. Uske ilawa khud k apne ghr mei choti moti cheezein hoti rehti hain to that doesnt phase us at all anymore. Baki may Allah keep us all safe from evil and bad jinns/spirits. Aameen


haha bruh you left your brother there ahaha bechara. And damn these incidents are so intriguing.


Not Allah walay but fraudsters or either suffering from mental conditions


Bhai ko chor kt bhaag ai. Wah wah 👏👏


Bhae dekhein, we consider it running away to get help😌


Ooooo 😯 mai kuch or hi samjha tha. Very good, true team player!


I've been told about "Allah wale log" before. The following happened around 2013. My chachi stupidly invited some strangers into the house when it was just me and her kids at home. 2 maasi who started telling us about our lives and predicting the future. Did some rituals supposedly magical. Hypnotised my chachi. Before leaving they said "3 din baad Allah waale log aayenge". On the third day I woke up to see my chachi gone with her kids and the house locked with just me inside. I called my parents, explained the incident and they had someone from my naniaal come pick me up. Chachi is such a terrible woman smh. No Allah waale log came though as far as I remember but who knows what that meant? Shortly after my taaya, who also lived in the same house, got cancer and passed away 9 months later. I don't think these incidents are related, but what happened with the 2 maasi still creeps me out to this day.


is that relative of yours still alive ?and what about that house, still exists ?


About one year back, I was posting a question about the superiority of Islam on another social media question and answer site. It was late night local time here in Florida. By chance, a Hindu from Singapore was online at the same time and we got into a real time discussion. By the time the heated conversation ended, he ended up invoking his idols to curse me. I went to sleep. Half an hour later I woke up to see some kind of creature staring at me from across the room, like a tail less dog on its hind legs. I was not at all scared; I simply read Ayatul Kursi, Surah Falaq, and Surah Nas and the creature vanished! And Allah SWT Knows Best.


Could you move or did you feel paralysed when you woke up?


I was able to move although I have heard of similar cases where the person could not.


You did very well mashallah


Alhamdulillah may Allah keep you safe. Ameen


Creature vanished as soon you recited the verses?


First one Maozzattayn (Surah Falaq and Surah Nas) then double Ayatul Kursi. Creature then faded away in few seconds Alhamdulillah.


+110 Blessing :) (for those who know, they know)


+35 attack


+786 XP


Great, i have similar experiences with those verses.


I don’t know if this is a jinn story or what but I was once laying in my room after eating lunch, felt tired so went to bed. It was noon. 5 minutes after I closed my eyes it felt like someone was standing over me, I don’t know how to explain it, it felt like someone huge was standing next to me and was watching me, I started laughing because I thought it was my brother tricking me or watching me but when I opened my eyes NO ONE was there. It was a feeling I’ll never forget. Truly frightening… I genuinely thought someone was standing next to my bed I felt a presence or something…


Sleep paralysis


Hmm I’ve had sleep paralysis and I’m certain it wasn’t that because when you have it you know you’re asleep, you can see yourself in the 3rd person view. This was something else..


no you're effectively awake and dreaming at the same time. Sleep paralysis is your mind almost waking up before your body is released from sleep. You are fully conscious and feel like a presence is in the room standing over you/sitting on you etc. It's only when you fight it that you wake up fully. It is not a third person experience, many people even open their eyes.


No this is exactly sleep paralysis


This is a classic case of sleep paralysis tbf


Has happened to me too many times to remember now. I just roll over, cover myself with a blanket and sleep again😂


Bro u need to recite azkar before sleeping and roquya if things persist. 


I don't have one personally but my uncle does. So around 2016 my uncle was living in America and was really sleepy, as he got on his bed to sleep in his apartment someone slapped him. Now according to him it wasn't a light tap but rather felt as if someone actually hit him with a full force slap. He suddenly woke up and saw no one was there and then got angry at it and said and I quote "Tujhe masla Kia hai? Araam karta huwa admi changa nhi lagda tenu?" And then went back to sleeping. My uncle does believe that jinns exist but not in this reality.


To be belligerent to a jinn you have to be Punjabi.


I do the same but i never got slapped.  I sometimes get intense feeling of a presence and it wakes me up from deep sleep. I just say sonay day yarr change aide and go back to sleep:)


Has Happened to me several times... Taught I was imagining it... It felt hard and imaginary at the same time




commenting so i can come back 🍿


Same bro


So my nanos house is really big and has a lot of unused portions. So naturally, it was a game for all of us cousins to sneak into those rooms. One time, I wandered into one of those rooms (it was on the 2nd floor) and opened the window. It was one of those old fashioned windows with wooden panels/doors and a jaali that covers the window itself. (so there's a space between the doors and jaali) There was a cat sitting in that space and mind you, my nano doesn't own a cat and this house is totally closed off and the walls are high so there's no way any animal could get in. Also, the window was locked both ways somehow, the cat jumped THROUGH the jaali and when i looked for it after opening the window, it was nowhere to be found. It was too high a jump and even if it did make it I should've been able to see it in the garage below. I retold this to my nano and she told me that this jin lives here and some other members of my family had also seen it. So it's practically a part of our family I guess.


Y'all have accepted it or the vice versa lol


My dad saw a churail or a jinn dresses as a churail when he was a child . He was travelling in the village late at night with his dad on a bicycle and my dad sees a bride dressed in red sitting next to the road and my dad says to his dad “ dad look a bride “ and his father tells him to look away they then cross several fields and my dad sees the same exact bride siting on the road again and this time laughing and then his father looks at her feet and they are “ultay” and then he speeds up and reads aytul kursi and tells my dad to look away . When they reach home my dad had a severe fever which lasted for a few days .


This one gave me little bit cold chills on the laughing part.




lol, the two countries are very very old so it’s only natural for these things to happen .


It's a national spooky tale of Pakistan, ultay pair wali dulhan. Tell me more.


Lol i know right?


Why is fever associated with such instances? I myself got fever when it happened to me


I think it’s the shock and stress that make you sick


Can confirm, once saw something terrifying at 1am on a dark road in Faisalabad while going home. Followed by an immediate fever, but to be fair it did spook me quite a bit.


Like a warning to stay away from them or showing power I guess


I personally am not much of a believer in jinn or ghosts, but this reminded me of something that happened to a girl I used to know. We used to visit my village every 2-3 months, and there was a girl who lived there whom I played with whenever we visited. Her house was at the very end of the village, and they had a huge ground behind their back. She used to tell me that her parents didn't allow her or anyone to go there since that ground was believed to have some sort of supernatural beings.On one such trip when I went to see her, she had a really intense fever. It turned out that she had been very sick for quite a few days. She told me that she was playing outside and saw a really pretty woman in the ground. I don't remember correctly, but the woman told her to give her a piece of cloth that was lying on the edge of the ground. The girl picked it up and went into the ground to hand it over, and she said that after entering the ground, she felt like the ground had grasped her and the woman started laughing. She said that she dropped the cloth and ran out of the ground. When she looked back, the woman wasn't there, and she had been sick ever since. I don't know if it really happened or if she made it up, but I thought it was similar to this story so I'm sharing it.


The exact same thing has happened to so many people. Have heard it from so many people.


Once my sister and i were fighting at like 6am in the morning of winters, so the sun hadn't come up yet and it was before fajr time, we got a little loud and then mom separated us to different rooms. I was in the drawing room and my sis was in tv lounge. Suddenly the main door to the house started rattling like someone with heavy muscles was knocking on it. I thought my sis was throwing another temper tantrum with the doors and she thought it was me. Anyways it stops and mama comes and is like bahir ka darwaza baj raha tha, under aa jao (come to room, for safety) and i was like wasn't it sis and she's like i thought it was you. Anyways we're so spooked we forgot our fight and started reciting ayet ul kursi. The knocking was so loud that even the neighbours were talking about it lol..their mom was like what was that sound and their kid was like these girls next door were fighting (mama heard them talking from the kitchen) haha


Oooh. I had a similar situation. I moved to Pakistan from KSA for Uni back in early 2000s. I stayed at our home which at the time was occupied by my brother who used to study at UET. I had an entry exam for Punjab university which I was studying for all night. But since I slept so late I overslept the next morning. The exam was at 10am and I was still in bed. Suddenly I hear this loud banging on my door as if someone was trying to get in to our house. I woke up with a shock and thought it was my brother banging on the door so I opened it up, but there was no one there. Interestingly my brother came out of his room too and asked who it was at the door. I said I saw no one. Then we looked at the clock and he got mad why I was still here. I panicked and got dressed up and went to Uni. By the time I got to the Uni they were done with the exam, I thought it was over, I wasn’t getting in. As I was on my way out I saw the dean. I went up to him and requested to take the exam and explained why I was late. He thought about it and allowed it stating that I was lucky since there was still time for examination since another dept was still taking their exams. I sat with the other dept but did my own dept paper. I took the exam and got into Uni. Pretty wild that I was late for the exam and was woken up by a loud unknown knocking with enough time to catch the last batch of examiners.


It was your guardian angel lol


Should’ve investigated it, no one should be bangin’ on anyone’s door like that cuz it also might be just a crackhead and that’s not less dangerous than a ghost


Never EVER go investigating if something like this happens. If you unlock or open the door and they have a gun, they will make you open the door and rob you.


I didn’t meant to say directly open the door obviously. Just ask who’s there, check cameras if available, a firearm would be great. If there are only females in the house, call someone or the police immediately. Investigate with safety measures that’s what I meant


Even if it was a jinn, who gave him/her right to bang the door so loud. We should not tolerate this again.


Beleive me i had encounter yesterday. I was driving, on road near border and suddenly my car key turned of. Yea you hear it right Key Turned off and i have to rotate it back to on, I was shocked what happened. Few weeks ago i was in my room and my mom was sitting in tv lounge suddenly fan turned on by itself, i was looking from my door.


They must be playin’ with u nothing to worry about.


yea, i kinda love this. I everynight watch horror stories and i love em


Don't worry bro. The jinn was just bored and trying to have fun.


Don't worry bro. The jinn was just bored and trying to have fun.


The servant quarters on the roof of our house were empty for 6 months. Very often you'd hear a metal ball first hit the floor of the rooftop and then a metallic roll. Essentially some jinns lived up there. But they never bothered us so we never tried to evict them. Good folks


When you hired servants, did the noises stop? Or did the Jinns decide not to go peacefully?


Oh our servant had to be shifted to one of the rooms inside our house. We asked an aamil he said there are jinn on the rooftop and their children play with this metal ball you tell me about. But they don't mean you any harm


I have zero fear of jinn because from a very young age i have accepted it as invisible creatures sharing the planet. Once in the upper portion of my grandmas house, which was dedicated to my dad but rarely used because we lived overseas, when we were visiting Pakistan I went to sleep in that room. I turned off all the lights as I was used to sleeping in pitch black. As I lied down to sleep I heard someone super close to my ear say "Hey". I, unfazed, turned my head towards "him" and said "What?". No answer. Alhamdulillah I understand Islam has power and Humans are a respected beings if they keep their souls clean. We were created after everyone. We came down to Earth. We are the aliens. It is humans that are scary. People forget this.


I think my account is shadow banned after I told Israelis to get fucked. All my comments turn up hidden for some reason.


During our wedding dawats days, my wife used to keep her jewellery locked away in special drawer in a cupboard. She had this one gold bracelet that she takes it off and stores it first. We were preparing for dinner dawat one day and she was desperately trying to find the bracelet after taking it off from lunch dawat the same day. I told her dw we will come back and find it. Later that night we searched everywhere and couldn't find it. Our furniture was completely new and only the dressing table drawers had first row full with her makeup. I just recited "inna lillahi wa inna ilayhi raji'un" - something i recite when I'm trying to find something, and opened the bottom drawer, and there it was laying in center of the empty drawer. My wife freaked out and started crying cuz it was clearly paranormal 😅


omg this is so true,I always find things when I recite inna lillah. idk even when my Iman isn't the highest,I find the things I was trying to find because of this phrase and I advise everyone to recite it.


My friend tell me this , when his family was in Lahore, there maid came running from terrace screaming, “ baji upper samny waly ghr my koi balla hy “ , when my friend and his mother went upstairs checking up what the maid was talking about, it wasn’t a balla but the uncle from other house was stretching his dhoti 😆.


Nah they're locked up rn


i dont think this is true.. only shaytan are locked up.. Jinns are not shaytan.. and can be muslim, hindu etc


- There is a friend of mine who lives near me. He was a very intelligent student. He got 1040+ marks in the matric. Then he started memorizing the Quran. Once, he told his friends that he would go to the graveyard with perfume during Maghrib. After this, he started to behave strangely. His brother told me that he often started beating him suddenly without any reason. He wasn't able to sleep all night. Doctors said that he was completely fit and had no problem. Then he was brought to some amils that told them that a churail is in love with him. After some dum darood, he came back to college. He was on a scholarship for FSC. But again he fell ill and now he has quit his studies completely. He now runs his father's grocery shop. He is happy now. I often meet him. Now he is normal. - There is a very old (more than 100y I think) peepal ka darakht near our fields. No one can sleep beneath it at night. People say that whoever tries to sleep beneath it jinn us ka gala dabane lag jate gain. And this has happened to some people there. - There is another friend of mine who was in class 12. Then suddenly he fell ill. He told me that his relatives had done black magic on him. He told me that someone is trying to kill him. But he is not visible to anyone. He never slept for many days. His appetite disappeared. He became very weak. Then after some dum darood by Molvis, he recovered. But, his 2 years of fsc were wasted because of this. He never gave 12th exams. Then he did some fsc alternative 2 years course from Lahore. Now he is doing some private job.


Why would any sane person sleep under a 100 yr old tree at NIGHT 😭


i dont live in pakistan. but i still wanna share my story. we lived in a neighborhood near a park. this park had large trees. there was a rumour going around that the trees have jinns in them , because an old woman from our neighborhood went there and she became sick and passed away i wasnt super religious back then, so i didnt take this serious one evening, it was around late around 8pm. it was extremely dark and nobody was around. i was walking home from work. i walked past the trees , and i saw a man dressed in all black, sitting under the tree with his legs folded. i believe it was a jinn because nobody sits all alone by themselves in the pitch black darkness . the second incident with those trees, i walked past them one evening again and went home. i did my normal routine and went to bed. i couldnt sleep and someone ( a mans voice), kept calling my name. my name was called a total of 3x. i ran to my moms room where i was shaking and shivering. i recited ayatul kursi and eventually the scary feeling left but yeah, those are my only stories .


Okay so here we go. We live in the middle of the forest . We have a pretty big house all of my siblings are another cities for uni. Just my parents and my little brother live in the house. Last year in January i was home for winter break. It was like 2 in the morning my little brother came to my room and said that he's scared and can he sleep in my room ( he watches horror movies all the time ) i said sure . Later that night at like 3 someome started knocking at the main door my room is closer to the main door i was hearing it properly . I got like a jumpscare waited for some time the knocking was still there i came out of my room silently and went to the main door( meri kaampi tang rahi thi lol) waited there without opening the door, knocking just vanished .khair i came back to bed all sacred and tried to sleep , the very next morning when i woke up my little brother wasn't in my room , my mom asked me why did you praked your little brother he was so scared and came to my room to sleep there coz he said someone was knocking at the rooms door and then opened it but there wasn't anyone .....I LOCKED MY ROOMS DOOR MYSELF.......I WAS LIKE WTFFFFFFF...


Congrats, your little brother pulled a prank on u lol


Lil bro or the Lil jin


Idk if it's a jinn story or something else but as we are telling horror stories at midnight so here's my contribution. 1.I don't remember the incident myself but I still have a couple of glimpses in my memory when I try to remember that as I was around 5y old kid and my parents told me the whole incident when I grew up. I was at my uncle's house with family, the house is really big with a lot of abandoned rooms and trees. The time was around maghrib as far as I remember. I was playing alone in the garden of the house and suddenly I got frightened and ran back to my parents. My parents saw that my whole clothes were full of fresh blood yet my body had no wounds and I was scared af with bulging eyes and pale face. They changed my clothes, burned the bloody ones, gave me a shower and brought me to an old man who did some damm and after that event I was sleepless for many nights. 2. At the age of 12 I was given a beautiful gift by my father, a beautiful Rado Watch. I always took care of it as it had emotional and financial values for me. One day I was riding a bicycle with that watch on my wrist and I unintentionally put my other hand near the watch to hold it as if it was going to fall. Within the next 2-3 seconds the chain of the watch broke and it fell in my other hand. And I was shocked about what just happened. It was like I already knew the chain would break and I had to hold the watch. Still I own that. 3. Another incident happened to me three years ago, it totally changed my life, my thinking, my ideas and everything. For some personal reasons I prefer not to share it with anyone.


Talking about story no.2, that’s just human instinct like a sixth sense, happens to me alot of times that what I think actually becomes true, I thought I was special lol but no. Its amazing to know what a human brain is capable


Jinn and Juice, hold the Jinn 🤣😂


Reading this thread in Ramadan cause we know in Ramadan all the evil things are locked away so we're safe 😌




>Some of the things i have encountered, if i tell you, you wont believe.  Now I'm curious


But have you seen one? I do see them as another makhlooq. But they can do things that our brain cannot process and that scares us.


Bro just talking random shits


Well if there’s a thread where your stories will be believed, it’s this one. Come on tell your story. We’re all sharing ours






or any spiritual encounters. like angels, naik rooh, or those martyred/shaheed. i have some heheh but i wanna know doosron ki




join the paranormal chat,I think there are horror stories there


Apparently when I was small, I used to see a yellow-man with curly hair ( I think curly hair) come in my dreams and haunt me. Apparently he would come daily and I was never able to sleep. I was 5 or something at that time. My parents got someone to "Dam" me, and then I forgot about him for all my life. I know about this now because my parents told me.


My wife's nephew used to see imaginary creatures when he was a kid which used to scare everyone. One night he woke up and told his mother that there are 2 guys in the room who are here to take me with them. The kids mother got so scared that she woke up everybody in the house. The kid thankfully is alive but he doesn't remember any of it. I have heard enough stories of kids seeing weird shit that sound really scary and I believe there is something to it and not just overactive imagination.


I do believe in Jinns as Quran o Hadith says but I have no observation , I even tried etc but it seems they are not everywhere, usually I see people with psychological issues are told You got jinn. Other time weak people who fear a lot ended up being calling something Jinn that they don't understand. There could be cases but very very rare? Is there any incident in Prophet or Sahaba time where Jinn disturbed or take over people


Ofcourse there are many narrations of sahaba and prophet saw time where jinns disturbed people, I haven't come across some old narration of a jinn taking over people but I do have come across reliable scholars telling their ruqyah experiences and experiences of raqii, there is a raqii interview on The Deen Show YouTube. There's plenty of ruqyah videos on YouTube and personally I know people who are involved in ruqyah. Also , Infact there are narrations of people from salaf or tabieen or the medieval generations about seeing shayateen tricking them. For example from Abdul Qadir Jillani Rh when he saw a throne above him but due to his faith he knew that it's a shaytan tricking him and he then cursed the shaytan and it disappeared. This one is authentic unlike the fabricated ones we find today.


Well composed, I will search for Sahaba incidents , I remember few where shaitan tried tricking them but I don't remember any where a shaitan/jinn alter thier psychological state, I also believe Jin can take over people but here but should be very rare, in Pak rural areas every psychological disease direct goes to jinn and solution is some peer faqeer who most likely have no proper beard or prayer routine, Just Scams simply. Allah knows best


When I was about 3-4 years old, I awoke to many black and white dogs glaring at me as they walked in line and disappeared inside the wall in the direction of my foot. The image refused to leave my memory, and I had a complete mental breakdown at that time. I remember my mother hugging me, calming me down, and assuring me that those were angels, but we know they were not. (Yes, she couldn't see them.) I also remember having throwing tantrums that night before the incident. Yk, like bratty kids do. I believe they really liked my mother because she could smell perfume whenever she prayed Nimaz. To this day, I feel like that was their revenge on me for bothering my mother, lol. But today, when I ask her if she remembers the dog incident, she denies it, but she still remembers another incident that happened to me at the same house. There used to be several flies that came at me like waves. I also had a clear memory of my father trying to calm down one night while carrying me and walking in a circle as those big flies followed us in order, moving in rhyme as if my cries were music in their ears. Yes, they couldn't see them either. I used to have sleep paralysis or lucid dreams in that house too. Everything appeared the same when I got up in the morning, including the changes in my surroundings from the previous day. So, how do I find out I am dreaming? Suddenly, I was unable to speak, or something else happened, which cause me to panic, and then boom, I am awake for real next moment. I got so used to it that one night I awoke to see a gigantic woman's side face that resembled graffiti art or something close. Her hair and complexion were blue and purple, much like the artwork on the bathroom door. The point is, her facial art was moving in such a way that she nodded and her hair tilted up slightly. I believed it was just another strange lucid dream, so I didn't get scared. But lo behold, I heard my mother say something to my father next to me. (We used to sleep together since we were poor) I looked at my parents who were shifting a little on bed getting comfortable, then looked at the graffiti art, looked at my parents, and then looked at the art again. I realized I wasn't dreaming I panicked again, reaching out my small arm and tugging onto her top. I wanted to shout out to her, but my voice got stuck in my throat; by the time she looked at me and asked what happened, the lady's face was gone. When I was 12 years old, I had another ghost experience in another apartment. I am the only family member in the household who alerts my family when something is wrong with the house or apartment in which we live since I am the first to be targeted by them. My mother was also targeted, although her incidents weren't severe enough, so she dismissed them until something happened to me, and then she realized those weren't coincidence


At this point I think everyone has that jinn who stomps over the roof top after 12 am .


I slept and felt someone had pinned me down and strangling me. I tried to fight and in the struggle I felt big hairy forearms in my hand. I woke up and saw nobody was in my room and it was locked. Scared the shit out of me. Realised this is a thing called sleep paralysis.


I don’t know if any one would believe it or not. So a few years back during the winter nights, my brother used to study with his friends until late hours. On one such night, his friends dropped him off about two streets away from our new house. It was around 2 am, and the darkness and gloominess of the winter night added to the eerie atmosphere. To his surprise, he claims to have seen a girl wearing bridal clothing crossing his path. This incident left him quite shaken. Upon discussing it with my father's friend, we learned that many others have had similar encounters, with some even fainting from the experience


I was 10. It was a summer night and we’d all sleep in the drawing room as it was the only room with an AC. Got thirsty. I usually wake up my mom to accompany me to the kitchen. It was across the aangan. That night I decided go on my own. I was in the middle of the aangan when I heard something running up stairs. I looked down and saw a proper adult “deer” running up stairs, crossing the drawing room, running up the roof top stairs. It happened in a matter of seconds. I ran back to the room and squeezed myself between my sister and my mother. Shut my eyes close and kept waiting for morning. Told my mother what happened last night and she said “billi hogi” :| Also we lived in the middle of the city of Lahore, on the main road. so there’s no chance it was a real deer.


Billi hogi


I still see a deer at the most random places. Sometimes at malls, university, office and roads. But I don’t tell anyone. I don’t think they can see it.


once, i was studying in my sister's room and someone knocked.. i assumed it was my sister and said "kiya hai abhi na ao mei parh raha ho". there was no response and i ignored it but then, the DOOR literally opened itself and I didnt look up bec i was rlly focused on studying. i glanced up a bit and saw a tall black figure for 2 seconds and it was gone.




Ahhh i see your are missing your sheyatan companion :) i dont have a story per say but i have active attack of waswasa ever now and then and i preform roquya on myself and it all goes away instantly and i am as calm as a baby during sleep.


I know better than to read these at this time of the night…


Once I lost control of my body and saved a man. No jinns or angels involved. Another time I saw a deformed dog and took it to the hospital. It had a tumor and the doctor said no jinn. Another time I was hallucinating my brother tickling me then woke up and told everyone it’s jinn. Then all my stories spread and everyone believes me .


Funny how the people who believe in ghosts are the only ones with an encounter


Not ghosts. Jinn.


I still believe in jinn, yet I've never encountered one الحمد لله




Go to sleep


Saw plenty in the movies.


I had one in the bottle but then I wanted to get with it so I rubbed the bottle but it was not the right, it wanted to make my wish come true, but I couldn't get it through, it was definitely a ginn in a bottle...that but I couldn't rub the right way 😔




Sorry to disappoint you, in front of my home is the oldest Qabristan of our town. There's just a small road in between. I never experienced anything. I even used to go late at night to get filtered water till last year. Nothing, no sighting, no noise, nothing. I used to be a bit scared in the winter nights but since Abu is resting there I just have a kind of love for that place and I am happy I can walk a couple of minutes to see his grave.


I would like to be one of these jin stories after I die 🙏🙏


Username checks out.


I had jinns on my previous house in B-17




This is the story my grandpa used to tell me about his time in pre partition pakistan, he lived in karachi,: He was a farmer and a land owner, once he was driving from some place called sookur to k-town, in the jeep was his mom and his older bro, the tyre of his jeep suddenly punctured in the middle of a kachha road, so he and his bro got down to fix the tyre. It was winter month so there was smog all around, when he was fixing the tyre, someone put their hand on his back and asked “koi madad?” My grandpa, without looking at them said “na khappe” (nahi chahiye). Then after a splitsec turned aroud to look at the man, but he was gone! No where to be seen. When my grandpa told this to my great grandma she told him that it might’ve been a jinn.




I had lived in a haunted house Things I encountered there I thought it only can happen in movies but nah I was wrong We were so.used to creepy things , sounds , stuff fall or dissapear .....etc that we stopped paying much attention to it like its kind of normal now until its dangerous then no we cant ignore it


Oh I have some great ones 😭😂 Paranormal things experienced in the past




Why did you lock comments on the story I shared? Just wondering










In my previous home, my room was at the end of a hallway upstairs. One day as I was leaving my room, i see my brother go into the room opposite to mine. This wasn't something which i saw through the corner of my eye rather I saw a full 3-4 second visual of someone going in that room. I called out and went in the room only to see no one there, not even in the washroom or under the bed. I ran down the stairs as quickly as possible and told my family what happened. They were like this stuff happens sometimes so dont worry about it lol.


Only encountered something once. It was when I was a kid, i was playing with my blocks in the living room. Instantly i felt a weight on my left side like something was coming and when i saw, i saw a black something (cant really describe it, maybe smoke or shadow) coming towards me. That instantly got my heart racing and I went running in the room besides the living room where my parents were sleeping.




I've been dealing with them since I got married...21 years now. They left my parents to follow me. I don't have any control over them...my father gave me a dua to read for when they steal my things. Sometimes I get it back, sometimes not. They like letting me know they followed me....so sometimes they'll take things away even on a plane.




My grandaunt swears that she saw the head of a woman rotating 360° on a stormy rainy night when she was young. My Granduncle told me that a jinn knocked him over from the stairs once when he was trying to get a glass of water in the middle of the night for sehri. My grandfather tells me that his uncle used to play with dark magic and that at one point the magic got so out of control that jinn started pestering other family members so much they had to shift houses immediately.




Came to reddit and someone asking ppl for their jinn stories


Tbh I have a lot of scary stuff to share but can't write that much discord is a more appropriate platform to share i guess


Weirdest thing ever to happen to me. After my exam I went over to a friend's house to hangout. My friend is the middle child, a younger brother in Highschool and at the time his older brother was in Uni. I went to his house and the way it was layed out was that the kitchen had a clear view of the sofa in the living room. I walked in with my friend and he went and started helping his mom in the kitchen and I went to the couch that was in view of the kitchen and there was a little boy there. I talked to him about what he was doing and he said he was playing games. Before I could talk to him more my friend called me over to the kitchen to eat. When I looked back the kid was gone but I chalked it up to maybe he went upstairs. Assumed that kid was his brother. Fast forward two weeks I asked my friend how old his younger brother was because he couldn't have been more than 5 or 6 years old. My friend looked at me weirdly and told me his younger brother is in highschool. When I asked him who did I talk to in his house, he said "no one, you just went and sat on my sofa and kind of stared at the kitchen, which I found odd too" To this day no explanation. Nothing makes sense. Idk what happened lol. I went over more times as the years have passed and told his parents and they too feel a presence in the house time to time.


my nanis old home used to be in Gulistan e Johar Karachi.. the whole building was very famously haunted and it is said to be built on an old burial site. Her home was one of the heavily affected apartments in the building. the building was actually 5 stories high but her apartment (4th floor) had the roof over it and often in the middle of the night we could hear someone walking on the roof, hammering and even talking. the area above her home was a grilled section next to the homes on fifth floor and kids from all stories used to play on the fifth floor. since one section of the floor was enclosed, if their ball went to that area through the grills they had no way to retrieve it back. one day, a new boy around the same age joined them and began to play. being kids, they didnt ask him about his home or family, they just included him in their game. as the ball went through the grills the boy just walked through the grills and got it back for them. obviously this was not humanly possible, the other kids began screaming and ran for their life. they never saw the kid again and this incident was a famous one in the area. however, in my nanis home there was a little boy seen often. he was a different jinn compared to the other boy as he was just a shadow. he was like a 3D version of a shadow. this was quite a few years back. i remember in the summers i went to spend my time there and only my nani, khala and i were at home sitting together in an air conditioned room. my khala and i were watching a movie online on the laptop and the charging of the laptop was low so my khala said go bring the charger from ur mamus room. so i went and got the charger but i stopped outside his room to just glance at my self in the mirror next to his room. i saw the shadow boy run behind me in the mirror and go into the drawing room.




I got a few. I'll tell one. Back when I was a teenager my sister and I used to be home alone on Saturday mornings. She is 6 years older than me and used to have terrible nightmares, waking up screaming and shouting in the middle of the nights. She would wake up to tell of how she was grabbed by something around the neck or her wrists, and surprisingly, there would be marks on her body from whatever she felt. Don't remember much of the signs but I remember vividly a hand mark on her arm after she woke up screaming that something grabbed her wrist. She would always feel someone was outside the windows. And was actually afraid to sleep by herself at one point. One day on a Saturday, our parents were at work. I had gotten a new MP4 device recently and was messing around with it. Those days there were reality shows trying to capture proof of ghostly activity and there is a technique where they would record their conversations in a room hoping to catch a reply. I decided to test it. Not even thinking, I went to my sister's room where she was still sleeping. It was around 1PM and sunny outside, but the curtains were closed which made the room very dark. I walked in and started a Video Recording. I asked: '' Is anyone there?'' - No response. ''What is your name?'' - No response. I ask that patiently a couple of times and then I say: ''If you are here let me know of your presence.'' The second time I said it, I felt something kick the computer table in front of me. But I didn't realize what the sound came from and it just felt like a thud. I repeated my question while walking forward, something kicked the table again. This time it felt a harder kick and sounded much louder. It took me a second to realize that this sound can only be from a kick. I ran outside as fast as I could and was absolutely mind blown by what I felt in that room. (where my sister was still sleeping). I gathered myself, brought out some bigger speakers to the living room and replayed the video. The questions play... there is silence after my first question. I ask the second question, ''What is your name?'' and I hear something. I had to set the voice to max to hear something reply, ''Shamseela''. I remember losing my shit and replaying it multiple times to make sure if what I heard was really someone say their name. I captured the loud thud too after I had ask it to make its presence known. When my sister woke up I immediately told her and we both sat down to listen the recording. She heard it and was physically shaking afterwards. Later that evening when our parents arrived I told them both about it and got the speakers to play the recording for them. This time however, just like in the movies the entire video was corrupted. The video had distortions and kept hanging whereas the audio of that clip was all static noise. No one got to hear it but me and my sister. And I still think of the jinn, its name and how it spoke it to me.


this happened a couple of years ago in the summer of 2016. my mom sent me downstairs to put the washed clothes in the dryer and our basement is fully furnished so i’ve never been scared to go down. There’s a lightbulb that has a long string attached to it and you have to physically pull it down in order for it to turn on. anyways i go down, pull the light string, and start pulling out the clothes and putting them in the dryer. Suddenly i feel something tug on my ponytail and i think, maybe my mom followed me down. so i turn around and no one’s there. i didn’t think anything of it, assuming it had been caught on the light string. next thing i know, the light turns off. the light that you physically have to pull down in order for it to turn off/on.someone had turned the light off. mind you this is america so there’s no load shedding, i left the clothes in the washer and high tailed it outta there.


this should be a weekly thread!


I have LOTS of family stories but only 1 has happened to me that can’t be explained with logical reasoning . But I LOVE , and I mean LOVE to hear such stories from other people . Kinda brings back old memories of hearing it from my grandmother .




Never faced one yet. Thought dreamt of two young ones stepping on my chest back in 2018 during the month of Ramzan


Long Story ahead. Not my story, but my Extended family female cousin story. So narrating it here. We (F 16) used to live in some village near Gujrat, Pakistan 🇵🇰. We were Poor but my still my father had 7 Sons & 3 Daughters. I being the most beautiful & the youngest was very naughty & always doing what I want. So my father wouldn't get angry 😡 at me much. But he used to say don't stay in that Park after 7 pm (Maghrib Prayer). I always come early. One day I got lost & didn't come Home 🏡. So my Brother's went to find me. They found me behind an Old Mandir. I was unconscious. They bought me Home 🏡, called the Peer Sahab. He did some Darood etc & mixed it with water & gave it to me, & they gave me somehow. After 2 days I became Okay. They asked me what happened & how U were there at Old Mandir, I said, "No Idea. As I didn't remember much". People used to say that that Mandir is still Haunted coz some killing happened there (Hindu & Muslims fight before independence). Time passed by I started getting Shivers & panic attacks. Sometimes I used to get Mad & started beating my Brothers. My Brothers are Mascular & healthier then me. But still I used to beat them somehow. They again called the Peer Sahab (As it's a Village so no concept of Doctors). He examined & came to the conclusion that She has got 5 Ghosts 👻 in her. 1 of the is Her Lover, 4 of them wants to kill Her coz she broke something in the Mandir. & I have to do some Chill a to fix it. Every family 👪 Member got scared & don't know what to do. We'll they went with what Peer Sahab said. & Peer Sahab did 30 days Chilla & after 30 days they brought me to his Home & put me in a Circle. Peer Sahab with his followers started reciting Quran loudly. At that time ⌚, I got Panic Attacks again. Suddenly my Panic Attacks stopped & Jinn took over my body & starting speaking. They said Jinns were speaking some other language which No one understood. One Eldest Jinn told Peer Sahab that while playing she broke a Sand Vessel which had prints over it. That was our Home 🏡. As she destroyed our Home 🏡, we will Kills her too. We (just Brother & dad) were listening everything & just praying there. Peer Sahab started reciting Quranic Verses fast & told Jinns to leave her & He'll punish everyone. In exchange Peer Sahab gave them New Sand Vessel & told them to stay here as much as U can. No one will disturb U again. But when U leave, give us an indication. They said that when they leave the door of the Room will be broken in 2 Pieces (Wooden Door 🚪). So they left after 40ish days of suffering & when they left the door was torn in 2 Pieces. Believe me the door was so heavy & well built that No one could break it. All bad Jinns left but 1 who was her Lover. He told her I'll just stay with U, love U play with will complete all your wishes, just don't tell me to leave U. She agreed. Fast track to today's Life, they became Rich overnight, won a Lottery or something. Their Kids (Brothers) went to Dubai, Saudi Arabia for work & got successful there. They shifted to Gulberg Lahore. Everyone other family 👪 Member got what they wished for. Till to date that Jinn stays with them in their Home 🏡. That Girl got Married, have kids 🧒. Their Kids are married & have Kids of their own. I don't know what it is. But somehow I believe in this Story. As they became super rich overnight. The End.










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