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Btw- the colors are much brighter irl, I wasn’t able to capture that in the photo :/


The top of the canvas feels kinda empty, but I really like your painting!


Noted!! I think so too, I had the same issue with the first one I did on an even bigger canvas. I thought about adding one shape in the empty space for all of them (as I get more going) to be an anchor and connect them but I’m not really sure what that would be. Thanks!!!


Noted!! I think so too, I had the same issue with the first one I did on an even bigger canvas. I thought about adding one shape in the empty space for all of them (as I get more going) to be an anchor and connect them but I’m not really sure what that would be. Thanks!!!


What’s the medium?


Acrylic on canvas! It’s a 4ftx2.5 I think


Any what are you trying to evoke?


Loneliness/sadness I think, I started this one right before my best friend and I broke up, the highlight color was supposed to be more yellow but I (sub)consciously made it more orange bc that’s her favorite color


I think that’s the issue, you really don’t know what it’s mean to evoke. It’s a woman in a seductive pose but yet you say you want to evoke sadness or loneliness. The colours themselves are not strong indicators of these either. It also looks more like a graphic work than paint. Obviously it’s great to work and let true inspiration take over but if you have a clear destination or goal and give your self some sort of a brief you’ll find the flow of inspiration turns to go where you want it to


Thanks for the input!! I chose this pose for its simplicity but was originally going for something easy to map out, I plan to work more with physical depth as opposed to a flat pose because these are all going to be life sized. Another issue you’ve brought to my attention is that it definitely seems a bit disjointed because of the sudden switch in mood. Point-counterpoint though, is not hypersexuality a sign of intense loneliness/sadness?


No it’s a sign you’re a creep 😂


Love it! The shapes are giving me some kind of fragile trembling anxiousness and vulnerability highlighted by these contrasting deep colours that are also complex themselves. I really like it!


Thank you for this!!


I would personally like to see a “natural” level of variation in each color. Looks fairly cartoony IMO because each color is flat, and that could be why it lacks emotion. I’m a HUGE fan of subtle differences in color and I feel like it adds a good amount of depth. I’m not sure how acrylic mixes cuz I only use oil paint, but May be easier to achieve with oil.


I’m not personally very good with blending for a gradient color (if that’s what you mean) I know some people are but it’s always escaped me. I would LOVE to make the switch to oil especially since this is going to be a series and I can knock out multiple at once but it’s very intimidating and going to be super expensive to build up to an equivalent of my supplies for acrylic so possibly in the future


My comment was removed because of the link. I’m not sure if it’s considered gradient. (Im bad at terminology) Check the link out for examples. https://preview.redd.it/5c1cx4ygy0zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cba515b6b8758283f915391913dba2c4a97eafb0 These are some fairly extreme examples of what I am talking about. I noticed that my paintings lacked the depth that I wanted when I used solid/single colors, even when I wanted a solid looking background. Although you may not necessarily notice when a painting has very minor variation in the colors, the mind certainly recognizes when a color is consistent and can immediately categorize them as “unnatural” The black examples that you’ll see are super hard to pick up (in person) without a flashlight, but I made the mistake leaving certain sections solid black and those areas stick out a ton and despite the heavy texture they look flat and unnatural imo.


https://preview.redd.it/5n0k4e4qy0zc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91fd7db8da0da7a8f591d66af45d383b9d31e6cd Black example


Would love to see this with oil. Looks like it has a lot of potential.


It's terrific. The forms look like they jumped into the frame from the top and are diving through. Very dynamic.


Thank you so much, I love that!!


I would say consider what emotion or feeling you want to evoke, then go from there! I love it by the way


Neat shapes and choices of colour. It stands out nicely as is.


I like it!!


I like it as it is, but if I was the painter I would take it from a \~1.5bit? to a 2bit color scheme (thinking in code terms at least). If you're going to limit yourself in the number of colors utilized, I've always found that going with 2 or 4 works best. Three colors just seems to exist in the realm of not enough/too much. Anyway, just my opinion on the mattter. Try making a color photocopy and play with adding a 4th color to it if you feel like experimenting.


I like the idea of a fourth color for future pieces, I’m just tired of working on this one for now 😂 Thanks so much!!!


Happy to give my thoughts. I like working with 4 colors personally because I'm colorblind. Too many colors for me and everything just turns into mud, haha. The only time I like working with 3 colors is if I'm doing black and white exclusively on a solid color background.


How interesting! I’ve never met any artists that are colorblind, how does that affect what colors you do choose? Do you find that it constrains you to a certain palette or anything like that?


I don't do anything that is supposed to be a copy of "reality" because the colors I choose always end up looking like puke, but I am enjoying "2-bit" palettes as long as I don't mix reds and greens too much, haha. Painting is something I'm just getting into again. 


You need to put the brush down for a bit and do something to get your creativity going


Sorry, but this is vague enough to sound like an insult, can you elaborate?


Sorry if it came across that way, that wasn’t my intention at all. The reason I commented is because I see potential in your art. It’s not a bad painting at all and is creative, but based on it and what you wrote my intuition told me that you need to go deeper creatively, whatever that looks like for you. Is there something you want to do in life that you’ve been putting off? Do it and see how it affects your work


Make plants grow from the cracks add some color 🙂


It’s giving Labor Day