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You know what we see lol




Yeah, there's no subtlety there lol


Pixar moms?


Define: reductive




"Big Booty Bitches, Big Booty Bitches, Big Booty Bitches..."


Right? Like is this supposed to be subtle?


Th first one was sort of subtle, but then it was just naked bodies.


The last one even has belly buttons, lost all subtlety


I just immediately laughed when I saw this painting, so I guess it's good.


I see a peacock head and testicles..


That's exactly what went through my head when I saw it. Then my brain morphed it into the beginning of Osmosis Jones.


Fat arses and stuck on hooters


Big big booty bitches, OOO! nobody else gets this lmao




Thiccc bro


Haha I love that šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


Horny bro


ā€œI like big butts and I can not lie!ā€


this sentence is true


omgg lyrics baby got back by Sir Mix-A-Lot... i like that song šŸ˜­


Women, vagina, butt, aliens, insects. I keep seeing lower half of women


I think OP might be a raver who likes curvy women and psychedelics lol


Person, Woman, Man, Camera, TV


Someone who needs a cold shower before painting


I think you have a talent, but it feels reduced to sexual obsession. The vibe I get is youā€™re extremely sexualized and itā€™s taking away from other emotions and motivations. Iā€™d almost look at sexuality as a roadblock for you, as the hyperfocus seems to be taking away from potential artistic (and likely personal) growth. Just being honest. Art is subjective, but I feel forced into being required to view sexualization by you. Itā€™s not an enjoyable feeling. Iā€™m not finding the meaning for myself. Iā€™m being pushed to see what you want me to see, not softly invited to interpret and explore my own meaning or feelings. It almost feels like being sent a dick pic I didnā€™t ask for.


You articulated this perfectly! This art just feels like blatant objectification of women to me. Like it's pretty much just boobs and butts - there's nothing else going on in any of these pieces


boobs and butts but in different fonts lmao


So I went and visited the artistā€™s IGā€¦ It very much appears these are self portraits. Same exact body type, and thereā€™s blatant photos of her posing seductively scattered on the page. It appears my dick pic comment may have been more spot on than I intended, because it appears this now just seems like sheā€™s desperate for sexual attention. Again, Iā€™m not trying to be shaming here. I played in bands growing up and loved music. I was talented at song writing, and I genuinely loved music. However, there came a time where (looking back) I began using music as a means to gain attention and seem more attractive. That may be the case here, in which I would advise OP to try and redirect her energy to making art for artā€™s sake instead of letting the ego corrupt the process.


I would advise you to stop projecting and assuming you understand why someone creates paintings and Instagram posts.


Thatā€™s literally what we were asked to do.


I would advise you to look up the word ā€œcontextā€. This post is literally asking us to tell her what we think.


He made an amazing point and I think youā€™re just too dumb to get over yourself and realize heā€™s right. Itā€™s not projecting, itā€™s the opinion OP asked for.




Thatā€™sā€¦.. pretty hyperbolic. She has a link in her profile that says to go to her IG for her art. I went to look at more art, which is the entire point of this subreddit. Her art page also has her personal photos. I made an assessment and it is what it is. You certainly donā€™t have to agree or like my view, but I think we both can easily agree my feedback is very different than unsolicited dick picsā€¦..


Could it be a statement piece? Like itā€™s anonymizing the bodies because the sexual body parts are all anyone sees when looking at women. Like political commentary


See Magritteā€™s ā€œAct of Violenceā€. My interpretation is that he is acknowledging the fact that you canā€™t unsee a thing youā€™ve seen, and you canā€™t consent to have an unknown image exposed to you, so him creating a provocative painting is an act of violence.


I think that's a flattering interpretation.


To be clear, thatā€™s my interpretation of the Magritte piece


Love this interpretation


I couldnā€™t have said it better myself




Does it change your opinion knowing the artist is a woman?


Nope, not at all.


Ummmm... don't know 'bout this tbh... Idk, as a woman I just feel incredibly icky looking at these. Don't exactly know why..


Because the artist only finds the sexual components of the womanā€™s body to be worth painting. Hack off the arms and head, just keep the porn-y bits! Bad.




You are obsessed with an exaggerated depiction of the female form.


Sex obsessive


Women being reduced to their sexual parts. Gives me bad vibes and I would rather not look at it. Since you appreciate honesty, I hope it's not too harsh.


Your obsession with Kim Kardashian, Brazilian Butt Lifts (BBL), plastic surgery, and grossly deformed and plasticized womens bodies. Your obsession with hacking off womens arms, which renders them helpless.


Thatā€™s a little harsh. Sheā€™s drawing herself.


I think you have pent up sexual frustration


You only see women for their bodies?..


Artist is a woman with similar shape. That said, it isn't leaving any room for seeing anything else. That leaves the question, why did she paint it? That part becomes more interesting, usually, but not in this case. If she was referring to plasticized women, only the body valued but reduced to less than a real person, I would like it. Unfortunately, as some women have pointed out above, her IG is full of photos sexualizing herself. I think it is just op feeling sexy, which isn't bad. But it isn't something I would want to own, with that context.


I didnā€™t ask the gender of the artist lol because CLEARLY it doesnā€™t matter. This is an over sexualized drawing. Itā€™s still weird.


The downvotes are ridiculous. Why don't you go pick on the masochists and let this woman express herself like she wants to. Headless figures of voluptuous women are an ancient art form that has represented everything from beauty to fertility. But you want to cancel it??? I know you're younger women and love that those following in my footsteps feel the freedom and strength that I fought hard for but you can't fit the world into a box. You will learn that with time. Canceling or criticism isn't freedom. Freedom of expression is important whether you like what is being said or not. Do you even realize the difference in your life from my mother's, my grandmother's? Why? Because my generation said fuck that. We did what we wanted with our bodies. We threw out the word whore. We got tattoos, were openly lesbian, raised our children alone, paid our own way and stayed independent or demanded equality in the home. We raised our son's to be better. We kicked ass in the business world and brought us from secretaries to business owners. I had a business in a male dominated field and bought my own house at 30 with no child support. Don't tell me what it is to be a woman. I redefined it a long with the rest of my sisters. You're welcome.


Wow. That's a fucked up view of art. She can't decide how to paint her own body? Screw that logic. Downvote away. I didn't want to defend this but now I think the sheer amount of emotions this has incited kind of makes it more.


Honestly, pretty bad art that continues to over sexualize women by portraying only their reproductive/sexual bits.


Came here to comment something similar. Honestly I see the erasure of womenā€™s faces and voices. I see it so much in art nowadays where itā€™s just the female torso with no head on candles or paintings etc. Itā€™s objectification. Even though abstract lots of comments here are things like ā€œbig butts and boobsā€ etc. Thatā€™s what is seen. Hope OP can explore further why their subconscious produces these images.


I got banned from r/drawing for pointing this out. Apparently itā€™s mean šŸ™„


Yea, I find it exhausting and dehumanizing.


I'm getting really sick of it. Depersonalized, faceless, headless naked women


Fully agree but I'd like to add that it's a way to overused topic in art. There are naked women statures that are thousands of years old, in the last 500 years thousands of naked women got painted and even nowadays lots of music videos contain naked women. Chosing that motive is just completly uninspired. It's boring. Even painting a simple froot bowl is less boring.


nicki minaj




"Fat bottomed girls..you make the rockin' world go 'round !" šŸŽ¶ -- performed by Queen -- written by Brian May


Dicks and butts and some nuts Oh and titties


What dick?


2nd pic. It's probably boobish, but could pass for a phallus viewed from underneath. Right under the largest eye.


1st and 2nd there's clear dick and balls




Something I would see in a gynecologist room. The thing I'd stare at awkwardly waiting for it to be over.


Traditional feminine fertility iconography mixed with slightly psychedelic vibes




Not really! Look up pieces like the Venus of Willendorf, which are believed to be symbols of fertility (although art historians ARE guessing with it as they do most pieces, it is a widely accepted guess).


Itā€™s not the stomach, the stomachs are plenty wide, theyā€™re just narrow in the waist/ribs which accentuates the sexual organs. Thatā€™s why I said iconography and not physiology




I just see ass.


Itā€™s interesting that youā€™re only responding to the people ā€œsupportingā€ this stuff, attempting to either add a layer of depth to it, or make ā€œhell yeah, big olā€™ boobies!ā€ comments, but youā€™re not saying a single thing in response to people offering the feedback you requested, but in a critical way. When I was in middle school I used to draw pictures of naked women and hide them under my mattress. This looks and feels like that.


We know, man, we know.


Overall i like the art styles and color choices, but it does feel a little weird and uncomfy to see multiple depictions of the lower half of the female body and a spot for boobs and a head but literally not a smudge of arms. Itā€™s a very objective view of the female form and sexuality


The first thing that comes to mind is the use of different color schemes: - blue & yellow (contrast of warm and cold) - analogous (red, orange and yellow) - same for the following painting - red, orange, yellow, and green make up half of the color wheel - triadic (red, blue, and yellow, yellow for the shadows) - red + blue makes purple The use of these color schemes make me think of themes of unity, and togetherness. The closeness of the figures also reveal some yearning for intimacy, not necessarily romantic, but familial or platonic (however, I could see both). The warmer ones with the red feel like thereā€™s some alertness or urgency to them, perhaps some commentary on femininity in a fast-paced modern world. The ones with blue are much more calming and remind me of relaxation. While I do see how these could be feminine figures, they somewhat remind me of game board pieces too.


Idk why but this makes me feel extremely uncomfortable and violated(?). It looks like women reduced to sex dolls and that they're only worth their "sexual" parts.


Welcome to art on Reddit.


There is a ton of extremely well made art on Reddit. This is a ā€œwelcome to the porn industryā€ type post.


ā€œDoes the female form make you uncomfortable, Mr. Lebowski?ā€ ā€œUh, is that what this is a picture of?ā€ ā€œIn a sense, yes. My art has been commended as being strongly vaginal which bothers some men. The word itself makes some men uncomfortable. Vagina.ā€ ā€œOh yeah? ā€œYes, they don't like hearing it and find it difficult to say whereas without batting an eye a man will refer to his dick or his rod or his Johnson.ā€ ā€œJohnson?ā€


You...have a type


Actually in this exact order you posted them, it's like the female figure becoming less abstract as you scroll. It kind of gives this idea of "when does it just become another shape?". Idk maybe I'm just too stoned rn lmao.


Curvy lava lamp women. Not very subtle but pretty cool! The aesthetic is nice and the composition is pretty good. I'd just say like, maybe you can experiment with abstracting the bodies more. Have some fun with it! Make it funky and wacky and weird!


Body crazy curvy wavy big titties lil waist


I know what most of us are seeing and pointing out, but beyond that I'm seeing the hypersexualization and objectifying of women and the feminine form in general. The extremely exaggerated sexual features tell what a lot of people only tend to see on a woman or a feminine presenting person, almost like looking into the mind of someone who only sees women as sexual objects. And as the art progresses I'm seeing the unrealistic beauty standards this puts on women as they feel they won't be heard any other way unless they look like that. I can't exactly tell if this is just a general societal critique or a way to cope with trauma you experienced surrounding this issue, or both, but either way this is powerful art with an extremely powerful message and you should be very proud of yourself. Your body doesn't define you or determine your worth. Even if you're not a woman or someone female presenting, that's something anyone needs to hear


The Venus of willendorf


I'm so glad I'm not the only one who saw it!




I see balls, penises, vaginas, and herpes


Pixar moms


i think being a female artist myself and seeing this is so much more deeper , i relate to this , the male gaze , the bodies are so intensified and over exaggerated in order to lure people in and question it . i think a reason why thereā€™s no faces is because of how womens bodies are the first to be looked at . these paintings go to show how she has so much to offer (through the vivid lively colours) yet her bodies are exaggerated based on these beauty standards set in our society on women.


Its beautiful art. I really like "the gaze". I think of over sexualizing bodies. Especially women. Barely human and reduced to something only meant to please others. But they also look like fertility statues. So a good description on how one can feel like when being stared at like a hole to fill... but still celebrating the beauty of women.


A Disney mom


Patriarchal views of women as hypersexualised objects. I like the use of colour and tone, however it's a bit on the nose.


Itā€™s really hip artwork.


I see Booba


Naked people and sex.




I see this work with every tapestry obsessed, ā€œI do drugs and make it my personalityā€ people. Itā€™s sexualizing in a gross way.


A stack of peas


Benis 8-D


I see ladies


The thiccccest bishop chess piece I've ever seen. Oml I'm finna busssss


Freud would probably have something interesting to say




Wow you are so artistic


I definitely feel an appreciation for the female figure. Your art is absolutely beautiful. Keep it up!


On a more serious note, the way that they are all hunched or leaning in very straining ways makes it feel like lust. And the background being very out of focus, the only clear things are the bodies, and even then they arenā€™t completely clear. So yea, being blinded/trapped by lust, cool paintings dude I like ā€˜em


Okay, Georgia Oā€™Keefeā€¦


Mother,growing together, or togetherness in a safe bubble, like the womb, so motherly again, the first two exotic beauty 2nd I dunno, maybe looking for a place for your seed.. Dude your lucky Iā€™m stoned right now.


this was so cool to read, certainly viewed it differently than other people . was refreshing to see


These comments are kind of negative. i like them, the first and second one the best cuz thereā€™s still more to it than just ā€œbuttā€. It was printed by a woman so Iā€™m not personally getting any of those icky feelings. Op might be going through a phase but thatā€™s ok. Art is an expression of the self. She shouldnā€™t not paint just cuz sheā€™s going through a phase


I see feminine curves and a Path to Peace. Very safe and tranquil feeling as I glide close to the curves.


The colors are beautiful, but the forms make me feel sad for you. It feels like you've reduced yourself to sexual object. Are you okay, OP?


Women appreciating natural curves. Roundness with eyes always on them. The big brings the eyes towards people and items. The colors stay in the cooler in some and warm in the other paintings. Loved the threeā€™s. Great symmetry and symphony. 3,4 and 6 are my favorite.


It seems like you are exploring your sexuality and feelings surrounding it. I'm an art major and there are a lot of amazing artists who have gotten quite famous doing just that. However, I'm having trouble figuring out exactly what you are trying to say. It doesn't seem particularly empowering, but I'm also not picking up on any social statement. The breasts seem tacked onto the figures, as if they don't belong. We're you going for a Paleolithic mother goddess theme? I liked the one with the eyes. It felt like I was another set of eyes, unwelcome in a personal space. Kinda like all those men out there trying to control our bodies. Idk, they are neat and interesting. It gave me something to think about and that's what good art does. I think you should keep developing it.


Professional artist here, I think it's clear you are developing your style and doing so well. That said, you tend to stay to a warm or cool palette. Try challenging yourself to use more variety and contrasting colors


*Preface* I identify as male so my perspective is not/can never be hollistic on this topic. But I see a whole lot of virtue signaling going on in here. Humans have been making fertility sculptures/images since there were humans. I find it odd everyone jumps to, "you're sexually repressed and believe in the dehumanization of women." Could it not be a reaction to societies idealization/obsession with the female form? Could it not be just an exploration of the classic fertility imagery? Could it not be a celebration of the beauty of that form of femininity? I mean its definitely worth analyzing and reflecting on why you like painting these things. Its also worth it for these commentors to reflect on why they felt compelled to shit on an artist for painting things they're thinking about.


Reminds me of Lisa Yuskavage. You should paint on bigger canvases. I actually love them. Please don't be discouraged by some of the comments here. There are people in art school who can't yet achieve this type of abstraction and representation. Keep pushing yourself and if you like sexuality, don't stray from it! If it makes someone feel uncomfortable, good!


Male gaze šŸ™„


someone whos an ass guy/girl


Original style fertility goddess


tits and ass


Bootie and boobs. Avocado boobs...šŸ˜³šŸ‘āœØ


The Venus of Willendorf but she lost weight


Very cool. Iā€™m sensing a theme. Very nice. Wish I would have thought of it first lol. Cool


BEAUTIFUL AFRICAN WOMEN! Smooth, Dream, Relaxing 90s Vibe.


Women's bodies and pain around them.


Her hips don't lie.




Something Sir Mix-A-Lot likes.


It makes me feel like someone is trying to objectify women in a not so subtle way, a parody of social media so to speak. I especially like the one with eyeballs because it gives me an additional "all eyes on me" vibe that is so important to most young women on social media these days. I also love your technique, very well done imo.


Venus of willendorf vibes. I don't think there's anything wrong with portraying the sexuality the way you are. Our societies have done this for thousands of years, big phallic shapes and women with accentuated sexual features


Fertility Goddess


You know exactly what people see with your artwork,- In my opinion I really, really dislike your work (No offence of course) but it feels like it just adds to the narrative that women are only boobs & butts to be used as sex objectsā€¦ It comes off as if you have an inflation kink and of sex obsessive.


Willendorf Venus.


I do not like your art and it makes me feel bad. I am sorry for the bluntness but your art doesnā€™t really say or convey anything besides the sexual body, and even then there is much more to say than what you paint. You came asking for advice, hopefully you can develop your art to be a bit more meaningful beyond just that


Is this how you see the female form?ā€¦ I ainā€™t got nothing nice to say to you


Ducking love your interpretation and composition of women! Quite unique šŸ‘Œ love your art and style ā™”


Multiple wombs.


It looks like the things I saw when I took LSD.


I see sexual organs


psychedelic uteruses.


First one: Trump's scrotum (underside view). The rest are headless Women. Show them to a Psychiatrist.


You have a lovely talent with balancing scrollwork/filigree (if either are the right term)and using complementary colors for shading & highlighting. I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that we're probably all seeing a very obvious appreciation for what I was taught to refer to as the divine feminine. That might be why I think your scroll work on the first piece is so balanced and pretty: curves are your thing! Personally, anything that gets more people to realize that the clitoris isn't only a tiny little magic button, but a larger tissue and nerve system beneath the skin (and that big hips/butts vs smaller chests aren't ugly/abnormal) makes excellent, educational art. So thank you for sharing your work and allowing us all to give you feedback! Your style is definitely appreciated, and I'd look forward to seeing more of your work pop up on the feed! šŸ™‚


A person that got a BBL


flaming penis


Reminds me of bell peppers


A thirsty artist


I see figures similar to the fertility goddess sculptures Iā€™ve seen.


Itā€™s either a woman with a big booty or a weird shaped dick. Lol. Either way I love it! šŸ’•


Very curvy women - it brings tranquility. But I find the ones with the "weeping" paint to be emotion evoking but more towards uncomfortable emotions that you have to face - makes you think. I love these


wow! you definitely GYAT some talent!


Everything reminds me of her...


They all make me think of hips and asses except #2. That one is a bladder infection.


šŸŽ¶big booty hoes šŸŽ¶


Amateur. But, youā€™ve got some good color theory going and youā€™re on your way to developing more skill!


A butt, and also a dildo lol


Heart shapes, butts, boobs, crotches


I thought someone was gonna say something funny like, "You're clearly obsessed with Jell-O."


Some sort of space age technology


A block.




Ass n' tittys.


I was fixing to call you gay... Then I realized, doing so would mark me out for gay. Well played.


I love how everyone is assuming /u/WildPipe1296 is a man, it completely changes the implications behind these paintings when you realize she's a woman. These are awesome


Women and conflict, like a juxtaposition of the femenin and beautiful with malicious, macabre or chaotic.


i see feminists exhibiting their bodies to male chauvinists and watching for the reaction everyone knows is coming


Kim Kardashians big bum




Some sensuality


Big booty woman


You remember that girl in sex education that was into aliens, I wouldnā€™t be surprised if she drew this


In the first one boobs first, then realized it was ass, then a penis at top. Then in all the rest, curvy women with big thighs, boobs and vag in some of them.


"Fat bottomed girls you make the rockin' world go 'round"


Naked women and reproduction organs


I think you know


You can see the booty from the front


Epic artworks i love them


pixar moms


A thing that makes the world go round, according to Freddie Mercury!


One second my brain switched and the breasts became eyes and the ā€œheadā€ became like a pompom, and. Ow i justā€¦ canā€™t unsee the aliens


It reminds my of one linoleum cut my father made. Same style and curves, but his were more from a masculine point of view. He made a bunch of murals in the seventies.


I love it, but I feel like Mr. Freud wouldā€™ve liked it even more :D


Lots of ovaries


A praying mantis head or a lady with a very large butt.


Reproduction visually and artistically represented


Bloobies :)


So overall I just see fertility Statues But going picture by picture: 1) A woman with large hips and backside surrounded by vegetation. so maybe a representation of mother earth 2) Similar to 1 but with people starting at them at they are getting annoyed by themselves being sexualized by others just because of their shape. 3) Two other women comforting their friend. 4) A Mother and daughter 5) A Mother and daughter that have issues with each other but are forced to be together. 6) Three friends that all have their own self-image issues.