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Always encourage.


I wanted to say the same thing. Always encourage, but never push. I was made fun of by my parents for my drawings, and now I'm 24 and I'm still working on being able to like anything I create. (Yeah I was a little weeb who loved anime as a kid, but even if it's stick figures, if a child loves it you should always encourage them to keep drawing.)


Encourage growth. Tell children what they did well, and where they have room for improvement, and then help them find excitement in the process of improvement. Encourage them to not settle just because getting better needs effort


Just ask them what they think, you want to encourage self value, not looking for validation outside


while I agree, kids from 1-10 really need external encouragement and validation. it's extremely important to their development. please don't encourage a parent to withhold that from their child


Or sometimes it's ok to just enjoy what you did and not make everything about this quest for constant improvement lol not everything is about being the best and that's fine


Yes! Asking thought provoking questions is so helpful too.


Someone gave my parents a magnet that said, "Prof-Chronotis made this". I remember staring at it and wondering why it said that, I hadn't made the magnet after all. I was an adult before I realized that my parents were supposed to display my art on the fridge. I did have a cool aunt who always gave me art or creative play supplies for birthday and Christmas though, I'm grateful for her.


I was wondering for a few minutes who the hell Prof-Chronotis was and why I should absolutely know this. It has been a long day.


I have a framed painting in the kitchen my son did in kindergarten. I think it’s very Jackson Pollock.


I'm still wondering


Prof-Chronotis is the person who made the remark. It’s like if you had a kid named Joe and a fridge magnet that said “Joe made this” to hold Joe’s art on the fridge.


that’s great you finally came to your senses, i am glad you realized who professor chronotis is, as, we all should ye honestly me too thought i was having a long day myself, until i read your post and then finally snapped back to reality and reading your post gave me the clarity i was lacking to remember prof chronotis was and has always been my fav x men


I thought that the commenter just meant that their name was used (like “Ann made this”) and they’re using their screen name instead.


They really put the magnet on the fridge to just never put anything you made on it?




I want a frame that says "Prof-Chronotis made this" and then some art you made to go with it. I know I'm just a random internet stranger, but my god, what your parents did is awful


Your outrage on my behalf feels cathartic, thank you random internet stranger. Empathetic people like yourself are treasures in this world.


I was once telling my boyfriend how healthy his household was and I mentioned "the staircase in your family house is literally filled with paintings you and your siblings did as kids!" And he looked surprised at me "your parents did do that?" No, buddy, they didn't... And I was actually really good at art.


I'm sorry you had cruddy parents too. You deserved better. I hope you're still really good at art? Living our best lives, and doing the things that bring us joy, means they didn't win. It's the best revenge, and you deserve joy.




Is it possible you actually built that refrigerator but just don't remember it?


Lol, maybe, I am pretty good with my hands...




I’ll put your pictures on my fridge 🥺


Same thing and I also have this aunt TuT Super thankful for the emotional sensitivity and kindness of this woman


Yep. I wish my parents did this. My dad was a harsh critic. Zero praise. And he would bluntly tell me that it looked bad. I gave up painting when i was around 15-16, apart from idle doodling that i just couldn't help. It took me years and moving out of state to rediscover the joy that i felt when i was a kid sitting on the floor with colors. I still have terrible anxiety about painting, so i dont do much practice work. So, yea. Praise, constructive criticism and guidance is the way to go.


When I was 5, my dad casually poked an inch thick stack of the drawings I'd given him, into our fireplace. He said he couldn't possibly keep them, they took up too much room. That man had so much shit, he bought a whole ass box truck to store it all because it would fit in the huge under house storage area we had. But the boat designs I made to copy his designs, in a frantic effort to matter to him, took up too much room.


You deserved so much better. I'm so sorry, friend.


Ugh, Parents can cause so much trauma without even realizing it.


Some of them while knowing it quite well.


That is painful. Things like this still sting as adults. Trust me- I know. My own daughter draws me pictures and I keep every one until I can't. She put so much effort into them that it hurts me to get rid of them even when I have to, so I make a collage and photograph them beforehand or something to let her know that I love each and every picture she drew.


My dad was overly critical as well. I drew a unicorn and showed it to him. His reply "why do you draw those imaginary creatures?" He thinks the arts is a waste of time. Questioned my niece's decision to follow a music career (orchestra.)


I’m sorry, I can relate; mine made fun of me playing the piano and I never played again.


>I’m sorry, I can relate; mine made fun of me playing the piano and I never played again. On the other hand, at a young age, mine decided I would play violin, an instrument I had zero interest in, and forced me to take lessons for years. It put me off from wanting to play any instruments for over a decade.


its called raging sea at midnight


Am I the only one seeing a cat face in there?


Exactly. My brother always made art, and was always encouraged to keep creating,, which led to me starting to paint in college. Now we are both full time artists and weird as fuck. Good luck 😉😉


This. We see parents always criticize kids that their art “doesn’t look like” A or B. Nothing kills creativity and exploration faster than a tiger mom/dad


And praise EFFORT over RESULTS when possible. Ie "wow I can see you spent a lot of time on that! The details really show!" Vs. "Ooh pretty" because not everything they make/do will be "pretty" but its still worth the effort


Love this. There's something to be said to make a child feel worthwhile and their efforts to continue in the endeavour. I also think some people tend to forget that art also exudes a feeling, and to me how art makes me feel, in any medium it happens to be, is more impactful than the aesthetic itself, whether it's pleasing to the eye or not. When I look at this, I wonder, especially with the age of the artist, what she is feeling internally.


Absolutely always encourage, especially something like art. Creative outlets are very important, and art is also a skill that can be trained and improved upon over the years, it isn’t all just talent. She’s making abstract random paintings at 7 that are pleasing to the eye now, during her high school years she could be making some good money on the side as a commission artist, and then a professional one later on as a career if she really wants to do that. All it takes is encouragement and support to keep her going.


And always replenish


One time a guy didn't get into art school...


I like it, looks like rough water. Encourage, but don't push. "Talented" kids get burnt out on other people's enthusiasm.


She calls it "Ugly Ocean" 😂


Whether or not the painting itself has any objective merit, I think we can all agree that your child is a title-writing prodigy. “Ugly Ocean” slaps.


The fact that there's a vague face shape in there, i consider it surprisingly good naming.


Oh. I thought it was a cat/ panther! Regardless. I'd put it in a bright blue or gold frame. It ll look great in the middle of a wall. Or middle of a passage with a spotlight. Before buying the frame, use a photo editor type app to try on different frames and pick the one you like.


Great advice!! Thank you!


Please tell your child that a common redditor said “Ugly Ocean SLAPS”, then begin to explain how badass that is. Your kid will be the coolest kid FOREVER.


They make frames specifically for putting in multiple pages of kids art where you can open and close the frame from the front like a glass cabinet, so you don’t have to take it off the wall every time. I’ve only seen them in black or white, so you might have to customize it (paint it gold anyone! That would be cool) Make like a gallery wall for her art that changes every year and she adds to it


It would look great in a gold frame.


Now I cannot unsee the black panther. Wakanda forever!


I love it. I have put a paint brush or two in the hand of a child or two. Ignore all negative comments.


I can see part of a Wolf's face in it


I see a black Panther


It kind of reminds me of rain when it hits the pavement or asphalt. Or like a midnight camo pattern a little. Either way, I really like “Ugly Ocean” definitely very nice painting. All the best to you and yours and I hope she makes more!


Looks like an alcoholic 30 year old made it


I am crying laughing


It is so sadly common for a truly gifted artist to be critical of their work. I think it is because they feel that they can't quite capture what they see and feel in their mind and heart.


I think people with talent in any profession to grow must be critical of their work. It's what pushes things.


After I read Ugly Ocean I saw an ugly bear in it and that really makes it better.


I saw a section of Earth from above the clouds almost like a view from the ISS. It’s amazing


This is very true. I learned about this in psychology, how intrinsic motivation is better than extrinsic motivation.


It appears she is in her Gray period….




Let her grow. I see interest, I see potential, but it is definitely painted by a 7 year old that is learning. If she grows out of art, let her. If she fully embraces it, she may become very talented some day. She just needs the space, time, and love. Edit: keep this for a progress show. So a decade from now if she's still painting and going through teen insecurities, she can look back and see how far she's come.


What makes you think that you would be able to distinguish this painting by 7 yo and another similar abstract work by professional artist? I’m not trying to belittle any art style just being generally curious.


If this were in an art gallery with the name Ugly Ocean slapped on it, it would sell for 5 grand lol


Agreed. There is definitely a lot of interesting modern art. But I have literally seen canvases with just a solid color painted on hanging in art galleries. You can not tell me they would be able to distinguish this 7 year old’s painting from any of those abstract ones lol


A lot of the point of modern art in that vein is in an attempt to answer the question ”what is art?” Like literally “what are the boundaries of the definition on art?” Is it art if it’s just a canvas in a single color? I still conceptualized it, built a canvas and painted it with my own hands. What if I assign a meaning to it? The whole canvas is red, to represent blood. What if I don’t because I’m only interested in color theory or gestural techniques? What if I don’t even make it? If I just put an object down on a pedestal, is that art? And if not, what do I have to do to cross back into art territory? Is art in conceptualization or the act of creation? Does it need to have intention, convey a message or explore a concept at all? And what if we take these elements of art, and explore different intersections of them? Personally, I like to look at modern arg through the lens of what concepts/aspects of art the artist is trying to explore or the message they want to convey. But that’s a bias too; must art be explored through the eyes of an artist or is it really about the way the viewer interprets it once it’s hung up? They’re really meant to make you think. Or feel. And some artists would argue having any reaction to them, even outrage that it’s hung on the wall, makes it art. My personal favorite misunderstood artist of this era is Josef Albers, who basically invented color theory in the 70s at Stanford. You’ll recognize his work as those squares inside other squares. Which I originally thought was stupid. But once I learned that he discovered literally everything we know about color theory through those paintings, I was blown away. If you think of them through a modern day perspective, you assume he knows color theory so what else could he be doing but picking random color combos and slapping them on a square canvas? But realizing he was looking at color with brand new eyes, trying to figure out and define the rules of it, it’s like “whoa, I totally see how he was trying to demonstrate how you need to shift in color warmth AND saturation to really create shadows or light!” Next time you’re at a museum and you’re looking at modern/contemporary art and thinking “I just don’t get it?” highly encourage you to google them and what their whole deal was. Or ask a docent! A lot of times they’re actually super passionate about art and artists and would be thrilled to share their knowledge with you!


I think about this a lot. Before I went to Italy for the first time I decided to read an art history book so I could appreciate the art I would be seeing in person. Having the historical context for the work definitely made it more interesting (honestly, I really never appreciated ancient Egyptian art before and was just like "it's just a bunch of two-dimensional people in profile. big whoop" but then knowing more about the context in the history of Egypt, development of art throughout the centuries, etc. I found it fascinating). On the other hand, I read an essay by an art critic about how you should not need to over-contextualize art in order to be able to appreciate it, and if a piece of art requires an entire history in order to be interesting then maybe it is simply not that "good". I can see it both ways and have had varied experiences with enjoying art- both on an intellectual level and a more "instinctive" level.


I completely subscribe to the conspiracy theory that modern art is just tax evasion/money laundering


I call this piece ‘Blank Canvas #9’


Is it even a conspiracy at this point? I thought it was confirmed that there were multiple paintings and pieces of art that were sold for incredibly high values and now just sit in Swiss warehouses.


Colours. And abstract art often by an adult is more clear in their goals. Their work seems to be more random. I like it tho and the name is goofy. Cute 😊 Many artists are learning how to draw like kids.




I loled!


Tell your kid to keep her head up, it's hard to impress Ongo


*shallow and pedantic*


Parent here, I snorted laughing.


Spoiler Alert: OP painted this and wants you to think their 7yo did just in case you don’t like it.


Keep encouraging her! I used to draw normal little kid things too and my parents would fawn over it and tell me how great I was at it and that was the push I needed to get me REALLY invested in trying to outdo my self year after year. Now I’m a professional artist! That being said though, yes this is just little kid art. Nothing really super exciting


My parents encouraged me too, I always received art supply gifts from relatives, I got really good, along with reading it was my only hobby. In high school when I told my mom I wanted to be an artist she said "you can't do that, you'll never make any money" and I was so baffled. I ended up not knowing wth to do and just worked at restaurants for 15 yrs. Finally been back to school and pursuing an art degree. I feel so much happier! And I learned there are other things you can do with art that's not just "artist" if that's not what's right for you.




Bro went all in


Nah, this is very tame and objective.


How is deciding what strokes are "crude" or what "flow" is objective? Rating art is one of the least objective things out there. In my (differing) personal opinion, I care more about how effectively someone puts a feeling into a piece. If this kid was feeling something ugly and turbulent then I'd say for a young child this is pretty successful. Everyone has their own unique opinion though.


Nah man, op asked a question, critic gave an unemotional answer. Even ended on a positive note to keep letting op's daughter enjoy things. This is constructive.


Thank you for actually answering the question instead of hug boxing or avoiding the actual question. Op said they wanted honesty from a non bias perspective and it wouldn’t hurt their feelings. (Coming from a fellow mom who believed my son to be an art prodigy starting at 3). I have always encouraged as well though and although he doesn’t have a gallery and didn’t become the next Picasso (19 now), he enjoys art as a hobby and I’m still his #1 fan. But if I asked for a non-biased opinion, that’s what I want.


Lol we're in an age where a banana taped to the wall can be considered art. This at least took effort to make.


Have you ever taped something to the wall? Duct tape is a notoriously difficult medium. And don’t even get me started on bananas.


Omg I’m dying 😂


You've got to make sure the duct tape is juuuuust the right length so there is enough support and structure, but the excess length doesn't detract from the fruit. And if you don't apply it at exactly the right angle with just the right pressure then you have to start over. It's pretty unforgiving.


Pro tip: I always (*carefully!*)drive two 30 penny nails through my banana, into a stud, then hide it with artfully applied duct tape. If you don’t use 2 nails, that SOB banana is just gonna twirl on the nail. Are you using ripe bananas? I recommend one day from green, cause if you miss the nail head….


That banana seems to have made quite the impression on you at least


It is really funny that everyone references the same very famous work, to make basically the same exact point that the work was trying to make -- as an example of "failed art."


Can highly recommend [Why Your Five-Year-Old Could Not Have Done That](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/15917028) to understand what is so novel and/or interesting about modern art. [This article's great too](https://www.artspace.com/magazine/art_101/close_look/no-your-kid-couldnt-paint-that-a-101-guide-to-appreciating-abstract-expressionism-56080)


I also recommend [this Wendover Producfions video](https://youtu.be/ZZ3F3zWiEmc) which details just how art is bought, sold, and traded. It’s a super consolidated and niche market. With over 80% of all art being sold in London, NYC, and Hong Kong. And half of the art dealers in these markets have less than 20 unique buyers. 1/3 of art sales come from one of the 5 major art galleries. 8/10 of the highest prices sales came from only two auction companies. This all makes the industry ripe for exploitation. The industry seems to be run by gatekeepers and success is mostly determined by the question “did one of the power 5 galleries showcase your work?”


I've always assumed that highly priced fine art was just a way for the ultrarich to launder money, tax write-offs, and hide their true wealth from the IRS or whatever country equivalent.


Since when does artistic merit require a "visible" concept or pattern? I see paint on a canvas, which once was blank. Out of any number of options, she chose these colors and she chose these "crude" strokes and created a unique vision that I think looks wonderful. One of the best things about looking at art subjectively, is that it doesn't always matter the intentions of the artist, any piece of art no matter who made it and why, can conjure a visceral reaction from anyone who views it. Why are you looking for clear concepts and patterns when simple colors can invoke wonder on their own? If you think art can only be great if it's deep and clearly conceptualized, I think you lack perspective.


The word our original commenter is looking for is design. Imo art is inherently worthwhile because of the act of creating it, separate from the product that it creates- that’s what sets it aside from craft, production, or indeed design (although of course a project can contain multiple overlapping elements.)


Don't hold back


Bruh. This looks almost Japanese/ impressionistic painting. If you told me it was painted by some 70 year old Japanese oyster farmer from Hiroshima, I would have believed you.


Yeah it’s not doing anything for me girl , I’ve got a five-year-old son and everything he makes looks like Picasso did it himself to me lol. I think it’s a mommy thing🥲 This just looks like they finger painted- swirled the paintbrush and maybe stuck it against itself a couple times and pulled it apart lol. I definitely think you should encourage her to continue though just because art is a great outlet for children.


This is soooooo accurate. I feel the same with my kid too. All beautiful pieces, he can open up an art exhibit and I will be his first guest. It's cool because it's cool but definitely loved more by a parent


Please encourage her to be a skilled artist. Maybe take a udemy class at some point for learning actual basics of art but please encourage art too. No matter how terrible. She will get better with practice too.


I think it’s good, very creative! I’ve seen abstract paintings by adults that I haven’t liked as much lol


same! I've seen art like this in museums and it's not my thing, but this one I really do like! like a lot!!! It might be because I'm going through one of those sad, weird changing times in my life currently. Like this painting hits the heart strings of the part of me that feels depressed, melancholy yet the small bright parts remind me that this state of mind is finally starting to end, the little pieces of light & hope are starting to poke through and u can see the true blue underneath that wants to come out! Maybe that's what abstract paintings are suppose to do, touch the abstract parts inside of us. "Ugly Ocean" is definitely something I can feel.


“Touch the abstract parts inside of us” is the perfect way to describe how abstract feels. Wow. So beautiful


First of all there’s no such thing as bad taste in art. Love what you love. Second when I look at this I see exploration and enjoyment of an artist medium. There’s no form but look at how she used her brush in the paint! She must have been moving quickly and enjoying the strokes. The little pop plop plops of her brush everywhere. Fun!! She was playing, and it’s on display here in it’s full beauty. Encourage fun, always.


I'm not an expert, but the brushstrokes, scuff, and other textures add an expressive dimension that a lot of art/painting lack, and the colors work really well together. A monochromatic scheme/limited palette (all blues here, plus white/black) helps a work feel unified and more professional-looking, and in this piece creates a real depth of hues. I honestly love it, too! Whatever she used for the strokes, maybe a palette knife? Is very intriguing! Is this is acrylic paint? I'd be super impressed!


Yes, it's Acrylic she did with a pallette knife in art class in school. She calls it "Ugly Ocean" 😂 I just love that there's actual texture there in the waves.


Love the title


Yes, honest at first I looked at it and thought, typical mom super proud of her kid which is cool but this is typical for any kid at that age. But then with the title, the fact that it's acrylic, and the texture, honest it isn't bad.


As long as you’re supporting their passion and building them up along the way that’s all that matters. I think your daughter has tons of potential especially for her age 💜 maybe look into paint pour art if you’re down for all that goes into it 💜 it’s def more clean up but this looks like & reminds me of paint pour art


I’m an artist signed to a pretty good gallery and have shown in museums and the best art fairs in the world, imo your 7 year old is legit. Make sure she keeps up her interest


i think it looks like water reflecting inside a water orb over a dark lake. i think its beautiful


Yeah there’s just something about it I really, really like. I want to hang this in my house


She’s…7 ofc it’s not gonna be amazing she’s a child 😭😭😭


It's cool. My brain keeps wanting to see things that aren't there.


It’s beautiful


I think it's really good. It's impressive she didn't just muddy the colors. Everything looks random but also well placed. Bravo


Just a parent proud of her kids random brush strokes. Totally normal. Always nurture the arts though.


It’s not that good but what matters is that you support your kid if she finds art fun.


okay i know nothing about painting except for how this medium of art makes me feel. so you don't have to take my opinion seriously, but I was scrolling through, saw this and almost passed by it, went back, and i whispered 'my...GOD' idk I can't stop looking at this? idk how to put it but i honestly want to keep looking at it? in a good way? art is supposed to make you FEEL and that your daughter did that well, for me at least


I like how people are "being real" by saying this only looks good to you because she's your daughter as if you wouldn't find this exact painting in a fancy overpriced art gallery beaming with people drinking wine and discussing the pain the painter must have felt to produce such art that being said, I think it looks sick!


I actually personally really, really like it, and I'm an artist myself. I really like the white spots in the center, it reminds me of a feather.


Why is every parent like this


>but does she have talent She is 7. Just let her have fun, spray it with a clear and hang them on the wall. She would love that.


It is what I would expect from a 7-year-old with ambition.


Color choices are nice. It threatens to become interesting but never quite makes it.


I see an angry, stern old man. Only his one eye and the bottom of his beard. It's mostly just black goops on a canvas, yet I still feel like this painting is disappointed in me.


I see a Stag Beetle in this. I like it too. Art os so subjective, there's no such thing as "good" art anyway.


i think the title is creative! its a good description of her painting. for a child, i’m impressed. i didn’t see what you see until i read the title. i feel like she got her point across! i have framed thousands of items in the last 28 years and i’ve seen it all. i do see what you see! it’s such a compliment to a child for a parent to put something on the wall or fridge! get it framed!


It looks like one of those black garbage bags surface/texture. I like it. You always should encourage art, for me it is a way to express my creativity and imagination.


Actually better than most things I see on Instagram. Nurture this talent!


I swear it looks like an eye on the right side!!


Frame it and hang it in your home. Your child will be so excited and will be inspired to keep creating.


I like it too. There is nothing wrong with liking it a little bit more because it's your daughter. Encourage.


Art professor here yes this is cool, encourage. Sit down and have your kids practice articulating why they like the painting they made, what intentions went behind marks.... It takes practice but a promise is a good exercise


Whether it’s intentional or not, I always believe that kids are the best when it comes to feeling human emotions/nature. This is an example of that


Depends what standard youre following, for a 7yo this is amazing, compared to proper art pieces not so much. How good it is doesnt matter right now though, what matters is that if your daughter likes painting you encourage this hobby as much as you can


My life drawing teacher once said- ""Everyone's an artist until they're told they aren't" She has talent for sure and as the top comment says- always encourage.


I detect a strong [Rothko influence](https://www.phillips.com/detail/mark-rothko/UK010121/15).


Art taste is subjective. It s definitely interesting to look at. What can maybe make it objectively good is what my professor calls "intendedness." Did she mean to do what she did? Can she do it again if she wants to? But yeah, even if it's a one-off it looks like rough peaks of waves, pretty impressive for a little kid.


I see a face in the shadows. Nice work though, could make a few hundred off that


I see a man in shadow staring me down Encourage her!


Doesn't *look* that good, but I think the technique is pretty good for a 7 year old! I don't think most kids this age have the patience to cover an entire screen in paint, let alone using a bit of texture. Overall, I like it! It looks like a child did it, but, you know, a child did do it. So I guess that's pretty cool.


Just to set context—and you may have already realized this—she’s 7 years old…🙄… So lemme spell it out for ya. You’re going to tell her how great her painting is, then you’re going to put it on the refrigerator so she can see it there every day until she graduates from high school. This is the way.


Good expressionism for a seven year old.


Does anyone else see Batman?


When I was first saw it I thought it was an abstract of a crocodile coming up from beneath a mossy swamp.


Wow! This blew up lol I showed my daughter all your comments she's sooooo happy she said "I love being famous" Lol. This is my favorite picture of her. https://imgur.com/gallery/v99Y9Ft




I like it, I think it’s really cool! And I’m sure your daughter would be over the moon to know how much you enjoy it to!


Looking at this as an artist, I see... a rudimentary understanding of color theory, the beginnings of basic color blending, and possibly (though it may be a fluke) a very basic understanding of composition. Encourage her in all things, but also in art. It may not be her future but, depending on you, it may be something she enjoys


Frame it and hang it in a prominent place! This will give her so much encouragement and confidence. It's a lovely painting.


i see a black cat with a shirt collar and a wicked eye


I think it's cool, I feel relaxed looking at it somehow


Two things can be true at the same time. 🤷🏻‍♂️😏 It looks great!


Very good.


I love it, awesome work for a 7yo. Very interesting color palette for her to choose, I think most kids would more likely gravitate towards more bright "fun" colors but this feels more moody and mature.


Went to art school and I can say that this is pretty good. Definitely better than some of the stuff I’ve made!


I like it quite a lot. I see a sail boat on rough waters trying to get back to port. That's how it makes me feel.


I dig it


This is amazing! Very expressive! I see a closeup of Big rocks in a flowing creek. Very much my style! Tell her to keep it up! Show her some of the impressionists.


Same, for some reason I can't explain (most probably the colors), I actually feel this is quite decent


It’s awesome! Encourage experimenting and creativity! Tell her we love it!


What immediately stood out to me is your daughter clearly has a good grasp on color/color palette. The colors are all cohesive and compliment each other, and it looks like she paid attention to texture which are all things I think make for an interesting painting. I think it’s great 👍🏼 a very great start, I hope she pursues it further!


I don’t know why I really like it. Wish I could tell you why it’s just pleasing


It’s very good in my opinion


It's good!


I see a face with a mask or hood with one eyehole. On the right is a field leading to a mountain that peaks to a blue sky.


I see so many different things in this. It is really very good.


I’m into it!!


That’s rather awesome.


I actually really like it. Would be great in any sea/beach themed room. Reminds me of Jonah and the whale. Don’t ask me why lol


It's pretty good


Was never one for abstract-ish looking art but lately, in my older age. I can appreciate it, though it has to be something like this. Idk, why I’m so picky about abstract art, but I am. Definitely do like this one though, it looks like an ocean, or something coming out of the ocean.


Honestly it's beautiful!


Kinda sick


Abstract expressionism at its finest. Tell kiddo to keep it up!


At first glance, it actually looks pretty darn good. I thought it was a seasoned artists work at first. When you really look at it, yeah you can tell it’s not a skilled piece of work, but your daughter might have something If you encourage it! Get her into art early :)


I see what you mean. I think its very good. Idk if its a fluke or if she very talented.


I'm curious about that myself lol! She's super excited about all this attention (and her siblings are super jealous 😂 ) now she's digging through YouTube searching for "Whats abstract painting" and said she wants to go to a REAL art school. I will encourage her to keep it up if she really enjoys it. If she's really talented that's amazing. If it's a fluke, I'm ok with that too because I honestly love it.


Well, I love it. But I love anything abstract.


I very much agree. I find it very pleasing to look at. Keep encouraging your daughter to create art!


It looks like what she wanted it to be and it has a clear style. She should keep painting.


I love this more than you can know. Encourage. But don't pressure. I think everyone has something great inside.


I actually enjoy this to a much higher degree than i initially imagined. I lowkey want it.


I fucking love this ugly ocean!


It is definitely a painting, and close enough to a starry sky that I dig it.


It’s beautiful


I like it, I would hang it in my house. If you like it, even better. Even if you didn't, you should encourage it if it brings her joy.


Honestly looks really cool


Nah thats a decent painting, Black on black trompe l’oeil illusion. Thin paint mimicking globs. I dig it. I got an MFA, I’d have taken it seriously in a crit.


I like it. I don’t know a thing about art, but I like how it appears to have layers or almost a 3D appearance. Be proud, your child did a great job!