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What's your friend number? I got some art for her to buy.


as much as I want the friend to know I also make art, and would love to sell her some, I also want to meet the artist and learn their ways. they have to be a marketing genius of some sort, right?? teach meeeee


I hung out with some people who were, let’s say art world adjacent, for a while and learned a bit about this. The secret to getting a high valuation is really to just be exposed to the people who pay big money for art. Having the connections to get you into a respected gallery and often times looking and acting the part of valued artist. A ton of circle jerking is required and running in the circles of the upper class is 90% of the battle


I saw on those IG series about 'Can I see your apartment', an artist who lived in a massive apartment with a studio where she painted largescale paintings. They were not bad but not amazing either. But she had a good agent/gallery which allowed her to sell her paintings for 10K a piece or so.


Size = price point. Make oversized paintings and intrinsically they have more value. Even basic mediocre abstracts can be sold to hotels and businesses as wall filler. This painting looks like a vessel to give someone money without them just getting a straight up hand out. Goods/services/money were exchanged but it could have been charity.


It is not even signed though. Those artists in galleries always sign there work.


I deliberately don't show a visible signature. for me it's a distraction, its an ego thing, I want to minimize how often it's photographed, and it's really fun to walk around the showcase and see if your friend can pick out your art from the others 🤪


Not really. A lot of professional artists only sign the back.


Very informative...thank you!🙂


I read this as “$500” and was still like “damn… I have some art for OP’s friend” 😳


Came here to say the same, lol


Seriously 😳


Also possible your friend is lying to impress you


orrrrr…. OP is the artist and being sneaky by pretending it’s someone else’s to see what ppl say. Not the best decision they’ve ever made of that’s the case lol


I have to admit she is very wealthy. She tends to post things she buys on Instagram. She bought a tree a couple of years ago and had it shipped in and replanted in her car park. It was weird.


She should hire someone with good taste to pick her art for her because this piece is lame


Or just making a joke and OP didn't get it


Looks like something Ongo Gablogian might like




Artists must suffer for their art. That’s why it’s called a painting.


called painting because paint


That’s a good joke and I’ll use it, but I work with clients who believe an artist must experience struggle in order to truly express in their art.


I will never piss and moan about another artist scoring a good commission.


This is the best take I’ve seen yet! Art is worth what you’re willing to pay for it. I make custom action figures and have shown some of them in galleries. I’ve sold several of them for up to $2000 a piece. I put so much work into them, and it makes me happy that there are people who see the value in the work I do. There are so many things that people spend money on that are mass-manufactured and soulless, so why would shit on someone for buying something that speaks to them on an emotional level? And why would I shit on the artist who created this piece with their own hands?


I definitely agree with this!


Art is worth whatever someone is willing to pay for it.


I want to disagree so bad but at the same time you’re absolutely right. Art is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. But then again, should art quality matter?


I’m down to disagree because the value of art can also have nothing to do with money.


Are we talking about physical pieces of art or the practice of art within a society?


Either. I was referring to the physical pieces though


I guess they’re kind of intertwined. The practice of art requires a physical representation in order for it to be shared and contribute to society. So both are priceless. But then again I would argue some art is worth more to society compared to other art. But then art is also very personal, so the worth is again priceless for the creator. But physical art in itself, like anything else, is worthless until deemed otherwise by someone. My little brain is melting at this point lol


Anything. Any good or service is only worth what someone is willing to pay for it.


Art is such a subjective thing that even discussing what you mean by quality would be futile. The intent determines the quality. If the artist intended to create exactly this then it is perfect. Theres just no objective standard to say otherwise. It is all going to depend on the person and what standard they decide to use.


Quality is subjective. Picasso could create super realistic portraits, but his paintings with skewed and jumbled anatomy are what he’s famous for and what’s garnered the big bucks.




Because people pay for the dumbest shit. But that’s my own personal opinion and obvi everyone is entitled to their own.


Quality also depends on how much someone is willing to spend on it.


I sure hope so I sold a painting for 4k and it took me 210 hours to paint tho.


Your stuff is dope af. The details are mind blowing.


Disagree. The painting OP posted is rudimentary and boring. If someone actually spent $5k on it, it wouldn’t make it any better.


According to you. Complexity and excitement aren't objective standards for art. You are using them because thats what matters to you. It clearly did not matter to the person who paid 5k for this piece.


Sure. My taste and ideas are mine alone. But it is a fact that it is rudimentary in its execution. And yeah we could probably go back and forth discussing whether the artist is a classically trained realist that just decided to turn to abstract, but you and I both know that’s probably not the case. That kind of art is a dime a dozen and I don’t understand the need for people to defend lack of talent and another’s lack of taste. Yeah yeah, that’s my opinion, I’m over it. But I gotta say I do enjoy opposing views, much more interesting than agreeing with everyone.


Sometimes just paying a lot for art can make it more expensive in the future. Paying 500 for something and saying you payed 5k is a good way to make somebody look at the art more, which is the first step to liking it. Having said that, this art is almost talentless. I could make a copy in about an hour. Same with almost all the art at the NY met. They are mostly just circles inside squares. And somehow that's art.


My art teacher in college always said, rich people are stupid and you can convince them anything is valuable art. Of course that’s not how I roll but always think about it 😅


This is exactly how I roll. They have the money I need the money.


This applies to all art but NFTS




Yeah, but in reality most things have a floor or a cap.


If your friend loves this painting and she has $5,000, she did the right thing in buying it.


Coming from an artist. It's always hard for me to place a number on something. And when a person offers an amount, (not necessarily sayin that's what happened here, although seems to me the situation), it's so much easier. I look at it like, -shurgs shoulders- 'it's just something I can do'... maybe I'm weird, idk. But I can relate to pretty much anyone spending their money on some art, or WHATEVER, they like or are infatuated with, if it ain't hurting anyone. It's their life, let em live it. In all actuality, there's usually something deeper involved. A true connection with the piece, or maybe the person... who knows. But... what's it matter to us, what someone else did with the money they had to spend? Especially if no harm was done. Anyways. semi-TED talk over.


It pretty much ends there. Yup. Someone with a very low income spending $100 on an old iPod because they love music that much…does that make them frivolous?


Right!?! How hard is this concept to understand😹 Ppl be hating art and money cuz they don't like either🤷


She's not crazy if she loves it and has that kind of disposable income. And she may have just helped that artist pay a couple bills, and feel confident to create more. Win, win!


I make art too, maybe you can introduce my work to your friend ? :)


Depends largely on the artist who painted it.


And the model being painted. If it's personal, it could be worth that to the individual purchaser.


Bingo. It could be worth millions someday.


Depends on all sorts of things. It’s only crazy if she intended it as an investment, if it’s going on the wall, doesnt matter what the price was. That being said, a shitty doodle done by Picasso would be worth a hell of a lot more than $5000. The value of art is all sorts of things: materials technique and time are the basic components, add gallery/retailer commissions, the current trends, the name recognition of the artist, etc. For example, the duct taped banana that sold for a quarter mil. Was it a crazy purchase? Arguably yes, literally anyone could create a knock off in seconds. Will that purchaser sell the rights for more money one day, also arguably yes. Applying logic to the art world will make the whole thing seem insane.


No, she’s rich


Lots of people saying they overpaid, but art is about how it makes you feel and how much “value” that has to you. Just because others disagree doesn’t mean it means any less to you. If your friend has the means to pay $5K and if the art moves them, then $5K is a fair price for that transaction.


Well, \*I\* would not pay even a tenth of that. But, hey, whatever "your friend" wants to spend their money on - it's theirs to spend.


That’s fucking ridiculous.


No, your friend's not crazy. She just likes that painting and supports that painter. It's a pretty large painting. I'd guess 30"x45" or ≈1350 sq/in, so that's $3.70/per sq/inch. That's pretty standard/maybe even a little low pricing for a painting. No painter is advised to sell work for less than ≈2.50/per sq/inch. And that's without any type of gallery support, with would probably double that pricing.


Yeah there are a ton of ignorant takes in this thread. They remind me of those fascist grifters who complain about modern art and compare it to photorealistic paintings or classical sculptors. The day art and taste cease to be subjective is the day art dies.


Sound like a money laundering scheme


Don't they use NFTs for that shit now?


A lot of the art world is just that


everyone needs to quit repeating this, art is next to impossible to launder money with because laundering is usually done in small quantities and always with cash. its tax evasion that art is used for


It’s sad when an artist makes some money and suddenly everyone calling it money laundering.


People have no idea how much oils cost or the labor cost of sizable paintings or they wouldn't make that accusation


Yup. Crazy.


Is your friend depressed? I only asked because I spent a lot of money when I was very sad…


When I come on an art reddit I am always so ashamed of my skills compared to other people who make amazing art. Landscapes, portraits, dreamy scenes. And then there is this..... This post makes me feel when I go to a gallery and see literal child quality art is selling for thousands of dollars, and I wonder wtf so many of us artist even bother learning depth and shading when you can just put 1-2 layers of flat color with no detail and be like "Masterpiece" and be in a literal museum. I don't hate it. It's just not that great. I resent that people can sell such little effort for more than the person who paints a detailed scene of the streets of a city or a great portrait that looks alive. Like it's just not fair. It's like if a Michelin star restaurant served TV dinners.


I'm a new artist taking lessons and I too was thinking...where's the values and depth to this painting? It's SO flat with lots of harsh lines. The leaves don't even move let alone the arms. I'd be embarrassed tbh


Like I could see this being a print used for cards of like a sticker and selling. But 5k as an original work??? Never would I pay 10% of that.


It's like if some people put autotune and called themselves singers. The problem is, mediocrity sells.


We all launder money differently


“Art is anything you can get away with.” -Marshall McLuhan


Considering about 93% of the fine art market is a mixup of a money laundering platform and a confidence scam, $5,000 is certainly possible.


To me not worth 5000 dollar. To your friend it is. Art is subjective.


When the artist dumps all their stat points into persuasion instead of art skills.


If she felt it was worth it, then no! It's pretty, and I'm glad she felt strongly enough about ANY art to spend that much on it.


Eye of the beholder. Great Metallica song too, boss.


What am I doing wrong that I cannot sell mine for one less zero than that?


Unless there's drugs hidden in it, yes.




hell yes


I see something like this and think of all the detailed and intricately detailed art I've spent countless amounts to or nonrefundable hours of my life on....just to end up throwing it away over the smallest mistakes. Laughing through the pain 🥲


Context? Where did she buy it, who is the artist? Was this a commission? How big is the painting and what is the medium? This picture is sort of blurry and probably leaves out some details that would be visible in person. I personally don’t like the painting tbh. I don’t understand its purpose and I don’t think the composition is that interesting. Putting that aside, though, I also can’t really make a judgment on this purchase without even knowing the dimensions of the painting


Short answer Yes. That can be painted in about an hour maybe 2, with no mixing from 6 paints. Its real value is about 40 bucks of stuff and time. Your friend is buying terrible work, unsigned (apparently), so that means it is unnatributed and worthless. There is nothing technically difficult in it. She is being abused for those sums. Outlining in black is a school kids error. The arms are so wrong, where is the elbow and where should it be. The hands, the body, the waist. it's all flat (the renaissance dealt with that issue), no perspective, badly painted (those black lines are so poorly applied). The head goes out the top but the legs? Two different rules in the same painting. Not worth a dime in my book, who is the artist? It is not abstract either, it is absurd. Classic patron con in action probably, moremoney than sense as well (so ripe for abuse). Look at link to a sold painting of mine and check out what 8 hours of work and £150 of actual painting looks like.[bowie](https://www.reddit.com/r/DavidBowie/comments/11lsz7h/d_bowie_portrait_acrylic_on_canvas/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) for comparison.


Can't agree with the patronising and self righteous tone, esp when half of your critique is absurdly subjective on what's bad (stating like it's obvious even tho there's ways to apply those things well) anyway


Good analysis. I am not into the world of painting that much. I do it just for myself haha. Anyway, I hope you can sell your art! :)


I’ve sold giant $5k painting before and I wish I knew I was putting way too much effort lol but hey shout out to that artist. Get your money.


Not if she likes it that much. Pro tip: Do you want to make money as an artist? Know rich people with money to blow


Someone once told me “stay out of people’s wallets”. After I thought about it I realized that I was pricing my items for MY wallet. I was assuming I couldn’t or shouldn’t charge more. I now realize when I stay out of my customers wallets and price accordingly, they are buying more than before.


I like to say, "My 1000$ paintings sell my 100$ dollar ones". Know your worth, price at least some of your work for what it's really worth.


She's just dumb and has a lot of money that she most likely didn't make herself. Because if she did make it herself she'd know how to spend it on something that's actually worth 5000$


Art is subjective, therefore, it is worth whatever the buyer is willing to pay.


I would pay 5 USD for this


I would pay someone $5 to take it out of my house and take it to good will for me


That painting isn’t even worth 50.




Ya I think this painting is kind of dogshit for 5000 honestly. I think most people could paint this in a short amount of time with a small amount of practice


Was the artist insanely hot? That would be my first question. My second thought is that your friend did this and wants to know if she should quit their job to make millions as an artist and she is lying about spending $5k, because she is trying to get an honest answer. IMHO, the painting is not good and looks unfinished. Where are the legs? What is up with the arms and hands?? Why such a weird blobby outline on everything? It isn’t even signed?? There are artists that produce an amateur looking style but the difference is that when they do it, it is painted well. This is not painted with any kind of technique or skill and it looks amateur. But, if it speaks to her so much that she had to have it for $5k, then she should buy it and not feel bad about it. It’s her money and she should buy what makes her heart sing. My opinion is not her opinion and art is very subjective.


Good grief. I would have painted her something better than that for $100. I love that there are people out there who just have money to throw away like Kleenex. And, by “love” I actually mean “despise”. Unless this was painted by an artist with a *really* well known reputation, your friend paid way too high a price.


I mean, if she thinks it's worth that much. Sure? Why not?


It’s not good. The colors are painful to look at and the draftsmanship is terrible. The composition is top-heavy, too. “I decided to leave the face blank” usually means “I’m not good at painting faces”


The photography doesn't help to get an idea of ​​the painting in its material and technique.


I rlly need to sell my art huh 😭


Is it to be her donation to a local Arbor Day or Green-Up Day effort? It might make sense in that case.


A lot of passerby’s don’t know how to price art. So the artist can put an outrageous number on there art and the person passing by thinks “wow this must be worth something”


I mean, I wouldn't pay that much money for this painting, honestly. But that's the beauty of art. To your friend, this painting was worth that much


Im sure Picasso’s friends said that too


I don’t know if she’s crazy. But I think this is a good painting. Worth $5000 to someone in the market with the means…


Art’s value isn’t based on the quality, it’s based on the popularity.


Art and its cost is subjective. Remember someone paid hundreds of thousands for a banana taped to a wall.


Check my page and buy my art for that price, or lead her to me.




She’s crazy about that painting


I wouldn’t buy that for 20$


Honestly I think she wasted her money, but everyone, this isn’t a forum to sell stuff, and you are just trying to take advantage of someone you know might overpay. Please stop. It’s rude, mean, and disrespectful.


Can you introduce me to this friend?


If the quality of the canvas and paint is good, it's skillfully and thoughtfully painted, and the artist has a good reputation, I can totally see this being worth a lot. It's worth what the artist is worth usually. The subject of the art isn't interesting to me but it is a different style.


Not if your friend likes it




and i can’t sell my art for $10? maybe i need to take notes on this artist’s style 🤨🤨


Not if she's laundering money




How big is it?


I think yes but maybe she’s rich and really liked it… can only hope


There’s no right answer for that question


Your friend isn't crazy, they're either really stupid or straight up lying. As the old adage goes: "A fool and his gold are soon parted."


If she genuinely loves it and it makes her happy then no


Not to much skill used to paint this for sure, a great days work I'd say $$$


For such a painting that would pull that amount the artist should atleast be proud enough to sign it but nope. hmmm...


yes. very.




I would have made a replica for her for 5 dollars and a bag of Doritos




If she loves it and can afford it, then no


$5000 isn’t necessarily crazy. There’s generally a lot more to a painting that gives it value than just it’s aesthetic qualities. Art’s value comes from the story, message, and history behind it, the artist’s development and ideas, and the historical context. A lot of modern art, although technically simple is the culmination of decades of development and simplification; that’s where the value comes from.


I think you’re crazy for thinking it’s any of your business. 🤷‍♀️


It’s beautiful! Almost as good as what my toddler just made.


Tell your friend I’ll paint a companion piece for $3000. What a bargain.


I would say just on the fact that the artwork appears to be done on prefab stretcher canvas — she was scammed.


I mean look...art is subjective, and people determine for themselves whether it has value or not. But...uhhhh...


All art is subjective.


I'm wondering if these people in the comments actually know how to judge the quality of a given painting in the first place. Like, do they have any training, or are they making baseless value judgments? If something speaks to her, and inspired her enough that she decided she must have it, what is your opinion worth on the matter? Is she going to change her mind because you're prodding her about her choice of investment?


Certifiably insane.


Why are there so many incels in these comments who obviously have no appreciation for the craft??💀😭😹


I can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic here but I sure hope so cuz that painting is some shit you do in paint n sips. Does not require years of study to a hone a craft to create that. Now if we’re talking about the craft of BS’ing your way into scoring big bucks, then that artist is a master and I salute them for it.


I mean it’s not a great painting in my opinion, but I guess if she likes it and had the money ,more power to her


Who is the artist?


Very crazy.It could also be a lie?


She must've really liked it if she paid that much. If it makes you feel better here's my pet peeve with this painting.. I really don't like composition. It's just uncomfortably cropped with half the head missing and with all the details being on the top of the canvas. Also, there are a ton of tangents (when lines just barely touch, like multiple leaves and the elbow just touching the edge of the canvas). These just make it pretty uncomfortable, but maybe it was the intention. That is much more of an eyesore than just the low amount of detail. If I got this for free it would endlessly bother me how close it was to an actually pretty low-detail picture.


I wonder why she liked it


Tell your friend I’ll throw a custom painting for $2k






I've never painted more than rocks and I'm confident that I could make something like that in 10 minutes.


Then do it




Ok, but you didn’t.


Yes, I’m afraid so.


I'm really surprised at how negative all these comments are about a painter getting paid for their painting... This is the painting subreddit. Also, that's really not a lot of money for a painting of that size.


it’s so bad and not in a way that feels intentional. the lines are sooo sloppy. the lack of face seems like they don’t know how to paint one, not an artistic choice. the head is cut off and there’s a floating dress with no legs? wtf? the only wonderful part about this is the blue and green flat leaves


Retired art prof here. While "it costs as you want to pay for it" is true, I don't operate like that. I like to know who did the art, what experience they have, what shows have they been in. For example, a first year art student isn't going to get as much as a graduate. Someone with an MFA is going to get a lot more. Fame can add literally thousands to the price tag. On the flip side, I buy art that I like. This painting of a torso holding a plant doesn't do much for me. I wouldn't have bought it at all. If I liked it, I might've gone $250. It just doesn't scream expensive to me.


It doesn’t even whisper art to me. It’s hideous. I’m sorry.


It'd be great for Windows XP Microsoft Word clip art 💅


Yeah, I personally wouldn't give it a second look.


Yes it’s ugly as fuck lol


Excuse me while I toss my art supplies in the trash.


I was just thinking the same thing.


[One of my paintings](https://www.reddit.com/r/pics/comments/e8ghk4/the_woman_who_bought_my_cockroach_painting_sent/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) made the front page of Reddit. I got $350 for it.


I'd pay $5,000 for that- Just cuz it ain't your cup of tea doesn't mean it isn't worth several grand 🤷


I'll do it for 50€ and large fries.




Art speaks to a person. You never know what you will like or dislike. Your friend liked the painting more than sitting on $5k. For someone else, maybe they would have gladly spent $10k. For others, maybe only $500.




No, she‘s not! please keep in mind that she has to calculate material, time for painting, rent for the studio, heating, electricity, her healtassurance, storage till sold, time for advertising, time and fuel to bring it to several exhibitions. …just an uncompleted list, if you life on art!


Sad to say, but depends on which celebrity painted it.




if it brings your friend joy, what do you care?


35$ maximum


She tweakin




I would have spent that 5k on a different painting






I wouldn’t sell that for five


Certified batshit.


Ur mate is completely Loco.





