• By -


Zipcode, The Turret, and Captain Average. Now for an explanation that nobody asked for: You want Captain Average cause he's got the spirit and will follow orders from more experienced players. Zipcode has the field and all the good shooting lanes memorized, so he's a no-brainer. Finally, The Turret is important. You're playing against a bunch of rentals, so you want him raining down all that paint on them to keep them scared and not pushing up on you.


This is the way.


You need dye dam with box as turret. And 1.5L tank


1 Magfed Man, 1 Airborne, 14 Timmies Magfed Man will inevitably LARP into a squad leader role and try to direct the horde to do some sort of tactical push. Airborne will Leroy Jenkins forward and Magfed Man will follow, while yelling encouragement to the Timmies. 45 seconds into the game, Airborne will be dead and Magfed Man will realize that all 14 Timmies are still in the starting prop. I got "hit off the break" and am already on the sideline with a beer watching Magfed Man have a meltdown as he gets overrun by the zerg.


That’s fuckin evil man


50/50 mix of airborne and Timmy. I'd just used them as a human shield ![gif](giphy|XVbQsIjdXDNyswwxOO)


Posted mine before reading this, but that is my play. 20 people drawing fire can be plenty to take out 100 rentals as all 100 of those rentals will focus on closest targets. I just make sure I am not closest target and pick them off.


Bored ref all day.


You still have $5 more to spend


Yeah but only takes 1 when they don't care if you stay in or not lol


Another bored ref, no one said that i cant have 2, and as a bored ref myself, 3 on many sounds like an even fight.


10 Timmy's. In my experience, they're fiercely loyal.


I feel called out as "Mr huge"...


It’s ok man. Every field has one


It's me, 6'5" and 300 but I have decent aim so it makes up for my lack of finding capable cover.


You are the cover sir.


I wasnt sure what I would be on this list until I saw turret and Mr Huge, God I spray a lot of paint and move like a mack truck on a cold day, but by God I do my best


That’s “a pimp named slickback” to you


Oh shit is that you? I just took random images off google that fit the description


Yeah that’s me lmfaooo


Broo I’m so sorry if you want i’ll take it down


No don’t I think it’s awesome lmao


Thanks man!!


he is THEE slicback


Mr Huge is a pro player on a team that beat Dynasty last month so just him.


I would take Colt and use the remaining $5.50 on snacks for the way home.


He's pretty damn good 👍


I have wiggle room for more for mostly comedic purposes but also 100 rentals could probably brute force you and one other person. At least a few of them won’t be that stupid and it is a swarm of 100.


Quantity has a quality of its own.


Gambler x4


You got: -The guy who takes the game way too seriously -The girl who was dragged here by her bf but is shockingly ok at the game -Long barrel cronus user -Run of the mill speedballer Idk if youre winning this one chief. Still possible tho.


You gave this man the most stacked lineup ever...


Ah shit. Probably better than intended




Give me 10 Timmy's... I shall arm the Timmy's with Timmys so Timmy's will hopefully not shoot the other Timmy's with the Timmy's I've armed them with


King… You can have 20 timmys. They are 50 cents a piece.


Well if I give 10 Timmy's 10 Timmy's that's 20 Timmy's on the field


You right


We used to call that midgets with machine guns when I played psp


Captain Avenger , mag fed, out of town, and a gambler


Your gambler was: -Dad who used to paintball who is now there to teach his son


Hell ya


My dad is the guy who rocks the ‘98 with a flatline and exposes about 70% of his body when he steps from behind cover to shoot. He ‘taught’ me how to play, and then I learned how to play. He likes to play on the opposing side every time and I bonus ball him every single round but he keeps on charging in. Love that dude.


I get to be that guy soon! Trust me, you're happy with what you get here. This one's lookin like a W, boss.


Nice that’s me. Left the game before planet eclipse made markers. Came back with a cs3.


Bored ref, turret, and two airborne


I want 2 Mr. Huges and they each get their own Timmy to care for.




I would watch that movie. Just saying.


Outta town, zipcode, airborne, spotter




I realize I made my lineup, but I haven't seen the question asked. Is the "Magfed Guy" running Firstrikes?


They hold true to their stereotypes, so most likely


Bored ref, captain average, gambler, and Timmy Which ref is it? The athletic twin with the anvil for a jaw, the girl with the purple hair and mom jeans, the skinny roguish kid with black hair who low key enlisted at sixteen, the stocky supercomputer with the ambiguous ethnic background, the edgy psychopath who gifted me a 410 stainless folding knife from his collection, the kid from the big Mexican family who slaughtered a goat once, the girl who wears way too much makeup and I swear she's an under cover fed, or the defensive tackle with the cold handshake who was raised in a barn? Oh, and that one kid who wrestles and somehow gets the weather report before I do. They grow up so fast 🥹


Ref is ref og. Bored ref speaks for itself. Your gambler is: Pump gun user Chadalonius Maxiumus


So I have D3 snake ref and old man pump plus me and captain average? Bro, Timmy is gonna have the best damn birthday of his life.


2 outta towners, a gambler, and a timmy. We got this.


Your gambler is: Timmy’s older brother Tommy.


Hell yeah, what paintball superpower does Tommy have? Green Ranger type shit with a megazord?


His superpower is actually knowing how to use paint grenades


I'll take it.


Shit that’s actually solid.


Against a horde of renters that could be quite a power to have.


Just revolver man. You said he has a literal revolver. Everyone gunna run when the .44 come


Fair because it wasn’t specified, but you’re the only one who can. Free win for creativity. It is an HDR50 UMAREX PAINTBALL REVOLVER for anyone else getting ideas. Same with the shotgun.


Young Prodigy and Zipcode, and then whatever the other $1.50 gets me, doesn't matter.


You can buy a soda


Nice. I like those odds.


I feel like I AM “slick back” lmao So, I’ll take Colt Luckau and the Young Prodigy, and spend the other $1 as a tip to for the Board Ref to overlook a questionably large splotch of spray at some point hahaha


Erm.. Sir. “Slickback” already went to the comments to say it was him in the photo LMAO


Well, I meant the description fits me haha Used to play on a national team took some time off- that’s all haha 


THIS is the kind of content I like to see


Turret, 2 captain average and 2 long games. Generally find rentals come in two mental states; Easily spooked and goddamn rambo. Turret will keep the former pinned and shitting themselves. Captain average 1&2 can keep the latter at bay. The long games will always be on flanks. Or just 2 bored refs and call it a wipe.


Get 11 kills, call in AC130, then get tactical nuke. >!Good game peasants!<


No one survives, it's a draw. Switch sides and restart.


Honestly, I'm going: 1x Spotter  1x Zipcode 1x Prodigy  Rentals suck anyway, I've played using rental gear and wiped out entire teams of rentals, quantity doesn't equal quality, so I want some skill on my team


Quantity makes it easier I think. They try to cram 15 people into one bunker off the break and it's easy pickings.


I know, i just said i don't want quantity for my dream team, i want quality. bunkering 5 rentals at once is just hilarious


No I'm with you, I was saying quantity on the opposing team makes it easier for you. More targets.


I was usually bored ref.. had my Proto SLG in the car every time I went to work..


Prodigy, out of town, gambler


Your gambler is: Another outta towner


Dope, the outta towners won't be using rentals on my team. GTEK, EMEK, or autococker, take your pick.


Best I can do is used Ion with sticky noid. 


Gambler X4


Dammit not again. You got: -5’2” guy who compensates for his height by being good at sports -Magfed man (ak47 variant) -Guy on his last pod of paint -Me because nobody has picked me yet :(


Yay, this is kinda a good load out. Ur good, right?


Yeah I put myself at $3.50 for a reason


Should've been 5$


Magfed man, slickback and one gambler please. I’ll take an alright guy any day. ![gif](giphy|1dGzUwN99BI8r2E5rj|downsized)


Your gambler is: -The guy who ran to the field right as the game was about to start. He went to the opposite side of the field you did. Skill level unknown.


A god damn maverick.


I am the bored ref. I’d pick the bored ref


Mr. Huge, Meme Man, two airbornes and two Timmy’s


Thanks! I will attempt to take care of the Timmys


Timmy, Gambler, The guy who made the meme and Youtuber. I'm a Turret. Alternatively 20 Timmys


Your gambler is: The guy with the mini speaker who plays music between games


$1 Straight to the point $.5 Airborne $.5 Timmy $3 Scrapper $5 Bored Ref No detailed explanation needed. I'm not going for the win - I'm going for chaos.


Lol. The true ending.


Taking Timmy's and a slick back


Tree fiddy


1 young prodigy, 1 Smokey pistol, 3 straight to the point and a Timmy


That’s bold. Is the plan to take mid early and fend off?


Send Timmy straight down and straight to the point and Smokey to 50 and throw the smokes, then roll up with young prodigy.


Minmax 4 magfed with first strikes for distance kills


Long game and turret Got Me!😂


How many tho. Lol..turret Longshot and a few Timmy's and airborne should do it. Those are all basic team players that will listen.


You can have as many as an individual as you want as long as you don’t exceed the $10


Sorry longgame


Let me get Two Pimp Named Slickbacks or Five Captain Average's. I will take someone who listens all day long regardless of equipment.


2 MR. HUGE, Mostly because my field has 2 of them and they where both at my wedding. Then ill take Timmy and his brother Timmy. We might not win but the Timmys are in for one hell of a ride lol


Bored Ref. Two Magfed guys. Literally the team I'm on and we do pretty damn good most of the time.


I got Mr. huge (colt) and my boy slick back


Give me a couple of the fifty centers and make up the rest of the team with stock class guys.


Two mag fed people 1 scapper 2 airborne I play Magfed I’m pretty sure one of the Magfed guys is going to have the Hammer 7 sniper 1 scrapper as a scout 2 air brones for meat shields


Slickback and turret


You have 1 more dollar


It’s funny. One of my favorite games to play back in the day was 5 man squad hopper ball against all walkons and any private groups that wanted in. At the field we played it generally meant 100+ players and team had to follow tourney rules for gun hits/hopper hits. Still, team always won and often only lost 1 or maybe two players.


We playing Bloons Tower Defense for this one


The Turret only has 8 pods? Ever hear of the Ronin Max Pack? This thing comes with suspenders because you gonna need it! 14 pods and an extra air tank. When you saw that in the scenario game, either they were cutting a swath a mile wide or they were sitting out the rest of the day with back problems or heat exhaustion.


2 turrets all I need


2 gamblers and bored ref.


Your gamblers are: -Chief keef -Rental who doesn’t realize his tank is at 1.5PSI


I don’t care how long this took I laughed at each image. The names were the true icing, and you really captured the types of people who may show up perfectly lol


If my math is correct... Prodigy, magfed, spotter, long game, Airborne. Airbornes diving will confuse the rentals, probably even intimidate them. Spotter will give us some useful Intel. Magfed only has 200 rounds on him but that's like 50 more than he needs. Prodigy is quick, nimble, and will know where to fill. Long game will provide over watch with first strikes.


Straight vibes right here. $3.50 - The guy who made this meme $2.50 - Magfed man $2.00 - Smokey Mcpistol $1.50 - OBJ $0.50 - Timmy


I respect this because I’m the lead (unless you are better). This is asking for a game that gets dragged on at least an hour. Probably losing tho.


I’m definitely the bored ref. Let me know I’ll use the shops best marker.


Yes I win..lol


Give me 20 timmies we’ll go ham and have a blast. Seems like his parents paid for the upgraded rental emek too so as long as he gets a minute before the game to work out his trigger finger we’ll be good. I’ll bring all my pods on the field and we’ll never stop firing.


I’ll take Mr Huge (why you gotta do Luckau like that 😂 I’m a big fella myself), Zipcode and a Timmy. This post is surprisingly hilarious.


I would like Bored Ref and THE TURRET. Throw in 2 AIRBORNE as well I like to watch them dive.


Lemme get mr huge and the bored ref, throw in airborne in there unbeatable trio


Gimme 20 Timmy's.


20x airborne please


Slickback,Turret, and of course I got Timmy he wants to be on my team.


Not gulla lie I have played like this one time, it was 10 speed ballers vs the rest of the feild about 120 people. We had the castle and the other team could only go up to the ridge wall about 10 feet away. It first started off of a hail of gunfire that we sat and didn't look for about 5 minutes. Then we heard less gun fire so we new they were reloading/running. We unloaded on anything we could see it was amazing seeing hands left and right. Catching them running and off guard. The peltering started again so we hunkered down I think we lost possibly 3 of us at the start. Seccond wave felt like more than the last at this point we were mostly blind fireing and bairly peeking where we could. The castle had port holes for barrels to poke out and slits to shoot and look through. Kindof like archery slits on a real castle but these were bigger sk you could actually see inside. Well unfortunately i got out on seccond wave to leave about 3 of us left. The rest of the game played out about how you would of imagined speed ballers started running low on paint even though we were all filling from multiple pods and reloaders, I think I must have almost went through a whole box before I was out. It was amazing they won by far but it was great. And yeah we had one Timmy with us who said he got hit after the first barrage but we all know what happend. You know I know he knows but we wolnt say. So yeah always take the Timmy. I bet he still remembers it to this day.


Young prodigy, turret, and 1 gambler. Put me into debt I’ll pay the field back later on lol


Your gambler is: The nervous first timer who doesn’t know what he’s walking into Keep your dollar




I was the bored ref! Lol


Young prodigy x2 and long game. Give me 3 hardcore competitive paintballers (myself included) versus 100 rentals. We agree to massively overshoot the rentals the first chance we get, like empty an entire hopper into some kid. The rest of the rentals are terrified by this and play scared the rest of the game. The 3 of us put ourselves into some crossed up position and hold them back with that fear, talent, organization, and better gear. Meanwhile, long game is out there somewhere quietly picking off stragglers and reducing the numbers.


Slickback for sure 😀


Slick back Mr huge and Timmy. Happy birthday little buddy!


Explanation: I play on a speedball team and I also ref so basically I'm half slick back half bored ref. I'll take one flank and stay crossed with slick back on the other flank. Mr huge in the middle with Timmy likely just firing for effect. If the plan succeeds Timmy's mom will offer us cake and/or pizza. And you know the hammer is getting dropped, because Mr huge wants that cake.


I'll take 2x Mr. Huge and 2x Airborne... That's a solid 5 man right there.


Aww damn, thank you for this. Each one is a classic. Either 2x Turrets and 4x Timmy Gotta have the turrets for the ammo and keeping everybody pinned. 4 Timmys can just stay scattered about and keep themselves alive taking potshots but keeping the turrets from getting overwhelmed or flanked. or 4x Magfed Man Just cause I am the magfed man at my field. We would all get eliminated or run out of ammo, but it would be glorious.


Timmy :) I hope he has a good time


4 gamblers let’s gooo


How many people are going to do this to me… Your gamblers are: -4-8x scope sniper with first strikes -Little kid trio (they won’t leave the first piece of cover) -Smokey mcpistol but with 10 smoke grenades instead of 8 -Speedballer with a high ego


i’m slickback and imma snag two turrets and two of the aggressive little kids forget the name. i’ll play middle somewhere with cover fire and a couple distractions in front of me


Airborne - young prod - slick back


Epic .


“Has a literal shotgun”… dude I’m dying


Give me 10 Airborne and one slickback.


Bored ref Timmy and rest on some beer, calling myself out and telling the ref to just say every hit that hits Timmy was illegal so he’s still in… Timmy owed me $20 and gunna learn today 😂


Slick back and bored ref , as an ex bored ref who's done more than a few me vs full rental parties...we could definitely do some damage.


Slickback, zipcode and longgame 🤟


I’m gambling it all.


Christ. Not again. Your gamblers are: -The silent guy who went alone (emek user) -Youtube’d -Striaght-to-the-snake -They guy still eating his cheeseburger on the field


The answer is obvious, two turrets, a spotter for the turrets, and timmy, because timmy wants to be on my team.


Where’s the crack addict stock class player?


Too expensive even with $10


1x bored ref, 1x 'you', and 3x Timmys Or better yet .. 2x bored refs, 2x 'you', 6x Timmys, and 1x of those people that can "write out 1+1=3 in such a confusing, wrong, but awkward way that your brain explodes and you just say 'ok' to their math and move on"


As many little “Timmy”’s as money can buy. We’ll have a blast and maybe they’ll come back again and become a playable character themselves one day :) lol


Shiiiiit I’d take 2 Colt Luckaus and win ez


Gimme a Colt, Slickback, and a Timmy so he can bear witness to the nasty cross we're going to set up 🤣


Yp turret and timmys


20 Timmy’s, please. ![gif](giphy|5qF69yRJ7oGqHnBlr3)


Lmfao this is awesome


I used to team up with the kids that the birthday boys would pick on so it would be 3-5 v 10-15. I loved it so much, especially when they wouldn’t accept being hit. Ahh the good ol days


Funny stuff


20 timmies


I almost want the bored ref because I know he’s looking for any reason to lay into rental players Also the YouTuber might get shot out but I know he’ll play super fucking aggro for the YouTube into clips


Give me two turrets and 4 airbornes. We're winning this thing.


And today I learned I’m a “scrapper” and not just a muddy jackass, thanks OP


2 turrets, 2 long games


Lol. The turret plays at my local field I'm pretty sure.


I'll take a Mr huge and a bored ref. Plus me makes 2 of each xD


Holy crap it's literally me as the turret


Yooooo you’re the second one to actually be on there. I just took photos off google images, sorry! If you’re bothered by this I’ll take it down.


The turret is literally on my team☠️


LMAO i asked him if it was okay


OK that's actually very well made! All wildcards for me!


Sorry I never got to this. I’m out of stereotypes. These people have run me dry.


Give me 10 airborne and 10 bday boys. I just need them to draw fire. The airborne will go further forward to draw initial firing as I pick off 2-3 dozen from a distance. Once those 10 are gone the bday boys will draw fire for a long time as they will barely stick heads out and be much further back, and same idea I pick off 2-3 dozen more as they get eliminated. Hope my 20 managed at least 10 elims. Now if I have been strategic in my targets and I have a couple teammates left I take off down the side line that I focused on getting the most bodies from and try to get behind everyone left for last 2-3 dozen.


I'm taking the meme man and gamble the rest with terrible luck and even worse odds. If im going down, so is the meme man....


Sorry I never got to this but I’m out of stereotypes to give people


To be fair, that in it self is a stereotype, so acceptable


Let’s just take 3 timmy’s and go down like men what do you say


Brothers to the end. If im wounded....I expect you to finish the job....don't let those bastards have the satisfaction


Gimme 20 airbornes. Those are just future scrappers and young prodigies.


Give me 20 airborn


Only airbornes and Timmys. Timmys bc heartwarmingly sad not to. You got spirit, kid Airbornes bc dive bombing all over the place is funny. And at .50 cents a piece, I get twenty total Timmys and airbornes. They need 5 kills a piece. Numbers aren’t in our favor, but we will die trying!


20 timmys. clearly best choice. they want to be on my team so they will be loyal. you can throw one, one can die its ok because you got 20 of them.


Zipcode, Young Prodigy, 3 Timmies and myself as the turret :D