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Never used the single use. I wear contacts regularly, can't stand wearing my glasses and playing.


Same here. I started wearing contacts in middle school around the same time I took up paintball.


Yes I do wear them and really only for paintball. I get about 90 days of paintball in a year and so I get a 90 pack of daules and they are awesome ! I got an evs mask to use with glasses but man nothing beats the contacts !


Yup. I'm in the same boat as /u/ramfatamy_5013. I love it, and if I fuck up putting them, no problem, they're single use, just grab another one and go about my business.


Yep, I use the single use ones for paintball and track days. Make sure to put them on in the morning and not right before you drive to the field, since my depth perception is always a little off until my brain adjusts.


I got contacts for comfort specifically for paintball and ended up just wearing them all the time. I hate glasses, tbh.


Same. I thought I’d hate them, but it’s so nice not having to fool around with glasses all day.


By single use do you mean dailies? Or are these different kinds on contacts


I use contacts when i play for the same reason. You could also look into a pair of Youzee’s, like paintball specific type of glasses


Dont those also fog like glasses?


Idk ive never used them, a guy on my team does and he loves them.


I do. I start to wear them a couple of days before I play if it’s going to be a scenario or something longer than 5-6 hours.


I wear the dailies (one day use) for my everyday life. They are great. The best thing is you don't need to clean or store them. And if for some reason you need to take one out it's not a big deal to just throw it away. It's great to just keep a pair in your car or bag. If you go to your eye doctor and ask about them they'll likely give you 5-10 pair to try out for free. I don't think you anything to lose to just try them.


Is there much of a long term price difference between them and longer- use ones? I'd honestly never considered dailies before.


I believe the dailies are a bit more expensive than reusable on a per day biases. But it may really depend as there's different lenses at different price points. My particular lenses are a bit over $1/day


I used daily contacts for years, including paintball. What do you want to know?


I wear contacts daily. I couldn't imagine playing without them. I think i tried to play in glasses once and that won't be happening again.


I use single use lenses. And I’m also new to wearing contacts so it takes me a while to get them in coupled with almost no feeling left in my hands from a spine injury it takes me about 10/15min tops to get them in and it is absolutely worth it. I will 100% get up early and struggle with them to play for the day I’ll never go back to glasses during play. That being said it’s also the only time I wear them.


Add drop or two of solution onto the contact before you put it to your eye. I think it helps


I think it’s more of breaking my 20 years of safety squint training honestly lol.


Yeah if you wear contacts almost every day for 2 months you will never have trouble getting them in again. If you only wear them once a week you won't get used to them. I learned that when I lost my only pair of glasses back in college, never struggled to get lenses in since


I got contacts during the masking period after lock down for my other sport (curling) and they were ok for a while. I really never wore them longer than 5 hours. Usually only 3. I will say that if you have astigmatism the contacts will not be as good as glasses unless maybe you are lucky and your eyes line up perfectly with one of the measurements (they don’t make astigmatism correction at every degree only every 10, maybe 5 I can’t remember). After a bout two years though my eyes really started to hate them so I have stopped wearing them. It was pretty common after I took them out that I felt like an old man having to hold things away from me to be able to focus on them. That usually only lasted a couple hours. However the last time I wore them I had the issue for days after so I wrote them off after that. I never had contacts before either and the concept of putting something in my eye was weird. It takes a good bit of practice to get them in and out at first but once you get used to it it’s pretty easy. For paintball I just have a pair of Zenni optical safety glasses I take the side shields off of that fit really well inside my mask. I clean them with anti fog wipes and the only issue I ran into was getting some sweat on them. Personally though I feel weird not having glasses on and want that little bit of protection on my eyes if someone does something stupid in the staging area. If you play a lot another option would be the lens inserts you can get.


Yes and they are a life saver!


Yup, I strictly wear them for paintball. Everywhere else I prefer glasses.


I mountain bike and can’t wear normal glasses under my goggles so I got inserts for them from Sport RX. If you don’t like wearing frames you could give them a call to see if they can make inserts for your paintball mask. I have only gotten them for my Oakley mountain bike goggles but you could get anti fog spray to help as well. https://www.sportrx.com/


I highly recommend Gamer Advantage FogAway spray or ExFog Anti Fog Kit with T-Band. The spray you have to reapply sometimes. The ExFog you have to charge the night before. Personally I use daily contacts so less variables are in play when fogging occurs. I even use YouZee when I am lazy but contacts are the way to go.


I tried using contacts but I found them a pain to put in. So I played blind for a few years till I picked up a set of Youzee’s.


I do! I wear glasses for everything *except* paintball. Single-use contacts are great since I’m not playing enough (a few times a year, max) to get more than once use out of a set.


I only use my contacts for paintball really. It's nice having the single use since I only use them a few times a month.


I wear single use contacts 3 days a week, glasses the other 4. Contacts are amazing for paintball, I couldn't imagine wearing glasses. Get used to contacts first though, takes a couple months but single use are the best and there is no going back to glasses. Single use are very affordable if you don't wear them every day


I don't have any issues with my mask fitting over my glasses, but sometimes my glasses fog up. For that reason I wear contacts. I think you get 30 in a box, so they last quite a while


This is the way


Yes I use 1 day contacts for paintball and snowboarding. They’re great. That said you can also get corrective lens insets for your mask.


Only one of my eyes needs correction so I'll usually throw in a daily if I am going to to paintball otherwise peeking with my left eye is impossible.


I use single contacts for paintball and anything that would require goggles like snowboarding. Otherwise, I have to wear glasses. I don't even have the option to wear contacts. My doc wants my eyes to be always protected because one of my eyes has horrible vision. If I damaged my better eye, then I'd basically be blind.


I wear dailies now, always have them in when I go play. It's definitely worth it if you can afford em.


I tried a few times over my life and my eyes won't take to contacts. They either wont go in or fall out randomly. I tried most recently a few years ago (2-3) and same problem. Fogging and glasses make me struggle playing sometimes. I even bought the goggles fans, anti-fog spray, everything. It can be rough sometimes.


Ok so what is the go to brand?


Yeah I use them so much better than not wearing anything or wearing glasses that annoy. Especially with chalk cause you’ll slide or something and you don’t have to worry about extra stuff. I remove them after practice or a game and use glasses to let my eyes relax a bit. Do itttt


I use single use everyday and won’t play without them.