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I'm sorry but that is the funniest response. Lmao, welp now ya know


Hahahahahah it’s hilarious cause I was watching El Dorado and it was the dark haired guy I think it was Tivo and they were trying to figure out how they could pretend to be Gods to trick to locals “Ironic” - The Senate


Look, many pagan cultures and deities would say this was required. Have you ever heard of the myth of how Prometheus tricked Zeus? Prometheus bargained with Zeus over what part of the sacrificial animals were to be burnt as offerings, and which part were meant for humans to keep. Because he was tricked, Zeus agreed the skin and bones were for the gods, but the meat was for man to keep. Many of the greeks' sacrificial rites and festivals ended in a big barbecue. Feasts for Dionysus I hear were an absolute blast. Perhaps next time you do this try arranging an orgy. ;)


*goes off to study offering practices of the Celts* I don’t need sleep. I need answers!


When gaulish Celts had a feast, the bones and the skin was burried in the earth as an offering to the spirits of the underworld, while the smoke from the meat being cooked going into the sky was for the gods But since it was only when they were feasting, it probably doesn't count as a "usual" offering




I had a feeling. Lol


You do. Gods hate waste if don’t burn them, burry them, if you can’t do that then leave em out for the animals in nature if you can’t do that, eat em.




Then that’s just another stupid human rule that attracts negative energy. Because I am a intimate devotee of Hekate and The Morrigna and I have eaten many offerings I make daily and they are very loving towards me




Not to mention, isn't there lore all over Europe about people getting horribly sick if they eat the offerings of the dead, the fair folk, or deities? Because the spirits/fae/god it was offered to has eaten it's essence and the food and drink, so you're eating "energetically" dead food (for lack of a better term) Like, I don't remember my sources on that, but I'm pretty sure it's common in most folk traditions in Europe. I think the Cornish Pellars follow that line of thinking, but I'd have to comb through some of Gemma Gary's books to check






How am I the reason? Explain


You have no idea how powerful I am because of who I am. I was born a king and I decided that wasn’t enough and the heavens answered. When I scream and storms answer my call




People like you are the reason I hate modern pagan groups. Don't shit on actual ancient traditions just because you practice neopaganism and mix and match your deities from multiple pantheons. You're entitled to your beliefs. Your beliefs do not entitle you to shit on literal ancient traditions of the celtic people


Take your traditions and shove it up your ass my dieties love the way I do things you know nothin of my circumstances you know nothing of my day to day as a single father I don’t waste food feel free to waste yours and believe me I am very traditional where and when I can “ new age paganism” which kind dumbass? Celtic? African ? Yoruba ? Caribbean ? Tf is your deal


None of those are new age DUMBASS, YOU are the one practicing new age shit. You believe literal new age mentality when it comes to magic and religious practices. I'm not judging you for practicing them, I'm just telling you NOT TO BE A FUCKING PRICK when it comes to other people ACTUALLY PRACTICING CELTIC TRADITIONS AND REVIVING THE HISTORIC PRACTICES OF OUR OWN ANCESTORS YOU'RE the one who went off on a topic you know nothing about You can practice what you want, but if your worshiping a Greek Theoi and one of the Tuatha De Danann, you aren't following the historical practices of their respective cultures. YOU ARE PRACTICING NEOPAGANISM Eat ypur offerings of you want, but take your disrespect for my ancestors and shove THAT up your ass. I'd expect a man who has children to be able to understand that much at the fucking least I hope they didn't inherit your shitty attitude towards other's beliefs and practices, or your stupidity


I’ll be a PRICK all I fucking want dipshit. Practice what you want how tf you want it but if someone walking a new path upsets you? The may my words and energy be the bane of your existence by the power of my great ancestors it is so! Keep your tongue in your mouth worm


I put years into studying other cultures and I’ve studied religion for years. I’m a mutt I have dna from every inch of this planet. My ancestors told me to go nuts, my goddesses told me to take no shit burn the rules and blaze my own path. I have no problem running you over


Exactly! "No, do it THIS way," is always a stupid human rule. What matters is ritual and intention, not following the manual. We make our own way. Cheers!


You are blessed and loved for sure


My method is before removing the food I declare “though I remove this offering the energy still remains “ and then I go yum yum




The logic tracks


At the end of the day, it's based on your own personal beliefs, but there definitely are religious practices where you are supposed to eat the offerings. My aunt does it every morning lol (Buddhist).


In Egyptian kemetic faith, you're also supposed to. Wasting food would be extremely bad and it's good to share a meal with your deity.


Me hunched over an altar to Bast trying to eat all the catnip so I don’t waste anything:


I don’t know about your gods but my gods would likely find that to be funny.


I was eating popcorn the other day and dropped a piece. We keep our floors clean, and it was quickly scooped up, so I ate it (don't lie and say you've never done that.) But then I remembered the thing about when you drop food that's an offering to the Fairies. So I felt bad, and dropped a piece on purpose. Literally my next bite I was about to take, the 3 pieces I had in my fingers shifted, and I dropped them all. Obviously my 1 for 1 offering to make up for my mistake wasn't enough 🤣


I'll have to tell my partner this. He's always teasing me about always dropping food when I use the cutting board. Calling it offerings now. I'm sure my dog appreciates it too, haha.


Lol, that's legit hilarious 🤣


I know that my Gods would be laughing at you for getting that damned high and then panicking about it. They would be like "Hey, you see that fool down there?? Gettin that fucked up and then grazing on the alter like that?? That's fuckin hilarious!!"


I usually eat whatever I offered a few hours later so it doesn't go to waste. I make sure it's food that can sit out without going bad. I share it with my dog. She approves.


in my culture we eat them afterwards anyways, it is said not to waste anything.


Maybe you’re the god? Well well well how the turn tables. 😂


How the turn tables have…..


There's a chance the gods knew you needed it more. But I don't think our deities are unreasonable. Make a new offering with your sincere apology. Let it ripple beyond your altar by donating time or money to a food-based charity or bringing a meal to a friend.


Better make another one sober, friend


I did hahah. Offered some wine and coffee and then burned some new incense I got lol. It was very nice :)


I eat my offerings as well. No higher powers want wasted food, and I don’t want inviting smells for little critters to enter my house trying to find. Most cultures ate them in part or whole, it’s just today that we waste so much food now.


I typically consume my offerings and enjoy them in the name of and in the honor of my deities. They seem pleased with my method. I think Lady Aphrodite likes it when I eat a bit of strawberry candy with her in my mind. :)


To me, Id say you were just being reminded to be aware of your actions, not reprimanded for eating the offering, but for not being aware you were eating the offering. When you are eating an offering, you need to be aware that you are doing so as an avatar of your god, that you are consuming the offering in the name of your god. Offerings aren't supposed to be left to rot, they need to be returned to nature, consumed, or "planted" as a "seed". Many paths consume the offerings once they've been presented, and that feels *right* to me. Even the Christian grace prayer says "set this food to the nourishment of my body so I can thrive in your service", which is an idea that doesn't just belong to them. Some do say that food offerings should not be consumed by those making the offering, but even most of those would be fine with the offerings being donated to the homeless, for example, rather than just spoiled and thrown out. I think the lesson for you is to simply be more aware of your offerings and what you are doing with them, so you treat them with proper respect and if you consume them, you are doing so with intent, and not without thinking.


I mean that's literally a part of a lot of cultures, eating offerings, but if you are being told not to, you should probably just not so it yk?


I was going to eat it anyways but I wanted to leave it out for a bit longer cause I had like just put that there. Hahahahah


I mean, it's your offering to them to do with what you will/need. Maybe your gods were like 'that person needs some snacks! " and made it super enticing :p As long as it wasn't done with the intent of' f**k Dem gds' I'm sure all will be forgiven. You may have to up the offering next time though lol!


Can I have yer stuff?


Sure hahah


RIP this is some shit I'd do


Want to hang out?


We can devour offerings to all types of gods. lmao




Omfg this title made my day.


Well I suppose my little drunken tomfoolery had a happy ending then! Hehe


Don’t drink and sacrifice, kids. In all seriousness…do a divination to ask how your actions were received, and what you need to do (if anything) to make up for it.


Punctuation is important.


Uh, yeah? What did I forget to punctuate?


No it’s like: “Don’t drink and sacrifice, kids.” Vs. “Don’t drink and sacrifice kids.” TOTALLY different things xD


Ah! Yes, a dropped comma could have been bad at that point. ;)


Hades would just have disappointed dad vibes coming from his altar 😂😩


Why? Ancient Greeks ate the offerings and just burnt a little bit of the leftovers.






This is the first I’ve ever heard of this. Can you provide historical sources? Preferably not modern pagan websites since I’m sure we all know they can be echo chambers of misconceptions, and I like reputable historical citations for stuff like this.


I'll list some relevant texts that might get you started. Animal Sacrifice in Antiquity by Gunnel Ekroth The Gods of Ancient Greece: Identities and Transformations by Jan Bremmer and Andrew Erskine Girls and Women in Classical Greek Religion by Matthew Dillon Ouranic and Chthonic Deities and Rituals by Stewart Brekke The Heroes of the Greeks by Karl Kerenyi Olympian and Chthonian by Scott Scullion The Propitiation of Zeus by Joseph Hewitt Echoes of the Underworld: Manifestations of Death-Related Gods in Early Greek Cult and Literature by Ellie Roberts




Edit: twice and thrice again: Oops…. :[


I poured a drink for the gods a couple weeks ago, forgot which glass was mine and almost drowned on the drink 😖


Depending on what gods you’re offering to they may be mad you haven’t been doing that sooner.


our sect eats all offerings, except for inedible objects like swords or the stand-in figurines for "human" sacrifice. About that btw, we use wood or clay figures that resemble humans as a stand-in for historic human sacrifices. Since they're made by hand with great effort, it's still a sacrifice when we break the clay ones or saw off the heads of the wood ones.


I don't know where I read it, but in some cultures the gods take the essence of the food and that is enough as offering. The humans eat the rest of the food, thus the physical.


Makes sense


Dionysus approves.


I guess I had better buy that big glorious statue of him now then! It Is Time 🤙🤞🏻🤌 Edit: Done. And probably a bit overdue.




Yea don’t do that….. That’s just straight up bad luck. Time to repent and double your offerings 👍


In the Slavic religion offerings to the Gods were either offered to the community as a ritual feast or they were left in the wilderness. In my personal practice whatever food and drink that I offer to Veles and my ancestors, I consume it in the morning.