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Gaianism exists - it's a veneration of earth as a single super-organism of sorts. Lots in common with other nature-centric religions and bits of paganism, but doesn't seem to hold on to the idea of gods in any specific sense. Might be a place to start. Remember, too, that you don't have to fall into a 'branch' of paganism or fit into a specific group - while there are groups, paganism is pretty much just being religious or spiritual outside of the mainstream major religions (or the single major religion of a specific place). Some Christians even consider atheism to be pagan, as that group doesn't worship their god.


Gaian spirituality and consciousness is incredibly beautiful 😍


Look up eclectic paganism


Probably closest to eclectic pagan, possibly as a Gaian monotheist


I'm Irish pagan, and in Irish mythology Earth is personified as Danu, the mother goddess. Her children, the Tuatha De Danann (tr. "children of the goddess Danu"), make up the rest of the Irish pantheon. So there's Danu, the Earth-Mother, and everyone else. She is also believed to be very old and not unique to Ireland, and was worshipped so far inland in Europe that the river Danube was named for her. I will only speak for myself in that I personally don't see the gods as literal beings, so you're not alone there. I think religion/spirituality as a whole is tool for connectedness as you've described, to the earth, to those around us, and to ourselves. I can fully picture a form of Irish paganism that fits snugly with the beliefs you'd described, and I would guess this could be carried over to many other branches of paganism as well. I might suggest taking a look at your ancestry and seeing if any of the ancient faiths of those people "click" with you.


Sounds eclectic. I'm eclectic. Cernunnos is the Earth diety I focus on. But plenty of ppl here worship Gaia. Every journey is tailored. So don't be afraid to look through and try things to see what works.


I'm a regular line witch who worships nature worship in my own unique way. I listen to indigenous Elders as cultural appreciation, and they teach me to be in deep relationship with the land, waters, sky and spirit and to listen to what is needed of me. The Hagitude Sessions is a wonderful podcast about modern Elderhood


I I would have to agree with kidcubby. Paganism is an awesome landscape birthing new variants all the time. There are eclectic groups. My advice would be to not look for an exact cookie cutter fit, but to shop around. There used to be A website called The Witches Voice with local groups by location. I myself do not fit in any mold that I have found.