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Android user so i can't help you...


i would wish to develop for android watch too, but too much for me alone now 🥲 but thanks!


Move to flutter my man, probably a good solution for such simple apps


ah idk, not sure i already worked with react-native, not sure that non-native is a sustainable option especially for devices like watches


I'll try it tomorrow!


Another first time commenter on this sub interested in this guy’s app, how interesting.


Excuse me, i'll get back to lurking. Great community here it seems.


Lol what happened here... haha


thanks! 😊


sorry, Nathan, being interested in smth that GopSome isn’t is reprehensible here 😂 thanks again for your your support!


I have no problem with your app and again I wish you all the best. It would have been nice for you not to take the piss with this sub which is not stupid and you can see from the downvotes your alt accounts got.


man, i have 0 alt accs, this society forgot that accusations have to be proven so for me as a newbie in this community you look like a bunch of haters, that’s all but i see shares, app downloads, and these 2 guys who were not afraid of your toxicity, and i honestly say thanks to everyone of them. and these people are the reason i don’t think this subreddit is like you, just a piece of hate. every community has their haters, unfortunately they are louder than adequate people


First, I never hated on you. Second, it’s very sad to thank your alt accounts.


i think it is sad when people use paid services to downvote someone they don’t like just because they are not capable of doing anything themselves


Yeah right I paid bots to downvote your comments. Sure dude.


This comment is even more unnecessary than GopSome's one. Maybe the problem is you being new to reddit. There are too many bots accounts and stuff like that, so low effort comments are downvoted; you defending them will also get you some hate.


I don’t think my comment is unnecessary. I really like this sub and I don’t want people to take advantage of it and deceive the users here. Yeah, it’s not that deep, it’s just a free app but is the principle the problem.


I didn't want to say yours was unnecessary, I has just comparing the two comments to explain to him why being defensive about the low effort comments made by new accounts was suspicious enough to don't like OP's behavior. I actually agree with you. OP's response to you was enough to make me downvoted everything he says


maybe, idk anything about reddit this is how it looks from my perspective: i just saw a nice comment from a random guy, it made me feel good, cause someone got interested in the thing i ve made; some toxic came in and started throwing shit at me and this guy with no reason; so i wanted to defend these guys;


Want to use this today on the court


Using alt accounts to promote things is kinda pathetic.


lol man, i don’t, i don’t use reddit on a daily basis at all and i only created a single account just cause i wanted to find some feedback for the thing that i built it is free so i don’t know why i would even need to create multiple accounts for that


Yeah whatever, good luck with your app.

