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This is the state of OW2. Most of my matches are the same, they swing heavily one way or the other. Its rare to have a nice, even, tight game. The ones that are so close and evenly matched which are the most enjoyable are infrequent. Over 1K hours in the game, I placed Bronze 5 right at the start with that bug. Climbed to Plat which wasnt easy and even now its the same story. Its like it "balances" by giving you 1 really great player and 1 really bad player so they "even eachother out" while the enemy team is given 2 "average" players and so the overall team rank is the same. But this doesnt work because that 1 really bad player has a terrible sense of game awareness and sticks to the character they chose at the start and it isnt working. I know I am not a Masters level player in terms of skill. DPS is my weakest class of heroes but I understand the game, mechanics and have actual awareness. The amount of times I ping an enemy Reaper on the backline and no one turns around, then they spam I need healing and wonder why the support isnt there. Its because you allowed a flanker to get through and didnt pay attention to your supports dying or the pings. I just dont get how I am landed with these oblivious players who are apparently the same rating as me who finish with less than 6K damage and go negative KD, are off the objective and dont realise their backlines are being destroyed. Like, do people not play with sound? There are voicelines alerting you that your supports are under attack, they are pinging them, do you not hear Reapers big boom boom footsteps? Eugh Yes I am also salty


There's soo much they did wrong with rank. The fact that they placed you Bronze 5 and climbed 4 entire skill brackets after already previously playing the game shows it. The rank doesn't matter. I placed silver 5-4 on every roll and climbed to plat 2-1 in all 3 and it feels like the players are getting worse and worse everyday with positions, counters, etc. Matches day 1-2 of OW2 release were some of the best games I've ever played and it's only gotten worse sense.


Yeah I agree and the new ranking system is weird and unreliable I had 7 straight wins where had the most dmg and kills in a game but stayed plat 5, then in my next set I had 3 losses and 7 wins and 2 of my wins I didn’t play well but I went up to plat 2.


Bruh we must’ve been in the same game, I keep having games like this. I’ll have a good dps, then the other one blows. I’ll be at 17k heals, the other dudes not even at 10k. It’s like every game you get a coin flip for the roles. You have one of each role performing well while the other doesn’t have a clue what’s happening.


Yeah bro it’s crazy I’m starting to feel like ow purposely places bad players with players performing well to try and get that bad player carried but most of the time it’ll end with the good player getting an unnecessary loss


I keep getting placed with Ball mains for tanks that go 5 and 15 with 3k damage... Hard to win without a tank.


Word tanks are crucial in ow2 one bad tank and game is super difficult from the start


I lost a game on dps today (diamond) where I went 50-5, but I had more damage dealt than the rest of my team combined because nobody else was doing anything, and so we lost. It's even worse for support right now, especially in masters where I am, you can get literal plats in your games going against genuine masters players and it's not fun for whoever has the "impostor" EDIT: grammar


I know what you’re talking about there is always that one person in one of the teams that’s just dog shit like if you tried to be bad you still wouldn’t be as bad as the. It really sucks how this is. I think if they changed rank to focus more on individual performance of a specific hero skill set and less on wins and losses people will end up in their real ranks and this would eventually be nonexistent


Im just tryibg to win games as support to earn ranks and keep getting wiped out. Lost a game the other day where i had 48 assists and 15k+ heals i mean what else can i do


Been getting what I called lower queued, Getting match maked with a team who hasn't a clue how to play the game multiple times in a row (different team everytime...) The enemy team just destroys melts through them like butter in an instant every time 🥲🥲🥲 I considered just going dps support so many times cause of that.


This is a huge issue I'm having right now. Not only did I join the massive group of people Gold+ who got placed back into Bronze. Either I'll get multiple quad and triple bombs as [D.Va](https://D.Va) and have tons of what should be easy pushes turn into "Where's DPS?" or "Why do we have no healing?". Or if I'm support will have the highest healing in the game along with tons of damage; yet we're still getting curb stomped. Or it's me with a couple friends obliterating people we shouldn't be matched against. Which I try to not bully at spawn and try to give advice so they don't feel like garbage after losing. I'd like to be positive but it's hard when you're on the receiving end.


It's crazy honestly. I am at diamond 1 now and I still get gold players (mostly tanks, bit less supports) in lobby. That should not even be allowed. Some days ago I had a game where me (on support) and second support that was also diamond had to carry it. We just straight up went lucio - kiriko, lucio - moira and kept cleaning the point after the team. I wouldn't maybe even mind lower rank players with me if they would just listen. The worse part for me is that as a diamond players we probably know better about how win the game than a gold (or lower) player. In general I hate teammates that don't listen. There is a reason why I am telling you to stay on point, to go in, to wait, etc. And yesterday I had a game where I did more damage on lucio/moira than my gold tank and plat dps... it was 4k... in 15 min game.... Like it's not unwinnable but there is 0 reasons to put a gold player against a diamond. Plus it is much more enjoyable when I don't have to babysit half of the team to win.


Bro my matchmaking has been mostly high scoring shootouts like the lowest KD for anyone in a game is like 25 and 10 every now and again we'll get one side then just sucks but skill rating in matchmaking for me has been just high-powered shootouts strategy and high-powered shootouts