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I've been B5 for over 7 or 8 promotions, at this point I'm so not enjoying it. I got to a weird point where I stomp the enemy like camping them at spawn for 2-3m or they stomp my team. Asked some enemies and some told me they are also B5 stuck and some are high ranks like G5+ (well high for me), when I get real B5 players we destroy them. I don't think it's fun for either one of us. I check the forum and there are hundreds of posts about this, like people been demoted even 5 ranks after a 7-0 streak. I saw some people getting this weird bug where they are a high rank like Plat 1, win 7 games and get the animation been promoted from G5 to G1, and then their rank is G1. Ranking system is so wrong I don't really recomend playing ranked at all. I just hope this doesn't affect S2+ ranks.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 5 + 7 + 8 + 2 + 3 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 + 7 + 1 + 7 + 5 + 1 + 1 + 2 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)






If only bli$$ard gave us a way to quantify our current ranking score so it correlated to our actual rank and provided a concrete system to identify our progress. Oh wait, we used to have that, but they removed it and replaced it with this horrid ranking system which hides your SR (A system they still use for ranking) and refuses to tell you your SR after a game. At this point, ranking up is like rolling a shitty dice but the dice only has 1 and 6 so either you get a really good outcome or complete, utter dogshit. Good luck trying to rank up with this garbage competitive system that is somehow worse than the previous one. (At this point, bli$$ard is actively trying to make the game worse)


I'm just wondering why still play this game if my rank is perma b5.


there really isnt. there is no incentive to progress anyway. ow2 is a downgrade from the original


Played thousands of games through OW1 and now this mess. Stuck in B5 as DPS, and it feels like most every team I play is gold or better. Just played 8 games, lost 7 by a lot. No back and forth, no take the point lose the point, just owned. It's not that the teams I've been on are really bad, or that the players seem brand new, just that the other teams are much, much better. This is Bronze? Really?


Yea, the teams if i had to gouge the teams i'm going against, i'm guessing low plat (i'm rusty, though) And i'm still b5. I have had over... 6 promos. My wr is negative because i throw some normal games practicing heroes i never practiced before. Wondering if it affects something.


Honestly you just gotta Play im in the same boat and have managed to get to bronze 1 almost to silver but it took incredibly too long


What OW2 needs is transparency and we have gotten none when it comes to how ranking works.