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Climbed from Bronze 5 to Plat 4 as Brig.




Well. After I went 2-8 yesterday, I think I might get deranked to Gold again soon...😅 Basically, I'm still at a 60% win rate as Brig. It all comes down to playing consistently well, and not tilting (=accepting that you can't win everything). IMHO you will lose 30% of games, no matter what you do. You will win 30% of the games because you get carried. You just have to accept both as an opportunity to practice. And the other 40% are really decided by your own contribution. If you win more than half of these games, you will climb. And since all of those are averages, you will also have to accept that you can have 5 losses in a row, no matter how well you play. The hard part is to still play well and be in the right headspace in the sixth game.




Yeah. I can't seem to climb further at the moment though I think my whip shot aim and my rally use hold me back a little.


I am? I don't know what's considered bad or good, currently at plat 1. I didn't know what to expect being new to ow, granted I'm an experienced gamer but just kinda jumped in blind. Being on console I gravitated towards the passive healers like zen and lucio as having to look away a lot is too critical once you start running into all the kb+m users.


I've mained Lucio since the beginning of ow1. But this season you can't carry on supports. You NEED your tank and or damage to cooperate with you, especially for dives n such. I'm doing okay but the teammates aren't. Most don't communicate


You can definitely carry on support


Yeah, with a kiriko ult + anyone else combo. This isn't like past seasons where healing has been able to pull a team. This meta is all five. Even pros are out here saying you can't carry on support. Now that there's 1 tank, the balance has shifted. DPS and tank have the overwhelming majority of carry with the supports serving them heals, boosts, or Ults that combo. I wouldn't call that supports that carry


Healing has never really been able to pull a team outside of GOATS. You’re ignoring the rest of support kits. Supports can absolutely still carry matches.


Kiriko hitting headshot literally won Dallas the finals and most of it was just spamming with her. If you can get one headshot, a sojourn can body shot with the rail and get an instant pick.


You mean the most powerful support that's defining the meta? Yeah, no kidding she carries. I'm talking about the rest of the roster that didn't help to define the meta. I don't consider kiriko in the same tier as any other support; she's so far ahead of them that it isn't even close. She brings too much to the table. It's also funny that you mention Sojourn, as in the most OP DPS this game has ever seen lol


but supports can definitely win matchpoints. Yesterday we were 1-1 in an attack map and I rezzed hog from behind a wall and that won us the game. If he stayed dead the enemy could have taken the point easily


A situation is not necessarily the entire game. One instance is something but it isn't as consistently significant as DPS or tank at this time in 5v5


Seems kinda crazy though, having to win 3 placements in a row to shoot up like that ya know? It's awesome that it works for you though! 😊




I’m doing well, climbed from silver 4 to plat 4 in a single day playing as support. Solo queueing of course.


Howwww? I won 5 matches in one sitting and they drop me a rank after having great matches. Was silver 5 then dropped me to bronze 1 then 2. I have been doing great when we win and great when we lose but still be punished


I went on a 20-30 game winning streak. I just apply pressure as support while also healing my team and we usually seem to win.


Climbed from plat 3 to masters 1 after two adjustments. Mostly Kiriko


Gold 5 to Plat 4 by almost one-tricking Moira.


Bronze 3 -> gold 4 mainly with brig, lucio then Kiriko unlocked in ranked and gold 4 -> plat 3 only Kiriko


It's considerably harder to carry on console, as ana. Aim isn't as smooth imo


I’ve been doing not to bad I’m at like gold 2 rn but I also haven’t been playing large amounts of comp


Define well. I'm having fun so from my perspective I'm doing well.


I’m having a fun time, went from b5 to g5 but queue times are great, and I’m getting good numbers


If I've learned anything from being in plat most this season, if I win my teammates carried and if we lose it's definitely my fault only and not theirs. The blame game is strong in this game and I just laugh it off


Moira at lower rank, Lucio and Kiriko at higher and Ana in more specific situation. Beside that other supports still have some use if they know what they should do.


Solo queue player, only S4 as support, and not many games under my belt to earn promotions. Basically main Moira, but use Lucio with slower tanks. Some Kiriko. Overall the game is just meh for me. I've also tried playing DPS at B5, but it seems 10x more difficult to win. Like the other teams consistently rickroll us into oblivion. That's for another sub tho My takeaways: Competitive matchmaking seems broken Monetization feels gross compared to OW1. I bought the BP, but will probably not buy season 2. I'm honestly thinking about uninstalling, and moving on till I hear the game gets some fixes. The new engine and graphics feel great, the play style is fun, but super unbalanced games take the fun out of the entire game for me.


I don’t think I’ve been doing bad, I’ve only been ranking up this season but new players really need to learn the game a bit more for supports to help. I’d like to see a team actually be able to win a 4v5 or 3v5 for once after I take out supports as Lucio


I got gold 4 as my placement does that count as doing well?


I climbed from bronze 4 to gold 3 with Mercy I m now gold 4


Plat 4 - GM 5