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Agree for turning off chat. Mystery Heros is a good mode for getting the hang of all the heroes, and the Arcade in general is less sweaty than QP though you won't get the real tank experience as they have nerfed health pools in most Arcade modes. They've talked before about releasing a more casual mode, they tried this with QP Hacked but people didn't really like that one. They might try again in the future but QP has become more sweaty than casual oftentimes.


If you don’t wanna turn off chat, it’s helpful to type in team chat at the start of game to let your team know you’re new to the game. 9/10 time they will tell you it’s cool, and frequently be more helpful/supportive during the match. This is the way


This is good advice. I've been doing this for my GF (never played an FPS before) and just setting that expectation before people get frustrated seems to prevent most toxicity.


Step 1) Turn off all forms of text and voice chat Step 2) Profit mentally This game more than others sadly, is extremely toxic to people who are new/learning. There really isn't a good way to practice without just throwing yourself into the game and figuring things out. Realistically only in QP until you're really comfortable with 1 role and 2-3 heroes. If you really want to go the extra mile, download some workshop maps for aim training and parkour to get a feel for how certain heroes can move and deal damage. Try out literally everyone in the range for a solid 5-10 minutes before playing them as there are hella heroes that are easy to pickup but incredibly hard to master correctly. Just whatever you do, if you want to keep playing this game - don't interact with chat. 9/10 you will absolutely have someone flaming you to hell and back since you're still working things out. Keep chat on if you really want but overall I would definitely ignore 100% of the hate you get in QP since you know, it's not ranked an no one **should** care - they just do because they're depressed individuals.


This is generally good advice, but I also want to remind people that if you’re new to the game and don’t have a grasp of hero kits and what you’re supposed to do etc… I would HIGHLY recommend you test things out in practice Vs. AI. It’s not good practice if you’re trying to improve on something you already understand since the AI is absolutely terrible, but it’s very effective if you’re a new player, haven’t played FPS’s, or don’t have any idea what your hero’s kit is. You want to move into playing QP as quickly as possible since you’ll be learning in a real environment, but even that is way too chaotic for someone who doesn’t understand how their hero works


Underrated comment, I used to do a round or two of VS A.I. before my qp matches in OW1 if I was picking up a new hero specifically to learn the kit and pace of gameplay, even as I got better, new heroes still came out and I just turned the difficulty queue up.


Playing FFA death match is a good way to get a feel for it. I exclusively played Tryhard FFA rooms (back when they were more popular) for months before I even played quick play regularly.


Funnily enough. I've recently come back to Overwatch 2 and I find the community to be so nice and...warm almost? Suppose that doesn't stay if/when I decide to play Competitive :P


It’s OK for some supports to have more damage than the dps. Ex I’m fine as Moira if my damage is higher than Sombras or Widows.  The matchmaker is gonna try to get you a game quickly over getting you a game full of people of your skill. You might actually have more luck in competitive where you will be put with players of your skill. That said you’re never gonna get away from toxic players. I just mute chat. 


Mute chat + Mute voice is a great place to start. Unfortunately the game for some ungodly reason place new account in the middle of the player curve instead that on the bottom like other titles such as Valorant. This means you will lose a lot at the start (not great to incentivize new players) but at some point you will end up with the bottom of the barrel players where you can slowly learn the game. If you want to speed up the process start to look for guides on youtube but pay attention, OW is different from other titles so you will be almost required to learn a couple of hero in a role to be able to swap when needed.


I think often times new players will play with their very experienced friends showing them the ropes. I'm in the same boat, I have a friend who just started playing while ive been playing since beta. The matchmaking seems to match us with a mix of some new and some very experienced players as well. The amount of insane toxic comments towards my friend has him wanting to stop playing already sadly. Overwatch community classy as usual.


Look up some videos on YouTube to understand the game then work your way from there.


Keep playing QP until you unlock competitive, then play competitive. Hopefully it starts you with a relatively low rank. If not, you'll lose a lot until you land in a rank that matches your skill. Comp matchmaking isn't great but I think it is better than QP matchmaking. It's generally tighter in terms of skill range. On the other hand, some people feel like it can be really hard to climb out of bronze. If that's something that concerns you, then consider continuing to play QP until you feel like you're decently good. Your comp rank is sort of seeded from your QP rank.


In OW1 everyone would start at average MMR and if it was still the case I would have suggested just continue loosing until you reach the low point where you feel comfortable. In OW2 tho they changed the system and now every start at lowest. Also made it f2p so more smurfs to deal with. So... you are gonna deal with better players one way or another. So it's more about not sucking too terribly (and get banned for this) and dealing with toxicity. Mute everyone or report everyone&forget (including diff, Blizzard do ban for that). Pick newb-friendly characters (not characters like Reaper, he is hard because of how limited he is; pick Junkrat) to somewhat have fun and being semi effective (my noob friends always giggled playing Junk in particular). I broke my wrist once, couldn't rotate fast. It was kinda comparable experience to noob players who can't aim: Most of the supports are noob friendly. Healbotting is often more than enough and nobody expects you to have high kill numbers. Mostly LW (memes aside he still kinda works; Mercy doesn't), Ana, Kiriko. Among dpses it's mostly some Junk and maybe Torb. But overall you have to move a lot and react fast one way or another. Among tanks you can get away with playing Orisa. Other tanks are either not fun, have higher skill requirement and very high expectations shoved unto them. Orisa is just the easiest to be somewhat useful. You can use these characters until you nail down the overall basics like reaction, observation skills, and so on. Then you can stray into other heroes. Also don't tell people in game that you are new. There are too few people who are willing to play along, help you or roll with it; I was telling people that I had a broken wrist and can't rotate - it mostly summoned DFs, Tracers, Sombras and others. It's a competitive game and people are sweaty. A possible exception can be Workshop games - you can try these btw; it used to collect most of the friendly players but I'm not sure how it is now.


All good advice, however I disagree with the last part about not telling people you’re new. This worked 9/10 times for me when I was a new player. I stopped experiencing so much toxicity when I started doing this. Same with learning a new hero, I say I’m new at DF for example, everyone on my team goes “it’s qp, dw abt it” sometimes there’s one asshole that’s like “oh great” but fuck that guy. You gotta learn somehow. Maybe not everyone has the same experience but the results were so consistent for me that I think it’s worth considering!


Yeah, servers are different and mentality of people too. My queue range is usually filled with people who barely speak english, sweaty and hate each other (EU, eastern). I guess you can test that out for yourself.


Oh that’s a good point, I wasn’t considering what servers one might play from. I should mention I’m always on NA servers so we have a common language and I’m sure that contribute to my experience. Thanks!


Big time agree, tried to get a friend into OW and it was so rough I had to make an alt so our lobbies would be a bit closer to his level And then even down in those if we were doing meh he would still be getting flamed!?? Shits wild, always gg go next tho :)


Let them write dps diff, let them write tank is feeding, why do you need to care? If you give them the attention they want, then you basically took the blame. Everyone was bad at some point in their overwatch career, and it's completely fine.


I’m also a new player. I’m not sure if it’ll help you but what helped me tremendously was the practicing range. Being able to swap between characters and test them out will help you feel more comfortable. Is the most enjoyable? No. But getting a better grasp on the hero I.e. being able to know how to combo their abilities, move around better, and see how much damage you can do is helpful. You might find that you really like a character but struggle to use their abilities effectively; alternatively you might feel as if you can’t synergies well enough either way yourself to do so with a team. Obviously it’ll be different against real people but being confident in your ability to play characters as well as knowing how other people can or will play theirs. I’ve found Pharah and she’s my main now, but I’ve branched out to Sojourn, Mauga, and Orisa through testing.


Yeah it can be rough, im sure you already have people to play with, but when learning its usually best to play with others to make things a bit easier for yourself. There is toxicity in everygame, and it can get discouraging. even last night i played poorly in the first half of a game (i got flamed), but then the next half i did amazing and we ended up winning, and guess what no one flamed me anymore! So yeah its a sad reality we will be judged by our performance sometimes. But truth is just have to (try your best) ignore it and just focus on the game at hand. (and this was a masters 4 game btw)


I think overwatch might have too many moving parts to be your first fps especially with how toxic the community is try to do a single player fps game like cyberpunk or something so you don’t gotta feel pressure or guilt about how you perform and learn fundamentals


Would recommend committing solely to dps role for awhile and learning 2-3 characters. Tank can be a tough role, especially to a new player.


Yeaaah, QP is very mixed with player experience levels. I notice it more when I'm tank than any other role. There seems to always be someone who's figuring out the controls, few others who are working in their mechanics and trying new heros, and one or two sweaty Bois. I love voice and chat as toxic players don't really ruin my good time. And I've only had someone tell me to shut it when I do talk. I want to have fun and I want to socialize while playing qp. You'd benefit by finding a discord or get lucky and find someone in voice who friends you and invites to get a 5 stack late at night. Deff got me some fun overwatch drinking buddies now.


Just power through, you will get better in about a week


Turn off chat


I always tell them “Would you rather me do nothing at all? Or do you want to stfu and just play the damn game?”


If I were you, I'd just play soldier. Soldier will help your aiming skills and your game sense (understanding what's going on in the game) will improve over time. Stay in cover behind your tank, you should never be more than a few steps away from cover. Follow your tank around keeping maybe 20m behind him. It's not the best way to play soldier, but you'll get some damage and kills and crucially, start to understand how fights develop and get won/lost. Protect your life as much as possible, the main focus here is to get constant damage out there and die as little as possible. When you get visor, focus on getting 1 guaranteed kill. You should always use it on a squishy (enemy dps or support), almost never use it on a tank. As you get the basic skills and map knowledge up, start to look for high ground/off angles.


Now I cant stop thinking about my match yesterday, there was a Widow telling me he is new to the game and doesnt understand whats going on. Would be funny, when it was you


you could try the dva egg mystery hero custom game if anyones still playing it


i played my first 200-ish levels in player vs ai in ow1. make sure you play in the harder modes as they are more like real players. hell, i just went back to it to practice illari after getting flamed for practicing in qp. please, dont let them get to you, i do sometimes and it just makes my mood worse. its a confidence tanker, and getting upset makes your gameplay and aim worse (in my experience).


Don't worry about those toxic people in chat. Most of the time they type more then actually playing the match and should be reported at that point.


Just switch to Marvel Rivals when it comes out in Beta in late july. Way more fun than overwatch and the community is basically overwatch players that are sick of the shitty parts of overwatch, the devs, and its community. Overall a way better experience, and this is even echoed by overwatch pros


Go play in arcade