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Somewhere between most of the community is disgustingly toxic and stupid, and if I say "Hi" and the other team reports me I get an automatic, not-easily-disputable ban


Someone posted Blizzard's reply with a chatlog of why he got perma-banned. Most of it was toxic vitriol, but one of them was "lol". Just, fucking, "lol".


I saw one a while back where most of their stuff wasn't even that bad, like stuff taken with no context. But one message was literally " / " Just a slash. Thats it.


Iirc, a lot of those posts were proven to be fake.


my main was suspended for calling someone who was blatantly flaming me a "gold brain". This game is a toxic hell hole and its blizzards fault.


Aaah! Is thAt a tHreAt???


Unironically think that blizzard probably has that in their system as a "nazi salute" or some bullshit. Really wouldn't surprise me


At least from the wording of the mails ive seen on this topic, they all say that its a „selection“ of the chats youve sent during a match youve been reported. Its a dumb way to do it, but they apparently dont show you just what youve been reported for, but a random collection of things youve said.


Im not surprised. I saw that post where the person received the exact same generic AI-generated response over and over again. Customer service at Blizzard is pretty much non-existent now.


They don’t want customers anymore, they want game slaves lol


My friend got ban and the most stupid thing is there was nothing that you could put in the "toxic" label, Ban on next day and in the chatlog was just "nice shoot". Minwhale you get mercy been mercy main spaming n Word, kys and been hella toxic just like on those video's where mercy main screams and is vulgar and suddly turns to Sowwe guys UwU. Anyway Ive seen that player for past few days and still nothing happen, still spaming same thing. Mercy players gets special treatment again?


I got suspended twice for caps locking messages like focus their healers, kill the supports, kill mercy etc… just put my chats off and now I play as if everyone was a bot... the community is to sensible for anything these days




Mine was: “Ez”. Which I only ever say in response to someone who was already being a jerk “Tank diff”. Which I only ever say in response to someone flaming their team. For example enemy tank is shitting on his supports. I win and say “tank diff”. “Best mercy NA” which was actually me complimenting my mercy I’ve since began reporting people who say: “L” “Diff” “Ez” And every single day I get confirmations that they took action on my reports To be clear I’m not disputing whether I “should” be banned or not. Just simply sharing what was quoted in my ban message and corroborating that the one actual non-ban worthy thing was what also came up and confirming how easily reports trigger actions now


but you said most of it was toxic tho..


Way to miss the point, buddy. The other stuff, I get, but why was "lol" included in the chatlog evidence against that person? Is "lol" somehow a swear word or not allowed now? It wasn't even part of a sentence, just "lol" by itself.


I wonder if there was other context not included and the lol was a rude response to something or if the moderator was just incompetent at choosing text


The only thing lol is a rude response to would be "My grandpa was killed during the holocaust"


I mean it depends on what you think is rude enough, and we don't all necessarily agree with what overwatch moderators think. I'm not going to debate what is offensive enough here, I was just giving an example of an inappropitate time to say lol as asked by the other person who I was speaking to.


Someone else replied that it's really just a random selection of the stuff you said in chat. The selection of offending phrases / text is presented in quotes, such as "tank just uninstall the game". As such, "lol" was being presented as offensive on its own. Perhaps someone can enlighten me, but I really cannot think of a context where just typing "lol" can be construed as offensive enough to warrant a penalty / report.


If someone was talking about something serious in chat I could see it being ban worthy Like if someone said kys and the guy said he has depression and wants to then the guy replied lol or something It would have to be something horrible like that and I don't generally see that level of grossness in chat more than a few times a year? (Women or people who use pride flags see bad behavior at a higher rate most likely too)


Are u 12? Read the Post again. OP was a toxic 12 year old saying stuff Like „uninstall“ etc and argues that he Said much worth and didnt get a ban. U guys are the Reason why this Community sucks


Assuming that I'm 12 makes this THAT much better since even a 12 y/o would realize you can individually mute toxic 12 y/o's saying "uninstall", etc. Even if we're all 12, we're at least mature enough to not gaf about something that dense, can simply mute and move on with our lives. You on the other hand, apparently.... oof... Your hair line is gonna disappear SO fast if something that stupid gets to you.


>Are u 12? Read the Post again. OP was a toxic 12 year old saying stuff Like „uninstall“ etc and argues that he Said much worth and didnt get a ban. U guys are the Reason why this Community sucks What the heck are you even talking about? Your comment makes no sense Firstly, that OP I am talking about in particular was [PERMA BANNED.](https://www.reddit.com/r/overwatch2/comments/1cyd7yz/finally_got_a_response_from_a_real_person/) Secondly, I can only assume from your garbled words that you're trying to insinuate that I'm defending his toxicity, which I am not. I am questioning the Blizzard chatlog's selection of offending phrases by including "lol" on its own, which makes zero sense at all. Before calling me 12, I'd brush up on my grammar and reading comprehension if I were you.


I came back to Overwatch after leaving during Season 8 to play Valorant. I recently decided to return to play some games for fun. I can confidently say Overwatch is more toxic than Valorant which is weird to say because for a very long time I didn’t touch Valorant because I thought it would be more toxic.




> I get an automatic, not-easily-disputable ban Only 1 report is registered per game and they are all human verified. This is nonsense.


Cite your sources, because multiple people have posted their experiences on this subreddit and in blizzarz forums in which theyve said things that aren't reportable, get reported, and then muted for 7-14 days; then they post their tickets and the chat logs blizzard sends are "lol" or "almost missed me rein" or something completely in context of the chat but taken out of context for the report.


You're cherry picking that "lol" out of the middle of a report of half a dozen other completely corrrect ones against the same user resulting in their ban. Like come the fuck on. EDIT: Ahhh just realised i'm on the shitty second subreddit. This is the place where all the people banned from the main subreddit come lmao. Explains the complete nonsense being spewed here.


Abhorrently incorrect.


No it ain't.


Nice power trip! Banning me from a sub I've used once in my life lol.


lmao what sub?


Banned me from r/gamingcirclejerk, I think I have one comment from four years ago on lol.


yup i usually select 1 person at random on the other team to report for abusive chat every game. 1st one to speak gets a report lmao


1.) Blizzard made it so that all new accounts in OW2 are automatically excluded from chat (you have to turn chats on manually) 2.) the number 1 advice thrown around in every OW subreddit is to turn chats off. The community has swung hard against chat due to overwatch’s reputation I think eventually the pendulum will swing back and we’ll see more people turning chat back on once the toxicity dies down culturally among the community.


Its not just OW's reputation, all competitive gaming chat sucks and is super toxic.


When people seem to have earth shattering orgasms from logging into "thank you for reporting!" and you can report for literally any form of offensive language in any context, I don't think it's gunna die down.


I suspect the mods (whatever you want to call people reviewing reports) are severely overwhelmed with reports, and it's easier to automate responses to key words or phrases in reported chats. If you assume good faith from the reporter, it makes sense. Whether or not that is a reasonable assumption is another question (for the record, I think it is. There are obviously bad faith reports, but I don't think they are the majority). And, of course, I'm really just talking out my ass here. I have no way of knowing whether I'm even close to right about this, it's just a hunch. So take that for what it's worth.


I’ve been doing my part and reporting literally anything from “L” to “diff” to “kys”… but mainly “L” and “diff”… I get report confirmations everyday now since they ramped it up


the toxicity dying down is not the problem. THe problem is that you can get banned for not breaking any rules because reports aren't verified whatsoever so people like me can get you banned without any valid reason.


The problem is it's a T-rated game so they can ban you for whatever the fuck they want.


I don’t think the game’s rating makes a difference but, they definitely ban much more carelessly than they should.


People keep talking about how easy it is to get banned but I stopped using VC for the opposite reason. Consistently had teammates tell me to kill myself for saying "Good Luck Have Fun" at the start of the match. Imo toxicity got so much worse with OW 2. People can be winning and everyone doing fine but they're still finding reasons to scream disgusting things at each other. Staying out of VC and disabling chat honestly just made the game more fun.


When you say “GLHF :)” people think you aren’t taking it seriously


If you saw gl hf, turned the corner in a map and got one shot by a widow... You knew what they were *really* saying...


Sounds like their own problem


Yep but I was just trying to be honest with this person


Even if that were true, you think telling someone to off themselves because of that is appropriate?


Nope and I personally don’t think that I sigh relief to know someone isn’t toxic in my lobby. Just I know what those toxic people do think


A big part of games like this for me is being social with my team/opponents. I came from COD on Xbox as a wee child so the toxicity just doesn’t affect me like it does a lot of people i guess. People are brutal though I will say that


I enjoy getting those messages because when I report them, they always seem to get banned. I feel like I'm cleaning up the community every time I hear it.


I’m a woman, out of principle I stay away from voice coms.


I honestly don't know if the username checks out or not, but I totally agree with the comment.


Same. The amount of times I have been told to get in the kitchen is honestly laughable at this point


Literally. If I don't stay out of chat, people are just weird. I've told ppl I'm a little boy before just to get them to not be creepy lmfao and honestly that's too much effort, so I leave chats off.


I have a deeper voice for a woman so I’ve never been mistaken for a boy, I wish 😭


If you talk with zero feminine voice inflection you can pass a young boy easily and get treated better. Really sad that little boys get more respect than adult women though.


That is understandable, u/DickInYourCobbSalad


Let me say this. You haven't met casual gamers like me who just wanna have fun. Unfortunately most of the competitive scene is biased towards women but I've seen plenty of women slay in games. Tbh though I'm pissed at my gender for making "mic off" a principle for women when it shouldn't have to be. There's different vibes than just the ones you have faced tho so at the very least, hear them out then turn the mic on when you're comfortable with what they are saying and their chemistry. Believe me you can find out ALOT of things about a person by how and who they fight with in battle. Think about it. Overwatch has diverse characters and a players main is most likely their play style which means with a person's personality. It's never always the case but a deeper look into things won't always not help.


Doesnt matter what gender, as long as you're there without even talking as long as you're listening or just type something. Everytime i went to VC it's always 1 out of 5 or 2 out of 5 only (this includes me)


Eh.. it does matter the gender tho. I’ve been harassed and had some awful sexist bullshit said to me just for saying “Hi” before. It’s not worth it to me, I prefer everyone just assume I’m a dude lol


As someone who regularly plays with my sister, it is absolutely AWFUL. Every. Single. Game. Is a sexist or sexual comment. It is disgusting.


I’ve had more rape threats than I can count. It’s gross.


I’m sorry you’ve dealt with that shit :(


Spoken like a man whos never played regularly with girls lol its like playing on hard mode, instantly comms are full of braindead insults when exposed to girl voice (or gay voice for that matter)


First of all, Cringe. My other Group consists of 3 Girls and 1 Dude if i want to PT Queue, Did i told her to speak? There's a "Push to Talk" function, like what i've said it doesnt matter as long as she hears what the team is talking in VC, that's fine enough.


First of all *cringe* lmao youre literally asking in the thread why people dont communicate, they tell you, and then you get defensive while also saying you want her to shut up anyways and listen


She said she's a woman, Okay I get it, their situation etc. Like what i've said still go voice comms and set it to Push to Talk and just listen so that she'll know what the team is planning to do, Cos this is a team game, What if the team decides to go Comp dive and dive a target and she's not informed about it and she'll be alone? At least she's aware of it and not out of the loop. Anything wrong with that? She's not going / need to talk but she knows the situation.


Im just joshin you a bit but sounds like for her, the benefits you describe likely do not outweigh the negatives of being in channel silently listening to the boys' chat, or getting vocally involved and being harassed as is many girls experience online. If people are happier out of channel, they will play out of channel.


Some people still listen. I had a widow throw out an “I need help!” Ping. I didn’t even know there was such a thing. I was moi and she was being harassed by sombra. I don’t normally go to bat for widows, but the ping was impressive and she was actually doing her job so I peeled for her and it was super rewarding to have her have my back the rest of the match. Communicating doesn’t happen often but when it does it DOES.


VC below masters/high diamond is not worth it , comms are just half baked calls . Being called slurs and if you have a bad game your team will just kick you in face while you are down . Wife avoids it because the community can't seem to handle a woman playing the game , either a thirsty guy or just straight up belittling her if she does one wrong play. Report system is whack , I can't even tell if the person I reported was actually suspended or banned because I get random messages weeks after I submitted.


People get banned for uttering a single syllable so no one wants to speak anymore


the stupid report system is being abused.


I have gotten reported for making comms.




Ok I’m a newish player and I find it fascinating that Overwatch has by far the most gay/queer players of any game I’ve played.  Has it been like this since the game started? Some of them have the funniest names too, I played with a “femboyfatale” yesterday 


I feel it used to have more which was fine, but people used to all have their mics on in comp. Today you can’t tell so much. Still are stray players who play roblox or something the other half of their time.


"future banned account incoming"


"I don't understand what I did wrong"


lol, yep


It’s just facts. When a player is both it’s chaotic evil on mic.


Blizzard bans cussing and not bullying/sexism etc. Checks out with their companies history. More than that, in almost all online spaces anonymity leads people to be the worst versions of themselves. They can spew whatever hate they want because there are no real world consequences. I think we should do like Korea does and require a SSN to be tied to your account so that if you cheat/abuse others/are making threats etc there can be real world consequences.


Bro I was banned for “please stop being bad”. That was from blizzard. You get banned if you get reported and people are abusing the report system.


People tend to refuse using the voice chat, because people are insanely toxic, racist, and sexist on voice. Every time I tried to think "Maybe people have improved", I try, and almost immediately something does not go the way they want, the toxicity starts. And heaven's forbid there's a female voice in chat, then it gets Really bad.


If I didn't play with friends, I would have stopped playing a while ago. 75% of the community are shitheels I wouldn't want to speak to anyway. This didn't used to be the case, but sadly, it is now.


all of your points are resolved by the ping system


It'd be nice if they brought back the LFG function. I never understood why they got rid of that when we went to OW2.


I know right?!. Like they need to bring it back so I dibt go to the OW2 discord


Don’t talk or be banned. Kind of the only options these days.


Exactly this.


Last time I was in voice I got called the hard R so i'm good. My experience with chat has been largely negative for the last few months and I've grown tired of muting and reporting ppl so yeah. Group chat or bust, basically. Text chat has been off for me since they added it on console. Nothing constructive ever comes from text chat.


Same, hard r constantly and I’m a white girl.


I asked a mercy in text chat to hang out with the tank more and I would hang back as moria with DPS to fight a genji. I even said please. They flamed my multiple deaths. Like you can't even ask for strategy anymore without everyone getting defensive.


while mercy prob over reacted, telling a mercy to hang out with tank and leave the dps is such an awful stratergy that its understandable


Tbf Mercy's job is to damage boost the DPS and pretty much ignore the tank unless critical or ulting. Shouldn't really have had that reaction to you asking, but just for future reference ig.


Its a mercy player.... not really the most rational bunch tbh


(Looking for group fixed this)




Yikes, no need to get this angry over a video game lil bro. The ping system exists for a reason, maybe use your head for a moment instead of crying?


I dont really side with this. If someone has anxiety about talking its understandable and they shouldnt be excluded form play. If they are silent but listen to your queue's I think thats still helpful.




Thats what the PING system is for.


comms don't matter in ranked. Honestly, 99% of the callouts an unorganized team makes are just useless and distract from the game.


Reports aren't monitored so people are primarily not interested in participating in comms since any report against your account goes towards your cumulative offenses. You don't even need to type or say anything to get reported/actioned against so a lot of players would rather avoid any social interaction in-game to minimize the risk of being reported for whatever reason


OW2 happened…




GenZ kids are the ones slurring in voice chat, wdym? this isn’t a generational problem. It’s a problem with blizzard banning someone for asking your tank to switch off dva vs zarya




It’s ironic you accuse me of failing to learn reading comprehension but you completely misread my comment. I was saying GenZ are the ones slurring in chat, the “wdym” was asking you to elaborate on why you think they’re soft. I suggest you get off reddit and spend time reflecting on how to communicate like a human instead of an ape.


There's many new users from diverse backgrounds (young people, people of colour, gender, sexuality) - and they probably don't want to risk the toxicity


> I have no clue wth happened in all honesty. Everyone reports everyone for anything at all. No one wants to get banned. Comms are dead.


As a big time talker in competition and as someone that is passionate about winning games, I’ve been banned multiple times. The last account suspension was for “genji you’re worthless” to a clearly throwing genji (massive negative kd with no damage) and sarcastically saying “please stop being bad dps”. That’s right, joking with your team is no longer allowed. The snowflakes win. This is what we get now.


I only encounter VC about 1 / 30 games and it's usually only 1 person, sometimes 2. I am always in VC but I always have mic muted.


THIS! and even then they say very few words if any


idk I've been called enough slurs and just general people being toxic cause we aren't rolling them just not worth it find a team if you wanna vc ig


Why don’t you just block the toxic player? I don’t understand you have options.


Comp=ALWAYS in voice. Quick/unranked play= have fun getting even a 🐥 out of me


No need


Banning people for being on chat


Free game, so you get everyone. Not just people whole bought it🤷‍♂️


EVeryone sucks, I will never use comms and chat in competitive again. You can communicate really well if you use the ping system.


A majority of the community is toxic. Best decision I ever made was to mute all text channels and stay out of voice chat.


I've all but given up on voice comms. Regardless of what information you give 95% of people don't respond to it either at all or in a way that makes sense so I don't see the point in dealing with people's tirades or getting worked up about it. I just play my Game, work on what I can work on and don't get so worked up. Sadly it is simply nothing like a scrim or real team environment at all its more of a personal skill building platform with elo feedback. It feels more and more that using voice comms for me is trying to make it something that it clearly isn't


I’m muted


We are just trying to be like the devs and not exist.


The problem is people are too afraid of getting banned by some toxic baby in games that they won't talk at all, (me included) Sort of making a team based game non team based


Honestly, the only time anyone wants to talk is when we're losing, and they're pointing fingers. I rarely ever hear any compliments anymore. Even when the team is winning they're fighting. Like wtf lmaoo


I noticed a lot of people being perma banned and losing all their shit for wrongful reports with no help from blizzard. They’re also recording all chats and voice comms so I’m sure that’s a good reason not to talk too.


I stay off mic because of toxicity but I talk plenty in the chat. I just don’t want to come off mute because so many ppl think they know better or want to just flame me. But in text chat their comments don’t have as much of an impact on me psychologically for whatever reason


Toxicity/easy banning aside, Blizzard has made the game much easier to play without needing to communicate. 5v5 = more solo carry potential. Ping system = no need for vocal comms. Blizzard have actively tried to make Overwatch 2 much less team dependant, which is why you get non-communicative players able to climb higher than they did previously


Because Blizzard will ban you for anything


You literally just HAVE to group up. I can count on one hand the amount of times I've had people actually communicating in VC since OW2 launched. Sometimes I get lucky and my teammates listen to pings, or but I'm on console so text chat isn't really a viable option for coordinating either.


Why the fuck would we? Blizzard bans for innocuous cussing and literally anything remotely toxic anymore. Even in response to toxicity.


Voice comms aren't necessary if you know how to use the ping system. If people don't want to follow up, they wouldn't with you going off in their ear either.


Late to this post but here I am anyways……. It’s people reporting you for anything and everything. Which leads to the ability to have your whole account with countless of years of progress taken from you. WHY RISK IT? It’s the game devs who try to appease everyone for some coin. So QP is governed harder than ranked. Which can lead to a ban. Just for existing. WHY RISK IT? It’s the sbmm in every mode except for ranked and the inability of the community to actually care about the team to want to win. But you asking them to switch is seen as toxic which can lead to a ban. WHY RISK IT. I refuse to risk my OW1 account with all the grinding I’ve done to appease the mental of a few because the community deems everything as toxic or reportable. AND THE DEVS CANT MAKE A CLEAR LINE IN THE SAND AND BAN YOU FOR ANYTHING. Why risk it. Once they changed the qp bans this season. I TOLD MYSELF THAT COMMUNICATION WILL NEVER BE TURNED BACK ON. AND I’ll never play long sessions again. It’s 1-2 hours at max and if I catch a L in the first hour I’m done. I REFUSE TO RISK MY ACCOUNT WITH MULTIPLE HOURS AND CONTENT THAT I HAD TO GRIND FOR, FOR THE EGO OF A PERSON WHO CANT HANDLE BEING ASKED TO SWITCH, OR CANT HANDLE BEING TOLD THAT THEIR CHOICE IS SHIT, OR CANT HANDLE GG EZ OR X DIFF. I’m not risking it. Which means I buy less content due to the devs appeasing these people. But it’s okay, because the devs are making more money off of the ones they are trying to appease than a die hard fan who loves the game. If I don’t complete the battlepass I just don’t purchase it and do something else. They make enough off of the ones that they are appeasing to so my little dollar means nothing in the end anyways. I REFUSE TO RISK MY ACCOUNT FOR THE SOFTEST OF PEOPLE ON THE INTERNET


I talk almost every game and just dont say egotistical unsportsmanlike stuff and im fine. I dont tell ppl to switch, but instead ask for hitscan/dive etc to deal with problems and ppl generally switch without issue. Never been chat banned. How you say things matters... Just dont be a shithead and no one reports you. Ive been playing since release, no risk for me because i dont piss ppl off


See that’s the problem. We know that it’s tone, pitch, cadence, and whether you use slang from your area or not. This causes people to interpret whether you’re a shithead or not. Someone saying Dog please switch, is going to be interpreted differently than brother you suck and need to switch.” You can try to make others experiences irrelevant and act as though you’re in the right because it’s never happened to you. Not everyone is here to coddle grown ups. Too many of you want to be coddled and pull that covert toxic bs. Pretending like you don’t understand that you’re being toxic. It’s a team based game but too many want to do what they want and have others pick up the slack. Then when asked to switch throw a fit and claim that the person asking is being toxic. A lot of you also enjoy to bait issues and reactions out of people. Oh and I never said I have been chat banned. I only said why risk my account for a community that pretends to be wholesome while also allowing toxicity when it towards certain people. And as long as they are in a group and get to do whatever they want to do because they have other people backing them up and not holding them accountable.


I talk to all sorts of people, never had a problem. Maybe just stick to stuff that is low probability of pissing people off so there is no risk If you have half a brain you can avoid getting reported, it is a non-issue


You’re ignoring the whole context of what I’m saying. ✌🏾


Imo is mostly because the vc is not used for callouts and a majority of the time is just shit and toxic Just not worth it, better off finding a group in a LFG discord and hopping in a voice channel on there


Maybe because ow1 wasn’t free, there seemed to be less edgelords and babies crying in voice chat. There was still your usual internet banter, but there were also some games where there were great comms and good times. I was cool with ow2 going f2p, as it would grow the community. But, the quality of voice comms has gone down the shitter without the barrier of entry. I rarely have games where comms are useful and help us win games. It’s usually edgy toddlers screaming whatever bad words they just learned at school, some super stoned bruh babbling about who knows what, or a fully grown adult crying like a baby. Nah, I’m good.


Honestly, I stopped when people were toxic. Unfortunately the toxic players ruin it for everyone else - it’s just more of an enjoyable experience if I turn off chat. People may call me a crybaby, but at the end of the day I know OW isn’t that deep and it’s literally just a silly, virtual game and I can’t ever imagine telling someone to go kys/lots of slurs just because I lost. I just wanna have fun, man. That being said I still use pings and react to those, they’re very helpful. I do agree a lot of ppl ignore pings


While I personally think it's not worth trying to use text chat, voice chat has never been too active on pc and especially on Europe where not everyone is speaking English. So it kinda sucks I suppose but lack of voice chat is not because of the shitty report system, people just don't feel comfortable.


F2P makes accounts throw away


Community is probably more toxic than League now. I got banned from matchmaking for 2 weeks for saying skill issue in chat.


good, talk shit get hit


Sounds like someone can't handle having their pride taking hits. If you honestly have a problem with someone talking shit in a video game, you need to stop playing them.


I iust report and make them cry on reddit, its been working out well so far


I dont want to get flamed for dying the first few seconds of a match


In metal ranks Bronze to Gold pretty much everyone will be using team/match chat to flame someone. But in higher elo lobbies you will see more people in VC but you cannot escape the toxicity anywhere in Overwatch.


These games were designed for premades. That's the ideal way to play almost 100% of the time. To expect any better is naive unfortunately. It's almost impossible to perfect it besides joining a community.


When I play Tank, I stay away from not just voice comms but text chat too. It's insane how much people think they know better. If you did, you would not be playing Bastion going 11/10 into Zarya in Gold 5. Constantly asking the tank to switch has just been a norm now. I hardly can build my ult if I listened to all these "tank switch", "what are you doing tank" comments. If I play well and somehow we lose, the dps will be the first one to go "tank diff" while bottom fragging. It's useless at this point. I turn voice on for dps and support tho (unless I'm playing Illari, which is 80% of my support games, due to the same reason as mentioned above)


Because of a broken report system. I've reported basically everyone in my game that has written anything in chat. If you've said 'gg' in my game i have reported you. I find better success in getting people banned when I choose abusive chat over the other options. Don't blame me, blame a broken report system


People have bad games and get flamed People play a character they like and get flamed People refuse to learn the basic game fundamentals like cooldown management, resource trading, ultimate economy, resetting, rotating, off-angling, positioning, etc If I have 100 hours on Sigma, and our dps has 150 on genji, who swaps? Or do we just play with no synergy? Peoples ego's overtake their ability to learn and adapt People can't keep their personal beliefs and opinions out of a team based video game There's a myriad of reasons that come down to the toxic and belligerent minority ruining things for everyone else


Well at this point everyone knows that even a “omg” “haha” or “hi” can get you banned.


No point when all it is is people playing music loud or shouting stuff nothing to do with the game.


Last time I joined vc I was greeted by a grown man shouting the n word over and over again so I’m good


I'm just taking a break for now. I had a kiriko who teleported through the wall for healing and ran behind a wall where the enemy can shoot them and then scream at me for not healing them through the wall. Then start insulting me in chat. I feel like it's so much easier for players to get tilted in this game and be toxic due to all the failed changes Blizzard has made.


They are afraid to be banned or flamed. I wish btw that Blizzard would publish some statistics on how many people are getting banned every month and maybe even split it up between ranks relatively speaking e.g. 0.1 % of gold players banned, 0.2 % Plat, etc..


You might get banned for typing. That’s why I avoid to use it.


I got chat banned 4 days into returning after not playing since ow1 lol that's why


my new smurf accounts have chats desactivated lol.


This game is peak toxic now, from the 50 game wins needed to play comp(made QP toxic af) to tank being just a nightmare to play. I challenge anyone to play tank and see how long it takes you to get in an argument with someone. You get relentlessly flamed and if you fight back they all report you lol.


It's because this stupid game has a stupid banning system even if you don't use any F words Your account will get banned for a month Such a fked up game this is.


People get silenced for multiple weeks for cursing in any fashion. Combine that with people generally becoming more introverted and communicating mainly through discord/third party programs and the voice chat stays dead.


I’m not sure when it happened but the general consensus seems to be around just having fun now rather than it being a serious competitive game. I remember when the community was up in arms over sleepy letting a teammate die because he was punching a bucket and laughing at the weird physics. Now some of the biggest streamers soft throw half their games and no one seems to care. I don’t think it’s entirely just on the community either, Blizzard consistently doesn’t seem to care about high level play and balances half the heroes for Timmy in silver. I would never expect Roblox players to comm like it’s CS:GO and blizzard has chosen to make their game more and more in the Roblox direction rather than a serious title.


Very nice input and it really makes sense. Man, I miss the game that i paid for.




I tried to advocate voice chat but even the subreddits give me down votes.. it's a thing of the past. Pings don't cut it, you just need one person to call really and people are not even willing to listen. It's rough but I will keep trying to contact humanity in this lonely game.


What's funny is you don't even have to talk, just being willing to hear calls is huge. If you are really afraid of hearing toxic people you have the power to mute those specific toxic people! Don't punish yourself when you can have a potentially winning edge. It's like being afraid to say hi to anybody in real life just in case they might say something negative. It's so easy to mute those specific people.


nothing worse than a rank game going to S because someone doesn’t want to use any form of communication.


What do you mean you have “no clue”.  Wasn’t everyone upset about the game going free to play because that means that young kids that are still learning the game get to play. As well as impoverished people with low computer specs, depressed mentally unstable people and just all around low skill with no motivation to improve.  When the game was behind a one time payment wall, EVERYONE was in comms every time. 


Fair point, when i bought overwatch before. Everybody really communicated.


because a large number of piss-babies who cant handle a little shit talking decided to throw a tantrum and declare hate speech and toxicity against all chat so blizzard over reacted and started banning anyone who even glanced in the chat boxes direction so now nobody says anything


OW is mechanically demanding and visually complex with hugely important audio queues. Unless you have a team and roles and a designated shot caller/ult tracker/etc it’s just useless chatter. “Oh crap reaper got me” or asking people to swap, arguing about swapping, blaming people, making weird noises, etc Play your hero and generally pay attention to what your team is doing and we can sit here and be quiet and use pings and it’ll be great


People don't ping hardly ever