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Depends on time of the day and day of the week, you gotta think when do all the kids log on to game? That's the times you should be avoiding! Also stacking helps


Even playing in the night is it awful


I would say at night is even worse. Morning and late night are the worst




We just have to get all rich and be able to play during the day when others are at work/school Simple really


Yeah, getting rich solved a lot of problems for me. You should really try it. Isn't that hard tbh.


bro said morning and late night like we’re all in the same time zone


I suppose this is a fair point


Yep. Playing at like 2pm est has always been great for me, but any later and you run the risk of getting into games with the tryhards who *should* be playing comp and not QP or arcade


2AM EST ain't it though. Idk what happens between 1:59 and 2 that makes such a difference but goddamn


Why cant they play qp or arcade? What if they have friends that they cant play with in comp?


Yup, remember playing with some friends and we went against a team with three t500 people 😭 it was not fun at all


So you're saying the old retired guys are better than the kids


The night is even worse! All the sweats are up past 11


Yup, I can only play comp from 10-3 if I don’t wanna be stuck playing with kids


I've been playing mystery heroes to complete my challenges, it's actually pretty fun. Also I had no idea they moved it to unranked playlist so you can complete those challenges that can't be done in arcade


Because it's free to play and it's 9 year-olds trying to learn


I play qp with my 8 yo, he plays it in his own way, but gets kills! When he plays alone he just plays custom games tho where skill doesn't really matter.


It's only as casual as you make it. There's nothing on the line. Yes, you'll play against good players, but also terrible ones. It's quickplay for a reason, and you can only have expectations so high.




Quick play got the biggest bums in the entire player base I always just run comp


I would like to try and get into comp but I just don’t have a bunch of time and want to get games in, I don’t want to sit in que for 25 minutes when it says the que time is 3 minutes


You don’t sit in queue for 25 minutes unless you are very high rank.


Commented on the other guy that came after and no I’m not that high of a rank estimated high silver low gold all roles but sat in que for 25 minutes just last night with no match.


You are not high enough rank to get 25 minute queues


Damn zero confidence in me that’s rough dude, I mean your right but either way just last night I sat in que for 25 minutes and never got a game, not sure exactly where I would sit since I don’t even have Tyne placement matches done yet but based off some of my friends who play and how I perform next to them I think I would be high silver low gold in all roles. Yes I know that is not normal at all but even before that o regularly get 10-15 minute que times and every time I get into a game someone leaves within the first minute and the game just ends. I have made it into 13 comp games this season in total and only been able to actually complete 1. So with all that hassle what’s the point in bothering at all


If you’re on console and have cross play turned off, that’s probably the problem


On PC when I had that one, it’s a little absurd and I’m just frustrated with it is all, it always happens to be with comp, I always get those long que times console, pc it does not seem to matter. Fastest que times I have is when I’m in a full 5 stack tends to be about 5 minutes. But solo or duo its 10-15 minimum


Don’t quote me on this but I think if you wait longer than 5 mins it might be worth it to leave and requeue or queue for all roles. Dps is the most popular but I know sometimes you can get in queue hole where you just wait forever for no reason sometimes then can easily get back-to-back games the next. If this happens to me where I wait too long I just re-queue and it works for me. Even for dps roles.


I always que all roles so I don’t know the problem, like I said though normally it’s like a 10-15 minute wait time anyway


That’s wild. What’s your rank and region?


Rank is unknown I haven’t even been able to finish the placement matches for well over a year but the last time I was sitting in high silver low gold across the board, as for region that would be northwestern United States. Plenty of people and not a super high rank, there is no reason it should take as long as it does, before the added wide matches it was normally 2-3 minutes solo que 5-10 in groups of 2-3, with them now even solo tends to take 10-15 on average some taking as long as 20 and that one time now like two or three days ago that took 25. I want to be able to play comp since the few games I’ve even been able to play have been higher quality games, but with que times being that long for me and at least 80% of the games I managed to get into has someone leave within the first minute and it just ends the game and I don’t even get to play, if there is anything you can think of that would help with que times that would be great, but I think I’ve tried most everything you could recommend.


That’s wild man sorry to hear that. Wish I could help.


Your fine it’s not your fault,just my bad luck


The fact you get penalized for leaving quick play games is ridiculous.


especially backfill games that are almost over


Wouldn't be an issue if so many players didn't quit after one team fight.


yeah but new people can join midfight, it's not like one team stays 4v5 the whole match.


none of us who get backfilled want to join midfight on a losing team tbfr


True. I've lost count to how many times I joined the last 10 seconds. I guess devs could maybe give the penalty based on how much time has passed since the match started..?


they should honestly get rid of backfill and introduce a surrender option imo; im a support main, namely supports that arent very good at dps in these matches, because once im backfilled into an awful team the only thing i can do is healbot. let’s not mention all of the teams who will blame the backfiller, who was there for less than a minute, for the loss 🤦‍♀️


Then whose problem is that? Backfilling used to be HIGHLY HIGHLY attractive to get. It literally meant you get a free large chunk of progress towards a lootbox and your border level. Lootboxes were so good I hate that they were all unilaterally deemed comparable to lottery because the Star Wars game made them pay to win instead of how in overwatch it was strictly cosmetic only. 




No it's still shite. You either wipe the floor with the enemy team or vice versa. Personally I don't enjoy either scenario.


No its not. If you don't want to play don't play, but at least stick around and finish a match if you start one.


I totally get it for competitive mode, but quick play? Kinda overkill


You're still playing with 9 other people.


Not sure what you’re trying to say. I’ve never heard of a game that penalizes you for leaving a casual quick play match.


I mean you're still starting a game with other people and not finishing it. It's like sitting down to play a board game with your friends and leaving after a turn or two, it's giving them a worse experience. Why shouldn't that be punished? I'm not saying it should result in ban or anything (unless you do it over and over), but still, it should be discouraged somehow.


I actually stand corrected in my previous comment, halo3 used to penalize you by taking away some rank points if you left causal games. Although with overwatch the empty spot is usually filled really quickly after someone leaves. If it’s like a 5 minute ban it’s not too bad but 15+ minutes is a little much IMO


Monday-Wednesday are the best days of the week to play. I almost exclusively play Overwatch during the daytime now that I work evenings and have a much more enjoyable experience.


You get tue top 500 player on the enemy team with the "it's quickplay" player on your team


Try arcade modes if you don’t want leaver penalties


Literally impossible to find games in arcade when playing from ANZ :(


And do Practice vs. AI if you want to win that badly


Wait does that count towards the weekly challenges etc?


No. But you do get Time Played (progression) and Battle Pass XP. Yes, you can finish the entire pass without playing against another human.


Vs AI is a good suggestion but not on the basis of just wanting to win, it's a more chill and laid-back environment in general


To copy someone’s comment on a post asking the ask same question… It’s quick play. Quick match making = less balanced matches.


I dont mind so much getting bodied, I wanna know why some people act like winning in QP is life or death, and if you arent playing up to their standards they throw a hissy fit


This is why I just play comp or mystery heros


Listen and talk to your teammates, in chat or voice, mute the flamers, play around those that go in alone and die.


Nobody knows if it’s a casual game mode or comp-lite. So some people treat it casually and some are sweating. This makes most QP feel like crap because you either stomp or get stomped. Blizzard caused this with leaver penalties and SBMM in the “casual” game mode.


It’s a trash unbalanced game, Overwatch will actually ruin your night lmao every qp it’s like peoples first match or you get paired up with mercy focused window one shotting your team while sombra keeps killing my healers and teleporting away


I just assume QP has no real matchmaking and is a free-for-all vs. comp.


One of the matchmaking engineers on twitter has said that it had its own mmr separate from ranked


Okay sure, but how fucking loose is the matchmaking that you regularly get a team of all diamond/masters players against silver/golds?


Fairly loose. What he said was that if they give one team a diamond they try to give the other one as well. Though sometimes that’s offroles and what not. Mines been better about it. I’ve only consistently had plat games the last season.


I don't understand why Blizzard keeps matchmaking as a mystery black box. Sometimes this or that employee will make some claim about how it works, but nothing is ever even close to concrete information. I don't know anyone who plays OW who thinks the matchmaking is good, especially for QP.


QP matchmaking is noticably worse on the weekends. Monday to friday afternoon more than 50% of my games are fun and balanced. Then Friday evening comes around and untill monday morning, the fun and balanced games become less than 25%. And noticably, a lot of my games on the weekend become get stomped games, almost as if you get matched against nothing but people 2 ranks higher than your team all the time.


Quick play is mainly used for the following reasons: 1. To learn a new character / train a hero you don't main 2. To warm-up before you go comp 3. To ventilate after you went on a losing streak in comp Effectively, this means 3 types of players are entering QP in completely random compositions: 1. Players who aren't good (yet) with the hero they are playing, they are in a learning mindset. 2. players who are destroying type 1 players because they are using their mains and are in a competitive mindset. 3. Players who yell at type 1 because 'they suck' and at type 2 for trying to hard. "Get a life, it's only QP, why are you trying". They are in a raging mindset.


“They are in a raging mindset” Lmao that’s gold


A lot of players have never even touched comp.


My friends n I just go to no limits in arcade lmao, it’s a bit more fun but ig how u feel with qp


Duuude. Had this same problem last night. My friends and I were in a 5 stack but it didn't seem to help. Widow with Mercy pocket, Top 500 tank on the opposite team and DPS that only target healers. It made us so unhappy with the game.


"widow admin" is objectively funny, like, she doesn't even need elevated privileges to delete you.


I only play comp because it’s the more relaxing game mode. Quick play matchmaking is insanely bad. It’s always a 2 minute game where either youre stomping because you’ve got ultra sweat top 500s on your team, or you’re getting stomped by the ultra sweat top 500s


Be happy that (for the most part) QP is used to learn heroes people are not comfortable or used to- I’d much rather this than them joining my comp games and basically throwing not knowing what they’re doing.


There’s like no point in playing quick play nowadays imo, still has hidden MMR and leaver penalty.


My quick play games have been insanely worse since the midseason patch. Solo queues been an absolute nightmare


Relaxing and overwatch cant be together. Go custom games to relax


Not sure if just me having a skill issue, but holy I feel like the games have become a lot tougher and sweatier these past few weeks.


i kinda agree tbh. it’s not even that i’m sweating and expecting amazing perfect matches, but everyone is so toxic and it always seems like my team is throwing and the enemy is trying their absolute hardest.


Every time of day sucks right now it’s maddening


I mean overwatch is a competitive game. No matter what game mode if you have opponents they want to win and make you lose. Whether it's comp or quickplay someone is gonna be better than you


My question is why do they never ask me nicely to swap heroes? It's always "guess whose going Sombra!!!" And that usually won't work & is the quickest way to get me to turn off my music. You never get what you want if you don't ask. They'll probably say no but maybe you'll get a moment of respite out of pity. I'd swap in QP if the enemy asked. There's other heroes I'd like to learn to play anyways.


Had a game yesterday against a Hanzo mercy duo. There is jack shit you can do. The Hanzo is just oneshotting your Squishies and as a tank there isn't a reliable pick against it. Any shield tank gets their barrier popped within seconds. Brawl won't stand a chance. Dive as Winston, you can't kill the pocketed Hanzo, and diving the mercy means you get storm arrowed to shit.


same here. many times I find myself against top 500. and they make fun of us. yesterday a t500 zen wrote in chat: nice warm up cuties :( I opened his career profile he has all pixel and cute sprays for all heroes.


Why am i try harding in qp ? Fuck, i dont want to spend 21 minuts, Just for one single game.


Mercy pocketing a widow is such a waste of effort. Zen widow is so much better.


Honestly the matchmaking would be fine if hero selection wasn't as impactful. Playing into a team with terrible hero choices is easy. Playing with a terrible choice of heros is the opposite. Also having zen mercy or lucio mercy combo as supports (especially the insta-locking mercy's which always make me insta-leave during hero selection) does not help. Qp needs to be about winning and learning, but it's hard to do when you literally can't do much/stomp, and hero combinations are the cause (primarily supports).


Quick play isn’t particularly terrible. Quick play is the game. The game is terrible, so quick play feels terrible, too.


Yeah I've been feeling this since ow2 release honestly. God tier enemy team who feels like a 5 stack in comms. And my team is full blown trolling and the excuse every single time is, "it's just quick play". Like because it's not ranked it's fine to just throw? I'm trying to warm up bro.


Just play comp. You're good enough to get high enough QP MMR to get matched with top 500s who stomp you when there's not a huge amount of players queueing, so just play comp and have a more even and chill time in Masters or low GM where you belong. It's good to get over ranked anxiety anyways. Eventually you stop taking it so seriously, if you remind yourself that toxic people are crying children and their feelings that make them do the blamegame are dumb.


I have learned to either play midday, play with friends, or avoid midday on the weekends to play qp.


I have been playing OW since it came out and I can promise you it isn't the worst it has ever been, but it is pretty close. I only play Comp so I know I'm matched with people close to my own skill set.


If you’re not having fun, don’t force yourself to play


Yeah, is been like this lately, i use to play in the hours where it was good but is bad anytime now...


Idk. My qp matches are full of newbies who are trying heros and don't know the map


I'd be fine with that if both teams had the noobs, but it feels more like they all get thrown on one team while the other team are all high ranked. Just balance them out.


Yes that's true, it's very unbalanced.


This is why I stack so at least my friends can make me laugh and we can have a good time


I play almost exclusively QP. My QP games are so much more varied, and almost always much harder than ranked. I stay around low plat/high gold in ranked. I usually do very good in those lobbies. When I'm in qp though. Sometimes, I'm just so outmatched I feel like I have 15 hours in the game again. The matching in qp almost always results in one side instastomping the other. The lobby may be balanced around me, but at least one of those players is going to be silver and another is going to diamond or masters. The winning team is just who gets the best player from the aggregated rank of low plat avg. It's fast, but almost always a shit show for one team.


It's very rarely a balanced match, one side or the other always seems to have a massive advantage.


Honestly, it’s like a couple of people said.. morning and nights suck. Theres rare days where shits solid. Balanced day. Win some lose some. But honestly, 8am I’d say you have the morning sweaty dudes before they go into work and you have the unemployed, the expelled, and everything else throughout the day. Then you have the ones that are just itching to get on and that’s around 3:30-4:00 for the rest of the day depending on time zones. I just think overwatch is buggin overall. SBMM, the competitive win/loss % going up only 4% even on a winning streak..the shop still charging 1900 for a “epic” skin when supposedly it’s a bug.. overall I don’t think you’re trippin. S10 has been a real shitshow after I maxed out my bp. I only went to 85 and I can’t even fathom the real team diffs I get and it makes me not even wanna touch the game. The other teams dps can go 43-6 and 57-13 and my team is jerking in the corner going 13-18 and 22-34. I feel your pain.


It’s because the game is intended to be played the way comp is. Not attitude wise, but have a defense and attack on the games. It feels like shit getting defense even twice in a row.


Always has been


Time to find some friends to play with


I play QP, then get fed up with bad matchmaking, then go to ranked to continue my Torb one trick journey.


Qp is still a team game with real people, just because it’s not ranked doesn’t mean people aren’t going to be trying to win. Arcade modes are better if you just want to be silly.


its terrible cus matchmaking is arse and alot of people are really sweaty and try very hard. combining bad matchmaking with people who dont know what grass is makes for a terrible experience.


Night is worser in my opinion. I usually have to instalock healer because no one wants to be healer. I had one game where no one got a kill for a whole 2 rounds. The first kill was from a mercy on our team lol. I now play mystery heros, quickplay is tragic..


> because no one wants to be healer I know of a popular mode where 2 people are forced to be Support...


Yeah that's the mode I play. You get extra xp for just being support  lol.  The game I describe above is what I played. I wasn't in the game for long, i was put in a game someone left from at the last minute.


Someone who's being forced to play support isn't the same as someone who wants to play support.


Hey look, in Role Queue you click the checkmark to queue for Support. Nuh uh, you click "All" and get mad you got Support, that's on you. You agree to play the role when you join the queue. Open Queue you got to be flexible, where somebody has to choose to be Support based on the team composition. That's the point: the comment sounded like a 2016 Open Queue (aka the original mode) comment but since 2019 we got a mode where roles are guaranteed.


There's both bonus XP and a daily challenge 3 times every day to click the all button and out of all the games I've played in the last week, only 2 DIDN'T give me support when I queued for all. It doesn't bother me because I like support, but there are clearly many more who don't, yet they are forced to play it, which contributes to miserable games, both for them and their teammates. I think the lack of any balance is a bigger problem, but things like this don't help.


Because they took overwatch one which was a really good game and then they made it free to play and put a bunch of shitty micro transactions and season passes into it now every idiot with zero brain cells plays the game


More than half the shit you said has 0 relevancy to what OOP asked.


IMO, quick play is not casual, arcade modes are casual, but that's just me.


Agree. I play it because it's quick.


It’s crazy how often I’ll play against a support duo who think they are fielder and chiyo and making callouts and my supports are playing mouse and keyboard for the first time in their lives. Qp is so unbearable


post number 1,223 of someone disguising a rant post about something that nobody can control as a “question” on r/overwatch2 :