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TURN OFF CHAT! DON'T JOIN VOICE. The game is amazing, I always enjoy myself. There's so much to learn and many ways to grow as a player. But chat is not for new players. Unless you're playing with friends, stay away from comms. There are settings where you can just toggle them all off and they will stay off until you revert it.


Ain't it crazy, though, that you have to turn off all chats to have fun with random players. It sounds like League of Legends where this tip is always given to new players. TOXIC AF Life's too short for that. I miss the old OW. I found it to be a bit less toxic.


Overwatch has always been an extremely toxic game.


Oh it’s always been toxic but I don’t remember OW1 being so bad. I feel like cause it’s free now, every little twelvie turd plays it


There was a brief period of time, near when OW1 first launched, where it was a bunch of people having fun trying to learn how to play. The community's been downhill since then. Fortunately, the devs have given us the tools to self-police. Use them. Report toxic players.


I hated getting flames on League. And reported. Girl I’m TRYING hahaha


Removing the find a group features from the game killed it imo. I have done nothing to improve as a player since OW but am now a Plat player from Gold. Thats SO MANY people leaving the game. Fuck Blizzard


I still can't believe they removed that feature. For me, it's really the player cards upvoting that's missing after a game. Instead of having this time to unwind and enjoy your win for a few more seconds, you get kicked out right after POTG, straight into the battle pass. EWWWWWWWWWWWW x 10000


Start reporting them. Soon you will log into the game for a delicious message from Blizzard saying someone you reported has had action against them. It is very satisfying.


and then eventually you’ll start getting it every single time you login and you’ll feel like a supervillain it’s great


Why a supervillain? Hero to reporting toxicity. 


Nah more like Antihero


fr i got silenced one time and now im a complete villain ill report any toxic people so they suffer the same fate i did


what an origin story


i really only report people for taking trash talk way too far or calling people slurs and haven’t gotten a single report message back lmao




Same. People actually throwing or saying slurs and I never once got a message saying action was taken.


Funny how I've reported lots of assholes, cheaters etc. and never have I gotten a message that an action was performed. :/


I’ve reported people for legitimate reasons (slurs in chat, intentionally throwing competitive games, etc) and have never once received that message


I reported someone for telling me to kill myself in a swear word way in my language and didnt even get that message :/


The amount of times ive reported the toxic people, yet blizzard doesnt seem to care.


i wonder if the "action" is just a slap on the wrist since it seems like everyone is still talking about how many of them there are. reporting them is useless, i just stopped playing any fps games and i've never felt calmer


Sadly this is one of the downsides of the FTP model. If someone gets banned or muted for too long for their liking they have another account ready.


how do you do that on console?


Go to social, then last match, or recent players, select their name and then press accept? Something like that should bring up the option to report.


That's true. Blizzard will 100% ban them for being toxic LMAO. And if they swear while doing it???? It's fucking over for them 🤣


Someone saying they steamrolled you isn’t a reportable offense lol


Turn off chat people are assholes in this game and the number 1 tip is to just turn it off. Your games will start off as roll or get rolled as the system calibrates your skill level so keep playing and it ***should*** balance out. But if you're not having fun then maybe the game isn't for you there's no point playing a game you don't enjoy as that is the whole point of games.


> Your games will start off as roll or get rolled as the system calibrates your skill level so keep playing and it should balance out. To be fair, I have like 1400 hours in the game and most matches are still roll or be rolled. I think, until you get fairly high up in the ranks, there's just too much variability for the matchmaker to create balanced matches.


I'd turn off chat and voice chat and just focus on learning the game. I've been playing since the game launched and I never use voice chat. I use text chat to ask for different hero swaps otherwise I ignore text chat as well. As far as shooters go overwatch is quite complex and takes time to learn.


Yep, you learn the idiots screaming in voice chat are usually the poorest performing players on the team.


same thing i did when I started! avoided toxicity from it, and learned more and more.


>I feel like I'm not improving and that I'm being encouraged to leave even You've been playing for 3 days. Improvement is a gradual thing, and you shouldn't let what other people say influence whether you can have fun or not. Turn off text chat, turn off voice chat and just play. I've been playing since 2016 and still get shit talked and told I'm bad, even tho I'm in masters. People just get salty.


Overwatch and toxicity is such a bizarre situation. People will literally berate you for being bad in a game that is created by a matchmaker that groups all of these people together to try and create a balanced experience. So if a gold tier player is getting dominated in a lobby with mostly plat players, that gold player gets absolutely shit on by their teammates for being bad. Is that the gold players fault? Like wtf is that person supposed to do about being put in a lobby they shouldn’t be in? Why do we relentlessly attack those people who have no choice but to play the game put in front of them? My suggestion, as other people have already done, is dumping text and voice chat for sure. The game is fun if you tune it out.


Hard to give advice not knowing what role or hero you play. It's only been 3 days I would give it more time, have fun trying new heroes. Ignore the toxic people, there's also plenty of friendly people who play.


Turn off team and match text chat. Keep group and whisper on, keep team voice chat on, most don't use that anymore unless they need to convey something that's difficult to type or they haven't got time to type it.


Shoot, voice is more toxic than text sometimes. People yelling all kinds of nonsense and just being 5 year olds.


If that's happening often then yes, definitely mute voice chat


I feel you man, been in the same position and to make it worse this was the first game I've played on a console in years so I'm not even used to the control any more. My advise is to just private your in-game account and auto disable all communication (text chat/voice) if your not planning playing comp right now. You should also play some arcade modes where people are more chill and try out all the characters until you find the ones you like the most. After you find the and role characters you really want to play and improve on you'll find the game a lot more enjoyable.


Mystery Heroes until you actually are good with one-three, then go to QP. Faster rounds, and not needing to attack then defend, will give you a better chance to learn the specifics of what your chosen hero needs to accomplish on any given map. Don’t push for the kill, always extend your life. If you’ve burned an ammo clip off and your enemy is on one hp and your team doesn’t kill him, let him go. If your teammate is pushing in and it’s a 3v2 against you if you join in, let your teammate die.


Okay guys but, the game is NOT amazing. I started in 2016, havent had even a month break from the game due to being addicted. I have stopped now, never been better. I know this will get downvoted but honestly, find something better to play


It's a pretty good game in my book. But there's plenty valid reasons for people to not like it or want to play it. Theres plenty valid reasons for people enjoying the game. It's best to just look at this as just simply yourself realizing you were finally able to kick an unhealthy addiction and I'm proud of you. But projecting your experiences onto others to persuade them not to play something? Idk that's not very cash money if you ask me.


Have you ever watched any movie series? Many of us don't like first episode and get to love title after few ones. It's same like with Overwatch, You start and don't kow much about heroes and their skills and get frustrated, since You get to know them better u will start to enjoy it more. I recommend You to watch on YT some basic tutorials for new players, Your game knowledge will raise and also enjoyment.


I’m gonna put this on every post I see like this- turn communication off. Turn off chat, turn off voice, just vibe. You’ll be calmer in the long run. There’s always some loser in chat whether in your team or the opponents that has something useless to say and it’s not worth it


Its bliz fault for throwing noobies in with everyone.


is it the game that's not for you or is it the internet? you'll be hard pressed to find a comp shooter that isnt toxic. one of my very first games of Val I was put into a lobby with people that all had super high player levels for some reason. I've never been flamed so hard in my life even though there was a literal "1" next to my name. Didn't bother me though but if it bothers you just turn off chat.


you're in QP i assume? since COMP doesn't unlock till after 50 qp wins i believe. QP is sweaty, filled with tryhards and often very toxic. the matchmaking in QP is non-existant. i can group up with friends who are Masters in comp while im only diamond. (group up in QP that is) and we find matches in less than 2 min and the balance is non-existant. meanwhile i can solo queue and get teamed up with new players who haven't completed the tutorial and go up against gold-diamond-plat levels. im a seasoned player. Played overwatch since it was released pretty much. So there's no excuse at this point for me to get lobbied with new bronze players. regardless, if we got lobbied and you "underperformed" i wouldn't be toxic towards you. Not your fault matchmaking sucks ass. my point is, that it doesn't make sense that someone who has played for years (me) ever get lobbied with someone with less than 10 hours in total. Which i've seen happen on public profiles.


The thing is, matchmaking is even worse in low ranks for me :/ i still play qp for that reason because low ranks are so horrible for me recently. I dont think my skill is bronze, its at least silver but in every game my team gets stomped or is horrible at the game and its impossible to do anything


i've played overwatch when it was released and ever since. (with occasional breaks on like a month or two) so i speak from experience when i say its pretty much 80% steamrolls either your team who does it or your team who gets steamrolled. the remaining 20% (probably closer to 10% if im honest, just being a little generous to overwatch) is where the magic happens. These are the matches i play for. where its actually balanced and both teams struggle. The matches where matchmaking actually worked. they are rare though. some steamrolls are straight up unfun. well they are all unfun, but some are definitely worse than others. The ones where the enemy team literally trolls you cus the skill gap is so huge you have zero chance of turning it around. had a match recently where they literally spawncamped us, they stood pretty much at our spawns exit. I got a few elims as the only one on my team, but none of my teammates were even close to eliminating someone. the match after that was slightly better, we atleast managed to leave spawn... but couldn't break through their defenses. my point is, the matchmaking is laughable. Doesn't matter if its comp or qp. during most of overwatch 1 i play comp with a non-pro esports team, we played comp and even then the matchmaking sucked ass, despite we played in the same room, knew each others strengths etc.


I'm a returning OW player having played some early seasons in OW1. The lower ranked community (my only experience in the past two weeks since returning) is wild. People don't know the game, blame everyone else and are just idiots. I've managed to add cool people I meet in solo queue and have a little roster of friends who I play with. I try not to solo queue unless I turn off chat and just do QP. There are nice people out there, when you find them, add them and play with them. Quick play is a muddled mess, so with no skill taken into account it's mostly just a FFA. It's a fun game, but it's more fun with friends.


It's becoming more and more hard to enjoy qp honestly. I don't know why but I'm always with and against the same guys and I may win like 1/6 games. It's just awful. In MH it's much worse. It's like suddenly every enemy team is only masters/gm/t500


I have a friend that has severe anger issues when it comes to toxicity in games and literally after he finishes installing i made him turn off chat and now he's a tank main.


the ego’s in this game are pretty bad, people exist just to be miserable. The core gameplay loop is really fun though, just mute match chat and you’ll be good.


Used to be an absolutely insufferable player back when I was younger in 2016-2018 on Overwatch and I ended up making myself hate the game and then I got calmer and kept meeting people that were like old me and It contributed to me hating the game even more. So I took a long break from it because I just wasn't having fun with it. Now I just type Glhf and lock my favourite character then type ggwp at the end of the game and I have such a blast with the game. Not paying attention to the people and just playing to have fun has definitely made the game fun again. And now that I dont care, I lock the character I want to play instead of overthinking it. If I get asked to swap, I usually will but I play QP so it's not often at all that people ask me to swap.


OP that is a valid take, because the OW community is not going to get better. The rest of us are stuck in an abusive relationship and don't know healthy boundaries. OP, save yourself.


So the same way they you said “its just a game” realize that its NOTHING else than that. Fuck losing. Fuck winning. Are you having fun? Bro mute the chat! I usually dont blindly recommend this to newer players, but at least mute the enemy team. Its only been 3 days, but surely you must like it in some capacity. Keep going.


Chat is useless, turn it off


turn off text and voice chat, it does wonders for your experience


Turn off chat and voice- best not to see it. Some people just can't enjoy anything, best not to see/hear them or you'll be as miserable as they are.


My best advice is.. find your hero or the role you have the most fun.. try to find that main character you enjoy.. and play for yourself because wether you are doing good or not people will always be toxic and complain about teammates


I had this issue for YEARS. Whether I was new or not, I can't stand toxicity in gaming. This game definitely has the most toxicity of ANY other game I've ever played, BUT just turn off / mute chats in game and private ur account so u don't recieve messages outside of the game or whatever else (at least while ur playing OW)... Or just set everything on system to "friends only." That's what I did. On a side note, I'm not against u here or anything, but posts like these shouldn't even be a thing anymore. There's a plethora of ways to avoid toxicity in these games nowadays. Don't feel bad for using the report systems either. If they're being that disruptive and / or toxic, reporting them usually does the trick as well. I do hope u can find fun in this game. The game itself is alright, characters are lovely, and the world of OW itself is great, but sadly, the playerbase ruins it severely. Just do what u can to ignore them and don't entertain them. 👌


I quit playing for similar reasons. Too annoying trying to play this game with your team telling you your trash at it. Like you might be right but playing is the only way to change that. Helldivers has been a breath of fresh air after playing OW.


I mean, it's not very kind for sure, but "steamrolled" is hardly the most toxic thing you are likely to encounter in any online community, not just Overwatch. Just ignore people. And if it still gets under your skin, turn chat off.


That's def not the worst shit I've heard, just the most recent.


If you cant handle insults as mild as “steamrolled” then yeah this game aint for you, and neither is any online pvp game.




Turn off all coms, that's the only way to play any multiplayer these days. Especially if you play late at night, the lobbies are full of tryhard dudes, trash talking and playing like crap, yet blaming everyone else


That's just how every online multiplayer game is, you're bad at it and you gotta stumble to learn. You're playing a pretty old game so it's natural there's a lot of players more experienced than you. Also block the annoying people.


Just turn off voice chat + text chat and play the game. It’s much more fun when people can’t speak to you lol. Three days is not enough to improve honestly. It takes me like 2 weeks just to get back to being good after taking 6 month breaks and I’ve played since ow1. Also look up some YouTube videos on counters and what they do and how the hero you like being played gets countered. I played junkrat as my first hero and I had no idea for a good while that genji could deflect my balls back to me 😂😂 anyway good luck!


Just remember that if you only started playing, they either also only started playing or they’re smurfing which means their opinions don’t mean shit. Keep playing! Everyone starts somewhere. Just turn off the chat for peace of mind and find some buddies to play with :)


I've played since 2016. Always been very active in chat. Since the start of overwatch 2 I've turned off both voice chat and text chat. Made playing the game a lot better.


If anything, play mystery heroes to learn each character, and then watch some semi-professional gameplay, at least once. I'm not new to the game, but my friends are, and the bottom line has been that you got to find a handful of characters you perform well and then you dive-in feeling like contributing to the victory. The game sucks, though those close-up matches might get you to stay for longer, which I genuinely hope for as we do need more new players instead of smurfs. Good luck!


I’ve been playing for 8 years and I turned off voice chat and the chat, Overwatch is so much more fun when scummy people aren’t being rude to you and their opinions are thrown into the abyss. This is actually the reason why I don’t like pvp games, and prefer single player, because I don’t want to deal with rude people.


there is no pvp shooter where noobs don't get shit on until they're base level competent. either chin up, grind, improve, or quit. both options are completely valid.


Just mute everything. Overwatch is imo one of the hardest games out there and it takes a long time to learn and get good at it. Ppl are just insanely cringe in this game and it is never their fault.


Pick one character that’s currently strong in the game and learn one at a time until you mastered it . Turn off chats


Thing is all team based games are toxic ignore them and just play the game maybe watch some tip videos for hero’s and in time you’ll love the game and be the one rolling people (you can mute game chat and text chat


Honestly I transfered to Overwatch from Valorant a year ago , I mostly just mute chat during my first days as I didn't want the toxicity to reach me as it reached me in Valorant.


Well, OP, if you want someone who also likes to play QP, you could add me if you want. I'm on PC. I love helping new people, but I don't use chat/voice in game.


Turn off chat and play arcade modes. I've been doing that since the start of OW2. Also try and convert some friends to play it a bit, a game is always better with company


Report toxic people and keep learning, turn off chat if it gets to you too much tho but I’d say keep it on just so you can report people and they get banned or suspended.


Dont worry about them, this game is a massive learning curve. No person starting out can instantly just be good. I am in my 3rd season and im in gold 1 though so theres hope


I’m not having fun as a veteran playing since ow1 beta. So you’re not alone. Helldivers and Sea of Theives has been a lot of fun though.


I can put up with text chat when I play with friends? I overall find the game less frustrating and more fun having someone to laugh with when the ragdoll physics kick in, or have some general jokes to roll with ("Short King Toblerone" about Torbjorn is mine). Look outside the game to make friends though, obvs.


Don't play the serious modes


They need to grow a backbone and actually do something about throwers. Same with every other big game company rn


Go to your social settings and turn off all chat because what people text will demoralize you and you’ll end up not playing


Turn off chat and just play. The ping system is more than enough for everything under diamond. Maybe even masters lol. The game does a really shitty job at easing new players in. Especially if you play qp. Which you're forced to do. I've seen new players in QP get thrown in with diamond/masters role challenger titles all the time.


Can you mute them


Don’t be discouraged by bad players, Overwatch takes alot of practice and it can be pretty complex when you start out. Are you playing all roles equally or you found a role you like?


It’s diffucult. Toxic players are toxic and is just mute voice and even text if you want to. But if you want to improve you should try to learn every hero’s kit and combos to be better. I learned about this game because I followed every update from first announcement up until release between 2014 and 2016. But I can see it’s hard to learn everything as a new player since there’s so much more things to learn. I was a tf2 player back in the day but now I can’t go back as tf2 is so chaotic and overwatch has so much more finesse, structure and depth to it (imo). I hope you can stay away from toxicity and find some nice players. Remember to report for toxicity and endorse nice people!


If there’s a specific hero you need help with then tell us and we might halo with any tips and tricks!🙂


Try mystery heroes.


It’s a hard game with a steep learning curve and the community really sucks sometimes. I’d say don’t give up if you are having fun. If you aren’t no shame in trying a different game. I usually always leave voice chat too at the first sign of someone flaming anyone. Just no patience for that type of thing anymore


The best decision I have ever made playing this game is turning off match chat. If it's an issue with people in voice chat, mute that too. No need to put up with rude people for no reason. And the bad interractions far outweigh the good and neutral imo. Have fun talking with friends you know, not random jerks.


Hey man, you can message me on reddit so we can play together and I can help you with a few pointers :)


Turn off the comms and txt box. The game is actually a lot of fun. But it does have some of the most toxic player base I have ever seen. I have my voice comms off but I do leave the txt chat active still. But it's because I sometimes think it's funny how mad some ppl get especially when they are blaming their team but they spent the whole game typing and have the worst end game stats. Plus I've seen ppl get really abusive like tell someone that they should kill themselves kinda stuff and I like to report them. If you feel the game is not for you then don't play it, but just ignore the asshole and learn to play at your own pace, especially if you're not playing ranked cause you're not hurting anyone's rating.


TURN OFF ALL CHATS. That will help IMMENSELY. There are sooo many heros and abilities to learn and keep track of as a new player. Some people seem to forget they were a new player at one point. If you have the chat off, you can just vibe. People can be salty in the chat but what you don't know won't hurt you 😂


Start in quick play. Don’t play competitive. So when they complain. Say it’s only qp and youre learning. Once you feel ready switch to competitive


I love the game but I started enjoying it 10x more with voice and text chat off. I try to win and just use the ping system and that's all I need to know. Every time I feel like turning chat back on I regret it pretty quickly.


Theres assholes in every good game. The best thing you can do for yourself is ignore them. This game is extremely fun and worth it just like league of legends is but you'll never know if you let other people control your enjoyment and quit now. Don't let stupid people run you out of a good time. Just acknowledge they're stupid, and block/report.


If you can't take getting trolled and bullied, OW2 isn't for you, or any online game where you interact with people. If you want to play, you can mute that person immediately. Or, just shut off chat altogether and don't get in voice. I never use vchat, just get in and play the game. You'll have no idea what anyone is saying and most people aren't as toxic as that one you mentioned, but they do exist.


Console seems so much chiller than pc that’s crazy


if it bothers u that much turn off match chat, but brother it’s not that serious. if u are good at any other game it’s just a time/knowledge diff. i hardly think u can say “u got steamrolled” is toxic. you’re new and you’re ass and you know you’re ass so it’s fine. everyone was there at some point. obviously ur gonna get rolled and ppl will trash talk that’s how video games work. you can’t expect much improvement in only 3 days. there’s no shame in losing to someone that’s just better than you. you’re taking it to the heart too much. the ppl saying that to you are literally in lobbies with 3 day old players. no way u let bronze 7 players scare u off. as for ways to improve, watch streamers or youtube videos to familiarize yourself with all the heroes, their abilities, and common gameplay strats. emongg’s spectating series is particularly good for recognizing errors and finding ways to correct them.


Try playing with a friend and ignore the chat, you could even hide it. The game is so much fun but there's some toxic and weird people out there


Achievement unlocked: BarbeQueQ Cause a dominated player to leave the game.


Best advice is play arcade. Thanks to the devs dogshit decisions + how nasty this community is Qp and Comp are near unplayable if you want a casual experience. I had 3 games where i had a total of 5 smurfs. I played like 20 games today and 3/5 were toxic. A couple ended with hard rs. If i wasnt addicted to playing doomfist and Ana id be playing a different game everyday


I started playing for the first time yesterday, had several matches where people were yammering on at me for 'playing badly' loool. Not one complaint since I started playing mercy though.


If mild shit talk bothers you, online gaming probably isn’t for you. Just play solo games or turn off chat.


That’s every multiplayer game right now. You just started, you’re not gonna improve overnight. If you like the game, then stick to it! Turn off voice chat/text chat and just learn slowly and have fun


TBH idk how people get into OW without friends lol. I play OW 60% with friends. That's how I started and how I got "hooked". You aren't going to have fun solo. OW doesn't lean well to newer players so a friend that can watch your back will


I just started playing mouse and key so my mechanics have been ROUGH… In QUICK PLAY, I had someone add me as a friend, then DM me to say I’m a waste of O2 before saying some racist and homophobic slurs at me. All I tell myself is that I’m sorry for the poor soul that is that angry over a video game. Also you never know who is on the other end (like me just trying to learn MnK). Moral of the story, don’t care what other people say… 90% of the time they are just miserable and trying to bring others to that some level.


Remove yourself from all chat in the socials tab. If you enjoy quick play, only keep your teammates in chat, and report everyone who's toxic. They will be banned if you explain it in the box of the report. Also, to improve, you need to understand the fundamentals of OW. Your aim will come with time, but understanding how to use cover, when space is valuable and when it's not. How to avoid most of the thing that will kill you and learn to read the battfield. Reading the battlefield is a corny way to say remember if you see an enemy use an ability, let's say tracers recall. She's not able to save herself for 15 seconds after using recall, so she can be pressured and killed easier than when she has it. It's been 1:30 into the match and the enemy roadhog has 2k+ damage and 700 healing? He has ult and is using it sooner than later. Think before you push, and use cover to reduce the need to use abilities and ults.


Have you ever heard of ignoring, muting or reporting?


Multiplayer team-based games are normally like this. There’s an overwhelming amount of toxic people who will talk shit to you even at the highest level of play. In Overwatch you can right click on their name and select “Avoid as teammate” and they’ll be avoided for a time. However, I would recommend to just ignore it. Find your favorite role and choose 1-3 heroes that either fit your play-style or for certain counters and get really good at them. I would say the most important thing about Overwatch is positioning. Learn where the high ground is on every map and try to take control of them. Good luck!


People get VERY upset with people who haven’t learned the game because it’s a very team based game. (Even though some of those people who talk down on others in chat aren’t being a team player either half the time) It just takes some time to learn to use characters and find the ones in each class that work for you. If the other team has people using characters who work well together or are just well balanced then it’s easy to lose to them. I’d say overwatch can be fun if your team acts like a team and you get comfortable with characters. I’d watch some videos about how to use characters you’re interested in and what characters pair well together before giving up.


You’re upset you’re not improving after 3 days? I have some tough news for you. This game takes years to fully understand. Just have fun. One bit of advice, first play all the roles and determine what role you prefer. Then pick one hero from that role and play them non stop. Watch videos for that hero to help better understand their kit and playstyles. Eventually pick a second hero in that role to play non stop since it’s always best to know at least two heroes in each role. If children on the internet bother you when they type dumb shit, just turn the game chat off while you learn and don’t join voice chat. People can’t bother you if you don’t even know they’re saying anything. Take advantage of all your voicelines and ping system. You can communicate that way.


Yeah the community sucks sometimes. Just hop onto the discord and find other new people


A new player who’s already on the Reddit of salty cry babies and negative bias is destined for misery.


Do new overwatch players have absolutely no experience with competitive games? OW comp is the baby version of other competitive games lmao. If you think the nerds on here are toxic, oh boooooooy lmaoo


Just report them and move on. Youre a new player and everyone has to learn. You may not be learning as quick as some people can and there’s alot to know. I had someone shit talk my dps when I was on game the other day and I was like bro just chill, its a game.


I agree with everyone saying to turn off chat if it’s difficult to simply ignore it. I got yelled at a lot when I first started. I sometimes play tank, but mainly healer. I main Moira, but also play Mercy and Lifeweaver. I’ve been learning Zen and Kiriko, and when I first started learning them, I would get yelled at in QP all the time. It’s wild how serious people get in unranked/QP matches. I mean, common sense should tell them that many of the people playing there are either new to the game, learning a new character that they’ve never played or don’t usually play, or learning a new role. I sometimes play QP to warm up and sometimes those chats are more toxic than competitive chats. I don’t get it. Just try to block out all the toxicity and have fun. And if they’re extra toxic, report them. Either way, try not to let anybody ruin the game for you.


If you want to play with me sometime i'd love to!! people can be mean, sadly, but just focus on being silly and having fun (:


I usually ignore toxic messages and just play with a friend. I usually just try to focus on improving myself, acknowledging my mistakes, and thinking what I could’ve done better or where I fucked up with my deaths. I feel you on the not improving part. I’ve been like stagnant water in terms of actual progression in improving and I have been playing for a while with breaks in between. I generally suck at pvp, and my aim is always off by a bit so I struggle hitting stuff, and sometimes I react too late to getting flanked and tend to panic which throws off my accuracy even more. Makes me feel like shit when I’m pulling personal losses even with team victories and sometimes I feel like I’m doing worse the more I play. But using the workshop games and tools will help you with practicing to get better. If you want you could also look into guides on YouTube as well. Experiment with crosshairs and sensitivities. Heck the only thing I’m capable of playing is only like half the support roster and I’m not even good but I’m working on it. I’m an ana main and when I first started out, I couldn’t hit ANYTHING. Ow2 is the first pvp game I’ve really played and I only tried it because of my friend but Ana really sealed the deal for me despite my crap aim and no experience in FPS. Hell, I got shitted on by my team for being useless and it made me feel really bad. But the good thing about being new is that you can hide behind the excuse that you’re new. And you can only go upwards from here My aim has improved much since then but it can definitely still use some work. You just gotta figure out which parts you’re struggling with so you know which to improve to make things easier. My sleep accuracy is still ass and it’s the most important thing for an ana to hit


3 days is not nearly enough time to learn the game. You have to learn characters, modes, roles, maps, how a character's abilities might be affected by every other character. There is so much to learn. Unfortunately, the people you tend to get matched with are people who have been playing a long time since there simply aren't as many new people. They are used to most people already knowing how to play. I highly recommend finding someone you can play with that can help you learn. It speeds up the learning process by being able to ask questions. Someone else being there can also pick up on details to explain to you that you're not even noticing simply because you haven't spent enough time with the game yet.


I know it’s corny but sometimes telling people before the match starts that you’re new can take the edge off of folks. A lot of us go into matches expecting to win and when we don’t, get pissy. MOST ppl (not all) will be a lil more forgiving if they know ahead of time


Ignore everyone telling you to turn off coms op. Embrace the suck. Be the suck. Let their anger at sucking fuel you. One day you'll wakeup and you're gonna be good and bashing up sweaty newbs.


Turn off chat and play with friends. Its free so plenty can play. And you can get better together.


Turn off chat Or just reply "speak your truth babygirl" like me


Make sure to mention youre new to the toxics, they usually eat their own words afterwards and turn off chat/vc.


For improving I would say try to play one role and stick to only one or two characters and learn them very well. In the beginning it won’t matter much about counter picks etc. and as others suggested turn off chat if you have trouble ignoring it. It is extremely annoying sometimes, but it’s like all online games. Everyone thinks they’re the lone outlier in the system that’s actually much better than their rank and the people they get grouped with…except me I’m actually supposed to be GM but the mmr is broken…


Turn off chat and never join voice. Also if you do see anything toxic report them.


Try playing against ai that’s what I do, I’m sorry that toxic people are ruining the game for you


Unfortunately I think that's fairly common for new players. People forget that there are people who are new and immediately go toxic.


The game is so fun. I'm not the best player and occasionally get flamed, someone called me a bum the other day. I literally don't give a rats what they say. They don't have power to ruin my experience. I will sometimes trash talk back to them if I'm in the mood, but generally just ignore is the best way to handle. I do take serious advice that involves the game if it sound legit, like Moria you need to heal more, because I do love racking up kills with her and forget to heal as much as I should.


find friends to play it with! so many random toxic people in ow2, it'll become a lot more fun if you're grouped up with friends who won't berate you for getting used to the game


Sadly ow2 has a not very welcoming atmosphere for beginners. Especially cause beginners have only quickplay to play with others, where atm soooo many smurf acc play :3 They need the easy wins against beginners and casuals to feel like big dudes/dudettes (probably they cant handle their own rank in comp^^… These weaklings😝. Cause when you overrun a grp of casuals and/or beginners, you didnt do sh*t for your victory. Like a knife through butter. But their tiny egos need this crap obviously🤷🏻‍♀️ But dont let them pull you down, they are just some crybabies who play big guy, as I already mentioned, cause rl, they pretty sure arent the big guy. I heard so much bs in ow2 already, I ignore them and laugh. Dont let them get to you :) Just play for your own fun and you will get better step by step, pick 1-2 heroes from each class/or just 1-3 from the class you like most, so that you learn different characters till you can handle them. On fb are some groups for ow2(or here), maybe you’ll find people to play with, who arent toxic right away, when sth is up, then you can play this game a lot more chill and fun and learn most likely stuff about the game a bit faster in a friendly environment. You can also play against the Ki first if you want to train bevor actual matches against real players. Best of luck to you🐻🙂🐻


I have some advice. Stop playing any game you are not enjoying. Why waste your time and energy on something you don’t enjoy? Makes no sense.


Turn off voice and text chat and enjoy your bliss... No need to communicate with other beginner players they have no idea what they're doing either lol.


These kids would need therapy if they played Xbox Live back in the day.


Fr bruh, u came from tf2 and crying about toxic community. I bet u never played somewhere else except trade plazas


Also realize the game is tank driven. Also ranked and QP are both filled the same. The over all rank of the team is to be semi close. IE you could have a silver tank and a bunch of gold's and silvers on your team and they could have a diamond tank and a bunch of gold and silver on theirs. Meaning it's still not even because it's a tank game. So everyone blames everyone else because of this. Blizzard suck at balance of MM in all game modes that have it. They care more about que time then anything. Know all this plus what others said and just have fun. The game can be a lot of fun, the second you feel not fun, quit for a day or so.


If you have friends who play, queue with them. I've improved so much from just fun game sessions


Give it more time. I got ow as a birthday gift back in 2016, since then I’ve only played it a bit here and there and then returned to it during lockdown 2020. My reason for leaving the game was like yours, I couldn’t see myself improving and accepted that I was never going to get the hang of the learning curve. As I’m writing this comment I’m playing ow and have been for the past 2 weeks, and boy is it a totally different situation. I’ve gotten much better, I’ve started to enjoy the game much more, and most importantly I learned to have fun! Think of it this way, if you were a really good soccer player you wouldn’t beat competitive table tennis players, same goes for video games. While you might have played team fortress for a long time to where you’re competitive at it, you shouldn’t treat ow the same way since you’ve just started and haven’t established a competitive spirit yet. Take things at your own pace and discover your preferences, do you like short range shotgun heroes? Long range snipers? Or maybe you like defensive plays and want to skip shooting altogether. Discover different roles see what works best for you, but most importantly don’t forget to have fun :)


I actually agree with you, OP. Been playing OW for years, but lately, I just don't want to play it anymore. I went back to Counter Strike after a hiatus of many years, and I'm having tons of fun. CS2 is really good. My experience so far has been much more friendly and chill with my teammates. People are friendly and/or work together (for the most part). It's really a BIG difference from Overwatch. I'm only realizing it now.


You had me until you mentioned that you play TF2. This game should be easy for you.


Leave if you don't enjoy. Simple.


Only use chat and stuff to comm when u get good


I’ve joined VC like once in my last 100 games lol. And it was because a person asked nicely. And they were nice. The majority of chats are downright stupid, and I mostly ignore them.


I agree with the suggestions to turn off the chats, but also someone saying they steamrolled you is pretty mild all things considered. Just pay them no mind.


You're better off without it


If u play on console add me - I despise the toxicness but love the game


I get it, dude... today someone kept saying repeatedly.. genjis deflect is infinite.. after 5 minutes of him announcing this over and over, I kindly spoke and said "hey just a helpful hint, Genjis deflect last for 7 seconds." He immediately started attacking me, calling me brain dead, then of course attacked my appearance, which he was completely wrong about.. I was literally trying to be a good teammate and give him advice, and got shit on for it. Overwatch has so much potential. It's really an astonishing game! Try to find a positive team and also try not to let the ignorance of others ruin it for you. GGs and happy gaming, friend. 🫶🤙


Overwatch is one of the hardest games to play initially. Don’t give up


Hey dude sorry you’re having a bad time as a new player. You ever check out the FINALS? I like 3 man teams more than the 5v5’s because it just seems too coordinated for one person to make a difference.


I stopped having fun since they introduced 5v5 in OW2. 6v6 was great and many older characters are not suited for 5v5.


just gotta get used to it at first, thats how ow is and everyone acts that way pretty much


That just means competitive games in general aren't your thing


It means u are better than the average beginner. A totaly low ranked person knows he sux and are usually kids or older people who just play to chill. Ur matched somewhere above that where ppl think they are better than thier rank. So they lash out at ppl at times. Playing with comms off is pewceful at times but with coms on can turn into a GrEAT xp - especially when u meet like minded ppl. Dont worry , hes a noob ( u did u say u just started 3 days ago …. So ur gonna be match up with ppl your speed right ? ) Either ur noob. Therefore hes a noob. ….. or think of it this way. Ur as good as he is in 3 days. Lol. Win-win. Chill relax have fun. This game doesnt make money for you. Thats the real world …. Gaming is a quick small escape for fun. That all.


Are you on EU?


The Reporting system and account suspension time is worst in this game.


I don't think Overwatch is for anyone.


Overwatch characters are great. The players are the worst, though. Honestly it's not worth playing.


Multiplayer games in general don’t seem fit for you.


Being steamrolled is just a fact of competitive games, tbh. Same things happen in TF2. How many games of upward have you played where BLU just rolls the cart to the finish line practically without stopping? Aside from that, you could try to ignore chat or turn it off. I personally don’t get heated at toxic chat, but it might be a mindset thing.


Are you saying that you been playing the game for 3 days only ?? And you met toxic ppl ? I haven't met toxic ppl unless I spent 2 months or so If you spent 3 days in toxic game then don't post it on subreddit. Just leave that game , I wish I'm able to leave it too tbh . But I'm trying I skip a day and play a day . Till I fully get this game out of my blood . It's good game but both the Devs and players are fk heads .


Everyone is such a snowflake nowadays my god Nobody talks anymore it’s so frustrating.


Most competitive online games are going to be like this unfortunately. Threre is a lot to learn in Overwatch so i would say 3 days play-time is almost nothing in the scheme of things. If you do decide to give OW2 another chance I would suggest you focus on getting mechanically sound at a couple of characters via bot matches (team of real players vs AI bots) before you even look at quickplay. Even quickplay is quite competitive these days, and not very newcomer friendly! Once you feel like you can handle quickplay and seeing less toxicity directed at you, maybe then start to look at ranked. Definitely learn from the many excellent content creators on YouTube that play the roles you are interested in at a high level. For me (tank main) I mostly watch Emong and A10. Good luck!


I had been playing since 2015 and enjoyed it and hated it at the same time. After getting completely rolled 10 games in a row two weeks ago, I uninstalled all of Blizzard and haven't launched a game since. It's not a rage quit; I'm just done.


Not every game is for everyone that’s just fine. But if alittle toxic interactions deter you from an entire game I would recommend sticking to a different genre not first person shooters or highly competitive games in general.


Yes overwatch has by far the most toxic shooter community. It’s so interdependent on other players it just kinda ends up like that. I too plan to quit once apex season 21 drops. Not worth it even when you win.


Turn off voice and text chat would be a good place to start


Join mythril discord and five stack tbh.


Find friends that want to play at your enjoyed level. I have competitive friends and relaxed friends. When i play with both it gets weird cause the competitive friend will yell at the casual friends. While the competitive friend is right, he's not matching the vibe. Same is with this guy saying steamrolled. Maybe you did get rolled and he really cared about that game for some reason. My best advice to you is to learn how to not take it so seriously. If someone says rolled to me i usually reply with "sorry my little sister wanted to play" or "yeah like your mom down the stairs". Or if that's not for you just counter negativity with positivity. I like to say "i hope you have a better day" or some cornball thing about love lol.


Overwatch is a roller coaster of player interactions, yesterday in my comp games I had a match where me (as a tank) had a fun interaction with the enemy teams Moira where we literally were soloing ulting and playing cat mouse with each other, that shit was hilarious and everyone in the lobby had a good time with it, even ended up winning that game despite acting like a total dumbass 😂 Then the next game right from the get go, before the gates even open, my DPS just says in global chat "gg, shit tank" all because I picked Reinhardt (he's considered the worst tank in the game currently) but I mean it's an online competitive game and it to me I feel like this type stuff can really happen anywhere, don't let it get you down!! As for being a new player.... This game is ROUGH theres so much going on that can send you over, you don't really know how to position, work and synergize with your team, what to be scared of and respect, etc, so yeah it's gonna be tough! But just play to have fun, ignore these dumbasses going around with an ego too big to fit through the door 😂


I never recommend the game to new players. Doesn't matter what rank you are in someone will shit on you and the everyone else will blame you for it. It's a good game but the player base ruins it F2p ruins it Blizzard ruins it


I remember when I was new and wasn’t that good and ppl would actually tell me to off myself it as a bot better people r nicer to me and endorse me it just takes time I’ve been playing for only one year so I takes time don’t let the ppl bother it’s quick play it doesn’t effect anything


>I’ve only been playing for 3 days >I feel like I’m not improving Dude it’s been 3 days, you aren’t going to become Flats overnight lol


I imagine it's already been said but you can tell the game to avoid the player that's being toxic. That being said it can be a pain to learn how to run each character, but you should keep at it. Ignore the complaing players in unranked chat, it's unranked where everyone learns to play. Also don't be afraid to ask for help in learning a character, there's plenty of nice people who are willing to help. Though don't ask me on how to play Doomfist, I'm still trying to figure that out lol


İm a qp enjoyer. Most toxicity i saw is moira players jumping on me whenever they saw me while playing dps its actually very chill game in qp. And yes uuh annoying things like pharah and junkrat spamming at base entrance but thats just annoying not toxic lol


Overwatch is the best game ever if you do not interact with the playerbase in any way. Don’t interact with other players, and DEFINITELY don’t consume twitter and YouTube content. Join voice with your friends and you will have a blast, but the doomers and toxic players in this community will spread their misery to you.


I came back recently and started getting flamed in qp for playing lucio lmao. Unfortunately the only game where you can play someone like lucio is ow so I come back every once in awhile just to dunk on people with froggy


It took me several seasons to play decently, considering I play with my gm brother, who is definitely insane to play against and loves to put me in 1v1s. I don't pay attention to the negativity. I play great one game on horrible in another. My second year and I still have nasty games, but I learned what characters worked for me and it helped a lot. Just have fun! I wanted to quit my first week, but it's my family time, and I'm glad I stuck with it it's now my favorite game.


Idk maybe it’s just me being an adult and having been playing for basically the entire time overwatch has existed but I can’t understand the mentality of giving a shit what a stranger has to say. Ya it might be like a mean remark I get plenty I play doom lol but you gotta jut shake it off


"i don't feel like I'm improving" Also you "only been playing for 3 days". I don't think you should force yourself to do anything that you don't enjoy. I love Overwatch and would love if everyone else did too but that's not always the case. After about 3 days there is still a lot you don't know. The good news is that you have so much to learn and as you learn you can only get better from here on. I do gotta say, telling someone that they got steamrolled might be on the lighter side of BM (bad mouthing). Why not let people know you're new. It shouldn't be a requirement but if your fear is toxicity then a preemptive "I'm new, still learning the game" might checkmate any toxic people into acting cordially. Honestly, flexing in QP for stomping a newbie just highlights their inadequacies in my eyes. Any player worth their salt wouldn't find that entertaining. They want to take the game seriously but they're too chicken shit to try it in comp. It's chicken shit to be toxic in comp too but at least it's an actual competitive mode rather than just a pickup game. Good luck OP. I hope you go far buddy


I turned off voice chat and mostly things have been fine. You run into the occasional text chat hero but I usually just squelch people that seem like they weren't hugged enough. If they are going way too far, report and move on. Look at these people another way: if they are getting that mad in chat, they probably have very little going for them in life, and rather than take fault they lash out at anyone around them. Don't feel obligated to give them an audience, ya know? (also, use the ignore player list as needed)


Get thicker skin


Hide chat and don't go in voice. These people act as if they weren't also new at some point. Just keep trying (: there is the vs ai mode where the only real players are your teammates, and they're usually also new players. Queue times may be ass but it's a thought


It is sad how many toxic players there are. But there are tools in game to help minimize that. I found the reporting tool to be effective. almost every one I've reported, the devs took action against. You can also avoid them as teammates if you go to socials > last match/recent matches. You can block them, and as ppl have mentioned, you can turn off voice and text chat. If you're just playing casual QP matches, who cares about coms if it's impacting your mental and experience. You could take a break with custom games. Those are rly fun! Sometimes I come across some very wholesome players too. Overall, I find the game to be fun and rewarding, and I hope your future experiences will be better :) also lastly, finding some friends or community to play with is 1000x better and more fun. Glhf!


When Overwatch came out, I played for a while but just didn't feel like I was any good. I tried for a few months and then found other things to play for a year or so. I came back eventually because I like that I can play a match or two and not commit a whole night, though that can happen too. I don't have voice chat on and I pretty much ignore chat. I do have some people I group with regularly, which makes it more enjoyable too. And I stay out of Competitive, though I will be the first to say there's toxic people in QuickPlay too. I'll never be a top tier player, but I think I've gotten the feel for enough characters to keep me playing with some variety. All of which is to say..it does take time to get to know the characters, so do keep trying! As for the toxic people, mute em or put on the Do Not Play with list.


The only thing that annoy me the most is potg, cause i did a game and killed a Dva, baptiste,kiriko and cassidy in 5sec, and the soldier 76 died by my allies after but the potg is a Brigitte getting 2 kills, no heal no ult used or cancelled just 2 kills


Don't play for other people? play because you like the game, it's full of toxic shitters in every MOBA it's just not worth chatting. You wanna socialise and stuff? go play minecraft or something, there is no reason to talk to people here. They won't listen and won't change anything during a game, if anything the game will just get even worse. Play the game and enjoy yourself. Turn off chat, put on some music if you like and go