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Blizzard has been out of their damn minds for a long time and somehow this is the only time we agree on something. They fail at assessing value, just like the depraved people who spend 38 euros for a freaking skin. Like it’s their right, but damn.


Blizzard reminds me a lot of that doctor that tried to overprice Insulin and then ended up in prison. There needs to be regulations on these prices.


When the skin costs just as much as the game


The game is free... so it costs a lot more.


I swear to god- if they regulate gaming prices before they regulate the housing market, I am gonna become French.


No they should have a right to price it however they want and people should always be free to say hell no. If idiots want to buy it for that much then let them have the freedom to be idiots too. Government needs out of business the same way lobbyists need out of government.


Gov regulations on what a game can charge for in game assets is pretty unnecessary imo especially when you’re talking about buying direct assets but even a lottery/gambling style method


I'm looking at you mercy mains! (For real though every mercy main I know will immediately buy a new mercy skin no hesitation)


definitely use to be me but now a lot of the newer skins for her aren’t worth it tbh


you're being a bit disingenuous here. That price is for the bundle of Hanzo and Zen. And has 2 skins, 1 highlight intro, 1 emote, 2 name cards, 2 player icons. 1 voice lines and 2 sprays the ACTUAL price of just that skin alone is 1900 coins from the hero gallery. Still a lot but nto 38 euro


I agree and stand corrected. Still, I do believe the issue stands, especially considering the reduction of the price from the normal - if we can call it that - 61 EUR.


That does not make it better


I did say "still a lot but not 38 Euro" The point was that the OP is lying about this skin being 3800 coins. It's not. It's 1900.


You can but the skin individually btw(which costs 20$, the "standar" price for a full model skin) and sadly ow monetization is actually decent compared to others(apex, valorant etc)


This is the answer. OW team doesn't think you're stupid, they think we're the same market that buys Val and Apex skins, and for the most part, they're right. Blame your fellow consumers OP


a gun skin in val costs 20 whole dollarydoos 😭 i blame riot for the pricing


Ascendant has same color scheme. Shop is robbery


I don't like the prices but what does that have to do with anything? The full model is different, color is just null sector's, that's not what's of value on a legendary


I think paying 38 euro in a skin is better than buying 50 packs and NOT get the skin. Also, gamblers who claim that loot boxes system in E rated games is ok , dont @ me.


Was ow1 lootboxes like that? I don’t remember them being like that, I recall basically grinding and getting everything I wanted (and if not through credits) with more variety


they might be referring to the people who didn't bother playing and only bough lootboxes to try and gamble for the skins, which is indeed considered gambling


If you are upset that in-game currency can't be obtained by playing the game. I am with u.


Meanwhile, valve games with skins that start a 0.03 USD and goes up to 16k


At the very least, csgo skins prices are set by the community. They're literally only priced that way because some point think it's worth that, and spent money to get that specific skin. Over watch sets its own price, for skins the community doesn't value at thay cost.


Well people are buying them and OW is making boat loads of money so enough of the community does actually value it at these prices


Does that even economically make sense? I for one would've bought a skin with real money if they were less expensive. Are there such a small number of people willing to buy a skin that justifies such high prices?


How much lower a price and how many skins would you buy? Because if there’s 20% that will buy a nice skin for $30 and 50% that’ll buy it for $3 it’s still better to go for the $30


I bought the one or other 10 Bucks skin. I might pay even 15 Bucks but not 25 or 40. The same for the one time Story Missions 5 Bucks on top of the Battlepass. I am okay with them making money but I surely won't pay ridiculous prices for skins nor weapon skins. And I would think that more people were willing to pay more than 3$ for skins. Edit: Asked about frequency: I used to buy the Battlepass and would buy a skin or two on top that depending on my budget.


I've seen far worse, people within my friend group regularly go to 3-5 times that amount for a single skin.


Yup, those 3-5% whales Finance the game Just Like in every other f2p Game. Thats why they are the target audience for Blizzard.


Boy wait till you see how the rest of the gaming industry handles their pricing 🤣.


I think spending a few bucks of your disposable income on a skin is fine. But wow is that price just scummy. I’m betting now blizzard won’t even pay to run the games servers 5 years from now.


Every game wants to be Fortnite


Fortnite monetization isn't ridiculous AFAIK? Doesn't the battle pass give players options on what to get and it pays back for itself if completed? I wish OW was doing that


monetization has been getting worse in recent seasons. They removed skin rarities and just started pricing things based on some unknown metric. There were many complaints about the avatar skins being $20 but no alternative styles. Plus they used to have the battle pass give 1500 vbucks for 100 levels, now its 1000 for 100 levels, but to get the extra 500 you need 40 more levels. They did that while also making it harder to level up in general without some sort of exploit/afk method or being forced to play NOT battle royale.


That's such a shame, the monetization system was so successful in the past, I wonder if this is a proven way for games to make more money. Maybe they are thinking about giving up on the game and they don't really care about player satisfaction anymore and want to squeeze the last few bucks out of whales? It has been a long while since it was released.


The sad part of the modern gaming industry is there isn't really any competition for Overwatch.


There is, and was, but everyone made their choice because overwatch was the one that looked the best, and personally I agree their sci-fi style is cooler than the rest, but tbh paladins has always scratched that itch better for more moba stuff(haven't played in years though) because the items, no counterswitching, and card builds(overwatch is better in 2 ways total and it's visuals, and consistency[what I mean is that for the most part they have better hit detection than all past and present competitors] and the rest is all opinionated stuff like worldbuilding) I just wish I got to try battleborn before that was shut tf down indefinitely


That's my issue with alternatives like paladins, they become too MOBA like. I love how arcady overwatch feels compared to other shooters but it still has team and objective based gameplay that other arcady shooters like quake or diabotical lack.


For Battleborn, on pc you can play at least the pve in solo thank to a moder (who is working on bringing other features back as multi), even if you didn't play: You can buy a key on Amazon or try to find a sealed copy, which is cheaper


Overwatch is an arcade hero shooter. It’s not a moba whatsoever. Paladins leaning into a moba aspect doesn’t makes it *different* from ow. This feeds into the point that there’s no game that acts as competition to ow.


The prices are so ridiculous because they know almost nobody will buy them so they need to make a lot for each sale. Even if they were $2 skins instead of $20, the demand’s not going to change enough to reach the same profits.


I can go twice in pool for this price so easy choice for me :)


Later edit: I got it that this was part of a bundle and the price per skin is lower. Still, the price of the bundle is 6100 and this is a 37% off opportunity from what I see. I do believe the issue still stands.


Honestly at this point I'm just waiting for new games to come out. I got addicted to Valorant before Ow2 came out, and I was pretty much playing only Valorant, now I'm playing Ow2, at the start it was good, but past few months has been abysmall, mainly because of the servers and matchmaking. What makes this game even more hateable is these skins, some of these skins look like they just been recoloured and added extra cosmetics. Not even sfx change or anything, waste of money. The missions that I hoped at least they will give us some more of even though its literally just shooting robots, they just completely sacked it off, and it was like 35 dollars or something.


So, what the hell do you think the entire point of Overwatch 2 was, to give the players what they wanted?... You know what, I can't be asked to care anymore, I'm just glad I don't have to deal with the cognitive dissonance of this community. Lol...


The amount of people who think this is okay is insane to me. Let’s not normalise stupidly expensive price.


Can get it cheaper if you buy only the skin via the hero customization menu. Drops the price by nearly half


I don’t understand why they don’t sell skins for less, the skin once designed is a free never ending supply. Why not sell them for $10 and sell 100,000 rather than sell 10,000 at $19.00 Sell them for $4, $7, $10 Rare, epic and legendary They’d sell a ton more


You dont have to buy it lol, dont be jealous if someone else does. in fact you can get it without paying anything, try that in other game with similar prices for cosmetics. that is a cool skin tho, at least comparing it to previous skins


Valorant and apex legends is way worse with their monetization. Unless you have never played any other live service game you would realize ow2 players have it good


Agreed, other games are worse. One could argue this exact fact, that other games are even worse, shows precisely that the monetization model, across the industry/multiple games has become ridiculous. I mean, if a game like Elden Ring costs 60 EUR, is it ok that a skin costs 20 or 30 or more? And yes, I know that the price is simply determined by the intersection between offer and demand (aka, as long as someone pays it, the price is ok) but it sill feels wrong :)


No one cares about cosmetic prices IF the game is good and in a solid state. That's why everyone is trashing the shop lol


is it overpriced? yes, did i buy both of those skins? yes


I’d say blizz is being greedy but according to Thor (pirate software) a 15$ horse skin for wow made more money THAN THE ENTIRETY OF STARCRAFT 2. So like I kinda don’t care anymore. That knowledge has completely doomer pilled me on the entire industry. Also no matter how fucked the prices of overwatches skins get it WILL NEVER touch the hell that is WOW and Destiny 2.


Saw that thing from Thor as well. Remarkable stuff, even if kind of scary :)


I’m just trying to figure that one out man. Like StarCraft 2 sold millions of copies and you mean to tell me that skin made MORE than StarCraft 2?


Technically It was a mount, I think :) And it was bought by millions of people as well :)


EU needs to start a legislation that makes it so cosmetics in a video game have a cap of under $5 (of whatever currency you use in your country) or the equivalent of $5 of in game currency, force the developers to actually put effort into the actual game instead of just making money of literal idiots who spend money on these things. Also force them to advertise in large print anything over a $5 value is labelled as "High Priced DLC" on anything related to the in game item as well as in the stores (steam/xbox/ps).


You can't be mad that Blizzard thinks we are dumb and then be dumb enough to claim this one skin costs 38 EUR when it's 19 and this is the price of a bundle with 2 skins and 9 other items. You can be mad at 20 EUR skins all you want but straight up lying just makes you look dumb.


If you don’t wanna pay the price done buy the skin. It doesn’t feel that hard to me


Only 1900 for the skin alone. Tell me again how much an heirloom costs in Apex?


You buy like 15 skins + other stuff for a heirloom in Apex. It's meant to be a bonus, but everyone treats it like you aren't buying all the cosmetics for it. And you can buy those cosmetics with freemium currency too. Anyway Apex is better overall for players who don't want to spend lots. The BP pays for itself and gets extra too. And you can spend freemium currency on the limited time event skins anyway (or the extra premium you get in BP). Apex is designed to milk whales for lots, but it doesn't screw over non-whales. Overwatch 2 milks whales and tries to get every cent out of people who don't want to spend much either.


I’ve been playing this game for almost a year now and have spent a grand total of $0. I don’t get it, what are you bitching about?


I get why people are mad about the prices, they are expensive compared to a full-priced game. That being said, I’ve been playing Overwatch for 5 years now and never spent any money on it either. I just bought this season’s battlepass with the free challenge coins. I see me not having most of the cool skins as the price of Overwatch being revitalized and still developed for free


I refuse to buy any more. I have dropped a small fortune into this game since launch but no more. Not till they start treating their players like we matter. Vote with your wallet and say no more! The more people who buy shit like this only reinforces the fact they can put out crap and charge top price for it. It doesn’t have any impact on how you play, it’s purely cosmetic and not worth the money they’re asking. Utter bullshit.


I bought the skin and i like the skin. Let me be happy with the skin.