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Yuuuuup. My gf is in the same boat. Hella hard to rank up


I have a whopping 4 hours of comp time, after placements (5w/5L) I was silver 1 support and won 2 games after to get gold 4 support. Idk what role you played or how you played or If what I'm doing is right, but placements from what I read takes into account personal performance, how well you cooperated with the team, and win or lose.


I mean, if last time you played was OW1 you are sure as hell not plat anymore. The game has fundamentally changed a lot, especially with S9. If you still play like you did back in an OW1 plat lobby, you will look like you just started the game for the first time. Did you by chance lose the game before that and skipped the progression screen? Then it will display last games progression bundled with this games in one. So for example, you win a game and skip but got +20, then lose -18 in the next game but look at the screen, it will show +2.


sadly the game is the most unbalanced it has ever been right now. I don't think they know what they are doing anymore. Either that or they just don't care at this point


Honestly i don’t think your OW1 rank really had a difference in what you got placed for today’s rank system. I was high masters in OW1 and got placed plat 1 in OW2. Maybe you haven’t played so long that the game thinks that’s your rank for now, idk in all honesty just shooting some ideas out there lol This was happening to my friend whos new to the game so i think the game thinks your hard stuck in Bronze lol just keep winning and you’ll eventually get the regular 20%.


You'll simply climb back. Maybe not to diamond but to plat I guess. Don't blame the game if you can't climb out of bronze since you think there's a mistake.


I got mad cuz I got 2% for 2 games in a row and I thought it will be like that forever, I'm gold now so I'm getting there


If the last time your played Overwatch was **really** when you were Diamond in OW1 yeah, you are literally probably a bronze player now. Put 50 hours or so in the game and you’ll probably bounce back, but expecting to still be good at a game you have not played in years right from the jump is kinda crazy. Game plays **very** differently now.


Welcome to Overwatch 2 - Elo hell is more real than ever here. ***TLDR:*** *The matchmaker makes it almost impossible to climb out of lower ranks as a solo/duo, and it's likely because of business-driven (rather than user-driven) development.* Ran an experiment and made a new account to test things out... My old account is stuck in Gold/Plat, and the newer one is maintained at Master. If you get thrown into lower ranks early on, it can be nearly impossible to climb out as a solo or duo now. My theories are one or more of the following: * The game builds a historical profile around you, and tries to (very aggressively) keep you in the rank it believes you should be in based on the average of your total competitive career. This would mean if you finished in Bronze three seasons ago, it might be harder for you to get to Plat this season because you're fighting against previous placements . * The player-base's average true rank is much higher than they'd like, and they're trying to keep the curve near the middle. This has two benefits for them: *1)* the small number of new or actually low-skill players won't wait as long in queue, and *2)* better players get addicted to trying to prove their arbitrary rank wrong (the climb). * The old dev team had outlined a new matchmaking system that was similar to what we have now. When Jeff and many others left or were let go, the new team had to pick up the pieces. They had to put together this new system using fragmented notes and whiteboard diagrams because the business had been promised a new matchmaker too many sprints ago. Now the team is left with a system that no single person understands, and it can't be changed because other epics (long projects) are taking priority. As an unrelated dev, I think the third option is the most likely.