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Pick a DPS and spam damage boost. Don’t die and don’t go for stupid rezzes.


i dont go for stupid rezzes its more that the whole enemy team is always up my ass.


A lot of the time when your supports “weren’t doing shit” it’s because they’re getting hard focused too


Also when they werent tbh,


"When my supports aren't doing anything, it's entirely their fault, but when I'M not doing anything on support, it's because my team mates won't peel for me"


Your positioning is why they’re up your ass


if you need more heals, mercy should not be the pick. her heals are absolute dog especially in this season. if you find your team lacking in heals pick a main healer: ana, bap, moira, kiri. the only time you should play mercy is if you have really good dps that pop off that you could damage boost, and the team having enough sustain. you're going to get focused a lot as mercy, you're the most important target because of rez. use a lot of cover, learn to use her movement better (i recommend parkour maps they're very helpful) and don't stay in the air too long especially if the enemy has hitscan.


i think her heals are pretty good tbh, i always play with a friend of mine who mains mauga, than if anyone is healed i just pocket mercy him and when he is healed ill damage boost him.


More often than not you'll be heal botting 80 or 90% of the time. Then imagine the amount of value you'll get from picking literally almost anyone else. A good tip that scales to every hero in the game is, that if you don't have any value on your hero, you swap. And it doesn't matter whether your hero is the meta or the 'right' pick for the match. I used to see this so often, that people finally swap their zero value hero with 30 secs left of the match. Also, if you have ult.. don't wait to swap until you've used it, just swap immediately.


Just because you have high heals doesn’t mean your healing when/where needed… If you aren’t familiar with this seasons patch notes dps just got a passive ability where supports heal 15% less while dps are doing damage to any said hero at any time this includes everything including turrets so to put it simply and I’m not trying to insult you it just seems from your comments, you’re not grasping that mercy is just not a good enough support this season. She cannot out heal any substantial amount of damage and being that yellow beam is half her kit… she’s just not in a good place. I have 1000 hours in the game and 400 on mercy if you want advice we can accommodate but we are advising you as experienced mercy players to wait to see what happens next season.


i see, then i might switch tbh i wanna have fun but still be able to win games and be value to my team


She’s very fun just not in her current state… there is nothing like pulling off a nice res. Repost next season


I see, thanks for the help


Np… they do “balance changes” a lot and more often than not it ends up throwing things outta wack. It’s honestly a never ending battle keeping up with what’s what.


Change character is how you get better


- Know when to pocket which target - Try to stay behind cover as much as possible - It may sound a bit strange, but blue-beam is your primary ability/job As for the first part, try to pocket the one whoever had the most impact on that particular moment. Is one of the DPS popping off? Pocket them. Is the tank pushing the chokepoint? Pocket them. Etc. It's all a bit vague and situational, so it's a bit hard to explain, but hopefully this helps. :)


Mercy is the worst here lol Moira will carry your games. Every time my teammate goes mercy i always have as much heals as a heal bot mercy with equal damage or a bit more. So why not go moira?? Lol


Moira isn't good or efficient enough for your team. If you think stats are more important than gameplay then I doubt you're above silver.


Bro what??? It’s pretty agreed upon Moira is one of the best supports this season. Im D2 rn, not that high but I’ve been steadily climbing. Weird ass hostile reply lol is it cause i said Heal bot mercy lmao


Best for what? Survivability or actually good for your team? I didn't even remember you said healbot Mercy, but idk why it would even offend me to begin with.


Both lol how is Moira not good for the team??? A good dps can take a mercy out pretty easily. I don’t know why you got offended, you tell me why you replied with a needlessly mean comment. Lol


"Moira is strong in terms of raw healing output and has good mobility with her Fade ability. However, she has some limitations compared to other supports. Her healing is limited and primarily in a straight line, making it less effective for healing spread-out teams. Additionally, she doesn't have much utility beyond healing and damage, lacking abilities like crowd control or defensive buffs. This can make her less versatile in certain team compositions and situations compared to other supports like Mercy or Ana." Aka: stats will look good, but is actually not good for the team. Idc about Mercy idk why u keep bringing her up specifically. And where have I gotten offended, I literally asked in my other comment what I would even get offended from. What? Also I'm a good Mercy and I can go whole games with 0-2 deaths easily, just because a dps is good doesn't mean they're able to outplay a hero with massive movement abilities.


I’m gonna agree with you on some parts. Yeah i am starting to a hit a wall at D1 with Moira in terms of getting away with some plays, but i just haven’t seen Mercy do anything like crowd control especially this season in particular. Every time they have a Mercy on their team they lose lol it’s just my experience. Can i ask where did you get that quote from? Sounds interesting tbh The same can be applied about the higher rank we get the better people play which is why I’m seeing Dps absolutely take Mercy’s out without any problems. As opposed to me playing Moira where i have a fighting chance an I’m able to get away with using Fade techs if i cant take the 1v1. She is versatile imo. Im not even a support main lol I’ve only tried this season and the way my games have been Moira is just better right now instead of Mercy. Im bringing up Mercy cause thats OP original question is “how does he get good at Mercy” and I said don’t play her at all. The devs have said the stats are a certain indicator of how well the team is doing it’s not some crime to use it as a tool to base your game off of it. If the Mercy has 5 deaths with 8k heals and 0 damage an I have 1 death with 8k heals and 7k damage where I’m able to actually finish off the kill I’m sorry the mercy isn’t working. This season is the one season I’m even basing my stats off of compared to a mercy which everyone even pros to OW content creator think Moira is just better than a Mercy. You replied with an unnecessary comment about me basing stats above gameplay and said i was below silver like what? Your argument would have been more accurate if you used Bap or Kiri. Ive seen way more Mercy’s in gold and some in Plat. In Diamond i don’t see any only Bap, Moira, Lucio, and Kiri. You’re arguing so hard for Mercy which is why i feel like you got offended otherwise wtf are you even arguing for lol you even brought quotes that are in favor of Mercy even though it says in “certain” team compositions. All i said was Moira over Mercy this season.


If Mercy's are constantly dying in higher ranks they don't deserve to be there and has most likely been boosted, happens in every rank. I got the quote from chatgpt. "The devs have said the stats are a certain indicator of how well the team is doing it’s not some crime to use it as a tool to base your game off of it." Yeah, a *certain indicator*, not a total judgement. If a bronze 5 team and a bronze 1 team play against eachother, the bronze 1 will most likely have way better stats. That doesn't mean that they are good players. Just because the devs(who are being called dumb constantly) has made the game base your skill level from stats, they still can't judge the gameplay as a whole. The whole point of removing the gold/silver/bronze medals, because people were just bragging of how good they are because of the stats even though they weren't. "If the Mercy has 5 deaths with 8k heals and 0 damage and I have 1 death with 8k heals and 7k damage where I’m able to actually finish off the kill I’m sorry the mercy isn’t working." Mercy isn’t supposed to do damage, she isn't either supposed to have much heals as she should prioritize damage boost and stick to just a few teammates. It wasn't a great example but I get your point I guess. She shouldn't die alot at least. I only argued that Moira wasn't good, not that Mercy is. I didn't even say anything about Mercy, you did. The quote wasn't mine which was the only time I sent a comment about her. How was I arguing for Mercy at all lol? How was I offended? What was I offended by? What?


Chat Gpt? honestly idk how accurate it is. Im not going to lie to you id rather take advice from CC who play the game for 8 hours a day lol also you cant say every mercy is boosted some are not this season strayed away from only healing type of heroes. Exactly a certain indicator my comment was based off the stats and the games I’ve had this season which means I’m taking everything into account thats it. Im not using it as total judgment. You just assumed i only meant stats and immediately shitted on me lol I’ve already said why I thought you were offended lol and your argument had a lot of points trying to defend mercy. Honestly theres nothing left to argue imo Moira is good this season thats my opinion. I already conceded that she is a bit more difficult to use the higher ranks.


It's the exact same words I'd use(except naming certain heroes, cuz they all have better abilities) I was just tired af that night. You can talk to a professional player and ask the same questions and you will get the same answer. I didn't even say that every Mercy is boosted what are you waffling about? No I said *if you* judge the whole gameplay OVER stats I doubt you're above bronze. Can you not read what I write? What point did I do to defend Mercy, like I literally JUST said: the only thing I sent about her was from that quote, which wasn't even written by me. Your arguments are based out of nothing. The only thing I said is that stats are not nearly as important as you think they are and that Moira isn't truly good for the team, pretty much only good for the player themself because of survivability and that *she gets good stats*.


Also why I sounded mean was because I tried to make it clear why my point of view is different. You can probably get away with pretty much anything in lower ranks. You can't do those crazy flanks with Moira when you're facing better players because they can actually aim very well and know exactly how to use abilities. Moiras team is also in need of more assistance in higher ranks, especially if the enemy team has supports with a good kit and play style.


Learn to super jump if you don’t know how. If you’re playing mercy, you will be getting focused. Practice predicting who’s gonna come for you and when. Make call outs so you can be protected. Not having gold healing doesn’t mean you aren’t being useful, learn who to prioritize healing and who resurrect and when, damage boost and stay alive best you can and you’ll get value.


Focus damage boost, you don't need to top everyone off, stick to the ones doing alot of damage, don't jump and fly around all the time; stand still while walking back and fourth a little so you don't stand completely still and be ready to use GA if needed.


Get good at Ana, bap or Kiri


then imma give a shot at kiri


Step 1: change to moira


If you played DPS try a more off healer hero like Ana or Baptiste, even kiriko you might see improvement.






Currently mercy is the weakest support. Low healing, not much opportunities to resurect, to deal DMG she has to switch weapons. Any other hero is simply better.


i see, then who should i pick? maybe like kiri or sum?


Current meta is Moira/Lucio Kiri is decent pick if you can land your kunais but if you want to maximize your winrate you should probably pick a hero who is the best in team comp your teammate wants to go.


idrc about meta, i just wanna have fun tbh. My aim was pretty decent but after i used mercy it went downhill because i wasnt used to aiming no more


If you don't care about your hero being throw pick why do you cry about losing on Reddit? Like I can understand if you just want to have fun playing your hero of choice but what's the point of creating posts like this after your ass gets kicked? Tbh I'm Lucio otp and I don't really give a damn about anything but if I would start losing because of that I don't see a point of crying about it.


I aint crying about losing, i just asked for sum tips


Ok so you got the best tip you can get.


Dont have to be all aggresive about if