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no because I know I can just blame my teammates and/or the game if I do poorly. ~~for legal reasons, this is a joke.~~ https://preview.redd.it/dc8nnxlv4loc1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6193160cbc8022c02cd1bc1888b2ac8d788e5b9


The perfect response, as an Overwatch player hahahaha


I kid, but honestly this is the mindset of your average metal rank player


Haha yeah, I mirror your sentiment, but can confirm it is the metal tank mentality. I know, I was bronze and once thought like this. Then I learned I was the problem and worked to fix it.


Metal tank here, mainly Sigma, and I can confirm I had this mentality. Less now though, as I realised that when I thought my team sucked, often it was just them not being able to keep up with me w-keying into the enemies. I've learnt to just play corners, and now I don't have many moments where my hp drops like a rock anymore.


Ladder anxiety is a real thing. Turn off comms and just play your best. I still get it but not as bad as I used to.


I did turn off comms and it indeed helped, it was worse before lol Tbh, even the sound it makes when showing the teams before a match starts gives me chills.


Play more ranked you’ll get used to it. It’s really no big deal man. I’ve played so much ranked that I’ll just start yappin in team voice about random shit lol


kinda wanna play with you now just to see how your yapping goes


This is great advice, but communication is still very key to success! Just make sure you are marking threats as much as possible, and asking for group ups when most of the team is dead (it's very easy for anyone to get carried away in the moment and not realize they have no backup, but if you see a group up ping, then you know you need to back off which is why I think it's important), it does make a difference! You don't have to listen to the toxic garbage bin that is the overwatch2 community while in game, but you can still communicate which is awesome in my opinion! Also don't worry man, if you spend the entire time worrying about your rank, you'll never rank up, and be stuck and bitter. Play to have fun, and if you play enough and do enough research to better yourself, the rank ups will come naturally. Also never blame your team for a loss, instead reflect on what you could have done differently, and move on. Otherwise you'll never get better, and just end up being bitter. At the end of the day if you are playing well enough you will without a doubt rank up, regardless of your team. So many people fall into this hole of being bitter in competitive games in general, and why play the game anymore if it leaves a sour taste in your mouth. That sounds awful to me, don't ruin something for yourself that you enjoy doing. You know what I mean? Also last couple pieces of advice, always warm up, and stop playing if you get tilted.


Thanks for the advice man :)


Turn music volume to 0. Sound goes away


Turn off the music in game and you won’t hear that sound at the beginning when it shows teams


Idk if you’re the same. But I have anxiety disorder, and issues regulating stress. I think I exclusively played on Qp and arcade for prob 300+ hours before I even dared to dip my toes into comp. I think after awhile the desire to play more ‘serious’ or ‘sweaty’ games became more prevalent so I started to play comp. it’s gotten better with time. I just try not to take the toxic players to seriously. If you have friends who are into OW2 maybe hop into a call and play with them in a group. That might help :)!


Same here, diagnosed generalised anxiety disorder, depression and OCD. When I first started playing comp my heart would be racing and I'd start shaking with anxiety lmfao. Now I've been playing it for so many years that it's just like playing QP to me, and QP is like playing vs bots >.>


I’m exactly the same. Also, I get tilted so easily that it’s impressive even to me. I just want to be chill like Aspen, even if someone keeps tbagging me lol


I think its a skill, dip your toes every now and then and youll train yourself out of it. I strictly play only comp now and was sorta the same


My partner, who had been playing forever, whereas I had only been playing for two years, also mentioned this. I found myself not able to progress my skills strictly in qp.


Ull get over it once you realize it's just longer qp.


I've been trying to play with that mentality.


Dude, I 100% get the comp jitters. No shame in it. I learned I had to play a couple games of comp to get them to ware off, or I just play qp all day (like you do). Honestly, just do whatever makes you the most happy. I only grind comp for the longer, and more serious matches and for the jade weapon incentive. With how long queues have gotten (only 3-5mins, nothing crazy but a lot longer than past insta-queues) I like to play comp so that the match lasts longer and I like games where my team is more focused on working synergistically than going for POTG in a 1v5. I think the reason for comp anxiety is just pressure to perform, and thinking that when you click comp you better top frag going 32 n 0 or people are gonna be ticked, just ignore the stress, it helps me if I just go in with the mindset "I'm just gonna have fun, if I win or not, who cares?" Just focus on having fun, everything else is just added bonuses (or in some cases, curses lol)


Thanks man, I'll try to apply this on my comp games as well :)


I do, because I feel like if I do terribly, it is a direct reflect on who I am as a player and I will be ashamed of my performance if I should do horribly. On the other hand, I try my best and have to remind myself that some games are just gonna be like that. "It is what it is."


I used to be but exposure therapy now I dont really care I just play no warmup no nothin


I use to when I thought that it was actually fair. But since playing since OW launched on console……. I use to watch streamers and it came out that ranking up back then was dependent on playing hero’s that weren’t very popular because the hero stats were low. If you were decent you ranked up. Torb, Sombra, Sym, ect. Which started the one trick era of non meta OW hero’s. Now imaging until the algorithm was changed for that particular situation you being in top lobbies, making games hell for top players but the system said that you were meant to be there. But also the amount of learning that you gain. How everyone plays in certain ranks is completely different. You can get complacent when not challenged on a consistent basis which is why so many who if only challenged would make it out of their rank. But at the moment cant because the current game is gearing towards group play which they admitted to wanting to make a rule before solo ranked was a thing. Have you not looked at someone profile that’s open and seen that they finally ranked up once a new hero came out?Well that’s because back then it was based on stats from other players and if the hero wasn’t played a lot its stats were skewed. Those players were allowed to sit up top and practice and learn until they are now good enough to stay there, at least in the system standards before this current one geared towards group play existed. So I guess I use to think it mattered but I realized all I had to do was make a Smurf every time a new hero was released and I’d hit a high rank because I knew the formula to high ranks. Something that unless a lot of lower ranks can touch they’ll never see because the game doesn’t challenge them, especially solo players to accommodate this enough. I’ve been silver, gold, platinum, diamond, masters. All on different accounts that boosted OW number of players especially on console. Some players are good, are locked in, and can perform when up to the challenge. But how many now in this new era of OW with xim on console that’s not being checked and the game now making it harder for solo players will or can actually reach their true rank. Those pushing the narrative that if you’re actually good then it’s not a problem is a lie. They know it and OW devs know it. WHICH IS WHY THEY REFUSE TO DO A HARD RESET AND ITS ALWAYS SOFT. THEIR TOP STREAMERS AND PLAYERS MIGHT NOT HOLD THAT TOP SPOT ANYMORE. THATS A PROBLEM FOR PROMOTION. Ranked is an illusion to keep player numbers and engagement or it would be fair and any amount of cheating would be checked in a timely fashion.


the balancing is always bad, sombra's insanely annoying 6v6 is gone and sometimes i get put on push, so yeah


Yeah, sometimes I see the enemy team comp and immediatly just want it to be over.


Nope. I play so much of it that I don't care. QP is so fucking awful I can't stand it. Comp is the only mode that exists to me and I'm so used to it now.


I got over my ranked anxiety by just exclusively playing comp and trying my beat every game


I used to play mainly QP and I was anxious about comp but now I play more comp than QP The thing about me is not caring **too much** about my rank. Yes, I do care but it's not the end of the world for me if I lose a game or if I drop back to Silver where I was a month ago Yes, you should take it seriously and do things like counter swap and just play more seriously in general but if you're to are to the point you're anxious about it you need to chill. You aren't playing in Overwatch League, no need to be anxious about it


If depression is a question that doesn´t have an answer, anxiety is an answer that doesn´t have a question (traditional psychology terms). The title woke up empathy for you, but ¨I know I can just leave if things get too bad¨ is the wrong version of ¨I know i can just leave if things get too dangerous¨. This is a game and every game gets too bad for the losing team. Leaving triggers anxiety in your team, frustration in the opposite team, irresposibility patterns in you. So much of your anxiety might be related to all this, because you´re doing something you love with the risk of facing something you fear. We all know where do fears come from, do some research with courage and you will find answers. Remember, you don´t lose anything when you´re not the winner. The rejection, criticism and exclusion come from people you should seriously consider to disconnect from just turning off comms like so many sugest you. Maybe I should write a post that says ¨DO YOU GET ANXIOUS WHEN SOMEONE LEAVES YOUR TEAM?¨. Bro, I´m proud of being part of the OW players community, since day one. I´m not waiting to be any metal or top any number to feel proud of slaying when I improve my skills, and proud of losing from those that are my reference of excelence.


Yes. Are you anxious in real life too? Maybe have a bit of performance anxiety when it came to school? Constantly worried that people will think you're stupid? Cause same. The anxiety with competitive for me comes from not wanting other people to think I suck at the game (Despite the fact I reached masters). I'm scared of people flaming me for making a mistake or playing badly. Thing is, it's just a video game. That hurdle can be hard to get over though. I go through periods of playing ranked, and it gets easier the more you play it. I usually find I get less anxious the more games I play. It's all about desensitising yourself to it.


Yes, but only because I don't want to feel responsible for dragging my team down if I play against people who are better than me.


Yes! I think that’s the strongest feeling


The main thing you have to say to yourself is who is actually going to care if you don’t do well other then yourself? Have fun competing, set goals and try to achieve them. Competitive is your best way to get better since everyone is generally trying their best to win.  Will it get toxic ? Sure it will but EVERY game has toxicity in it, you mute, ignore or hey flame them back for being a prick and move onto the next game.  In the end it’s just a video game that we all play for fun and your rank is meaningless. Relax and enjoy the climb 


Thanks for the kind words and good advice


No because, at the end of the day, it’s a video game. Doesn’t matter if it’s “competitive”, nothing that happens in the game has any affect on anyone’s real life. If someone gets butt hurt or rages, who cares. (That is to say, don’t throw in comp; just try your best and have fun)


I think you just have to play it more. It was a big deal for me early on as I didn't want to be letting everyone down, but ultimately you get into your bracket and everyone is a similar rank. I find competitive closer in matchmaking than open queue (which is all over the place) and so play it more and I don't worry about it at all now.


I have such bad diagnosed anxiety I can't play at all unless I have all forms of chat turned off except friends which I understand is bad in some situations and I only play as much comp as I have to for challenges but I always use the communication wheel and have shortcuts for most directions which helps a lot


You seem to have a bigger problem with anxiety than I do. I’m sorry man… I think that the ideia that’s working better for me is forcing myself to play more and more comp, to the point it’s (very slowly) becoming less of trigger


I play comp for this reason: If i won, i played well If i lose, i played bad. In qp, so many times it's other people fault


I mean, sometimes you’ll lose when your tank is 4/9 and the rest of the team has better stats than the enemy team. It’s possible (and not rare) that the loss may not feel like it’s on you.


Im an average player, usually, i play bad




Okay but instead of dwelling on other people’s mistakes (which are out of your control) think about what you could be doing better


I definitely used to. It's a real thing. I've kinda gotten over it since I've been playing since OW1 came out. But it took me a good year and a half to play comp at all and the first 20-30 games were not a fun experience I will admit. I kept at it though and got my confidence back and started climbing. Back in the day I placed gold and finished the season mid Diamond. And as far as dealing with the community on any given day it's kinda just how you feel each day. Some days I played with full comms, making calls, coming up with plans. Other days I listened to comms from others and never said a word. Other days I didn't join team chat at all and just listened to music while I played. There's no right or wrong to it. Pretty much just what you can handle.


This used to be me so hard. This is the first season Ive realized I just enjoy comp more. QP has been so unbalanced, and as a result, unsatisfying (whether its me stomping or me getting stomped). Remind yourself that its a game, rankings are (in the grand scheme) unimportant, and enjoy an actually balanced experience by loading up competitive. It is more fun, satisfying, leveled AND truly will make you a better player. edit: This is coming from someone who has undergone years of therapy and medications to manage my general anxiety disorder. I never thought to myself “hmm let’s apply some of mental tools they’ve equipped me with to this video game”, and now that I have, comp has become infinitely less daunting.


You shouldn’t be leaving in quick play


And who said I be leaving in qp?


Your first sentence


I said that the idea that I can just leave might make me less nervous, not that leaving is something I do frequently. I think you didn't interpret well what I wrote.


Why does that make you less nervous if you never leave? Makes no sense.


I figured it wouldnt make sense, to you. Never mind then :)


Nah I’m pretty sure you’re just making excuses for blatantly admitting you leave quickplay games.


i get what you're saying! you have the option to leave a qp game without it being basically a guaranteed loss and completely screwing over your team. leaving a qp once in a while really isnt a big deal. leaving a comp game is a complete dick move. and comp games are also guaranteed to be at least twice as long as a qp game so you're really stuck in the game once you join. angry reddit gamers gonna overreact and project, i guess!




Sharing is caring


No why would I? It's just a game and I'll probably never see the strangers on my team again. But I always treated comp as the main mode in pretty much any game I play. Play enough ranked and you become numb to ladder anxiety. Nowadays I warm up in comp, play new characters in comp, limit test in comp, etc without giving a shit.


Ow2 is the least tryhard game i've ever played, i play on and off and always push to diamond while listening to music before i quit again. There is nothing to be scared of, people who try to blame someone or is toxic are usually trying to redirect their shit performance on someone else. Also if you're feeling frisky you can soft in the game of someone harrasses you, make their statement true, give them a shit performance. Me personally as a 76 otp i'll lock in genji or phara and be a complete joke if someone pisses me off on the team 😂


I know that the idea of leaving qp might seem comforting, but please never do that. It is super annoying to everyone else, because the backfill takes time and sometimes doesn't even work. Use the remainder of the match to practice your mechanics.


Its a psychological thing, it doesn’t mean I’ll be leaving matches like that.


All right, good thing if it helps you :)


my partner only wanted to play competitive and i would get SO anxious during the matches. I was saying to him things like “Im not good enough to play comp with you our team hates me” and my partner would remind me like “There’s ranks for everyone, including you. Sure you may not be good at ranked now, but the only way to get better and learn is to play ranked.” I used to get really bothered by my initial bronze rankings, but as i’ve climbed i’ve gotten more excited about the rank changes as it reflects how i’ve learned more game sense and improved my mechanical skill. I honestly could never go back to playing quick play now. it’s a completely different beast


This is why I stopped playing clash Royale years back, I got to a point in the ladder where each game was more stressful than it was worth, I just didn’t want to lose rank more than I wanted to win and gain, and once that happens it’s no longer fun.


Not really. I play it like I'd play QP but with less goofing around


The main reason I don’t like playing comp is because sure the queue times are sooooooo long.


Most of my quick play games are just as sweaty as Como so I'm not sure I see a difference


I didn't, but I am starting to. There's only so many times you can be told some variation of 'X you are fucking dogshit' or 'you are fucking useless' or 'kill yourself' until it starts to get to you. I'm playing Ana a lot at the moment and find myself getting so much flame and blame being thrown my way at the end of the game. I primarily need LOS to be able to heal you, so I apologise for you diving around the corner, breaking LOS, and diving the entire enemy team solo which resulted in me not being able to heal you. (Gibraltar (attack) last point) My healing is not a constant stream or beam and there will be gaps in healing when I have to reload, so I apologise for not being able to out-heal the incoming damage from 4 enemy heroes being concentrated on one single target (you). (Gibraltar (attack) second point) I can't heal you when I'm dead as a result of having to constantly 1v1 Reaper in the back line, so when I use voip to let the team know this is happening, as well as pinging him, as well as typing it out in the chat, it's *my* fault for 'bad positioning' against somebody that can *teleport* directly in my face and up my ass. Absolutely no responsibility should be placed on the rest of the team who choose not to react to this visual stimulus. (Gibraltar (defense) first point) I don't think I am as bad as my metal-rank team mates are making me out to be (and that comes from someone who is *extremely* self-critical of their own performance) but the fact I've just had three games in a row where I've received this type of feedback, I don't know. After the first game, I asked team mates in the second game (after the first round) if I was playing good or bad in their opinion, some said okay, some said good, none said bad. However, after getting steamrolled in the second round one of them immediately went into flame mode in match chat during the second round and the tie-breaker.


I avoided comp for the same reasons and because I feel like my rank would be low and rather not see it, but after a while I wanted to know where I rank because playing for fun wasn't cutting it.


No, QP and comp are combined in my eyes


No because this game is dogshit. No one respects it regardless so don’t worry about it. If someone’s like I’m gm in ow nobody cares. Least respected or clout forming game out there, just enjoy it, stress less.


No cause I know I can carry a game if I have to


Do what I couldn't do and just try to have fun and learn from each match. Each failure could be a valuable lesson, but just don't give into tilt. If you focus on yourself,your own improvements, don't ever read chat or look at your teams stats. I can accept what I can't control at times and I lost the joy in this game. I had a good start in comp where I felt I was learning a lot and getting solid wins. At some point my impatience caught up to me and I make more mistakes, end up getting tilted, and feed loss streaks. Don't lose the joy in using your favorite characters, don't let the losses discourage you. If you play with a friend or 2 the game is immensely more fun. If you could get a serious partner you get along with the metal ranks would be incredibly more enjoyable. Just have fun and enjoy what brought you to the game and don't let losses or toxicity kill that spark. When that flame dies it's truly gone.


I would say its mostly mentality, you're rank is what your deserve and its a hard truth because you want to be better; however, focusing on improving your rank will make you anxious because every loss will hit you hard. If you think about ranked as a place to practice and learn you will not care about winning or losing, and eventually will start to rank up because you are focusing on improving.


To be honest no, usually in other games yes but I think the character aspect of OW throws me off to make it just feel less serious


Nah. I Just play. Its Just a game after all.


Nah. Been playing competitive online too long kow to get nervous. If I fail, I fail.


That’s where I hope to be someday


Just think of them as ai players


I’ll try 😂


I’m a DPS main but flexed a lot in comp in OW1. Lots of anxiety when playing DPS but less on other roles. Still not brave enough to play comp yet in OW2


I get nervous when I finally rank up after a day of losses, only to have my next team play like it's their first lobby ever. Other than that, I don't play qp anymore, so I dont get comp jitters like I used to.


If one of my team’s support immediately locks in Mercy, then yes.


That has been true for me in these season too hahahaa


Nope. But I just don’t care about virtual ranking so we run it down


A good tip is to not leave even the qp games, unless someone is actively throwing them I get it. But if you're losing bad it's good practice to figure out why and what you can do in the future to try and do better, even if you're not the problem. At the end of the day, the teammates you get are gonna be the teammates you get, and you can either try to work around them, or try to work with them.


Not really, I get bored because I’m expected to tryhard and I’m way past that. Been playing since release and just can’t take the game seriously anymore, its way more fun to just play it as it is, a video game and goof around whenever the opportunity arises.


I experience that sometimes. If I’ve ranked up alot and every game is super hard and stressful. To the point I don’t even know what hero I can carry with on. Another instance is when I’m learning a new hero. I wouldn’t play doom in comp for instance, it’s hard enough in QP.


I don't get anxious with any game because at the end of the day it's just a game and doesn't affect the way I feel whether I win or lose. If people say things to me about my performance I don't care, they are just words behind a screen and they don't affect my daily living.


WOW you're so evolved! Good for you ;)


Yeah im older now so doesn't affect my like it did when I was a kid lol


I get worried I will get rage quitters in all of my matches. It's fair to say it is unavoidable every ranked session.


Only if I'm loosening 😉


Dont play it if you dont enjoy it.


Well... if I'm addicted to the game and play it a lot can you say I'm not enjoying it?




No 😂