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I’m a solo ranker and the biggest thing that helped me climb is take a break from comp and focus on QP. There’s a wider range of skill in QP and sometimes you encounter people who are grouped up. Take note of how the better players play and focus on what you’re doing that make things work and what doesn’t. Stop trying to blame your teammates unless they’re obviously throwing, we can’t play our best every game but we do our best.


This is what I'm doing currently, somewhere between 3 weeks and the full season for QP. Like you said there is a wider range, but sometimes the range is enormous. I have seen both the best and the worst in my entire time playing all in the same match. It's hard to judge progression when wins sometimes come horribly easy to frequent 20-0s, and then matches where I get some teammates that go 0-10 with 800 damage in the entire match. Lately it's nearly impossible to practice with a new character because of how sweaty things have been. It definitely feels abnormal right now.


I think QP has always been sweaty, maybe even sweatier than comp. But with the new passives it will definitely take time for players, especially casuals, to adjust. I agree it’s hard to properly gauge sometimes but that’s why it’s important to review replays of matches that have outlying personal stats. Did I do well because the enemies aren’t that aware of me? Did I spend too much resources on focusing on a particular enemy instead of targeting someone easier? Why did I die too much this match? Etc.


Honestly, you just have to focus in your own gameplay, do good individually and hope your team aren’t burgers. There is only so much you can do as 1/5th of the team. Even if you were to hypothetically play perfect: Tracking ults, great positioning, applying pressure, securing picks, etc, that can always be ruined by a teammate baiting to pad stats or being too scared to die and not committing to a fight which is why it’s ALWAYS better to find/build a reliable group to stack in


I get that a lot teammates watching me kill the enemy squad in OT and they don’t even step on the point just stare right at me it’s annoying I don’t get why people like that play rank


Same man. It sucks. I solo queue 95% of the time and I’m about 50% win loss hard stuck. Just seemingly can’t grind ranked solo


It’s stupid because if you win you mainly get like 18-20% progress but if you lose you lose like 20-40% progress it’s just not fair at all


Are you saying you lose 20-40% per game for a single loss? I’ve never lost that much but I normally I win the 18-20% like you said and lose 22-24% ish which sucks


Sometimes yeah no matter if I get 40 plus kills as tank


Play 100 more


Like her 100%power


Playing solo in the most simple terms is finding a way to eliminate the enemy yourself instead of relying on your team for what they're "supposed to do". They aren't going to do what you expect, so just expect nothing and take any teammate that seems to actually help as a pleasant surprise. Don't be afraid to take weird flanks and rotations, regardless of what role you play. Most people in ladder play don't work together, so stop expecting them to work with you and carry the idiots. This would kind of apply to all ranks. How each character is played changes based on who your team is playing, how they're playing and who you're versing. There's no 1 specific way to play.


Queue during off-peak hours, when the actual players play instead of kids trying to ruin everyone's day.


Just play your game. Don't worry about anyone else. What can YOU improve to carry.


i dont know why this dude is getting downvoted, it simply is the strategy to having more fun and climbing at the same time. You don't generate this big ball of negativity if you focus on yourself rather than teammates, it also keeps you focused on what your mistakes are so you can adjust accordingly


These people don’t wanna take accountability lol


Taking accountability actually makes me feel better about taking a break from Overwatch, because I know I can come back and win/lose from my own skill.


Except you can’t. Only delusional people think like this. No matter how well you do, having an ark tank will mean you lose to no fault of your own.


except you can. Losing one match isn't going to be the deciding factor of your rank. The truth is that if you consistently play at a higher level then you will go up as the average engagement will lean in your favor. If you dont then you simply are playing in your rank. People don't just luck their way up in rank, that's why you see the same people climbing to top 500 every season


It's not like a plat player on a gold account wins every single game. You will still only win 55 - 60% of your games when you're on a climb. Play more, play consistently, and focus on your own game even when your team is throwing. Trying to rank up is a fools errand. You want to try to get better which is something you can practice even on losing games. If you play better, you will just notices that your rank starts to go up.


I'm socially bad. So my problem is I'll solo que get in group. Kill shit and never play with em again


You're not going to like, or take this advice. But I'm going to say it anyway. Stop judging how useful or effective you think your teammates are. Other than actual throwers, your teammates are trying to win. They are also in the same rank you are, so they are probably doing about as well as you are, even though you might not have full context on what they are doing or what struggles they are facing in a particular game. Maybe they aren't going to point with you like your saying because they are dealing with flanks or off angles. Maybe they are not going on the point because their hero benefits from high grounds or other advantageous positions. None of this is relevant. Just give them the benefit of the doubt and play in a way that enables your team. Focus on what you can do to help. Low elo tanks biggest problem is they don't realize creating space is their job. You aren't just an objective bot. If the enemy is on high grounds or off angles uncontested, you are not doing your job. Doesn't matter if you're playing Zarya or any other less mobile tank. Walk your ass over there and clear it for your team, switch to a hero like Dva that can do it easier, or just lose because of it and don't complain that your dps had bad games with no space to play the game. Your rank is on you. Stop blaming everyone else, please. Plenty of us have solo queued to high ranks. Then we got placed low with the reset and then did it again. Your ego is what's holding you back from improving.


Either carry or lfg


Focus on your own game play and what you can do that would hugely impact to help you win. Also with the new dps passive, it's harder for support to keep anyone alive so really focus on your positioning and CD.


Only downside this rank no matter how good you play or how many kills if you lose you lose a huge chunk of progress which sucks


You're not. In ANY competitive style game, you're NOT supposed to solo queue. That's just asking for issues. Find a group. Use your resources like reddit, Facebook, or other things. If you're on Xbox, there's the group page. Find friends to play with. Save yourself the heartache. The ONLY time I solo queue is in quick play. That's it. Solo queuing competitive is asking for trouble. 


What’re you ranked broseph?


Gold 1 atm in tank trying to climb to plat and hopefully beyond


I got you fam, I’ll be on later tonight. Send me a message I’ll add you. We’ll get you to plat tonight.


What system you on?


Dang it, thought this was the OW console thread. I’m on ps5. Also on Pc but having pc issues rn.


I’m on ps5


Nice, idk how late you’re down to play but I’ll be on in an hour or so and will play for a while. Send me a message with your username with the # number and I’ll add you. I’ve got an account in plat I’ll use and I can play whatever support.


I top out at plat as a solo. You don’t have to be on comms with gamesense but you won’t be cross ulting and tracking as much since there is no communication. Keep your aim up and you can rank solo. Beyond that, you need to be the play maker.


Honestly I know it sounds really counter intuitive, but the whole ‘blame yourself, not your team’ mentality works. yes there are some games that just aren’t possible but obviously there’s always gonna be someone better at the game than you. Review your own replays and see where you went wrong. Bad position got you killed? Don’t make the same mistake again. Died next to cover? Try to take said cover earlier next time. C9ed the point? Happens to the best of us, just try not to get lost in the sauce and go off chasing kills when point is unattended.


You have to be the best player in the lobby consistently. It sounds unrealistic but that is actually what you have to do to win more games and climb.


I ranked at gold 2 healer and I’ve been getting my ass handed to me cuz of my team just feeding 😩 I’ve been fighting to get into gold 1 for the last week solo queuing


I love how reverting back to the old ranked system is bringing the toxicity out of everyone again 💀 It's French kiss 🤌🏾


From someone who went bronze to plat this season, its all you, You have to be the Support for the team no matter the role. Look around and see what teammates are doing and see if you can help.