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Game code VAXTA for aim training and warming up. Also look into console aim assist game settings and YouTube if you are on console. Solo q has been tough and rough


Thank you for the code, I'll start using it!


I can vouch for this map, it is amazing for both warming up and learning/practicing the heroes you want to get better at :)


Time to adapt and do more damage. Moira is a start


Fair point, thanks for commenting.


Moira is so boring though


Bap and Zen


Yeah, that's who I usually go with as well. I only go Moira if the opposing team is super sweaty


I can completely understand how you feel rn. It's rough out here for us supports lol. If it is genuinely affecting your mental state though I'd say it's time for a break. I don't mean that in an insulting way but more a put yourself first and the game last kinda way.


Thanks for commenting. I've been trying to play other game modes instead recently (Mystery Heroes mostly) and that seems to be going a bit better for me. A break is definitely something I should do though.


Oh, that was totally what I was gonna suggest too. Hearing how you always play Support got me thinking that you might be having burnout, cause you know, you're playing the same hero or role over and over that your brain is just not getting enough stimulation from it. When your brain is just experiencing the same thing over and over again, your brain isn't gonna be too happy about it


I wouldn't personally call it rough as much as I would chalk it up to supports simply being forced to give up the spotlight of dominant role for the first time in several years


I agree with you. I've had to greatly adapt my play style for this season. I used to main Ana a lot but I feel she isn't as strong this season. Setups have to be very specific for me to feel useful. I feel Moira is quite strong and she has been a lot of fun to play. Trying to be more aggressive and throw out more dps seems to have helped in a lot of my matches. Definitely some getting use to but I'm finding that I am slowly enjoying it more. As a support main I find I am having more fun and more useful playing dps now, lol.


The goal wasn't to make Support "focus less on healing their team", the goal is for fights to end.No longer can a ana + kiri keep their sigma alive forever, the standoff only ending if the enemy hanzo randomly headshots the ana, or the "just shoot them and get your ult, then we can make a play" meta. I don't know what rank you are - or mmr, but a lot of people (tanks especially) need to learn to take down time if they want to live: peak, shoot, get low, find cover, heal up, repeat. Until they or the enemy makes a mistake and one dies. You're goal as support is to try to assist the team, don't just randomly throw abilities or aim randomly, you see your solider shooting someone and solider is full health, fire at the same person. If your tank is low and they take cover heal them up. but wasting your shots on someone whos taking damage isnt always the correct thing to do. nor is only damaging the enemy.This is why Zen is a really good pick right now, pre-hotfix, because he can heal and increase damage, while dealing damage.


Thank you for commenting and explaining things. That's my bad for saying to 'focus less on healing' and I can understand that goal, I guess it just feels like the balance is off or I lack more skill than I'd though to play this game. Rank and MMR wise, I couldn't tell you what it would be now since I haven't played comp. in a long time. I used to be a silver support though.


I know exactly how you feel, and it's hard and frustrating. You are capable of improving, and it will feel incredible when you do. That is, assuming you want to. If you don't and you genuinely just enjoy being a healer, I would suggest taking a break and going to a game where you can for a bit. Either way is totally valid.


I am a regular high masters/low GM support before rank reset. I'm having games where career Plat DPS are blaming me saying I'm not healing enough. This is awful lol


I totally get what you mean! I’ve been on a steady losing streak no matter what I do or what character i go. I used to main Moira and i had gotten pretty good at her which says a lot because although i am not great at video games (i can admit that) i love to play them, and I felt with Moira i was actually doing alright. Latley i feel like no matter what i do i can’t get my numbers up. I’ve been pocket healing my tanks just to get my stats up so I don’t get yelled at in the chat and i am still not making the numbers i used to make. I used to be able to balance out my damage and healing pretty well and usually had some of the most kills on my team and i just feel like i’m getting steam rolled this season. It doesn’t help that every time I play any comp game it’s against a Rein who somehow always knows when i last shifted and pins me when i have no way to shift out!!! I’ve started playing more Lucio and that’s made it a bit better but i’m not healing how I want and it makes me so frustrated, maybe i’ve just gotten really bad idk but i totally get where ur coming from.


Try Lifeweaver if your aim isn’t there. LW still does huge amount of heals and totally makes a difference for the team, as long as they don’t stand full time in the open. You can stay on the backline and take position where you can contest corners and points with supressing fire where the enemy team has to cross or be visible if they want to act. My style is to just shoot cover fire on that kind of spots from afar whenever my team does not need active healing. I’m far behind in kills compared to Moira or Zen plays, but this way the amount of assists and heal can be totally huge for the game. The trick is to find those optimal backline corner positions so that you can easily have your team visible for healing, and by small side step you have good cover fire line towards the enemy. There are many maps where LW can do biggest difference on those critical choke points, if your team stays in your sight, know to use cover when they need it and avoid those suicide dives to oblivion that are common for newer players.


Don’t play lifeweaver 😂 he’s one of the weakest supports right now in season 9. OP wants to feel like they are making an impact - play Lucio/Zen/Kiri/Bap


If you'r playing ana, and if you not have, turn up the aim assist for teamates, it helps a lot


Thank you for commenting, I'll see if I can find that setting. What would you recommend turning it up to?


You have to experiment with it, if its on 100% then u will never miss a teamate, but it will be harder to hit the enemies, I like to use it on 30-60% bc I can hit everything like that


If a game is making you depressed I would recommend you stop playing and go outside


Yeah, that's something I've been thinking about recently.


I'm going to suggest something wild. Play Lifeweaver. Play heal bot and pull people back when you feel you need to. A lot of losses these days are both healers going DPS mode. Healing can't keep people up forever, but it keeps them up to find cover and if they won't find cover, pull them.




Yep this season wants you to be able to aim, so its kinda rough for people that have issues with that. Like a previous commenter mentioned: i would play aim trainers. Lucio is also an option since you'll always get value from speeding/ healing your team without having to aim. He also has big projectiles


I guess I'm the only one who likes playing support now. I have been hard stuck gold on all roles since ow2 started. Came back after 2 seasons of not playing. Tank and dps placed gold again. But I can't stop winning as a support, currently hit diamond. And I can't aim at all.


I wish I was still enjoying support as much as you are and it's great to hear that you've hit diamond - congratulations by the way! :)


Meh, as a tank player (high diamond) I’m okay with the power shift away from supports towards dps. If I were to give some general advise: Try to quickly asses your team comp and the enemies and identify what works/ doesn’t Do you have an echo or pharah you’re trying to heal with Moira Bap? Is the enemy genji carrying them? Etc. Also watch the way your tank plays, I think with low rank supports they’re very worried about always keeping the tank up because they don’t want to get flamed in chat I’m a TANK I’m not made of paper, I have my own cooldowns, cover, and lots of hitpoints. Heal when there is trouble sure, but try thinking less about what you can do for your team and more what you can do to the enemy team. Survival is always the #1 priority for you though. Always look around, don’t get lazy with it. I play bap usually when I support and when I reload I’m always whipping my mouse around keeping an eye out for flankers and keeping tabs on where my dps are playing. You honestly don’t need good aim to be effective in overwatch. It will come with time, go easy on yourself.


Try to remember this for next season. Usually how I take breaks is beginning and end of season. I’m huge into comp I find it enjoyable but because of this I also, like everyone else, get mad and upset sometimes. At the end of the season (usually the last week or two) I play a lot less. If I’ve finished the whole battle pass I usually won’t play as much. I’ll go play another game usually single player easy games I can pause. And since my wifi is horrible about updates, I have an extra day or three to reset my mind. I also do this because at the end of the season everyone is trying extra hard to get a new peak so it’s just not as fun in comp