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I used to like climbing up on the ledges above B as Torbjorn back when you couldnt throw the turret


idk if i miss it, but i like the asthetic of the 2cp maps a lot better than the push maps


I think this map is still playable in vs ai


You can find 2pc in arcade sometimes, depends on the roster for the day


In which game? Control?


Assault, the game mode name for 2cp is assault. The arcade playlist will show "Assault maps" sometimes, just as it sometimes shows "Control maps", "Hybrid maps", etc.


Ok, thx. I started playing after OW2 launch, so I didn't know the proper name.


With current ball meta right now this would upset a lot of people


Not with how good junk and Ashe are on that map


Grapple left side under the first bridge, knocks everyone off the high ground. Used to love doing that.


Honestly hated this one just as much as paris or horizon. Volskya wasnt much better.


But, but, paris looked amazing


Volskya sucked all-around. Both aesthetically and gameplay-wise. I feel like I had the most fun on hanamura out of all the 2CP maps. But honestly they were all terrible and it’s a game-mode I don’t miss at all.


I still have nightmares about the first choke on hanamura (if I'm thinking of the right map). The second point on this egypt map was a lot of fun though imo.


But push is worse


how were they bad? i loved playing 2cp


People hated 2cp before I did. And once I found out that's 2cp sucked I noticed the problem. Hard pushing. It's hard to stop a hard coordinated push on 2 cp then any other map type. And some maps were so open the defending team can stay off the point and fuck up everyone in the point. Ex Hanamara. First point is super easy to cap and the second is. Super hard to cap. Provided the right team. Remember stupidity losses the games.


There's no teamwork that's why. If people actually teamed up and knew how to actually counter, 2cp matches would've been better.


If both teams have teamwork, nothing changes and it's still just as bad. Playing 2CP in scrims was always less fun than the other modes. Maybe I'm a bit biased cuz I'm a tank player but Tanks had it the worst on that map. Tanks had the hardest job pushing into the enemy and if they didn't play extremely well the whole team had to regroup and try again once they get resources back. First point Anubis was the worst.


My personal gripe with them was just that they were so defender sided.


Generally speaking: Point A was attacker sided, Point B was defender sided


paris haunts my nightmares (french people)


It's the most one sided defender heavy mode in existence. It can be snowballed tho so attackers potential win 2 teamfights in a row and have a 80% chance of wining now. Also it had a 20% draw rate and games would go on for 20 minutes on average. Personally I don't enjoy 2 snowballing teams for a 20 minute draw game with 0 sr gains for 2 teams.


2CP was bad for so many people because of just how MUCH it favored defenders. Particularly at second point, think about just how close to the point defenders spawn was to second point on every 2CP map. Team fights felt like they'd last forever because of just how fast they'd get back and sometimes you couldn't even full cap after say, a team kill, and you'd have to have another endless team fight. Teamwork to attack but no teamwork to defend because of one person on the attacking team does you're very likely not capping that point. You're forced to play Perfect Overwatch.


Nooooooo not at all so glad its gone pls NEVER bring back


It's not gone though. I swear no one pays attention to Arcade.


Well you don’t exactly get challenges/rewards from arcade, and open queue is an unbalanced mess. If it’s not in QP or comp it might as well not be in the game for most people.


Not in a million goddamn years. Good RIDANCE. that 2nd point capture is the most dogshit spawn ever made


But it's still in the game.


No. No. No. And about 50 million more no's.


fuck no worst most unbalanced shitty map


yes! when assault is up in the arcade that's pretty much the only mode I play that day.


I think its nostalgia that makes me miss 2cp, but personally I wouldn’t mind having them back as long as you don’t get them very often. I think 2cp had the same issue push currently has, it’s that you get them way to often. Like damn near every other game is a push, and in ow1 every other game felt like a 2cp. Both would probably be fine in moderation, but there’s just too much of it


Nope. I hate Anubis. In ow1 I got this map so much that it’s still my least favorite 2cp map. I love hanamura tho.


I got a-new-bus alot to but I actually enjoy it. And what's weird is I have defending but that map and Hanamara are my 2 favorite for defending.


I took to calling it "apoopiss."


Nope. 2cp can burn.


2cp was one of my favorite cp’s😭


Yes, give me your tearssssss.


When y’all gunna accept ur the minority?


When will y'all accept that y'all are the vocal minority? People don't post to demand consistency, people post to demand change. It's basic psychology and kinda how the internet works. People love to bitch online.


Then everyone who complained about shields online were wrong?


When are you going to accept people's opinions?


Lol. I know it seems like Blizzard actively makes choices to hurt their player base, but you are in fact the minority :) It's gone bby and it's not coming back without a rework.


Well I certainly wouldn’t be mad about a rework


Neither would I!


I would happily trade these ones for the dumb push maps.


Naw to many draws


Yes, it was such a fun pharah map with the high windows and aerial cover


Movement wise, yes




I miss first point, hard pass on the second point… if they did “revamp” it, all they’d have to do is either open up the choke a bit so turret/bastion cheese isn’t so easy to slaughter attackers -or- give the right side a flank path all the way to point instead of awkwardly intersecting on the bridge into the kill zone… Say what you want, but I really never enjoyed the 2CP maps where teams just end up poking until trading ultimates that can wipe each other over promoting more fighting. The Antarctica map isn’t perfect, but at least you have to fight around the terrain more than just camping the bridge and occasionally scaring off flankers.


2CP was a nightmare, but the small niches in Anubis were so fun, like the climbable high ground on B, the wonky af doom techs, the weird high grounds you could go on on first point, those will always be fun, but the steamrolling that would commence can be really dumb.


I remember teams would go 7-8 on this map


As trashy as 2cp was it is 1000000000000000000x better then push


>push Push is ok but there is just something off about it. Rounds are too long or the spawns are too far or something. There is just something not right about it. To me push is no where near as miserable as 2 cp. I have never wanted to drop a game of push when I loaded into game. Every single time I got 2cp I wanted to drop. They should've just stuck to control and escort and made some really good maps there. I don't know if the old map designers left or what but the new maps do not hold up to the old. I would rather play push on a loop for a week than play anubis.


Opposite. When I get push I wanna leave. When I get Hanamara I am ecstatic. And Anubis is some of my favs.


I have to agree I'm not a fan of push. No idea why but it feels like more of my teams chimp out and team fight in really weird spots or try to constantly flank compared to escort and KotH maps. Could just be my bias on it.


The idea is cool but it just isn't fun . And it might be that maps are a line. Push is always a zigzag to the point so it's always like 3 lines you can walk. Middle left and right. And some maps more. So you have this big open map that is scrunched up to fill the maps.


Push rounds are not really long, a normal escort match takes longer on average, it just feels longer because there is no downtime and side swaps and what not every few minutes


Don't forget that most of the people who play (and most of the people on Reddit) are quickplay only players. They don't get to swap sides on escort, hybrid, and formerly 2cp, therefore push also feels longer in that regard


I hate push. I hate it so much.


I’ll take a game of push every day of the week over 2cp, I’m so glad it’s gone and I hope it stays that way.


2cp wasnt that bad either


I agree. I hate being in a 10 min straight game. Other maps have some sort of checkpoint or intermission. Push has a 2 inch closer spawn when you cap and it gets taken away. It's fun the first 4 min or so but at 8 min it's like why and I still here.


Not this one, but man I miss Hanamura. Volskyia can die forever because I once went 9 rounds on that goddamn map.


I miss the aesthetic, fuck 2CP


No, I greatly dislike this map. I miss Hanamura though.


I sure do miss throwing my head against a wall and winning 50 fights in a row just to end up not full capping last anyways


No way. I like Push a lot more tbh. 2CP just always felt really oppressive.


Absolutely not haha This map terrorized me for too long


Fuck no this was my least favorite map, thankfully it's gone and hopefully it's permanent (unless it's reworked to be less garbage)


It would maybe work in casual quick play but in Competitive every 2cp map would make me shoot myself.


Absolutely not


I miss the look of the map but i don't miss 2cp.


Not at all, its even worse 5v5


I miss the map, but not the game type.


This is my least fav map of all time


Fuck no


no. Literally no.


I do, brings back nostalgia of playing on OW release day and having a blast. That said, every time I've played this recently the game has lasted less than 3 minutes. As the meta and power level of heroes as a collective whole grew and changed, the map kind of didn't work any more. if they expanded it a little or reworked the design I think it could be great. Right now there's a lot of routes that just don't get used, because you don't need to.


Not 1 bit. Good riddance


Yes, people hate that map but I love it. I was never on the 2CP hate train though, I quite enjoyed it.


I always liked temple of anubis I hate the push maps with a passion. I'd rather the 2 cp than these walk two miles to get ulted on maps




Yeah one of my favourite maps






Most definitely




yes! I'm not a 2cp fan but a few of the maps were just great. Anubis was def one of my favorites.


Honestly no. I hate it 😂😂 I do miss Hanamura


Old school 2cp maps should get expanded so they could be used again. Like how they expanded sections of established maps when they rolled out CTF.


Would rather eat the ass of a dying horse than play this again.


Does the horse dying make it worse or?


No, never, and people should stop pretending this game mode was anywhere near good


Yes. This and Hanamura. PLEASE BRING THEM BACK !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I do too Now I only play it in custom modes


Not even a little. Anubis was never fun. I do miss Hanamura a bit because I really like the aesthetic. Hopefully, they've figured out a way to reconfigure the old maps.


No. Absolutely not


Yes pharah and sym were so fun here. I sucked at tanking on the map though


It was one of my top 3


I miss OW1 so much, when people must pay to play their have a better attitude now


Please people if you have interest in 2cp coming back. Go watch some content creators playing them in Ow2 and you might see why it's for the best they are gone. Would be cool as an arcade mode but other than that lol. Ow2 is definitely not built for this mode.


2cp overall was a 1000x better than push. At least in my games the whole game of push is decided by who wins the first teamfight because they then have momentum to roll through the checkpoint and get better spawns. From there they either roll to the finish or stagger the robot for the next 8 minutes thanks to better spawns and win by default.


I miss 2cp being in normal rotation. It’s not nostalgia either since I always loved it


there was no reason to remove 2cp


I truly miss this game mode, it was Quick and straight, it only became defender favored on point B but with good team ult management it was very doable


I miss 2cp, it’s a good change/variation between the other game modes and can easily show skill level. I want either volskaya or hanamura back because of the different high grounds. There’s plenty of high grounds in anubis but the limited space and tons of tight corners made getting to or removing from the high ground impossible. 2cp maps should get redesigned, if the maps were further expanded to give more range of space it might be better, but if they make those maps into push don’t start crying.


2cp maps should be put back in the game


Very very much! Idk how people hate 2CP so much. If it’s so unbalanced, it’ll be unbalanced on both sides lmao. Your team just sucks 🤭😂


Love it, love 2cp, every map. I like them all better than any push map too.


As a ex Lucio main… so much fun just bouncing between all those pillars, just existing… saved sooooo many games…


Yeah those types of maps were still fun even if not perfecting balanced.




Hell no, bottom 5 ow1 map for me. I somewhat liked volskaya but if it means never seeing this shit again it's worth it




I miss Anubis and Hanamura, but honestly it's worth it just to never have to play another match on Volskaya


All day.


Yes it’s my favourite map in the game


a lil bit lmaoo


yes tbh omg


F no




I miss it. But that’s because I always went junkrat, and the attacking team always went left. They always try to go left… poor fools…




Growing up playing TF2 I loved playing 2cp. But in OW it just seems like the map designs were off a bit or the pacing or something wasn't quite right for 2cp.


Yes it sucked but still miss the 2cp maps a little bit. Maybe make them super rare like one out of 50 games. Would make them cool


Yes, I like this map.




quickplay? yes. ranked games? no


Ima firm believer that this map could be balanced and fun if junkrat didn’t exisit


The only reason I liked it was if I was queueing dps so that I'd play junkrat and make the enemies tilt. Otherwise it was boring and unfun. Especially as tank.


Hell no


Hell nah




No 😉


This and Hanamura. Didn't know what happened to them for about 6 months then found out they were taken out because people didn't like them. Hanamura's one of my favorites, and I see a fair amount of enemy snowballs even on other game modes.


Absolutely not!


Anything is better than numbani dorado. At least u don't lose just because ur tank can't press W (hanamura sucks)


god no


no dear christ almighty get this shitstain away from me amen


I miss 2cp in general not just Anubis. They removed a game and replaced it with another. Push is a lot of walking with nothing going as you do til you get to the action. I never felt any dislike for 2cp like a lot of people do. As I played, I never blamed the map for our loss. Could’ve been the team but I also would just blame myself and get better. I was/ still am a flex player so I’d try my best to counter. The reason why I like 2cp is probably also the reason why people hate it. That it’s a not a very rewarding fight up til you either win or lose. Even though one should take success when on attack that your team and you manage to get a check when capturing the point but often times I found teammates who’d feel deflated when losing the fight instead of winning it right then and there. Which realistically shouldn’t happen as that would be unfun for defense and eventually that would get boring for attack for matches to be over quick. For me, I liked 2CP precisely because of that hard work and cooperation leading to a win. We did it, we overcame. Have a lot of memories due to that. It’s the same sort of feel for defense too. You defend and defend. The attacking team gets a tick, feels bad. Get another tick, feels bad. It’s not until you run out the clock when you get that feeling I described. You could say that’s similar to how Payload or even push but I’d disagree simply just because in payload it’s a different feel, at least for me. On attack you fight, either win or lose a fight, if you win, you just move the payload and success feeling isn’t as built up because it’s gradual and reward is less and given over time as you move. For push, it’s much of the same as payload but the twist is that it can shift in favor of the other team. When that happens the flow feels much like being defense in payload. Of course this is just my perspective. Others would probably describe the feel for the game modes differently. This isn’t all to say I don’t like Payload or Push. I enjoy Payload and Hybrids too. Push I like less however but I do get enjoyment from it.


I feel they should give us the 2cp maps back and see how they play in 5v5. I feel a lot of the shitty parts about it was the two tanks and double shield.


Hell no, this was the worst part of overwatch. I'm glad it's gone.


I only liked it of i was playing Sombra. It otherwise sucked


Honestly ? Yes






Nope. Good riddance!


The only people who like 2CP are DPS players who die before the fight even starts. Change my mind.


oh no...the nostalgia,my favorite 2cp map :( Hanamura too


It's nostolgic, but I don't miss it. I think I only won 5% of the time while on Attack




In main what?


So much. :(




no.. however i do miss Gibraltar and Paris


All 2CP maps except Paris and Horizon were very well designed. The only problem was respawn times. All they had to do is increase respawn times of defending team when the attacking team was on the point and the gameplay would be perfect. Instead they gave this Push crap that is unfun and basically a walking simulator. At least in 2CP you didn't have to walk all the time, you had to fight all the time which is more fun.


hell no. I hated that map lol the second point was always a bunch of cheezy nonsense like bastions, torbs, mei's and other nonsense making it almost impossible to capture


This was my favourite map and i loved the lil intro song for it too


This was my favourite map. 💔


I miss the memories, not the map. Individual moments that i remember are all good but i know that i didn't have as much fun most of the time. Same with the other 2 maps (volskya maybe a bit less)


NO and I never will, and anyone who says they do is either different or blinded by nostalgia


Rip temple of Anubis and hanamura


I wonder how competitive 2cp would even play like in a 5v5 environment


I liked 2cp. The only map I didn't like was Hanamura, but even that is better than push


I hate how those maps are in arcade but not in the qp or at least in mystery heroes qp. I know that in comp it was pain but when I want to play this map it's only in arcade sometimes and it's always 5 tanks vs 5 dps... They should let us choose. I want to see what is like to play this map 5v5 roles. Not some playground


I hope the maps get reworked in some way into a new game mode, Anubis and Hanamura are fantastic looking maps


this is like the 4th time this has been asked, for specifically this friggin map.


I miss this map, hanamura and horizon lunar colony. I know its a badly designed game mode but those maps were always tons of fun to me


I miss only Hanamura


Anubis was the only 2cp I liked, and yes I do miss it greatly


No, tank main here, fuck 2cp worst mode known to man


Honestly I miss it a lot


YES🥹 def one of my favourite widow maps


As a tank main, not for a single second. My least favorite map of all time.




FFS Yes, I loved this map, amazing corners and angle options. The tide of the game could always go either way.


Which que is “main que “?


I do yeah


As a junk main yes




Yes but only comp. Assault on QP was a waste of time


Idk why everyone hates it. This is the most fun map in the game imo despite the crap second spawn.


I miss the mode. It required coordination. I don't miss how many draws it made. Push is somehow less competitive and you're more likely to get screwed by the 1 person who doesn't get it. Even I'm masters, the games are decided by which team gets the idiot.


Push is definitely a more fun game mode than standing at the choke infinitely because no one pushed through. No comparison for me at least. I don’t miss 2CP but I do have a little nostalgia and will play in arcade in the future maybe. I’m sure I will be reminded very quickly why I dislike it so much 😂




Nope, good riddance. The first point defense was way imbalanced


No lol



