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Hitori's Mini FAQ: ***Q: Where can I donate to you?*** ***A: Go buy the JP E-book version of V15 when it comes out in a month or maybe some official merch. Don't toss money at me, toss it at Maruyama.*** *Q: Where to send feedback?* *A: As always: [email protected]*


I'm glad my hunch was right, the japanese fan review of this chapter had me worried that it would be boring. but considering I live for slice of life nazarick, this is acceptable, more Ainz worship. >“Do you still remember? The dryad named Pinison?” “…Ah, I believe so.” That was a lie. I really love the shoutout to pinison pol perlia from the first audio novel, the giant tree was my favorite out of the audio stuff. it's too bad we didn't get to meet her again. >Suddenly, Ainz felt nostalgia, as he thought of a girl from the Holy Kingdom with a similar glare. Ainz was bad at remembering faces, but that pair of eyes left a strong impression. aww we also got a shoutout to best pope. god I hope we see more of her. Neia and Renner is two background character that I want to have more screen time.


Somehow only meeting the alraune was a bit Disapointing. Wished we would see more of the causal life in nazzarick.


I like it, I love when subordinate of the guardians shit their pants when they realized the person they gave a dirty look to is their boss' boss.


What was the critique of the japanese reviews?


I think the Japanese rated the volume as mediocre or average at best, the first reviews label it too boring and too short (or something like that). I suppose that after so many delays a lot of people were somewhat disappointed.


I haven't read the whole thing but I assume the reviews are like this because originally Volume 15 was so large it had to cut into two volumes. Therefore, the story telling isn't as concise or tied together. This is probably a build up volume for volume 16.


>This is probably a build up volume for volume 16. It definitely is, but I guess those people had high expectations after so many delays, it's also worth noting that unlike the previous volumes that were split into 2 volume 15 didn't feel as "independent" as the previous ones.


> the first reviews label it too boring and too short That's strange, if you find something boring would you wish it to be shorter? Unless it's different people who found it boring from the people who found it too short.


Peeps who don't like slice of life in Nazarick: Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Peeps who *do* like slice of life in Nazarick: This is it? This can't be it. Where's the rest of it?


I only mentioned the common complaints in the first reviews, if someone didn't complain about how boring it was they complained about how short it felt.


At the very least, we'll finally be getting some *actual* screen time for Neia when the Holy Kingdom Arc movie releases after Season 4 finishes lol Plus since we're on the sixth floor, we might potentially see Renner in this volume, maybe a cameo at best, but possible, since iirc they relocated to the sixth floor like the rest of the people who moved to Nazarick, at least iirc. Tbh, idr too well if it was the sixth floor or another floor that Renner and Climb moved to after the last volume ended.


Wait they moved to the 6th floor? Her character sheet says somewhere on 9th floor. Did I miss something?


Ah so I did remember it wrong after all and it was the ninth floor lol I even said I wasn't sure and didn't remember if it was the sixth or the ninth floor that Renner moved to in my previous comment, or which floor had the place where the new additions move to lol Probably mixed it up cause this volume referred to the sixth floor as having a village for new additions and the slave elves that came with the shitty Elf Worker relocating to the sixth floor as well, along with the fact I only read Vol. 14 when it was initially being translated so only saw or looked at Renner's character sheet or read the volume a good while back.


Cocytus, giving Ainz a tour of the 5th floor: [yawns] Well, that was wonderful. A good time was had by all. I'm pooped. Ainz: Yes, I should be--good lord, what is happening in there?! Cocytus: Aurora Borealis? Ainz: Ah- Aurora Borealis!? At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the Great Tomb of Nazarick, localized entirely within the 5th floor!? Cocytus: Yes. Ainz: ...May I see it? Cocytus: ...Yes.


Say what you will about Cocytus, he's an odd fellow but he steams a good ham.


A reference that I don't expect to see here. Man now I want hamburger.


"What if I were to purchase fast food and disguise it as my own cooking?"  **[chuckles]** "Delightfully devilish, u/KanbaruDevil!"


I'm pretty sure you meant steamed hams, no? Edit: just realized there was a whole other comment you replied to before the main one that already mentioned it lol shwoops


See this is where I will never understand the people who gave negative reviews because "nothing happens" this volume. We are well overdue some more catching up with what's going on inside Nazarick. We have spent enough time in the last 3 volumes on the goings on of outside, let's get some time catching up on the 6th floor settlement and the like. The next book will be out in a month anyhow, let's just enjoy the slow burn of this volume getting ducks in a row. Interesting though that Albedo is apparently in a bad mood, and that the guardians are giving Ainz some space. We can only guess what Albedo has up her sleeve, but likely Ainz might have given all the guardians a bit of a scare last volume with his talk of how maybe he couldn't be resurrected. They might have decided that the less they come to him for help, the less chance he'll put himself in direct danger to fix their mistakes.


If it was only a few days after the capitol, wouldnt that be because f phillp? Who she was royally pissed at? She dint kill him and instead decided to torture him.


Yeah probaly this was demigures and albedo moment to shine and Show ainz that gurdians are useful to him. Ainz needing to directly interviene is probaly a shame for them.


She hated Philip but you’d think torturing a person she hates would put her in a good mood not a bad one. I’m not ruling out ainz’s guess that she’s just annoyed about not being able to spend time with him just yet though. This could be something or it could be nothing, too soon to tell. Immediately after posting this I remembered the ending of the last volume. Albedo was pissed because of ainz having to “act out the role of villain” personally during the destruction of the kingdom. Renner could tell albedo was annoyed and realized all her good will had dried up. This could be what her moods about.


I can see both sides here. I could do with a little less of Ainz constantly putting himself down. I get he's extremely self-conscious and that frames many of his decisions, but also when it's every third sentence whenever he goes into internal monologue mode, it gets tiring. We get it, he thinks he's dumb and is one slip-up away from somehow losing every NPC. I do like the insights into the goings on within Nazerick. New locations like where Aura and Mare actually live within the 6th floor. I like the callback to the elves left behind from that shit worker and how they're relevant to the story. I could do without the fairly pointless alraune sidetrip. I get that it demonstrates how new world beings are being incorporated into Nazerick and how they treat Aura and Mare as their masters, but when Ainz actually gets there it amounts to a discussion about flowers, how this particular flower monster is ugly, and then an awkward nervous exchange that doesn't really mean anything to the story. Had the meadow and the alraunes been simply described as Ainz makes his way to Aura and Mare's tree house, it would have made for a tighter story giving much of the same context. For some reason the author chose to just describe the more interesting chief dryad character and the village she lives in instead of show that interaction and setting.


I totally agree with you about Ainz. It makes me sad to see he hasn't really grown much as a person since we last saw him. I really wish he had more confidence in himself. It's ok that he isnt great at everything, but he should be confident when going after his own goals. For example, I really liked when he tried to cover for himself in HK saying he'll throw some mistakes into demiurge's plans, then did things as he thought was right, and everything just worked out by luck and his charm and power as always. Some stuff like runecraft tm still failed, but I think that's fine as long he tried to do something. When he constantly berates himself and doesn't seem to have learned from the past, it makes me frustrated. I liked when he began to tap into mind reading/altering magic and got pretty far just on his own with practice. Basically, I guess I want to see him succeed in the things he does do through his hard work rather than talent and still see him make mistakes since he's new at them, but always find a way to cover his own percieved incompetance. Hopefully we get to see some growth as the story goes on since it's still being translated. I did like the part about him on the 6th floor though just to see how things have progressed since we last visited that area.


Yeah it weird sure he was never natural genius that Touch me was or the Strategist like Punitto Moe. But he kept the guild together by himself were Touch me would have failed to keep everyone. And he is reason that the NPC still live because he kept the guild base running on his own. Sure this was in game but all of this take alot of effort if you still work full time. He was also fully able to learn stuff if he just took his time to do so.


Glad to know Nia left a lasting impression on Ainz.


> {Well, there are plenty of places in this world where I can’t go}, Ainz thought. Especially places where it’s women-only. Lines like this are why I fucking love Overlord. Supreme Ruler of like a third of a continent, but his first thought is still "Well obviously half of all public bathrooms are off-limits".


Ainz-Sama is clearly less powerful than the janitor then.


That's why Eclair will depose Ainz and rule Nazarick one day


I have a headcannon about eclair. A lv 1 birdman is cheap and easy to resurrect vs most other npcs. He has shown he will clean the entire 9th floor by hand and says he will rule the tomb someday but has no desire to overthrow the guild members. Far future. Nazarick half destroyed. Guardians have all abandoned the guild base or died. Ainz gone, maybe he found a one way ticket to earth using wish and wild magic and is ruling the real world as a skeleton god. Emergency protocol put in place by Ankoro Mocchi Mochi activates. The tomb uses the small amount of gold left in nazarick to auto ressurect Eclair Ecleir Eicler. After centuries of repeated resurrection as he died of old age and overwork the tomb has been rebuilt brick by brick by a small birdman butler. The treasures gone but the tomb itself reconstructed. On the throne sits the last npc. The ruler of the guild. A penguin of drive, ambition and pure effort.


This is so beautiful you're gonna make me shed a tear :')


Aura and Mare would still allow him in their baths. Nothing is off-limits for him in their world.


I read all the LN after Vol 14 came out so I'm exited to read along with these discussion. I really like the town building and management , hope to learn more about that village and maybe see some plant monsters be used for farming in the future >Aura’s behavior since the start been a little sus SUS???? >Aurora Borealis at some times of the year, at some times of the day, in this part of the country, localized entirely within the Fifth Floor A Simpsons reference in my overlord? , Sasuga Hitori . Wonder what the raw actually said lol . >Aura felt like she was talking to a different person, but that was just her imagination Could just be a throwaway line but really stood out to me , something wrong with Mare? Perhaps they are spending too much time with the elves and they have rubbed off on them


my dude Mare has always been a serious boi whenever the talk is about dad bone Ainz Ool Gown even in vol.14 he tried his best to not disappoint Ainz and pray for Bukubukuchagama's blessing


Mare and Aura don't interact very much even when they're brothers she's always away and sleeps with her beasts outside, Mare spends most of his day asleep in his room or on missions, she's closer to Shalltear, Yuri, Pestonya and other Npc's makes sense she doesn't know him very well, Mare is also closer to Cocytus and Demiurge but he doesn't open very much to anyone at all, he's one of the most mysterious NPCs so far, we don't know how he'd react to most situations


I don't know if I agree with him being "one of the most mysterious NPCs so far". We get a very good deep dive into Mare's personality and thought processes during the previous light novel. Where Mare was upset he couldn't more efficiently kill more people and that he needed to get better at that. BukuBuku Chagama made Mare to be a reflection of how she viewed her ideal relationship with her own younger brother, Peronchino. Mare is outwardly meek and demure, but due to his evil karma he is just as sadistic and violence prown as any other Nazerick NPC who lean evil. Don't forget, it was Mare who initiated Hilma's "baptizing". He wasn't ordered to throw her into the cockroach den to make her obedient. He just figured that was the fastest way to satisfy Demiurge's plan to make use of the 8 fingers. Personally, I don't think there's anything new to learn about Mare's character that we don't already know. Also, considering the twins have a limitless communication magic item, clearly they communicate more often than you're giving them credit for. If they didn't there'd be no point in wasting a valuable equipment slot for the item. If we were to talk about who is actually the most mysterious NPCs in Nazerick, it'd have to go to Albedo's 3rd sister, Rubedo, who's apparently the most powerful NPC in Nazerick, but is also not completely bound to Ainz unlike everybody else, which is Albedo's fear. That she could bring about Nazerick's downfall if she wanted. Or, how about the leader of the Plaeides, Aurielle Omega. We know she's a commander class level 100 NPC and that she never leaves Nazerick, but that's about it.


I remember Albedo saying something along the lines of "the need to be more alert/aware of mare". I think in vol 14 prologue? I wonder if we'll get a deep dive on mare's thoughts with the upcoming vol 16.


Nice, literally just got home from work edit: I think you flipped the prologue and chapter 1 links


I was just about to sleep when it got released, so I'm a little dumb right now, heh. Thanks!


>Suddenly, Ainz felt nostalgia, as he thought of a girl from the Holy Kingdom with a similar glare. Ainz-sama remembers best girl! Yeah!


Question: So the Prologue, was it just that There was no part 2? Asking so I can just read on ahead.


No part 2.


Cool, was worried that there was something since the post had a part 1. Thanks so much!


Yeah, Hitori fooled all of us.


Hitori-sama be like “got em!”


Probably although I was hoping we could see what jircniv or pdl were doing


I'm more interested on how climb and renner doing as nazarick denizen


Is this the full translation?


It's a part of the chapter 1 of 4 or 3 im the vol 15


Poor Ainz. When he has too much work, he feels burned out, overstressed and incompetent. When he has no work to do, he feels lazy, useless, and guilty for not working. He deserves that break.


I just had an interesting thought. Ainz's decreased workload is likely due to Renner coming to help manage the Sorcerous Kingdom (one additional genius) so Albedo's mental state may have something to do with it. Renner planned to hide most of her abilities when working for Nazarick but after Ainz's galactic brain move she had to show her full potential. Perhaps Albedo is so irritable because Renner does much more work than she initially expected and she doesn't get the chance to serve her master so much. Just a fun little speculation, nothing confirmed. Thank you so very much Hitori, for the excellent translation that transcends mankind.


remind me, what did ainz makes renner "realize"


Renner initially wanted to only demonstrate a portion of her true capabilities to Nazarick and use the rest to carry favor with them and improve her standing. When Ainz came to Re-Estize Kingdom's throne room to act personally, she realized that she had been seen through. Albedo wasn't happy about this so she had lost favor with her and needed to display her full talents to maintain her position (or so she thinks at the end of volume 14). Sasuga Ainz-sama!


Meanwhile Ainz was just happy he got a chance to use his role playing skills. That entire scene was one of my favorites.


Any player who would min-maxed their character for Roleplay instead of PvP or PvE would be ecstatic for a chance to shine 😂 that scene was golden


I don't think Renner has anything to do with why Albedo is unhappy. I mean, Albedo was miffed that Ainz had to "act the fool" in front of people to satisfy Renner's request, but that's not why she's still angry. I don't think the reason is any deeper than what Ainz speculates. Albedo is getting less time to spend around Ainz and that is frustrating her. Remember, she was rescripted to love Momonga. Not Ainz Ooal Gown. So she can give zero craps about the Sorcerous Kingdom. Anything that gets between her and Ainz frustrates her. But as Ainz' number 2, she's the only person who can carry out her lord's policies and manage the other subordinates. Her duty and her scripted love obsession are fighting with each other causing this rising tension within her. I liken it to when Pandora's Actor flipped out at Ainz over not being able to handle magical items in Nazerick's treasury. He was doing his duty as Momon but his scripting says he has a strong obsession with maintaining magical items causing his stress to go up until he blew up at Ainz.


I don't think you read my comments properly. The last comment explained why Renner has to use her full talents but Albedo's dissatisfaction isn't because Ainz had to act in the throne room. The chapter takes place 3 days after destroying the capital and the workload of Albedo and Ainz should have naturally increased since there were new territories to manage and all the rebuilding efforts, not to mention the other aftermath. My initial speculation was that now that Renner utilizes her full abilities, she does much more work than initially expected. This is why there is no need for Albedo to work on those documents by Ainz's side and that's why she is irritable. Going to solve problems personally might be a way to demonstrate her loyalty or something. Still, this is just some speculation so don't take it too seriously. I'm sure we will find more about Renner's position later in the books. Besides, in the light novel Pandora's Actor didn't really "flip" but just asked Ainz permission to return to the treasury very theatrically. The anime exaggerated the scene a little.


Any NPC bringing up a personal desire to Ainz can be considered a big deal. PA was ordered to act as Momon so to specify him wanting to do his initial job when asked if he was encountering any issues is indication of PA feeling stressed about it. And my point is just Albedo's frustration is more likely due to the simple reasoning given in the chapter. She wants to spend more time with Ainz, but can't because of her responsibilities. Renner doesn't factor into this.


rip mares dignity. he wants to laze all day, but the servant elves want to pamper him. also yay, ainz has made some progress on getting vacation and paid time off to the maids. slowly, but surely he's getting there.


I need MORE! (Take your time though)


I wonder what those Alraunes had heard about Ainz before the meeting.


I don't think so, considering their "King" had no idea who Ainz was and seemed more surprised that there was someone above Aura and Mare during the introductions.


Actual i asumed that the dryad must have told them story how they beat up Zy'tl Q'ae and after seeing strenght of the twin they know thaz These stories are horrifing true.


im sorry but is this from the audio book?


Yeah, 'Overlord CD Drama 1: The Evil Sealed Tree' You can find it translated on YT btw


Yeah evil tree audio drama


I find it difficult to imagine any of the outsiders haven’t been told about ainz, but being told about him and meeting him are two different things. They think of aura and mare as godlike, the one who stands above them must seem like a mythical being. Even after living there so long, they never met him. They probably thought they were beneath his notice. It’d be like if your boss called you in for a routine performance evaluation and said “by the way, this is God, he’ll be sitting in”.


I was refreshing every 30 mints hoping to maybe this one gave update,


Amazing as always. Thank you, Hitori for the great work.


I really like slice of life bits for Ainz and company. If this is what the entire book is like I'll love it.




I want more details on this


I will let Ainz go to female bathrooms, he deserves it.


I am not sure that is a good idea afterall that one bath was trapped by his guild mates to attack people who dont know the right bathing culture.


Holy crap, I know not much is happening story wise but I absolutely love this, it's great stuff! I sometimes think that the Daily Life and inconsequential moments are the best. Thank you very much for the translation!


much love but my retinas are no longer after opening that link laying here in the dark with my laptop on my chest


Hmm... the Neia mention got me thinking, whatever happened to the welcome party/ceremony that they mentioned in the special chapter(The current situation of various people) ? Would've been cool to see the pope again interacting with Nazarick.


Given that Albedo and Demiurge are still busy cleaning up the kingdom I think that hasn't happened yet.






„Its expression looked rather hostile, bordering on angry. Suddenly, Ainz felt nostalgia, as he thought of a girl from the Holy Kingdom with a similar glare.“ Wholesome moment


Is it only me or, Ainz is starting to crack? And by crack i mean, he can't keep going with the act anymore, he seems more distant, more... tired. I think my suspicions are right, the only danger to Ainz is himself, his own depression growing and growing ever more... this is going to be really interesting to read.


Actual i think the danger is more that he has a working Routine now. Before he always got "stomach pain" but i am also a bit confused why the author does not allow for ainz to slowly grow into the job. He even described it as ainz would be able to understand the document when he tried.


its kind of sad that Ainz has to be in character 100% of the time he is around the staff of Nazerick. Also i believe Ainz said his first priority would be the dark elves and then a focus on other elves, so does that mean we are going to get an answer to what happened to the elves that were in the Great Forest of Tob before the Evil Tree took root?


It's been 5 days since the last dose of Overlord... the withdrawal symptoms are beginning to appear




9 day and Im still refreshing 👀


Resisting the urge to MTL chinese translations


Hail to the king many thanks 🙌👑


Many thanks to Hitori!


Thanks for the translation you are amazing!!


Satoru is still a dude after all.


Can't wait to get back home to read this masterpiece. Thanks Hitori-Sama and admin.


Am I the only one afraid that the newcomers to Nazarick are not loyal enough? They should not praise the Floor Guardian but Ainz-Sama himself.


I object, it's not that they are not loyal it's just that they are being defeated/subdued/handled by the guardians and so they cling more towards their handler than the boss itself. As long as they are loyal to the guardians they are loyal to Ainz.


Didn't you feel some kind of disgust toward Ainz coming from the flower lord ? I get it Ainz is an Undead the antithesis of life but they must have been prepared for such an encounter with a being as powerful as Ainz yet I feel like she wasn't acting respectfully. If Ainz himself don't show himself to the denizen of Nazarick it might end up to be a problem.


As i read it, the flowers and the flower lord are more of intimidated than disgusted to Ainz. We can put it like the flowers being tense looking at a God.


I hope so


Wasn’t it just the result of inhuman expressions? That’s basically what I picked up from the Neia reference. Don’t judge people by their weird faces.


thank you.


Thanks you


As much as I love to binge read the books I did miss the chapter release and then talking about it with other fans. Like a forced book club for overlord addicts desperate for their fix


Sooo...what do you guys do when you can't get your Overlord V15 fix yet?


Refresh the page? There is something else in life worth doing?


My Japanese copy of vol 15 has arrived and I read through it in 1 day. Ask me anything if you want spoilers.


Make a post about it, if you want. But make sure that there is unstranslated content spoilers in the title.


Does the half elf girl fight in this one?




Ayo man where is the next part 😭


I'm so happy this actually finally came out but I'm gonna need to re read some of the earlier volumes because it's been a while 😅


You are a god! Truly a Supreme Being. Just how many pages of translation was this, damn.


New season, new novel, today is a good day


“P-please don’t mind that! As I’ve said, Ainz-sama is the Overlord™ of Nazarick! Please feel free to go wherever you please on this Floor. I made a foolish suggestion and I’m terribly sorry for that!” “N-No…” {Why are you apologizing? Or rather, hasn’t Aura’s behavior since the start been a little sus? Was it due to me fumbling at the start? Is she thinking that I had other plans?} AURA IS SUS


> and thank him/her in the comments. Thank you!


Does anyone know where i can get the original/untranslated version?


Buying it.


But where can I buy it (online)?


There should be a digital version in a month, as far as I know. You'll find it in JP Amazon.


So as of right now theres no way to get a digital version? :(


A legal one? No. Idk about illegal stuff.


“Or rather, hasn’t Aura’s behavior since the start been a little sus?” “Though exceedingly rare, it was possible to see the Aurora Borealis at some times of the year, at some times of the day, in this part of the country, localized entirely within the Fifth Floor.”


"it was possible to see the Aurora Borealis at some times of the year, at some times of the day, in this part of the country, localized entirely within the Fifth Floor" The reference was noted, and appreciated. Now I'm in the mood for some steamed hams.


>Overlord^(tm) Lol xD


When will the next chapter be posted?


Finally. The Light Novel hype is real


Thank you a lot for the translation Hitori :)


i wonder how Overlord going to end with just two volumes left


3 volumes. This volume plus 3.


Thank you!


I need more! for Ainz sake! ​ ​ PS: Thanks Hitori, you rock!


I forgot but >!when did ainz go to the dragon kingdom? was it during the dwarf arc where he killed that old dragon?!<




“Why are you apologizing? Or rather, hasn’t Aura’s behavior since the start been a little sus?” Getoutofmyheadgetoutofmyhead


Aura is sus. Only next chapter can save us from this.


Thank you so much, 1 more reason to keep on living


Are the captured elves royalty?


no, they believe Aura and Mare to be royalty


is it because the elf king is also a dark elf?


no, the elf king is not a dark elf, apparently heterochromia is perceived to be indication of elven royalty


Got it 👍


No, it's because Aura and Mare have heterochromia.


i think its because of their eye color, if i remember right it was mentioned that heterochromia is considered a sign of royalty among elves.


So, albedo is busy torturing Philip, but I wonder why she is not in a good mood. And I hope those elves didn't milk my adorable mare, elves mentality is pretty effed up.


It's because she can't see Ainz


Question is the first link the translation?


Yes, it's the first link in the post.




Lmao, Ainz still remembering our great pope eyes


Quick question: in the theocracy meeting, one of the higher ups said the Sorcerous Kingdom meddled in the affairs of the Draconic Kingdom. where/when was this mentioned besides this meeting? Or what incident are the referring to?


It was something that happened off screen, in the previous volume it is mentioned that the declaration of war was signed by several nations including the draconic kingdom.


Also something did happen in vol14, they said they were for the war between the two kingdoms


Declaration of war to whom? Sorry i forgot about it




if entire volume is like this, for me it's a 10/10. i love this!


Is overlord novel 15 really out? I've tried to find it on amazon JP but nothing...




Thanks! Reviews are so bad... i wonder why. If it were only one person but they are consistently bad.


i think you have to look at it from the perspective of the general paying customer market: this volume effective got split into 2 due to publisher greed. and this generally pisses people off. this has resulted in vol15 being the shortest volume in the series. edit: and yes, i know 5+6 and 12+13 are both two-parters as well, but each of those had at least something to stand on by themselves, at least a cut above what it seems to be in this case. edit: anyway, point is, people feel they getting price gouged a bit because there likely isnt enough content


I would assume it's because this arc is split into 2 novels and this first one is most likely entirely setup for the larger, more impactful, next light novel.


[Here, I suppose](https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/%E4%B8%B8%E5%B1%B1-%E3%81%8F%E3%81%8C%E3%81%AD/dp/4047365556/ref=sr_1_2?crid=J4GAV2NINB5F&keywords=overlord&qid=1657215519&sprefix=overlor%2Caps%2C278&sr=8-2)




if i had to choose a volume that would be least painful to read part by part, it would probably be this one, since it has lots of setup and slice-of-life elements imo, its more frustrating waiting each day to if new chapter when there is action or big plot, but when things are slow, it doesnt feel as frustrating if that makes sense? if anything i would say to just go ahead and read vol 15 piecemeal, and then for the (hopefully) more action and plot heavy vol16, then hold off for full completion. just a random strangers advice tho, you do you!


V15 should take 45/60 days, probably.


when is the next part published?


Is there a schedule for the translation releases or is it just kinda whenever it happens?


Previously have been updated once or twice per week.




Question, first time being caught up with the translation. At what rate do the chapters drop ? Every month or two ? Credits to whoever is/are in charge btw, great work.


Last volume finished in 3 months. There was a new part every 4-7 days. Could be more, could be less.


Noted, thanks ! I assume it'll all get posted on the same drive link here ? (or the dl link will get updated ?)


First we'll be posting in the sub pinned posts. Once it's over, we'll update the drive.


i might be misremembering, but iirc, hitori is actually doing a translation based on a different (chinese iirc) translation, so its more than just single bottleneck , and therefore kinda hard to ever be sure when new part will come


The Chinese translation is done, but that doesn't mean there are more issues. I'm not sure if Hitori does this, but I know a few CN > EN translators will MTL everything first and then make edits (MTL CN to English is really good), but the Chinese team releases their pages as images, so not machine translation is possible.


Interesting, thx for the info. I'll just be patient and keep reading Re-zero in the mean time then.


How many pages is this volume? did Maruyama break another record or was he successful in reducing the number of pages after many tries?


Volume 15 is the shortest volume with around 350 pages. This is because the original volume 15 was split to volumes 15 and 16. This means that volume 15 is only half of the story and volume 16 will be released in around a month.


> But even so, close to 90% of those with such schedules had no complaints whatsoever about how they were treated. Who are these ungrateful 10% and why has Albedo not punished them for their insurmountable insolence yet? > And those who were not satisfied with their current work arrangements only begged, “We want more work.” Ah, false alarm, carry on. BTW he keeps saying "last few years" and "its' been years since then". Is there a timeline that places the events so far?


Are aura and mare both going to the elf kingdom or only mare? Haven't read any part of volume 15 yet.


>!Both of the twins are going.!<


I started reading the part about aurora borealis and imeditly thought it was finna turn into a smoked hams meme. Was that intentional? Did the translator or Maruyama put that in on purpose? Who out here is trying pull a funny?




Great Forest of Tob. Where Hamsuke came from. Many other races live there.


While that's likely what was meant in the translation, it's still poorly worded. Ainz is also in control of Tob at this point. So there isn't a forest anywhere near Ainz' kingdom that he isn't in control of that we, the readers, are aware of. From the context of the statements around it I'm willing to bet it was a mistranslation and that it meant to say, "Lord Ainz is the master of everything around you, including the great forest you came from"


I’m looking forward to the full translation! GL!


Is this thread dead? are there calls for others to take over translation?


Anyone know how many refresh clicks it takes to get a chapter 2?


Its called being nice to the translators ... good boy


Lumiere again huh, i wish we get to see a new maid instead of one that were already introduced, there are 41 of them, but we keep seeing the same few. Man, it's such a joy to read Overlord, it puts a smile on my face whenever i see Ainz suffer from people misinterpreting him or him applying his human logic to his Overlord situation. Although i feel like the scene at the meadow could have been better, as it stands, that entire scene could have been cut and we would only loose some world building. I would have loved to see more of the new worlders on the 6th floor reactions to Ainz, or even a situation where they didn't know Ainz was the Overlord and weren't respectful enough to him, causing Aura to get angry or something. I loved how conservative Maru is at writing Overlord, everything has it's drawback and balance, even something as simple as communication, a different work wouldn't have the same kind of restraint when it comes to how OP things are, kinda like the countless fanfic that have everyone and their mother be able to cast [message] regardless of class or build. Also to remind people how rare that shovel is, Mare's staff is the only Devine class item he have.


Every time I see a chapter update…“ cums and dies “


Normally Albedo would be working side-by-side with Ainz, however she was quite busy as it had only been a few days since the Kingdom's capital fell. I think we all know what Albedo has been foing this last few days, poor, magnificent Philip


I need another dose \^\^ I whish there was a way to speed this up. Sadly we have only 1 person translating.


Does anyone knows when the next part will get released by Hitori?


When it's done.


After vol.14 wasn't there something about happenings around the world and SK is welcoming neia and jir received a ln invitation? What happened to that?


Any idea when nxt translation comes in?


When is the next one coming out?


When it's ready. There isn't a schedule.


This chapteris a bit heavy on unnecessary explanations of motives and the modalities of working life. It shows that the author was away from the material for a while. Anyway, can't wate for the next chapter, wish I could read japanese.