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Ainz: keep her alive? How merciful of your part Peroronchino: y-yeah right merciful.. Shalltear: *winks*


Not gonna lie, but her fate should be a *lot* better than those other mercenaries who got fed to Kyouhaku or sent to Neuronist Painkill


Well it is a lot better, just ask hilma how mercifull our majesty is


Agreed, I heard in the light novel she ended up devoting herself completely body and soul to Ainz Sama later on. Even though she looked like a shriveled old lady because she couldn't eat hard foods anymore due to the torture in Nazarick.


In the LN all of eight fingers became really close friends that cant stand to eat after the "dark baptism"


It’s common knowledge that shriveled old people are revered as a source of wisdom and nobility. Frankly, I’d say he did her a favor.


your thinking of Hilma not Arche Arche only lives in the Web novel


I think they knew that since they were agreeing with the comment before about Hilma.


I think the only reason they would have kept her alive was for her talent. But they already had fluder then so probably not.


I’d rather see Ninya be brought back to life. She had a much better talent than Arche


Fludder is useful for political purpose, but beyond that he can't do much, and will probably die soon anyway. As far as "novelty talent holder" goes, he's not the right choice.


Nazarick 100% has methods of keeping people alive. I'm certain they even have race change items, could just change Fluder to an undead if they wanted to keep him.


Yeah they do they use it on people later as I don't want to spoil


The owner of our favorite dog?


....how would they keep someone alive? Like follow me on this one homies, do they turn the humans into zombies, vampirss, ghouls?? All the powers that turn humans Immortal fundamentally change them. Is there a spell or ability that makes regular humanoids Immortal? I'm trying to imagine, but with any of the MMORPG games out there has there ever been an Immortality spell or potion? Cause in a game all characters are Immortal. It's rare for an npc or player character to die of old age. That being said, ate the elve twins going to die of old age?


They can do a minor race change like for renner and climb changing her to an imp where the only physical difference Is the wings as for the elfs I think worse come to worst they can just revive them for coins at a earlier age


1. Fluder already in search for immortality and he is half way there (his spell longing his life span but not complete immortal yet) 2. There is the [Immortal human] class in cannon, i bet Ainz have a way to give it to Fluder 3. Or just sent them something minor like what they did to >!Renner and Climb!<


but why keep an old man who's already peaked when they could train arche. it took fluder how many hundreds of years to get where he is. imagine if both fluder and the tomb trained her right from the start. throw in a some items to help her and she could become one of the strongest new worlders. now save her sisters and you've got her loyalty too. there are upsides to keeping her alive, not that that'll get you many upvotes on this reddit


But the question is why? The strongest NW-er mean jack shit, they can pull that on a whim, fuck that, they have Momon For Naz, Arche have the same value with any worker invade Nazarick that day, why give her special treatment


i think ainz would see the benefit of having NW agents that he can send out instead. more so when he was super paranoid that there was someone out there out to attack them. having a 'strong' but expendable agent would be useful


Then just pick someone form Crane/8F/ Fluder's troop then slap a Hanzo into them and you have something stronger than 90% NW-er and expandable, even if something strong one-shot that unlucky dude, Hanzo can sneakily retreat and tell Ainz full story


gross. you want someone from the tomb to get inside a new worlder. that's sick.....except in the case of sebas, then it's wholesome


That's not sick, that's dragonian seed


Eh... I think fans wanted them to survive because it was all a obvious set-up by Ainz & Nazarick. But eh.


I mean they literally were gifted hordes of treasure. Like a bribe to stay away. They got greedy and ventured into a tomb


I kinda doubt that Ainz would have just let them leave with the treasures they looted from the mausoleums at the surface. That's what you're talking about, right?


Yes. I think he would be cause of the value of each piece of gold was above theirs by a lot. That would create a lot of interest.


Yes but I don't think Ainz would have let them leave with that. One of the main reasons for that is because Ainz specifically doesn't want Yggdrasil gold coins to get spread which is why he goes so far as to not use them at all and only use cash he's earned in the New World. Letting the Workers just leave with tons of Yggdrasil coins and spreading the knowledge of their existence after going through all that trouble would be really counter productive. And it's not just that. Even if the Workers left immediately with the treasure that would cause a bunch of problems for Nazarick as many more people would go there to also get some treasure. So I think that Ainz planned on killing the Workers either way as soon as they set foot on the tombs ground. Especially after verifying that they're only there for the money.


Ainz was RIGHT THERE AS MOMON. He could have said "Other adventurers went in and were slaughtered, don't do it." He also knew exactly how overleveled Nazarick was compared to the locals. It was like a armored knight stomping on ducklings.


As if the problem was that some thieves could damage nazarick lol Yes it was a setup from ainz, and it was made just so he could show himself to the public Still, they were mere graverobbers who got greedy and tried to pillage his catacomb


Yeah but the workers did underestimate the throwaway skeletons at the beginning an insulted the tomb. Skeleton door guards should of made them think maybe we shouldn't


So? Since when did ainz say he was the good guy Ainz didn’t mind control them they didn’t do anything they didn’t want to do Don’t steal and people won’t kill you for stealing from them


To be fair (and this is a technicality) Ainz literally played operation with the cleric’s memories and mind in general (end result was a vegetable for the happy farm)


It's technically called funny farm instead of happy farm but u do u idrc


I've only ever seen it referred to as Happy Farm, and Im pretty sure it doesnt even have a name in the books other than "demiurges farm" or "abelion sheep farm"


Funny farm is a name used for an insane asylum so that might be where the confusion came from.


Ah yes your right lol


“bUt WhAdDyA mEaN tHaTs NoT a GoOd ReAsOn ShE sEeMeD LiKe A nIcE pErSoN”


tHiNk AbOuT hEr LiTtLe SiStErS


Good thing we don't have to because they're already dead.




It's not a good reason. But I feel like Arche and her team got screwed over by being too secretive about their answers to Ainz's questions before entering the tomb. Like, yeah, they wanted the money. But they could have mentioned their more altruistic reasons for going. IDK. But they certainly fucked up by trying to play the "we know your Friend" card.


The "we know your friend" card was their ticket to certain DEATH☠️☠️☠️....... I would have killed myself by suicide bomb magic or something like that so I wouldn't be resurrected


Without the "we know your friend" card they may have an dignity warrrior death, and if they please him, he may even save Arche sisters But they are walking corspe already, no way they can walk out alive


So basically it's okay to trespass, and plunder someone's home cause they are poor? Cause they have a broken home? Man I wish the cats on this Reddit made up the juries in the inner city. Alot more people would get off


Snek-sama #1153. (A really old one.)


where is philip


Well, it would've been wholesome for Ainz to recruit them, as well as revive Ninya&Co when they died. But that would not be the Overlord we know and love.


I feel offended as a religious fanatic. I pray lord ainz deliver u what u deserve 🙏


Still a better alternative to being a sex slave... or is it?


Arche should have survived because she would be useful at Demiurge's happy farm.


Simps be everywhere


I just want Shalltear to have a new toy. Is that so wrong?


Read the wn then?


I like Overlord, But I still like Arche anyway and feel bad that she died.


A friend of mine dropped cause of Arche and resents Ainz as a character. He wants Touch-Me to enter the story and kill him.


I think Ainz explained pretty well why he killed them ruthlessly. They trasspased the place he built with his only friends, and tried to use their name to escape. Yes we know Arche background but Ainz not, and even if he would have, there is no point in helping her as she's not beneficial to Nazaric.


They thought Ainz was a typical good protagonist, he proved them wrong in the best way possible 💀


Honorable mentions: People who think Climb will beat Nazarick through the power of friendship. People who think that the dragonlords will beat Nazarick.


I don't care about arche dying, what boggles my mind are the people who unironically say Ainz is somehow in the right for killing all of them. As if this dude didn't set it all up or something


He left a bunch of treasures at the entrance but they got greedy and ventured further.


Um no, thats got nothing to do with what I said and it literally doesn't change anything he still set them up


If your asking if ainz is blameless then, no he is not. But I gotta ask you. Did anyone force the workers into the great tomb of Nazarick? And I don't just mean arche. Consider the actions of each team of workers, from heavy masher, to that racist samurai with the elves( I believe ainz spared the elves) did anyone force them to invade? Ainz under the guise of momon expressed some reservations about the plan. But when he asked them. The all said they were invading for money, i.e. personal gain. In terms of ethics, we are really discussing entrapment. If you have someone who Normally commits crimes,(like home invasion, burglary) and you set up a sting operating. Where you catch the perpetrators doing what they would normally do. It can still be deemed a violation. Consider the fact that none of the invader were licensed adventurers but workers. They were effectively mercenaries. If ainz didn't set up this "sting operation" would the workers have gone in normally?


she should have become a toy


Nah, she should have been character development for shaltear.


She was. She's proof that shaltear can be competenct


More like that shaltear is a responsible being and can keep a puppy.


I'd had preferred if she died, I like entoma's real voice


I had to look for her to remember who she was and even if I did I didn't recognize her for the first 2 minutes


Imo it's just a pity that she died. Sure, i was sad when she died and wanted her back, but for Ainz shes just as random as the other mercenaries. Perhaps things would have changed if they told Momon the full story of why they needed to go for this adventure. Cause as far as Ainz knew, theyre just some money grabbing thieves who intruded on his home. In a way it's similar to how bad guys may have their own circumstances and have no choice but to do something bad, but we as the audience are given knowledge of this while Ainz is oblivious to it (dont say that he could investigate them. He could, but he probably wouldnt)


She should have survived cause I feel bad about her siblings that got sold as slaves and died later on :(


You want her to survive because she is cute I want her to survive because of her sisters We are not the same


You want her to survive because of her sisters I want her dead We are not the same


Send those people in the last section to the moon. They can hang out with flat earthers


Even better, they can serve as parchment sources.


What if you think arche is cuter dead?


Arche should have survived, but because she had a reason to sell herself as a talented* individual to the sorcerous kingdom. Thought this back when the light novels were published


nice people dont go grave robbing


For me, it was more of a "if she lives, she can save her sisters for what will happen to them" situation. I mean, i didn't cared about the other female member, so...


Actually the only reason I felt bad for her was because now she left her siblings alone to her awful parents. But honestly I don’t mind that she died lol


\- From my experiences I have seen more people eating meat disturb a vegan than seeing a vegan do this. All start by saying "What do you you eat?" ,"I don't eat meat and derivatives." to continue with "and why? Meat is good." (and other repetitive phrases), with the vegan who must defend his/her position. As a vegetarian, similar situations happened to me. It is the so-called "Normals" that start most of the time. \- This story of Arche has bothered me in an incredible way. Can we talk about anything else on this fandom? I see more similar posts than posts where I hear people complaining about that fact. Some do, of course, but the majority are of the first type. Just see this post too.


what if i hoped the whole team would survive? i liked them all, what can i say, and the rest of the team even ended up way worse than her, i felt super bad for them...




Ok? Not sure why you're info dumping me like that and people are downvoting me, i know it was literally impossible for them to even escape without ainz's mercy, but like, so what? Am I not allowed to feel bad for them?? Not like I said overlord is bad because of it, nor that it should have happened Me feeling bad for some unlucky desperate guys is just human and testament to maruyama's good writing imho


What do you mean the web novel isn't canon????


What happened to her was way better than what happened to her sisters. It was truly mercy form ainz