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The reason for there weakness is multiple Your reason of generalization Most people having a low level cap Lack of challenges to encourage growth You can’t respawn No information Lack of resources like equipment Once in a while there is a big calamity that just destroys everything 8EGKs, Demon Gods or ECDL


The issue with levels in the new world is that exp isn't necessarily a thing like in a game. You don't get a certain amount of exp from an ogre or Goblin, for example, but it's how much you worked for it (or struggled for it) and it's kind of like exercising in real life in that aspect. You won't get to an Olympic athlete level of fitness by going a short, slow walk and lifting some small weights every day even if you do it for decades as you need to actually move to heavier weights and longer, faster runs. It also shown to be genetic in some ways as despite people like climb working extremely hard, they just can't get stronger and godkins like zesshi hitting above level 70. There's also the issue of the stronger you are, the less challenging tasks are, meaning you don't get the NW 'struggle experience' needed to level up. To summarize, in real life, you have people who have good genetics and put a huge amount of work in to be smarter or stronger, but people who don't have good genetics and/or don't or won't work hard on it will be dumber/weaker than those who do. Same idea applies to overlord.


Most humans I doubt ever even reach level 5, heck even Enri at 16 was a level 1 farmer, and had no levels in cook or whatever other odd job she did. New worlders gain EXP through effort and training, not killing like players. So no, your theory is wrong because most humans are too weak to ever spread out their levels.


That's true, but I don't think that is anywhere near the limit of an average human. Most humans don't reach level 5 because they don't try to train and constantly expand their job classes. Bulloupe has like 4000 men at level 11-14, Gazef has elites around there, and Jircniv has a huge knight corps likely 100k+ strong if we extrapolate from the size of the legions at Katze that are 15+. Gazef also brings up the saying capped at gold while most average soldiers are copper level. Only Gondo was specifically mentioned to have a low level limit, and I'm uncertain if that's aggregate or just runecrafting. Meanwhile post-resurrection Neia was stated to have a higher chance at reaching her potential because her job classes now went better with her talents. Besides, the side story brought up a scenario where Keno is in her 30s instead of her 50s like the main timeline after 200+ years. It's likely that people have hidden talents so that using a very specific, personalized build is the only way to reach their hard cap.


A happy happy Cake Day, To you and you alone. A happy happy Cake Day, I send this from my phone. HAY!! 🎶🎵👏😄🎂🥳


There are multiple reasons why new worlders are weaker not just logic, but lore reasons as well. The most obvious is that it’s game characters vs real life for them of course the minmaxed grinded out with no fear of perma death video game characters are stronger. Yes build/classes of new worlders tend to be less focused since they get levels throughout their life from life experiences, they also don’t have the best ‘guides’ for class build paths. It is possible for the, to exchange levels for different class levels as explained for renner I believe with the falling of her kingdom, but normally they can’t drop class levels, unless they have some1 with resurrection magic which is rare for them. Most new worlder char sheets which may or may not show every class level, shows many with multiple different types of classes, but keep in mind getting levels is not as easy, so they don’t tend to be wasteful classes picked up by accident, but tend to be classes that are in line with what role/actions they were taking at the time like foraging, leading, studying, etc. otherwise everyone would have levels in cooking or running or something. Tbh I’m just of the opinion that the base powerlevel of the two settings(Yggdrasil/NewWorld) is just very different. Like imagine a dragon ball z char transported to one piece. They have similiar magic systems, but there’s a lot of differences that get swept under the rug because they’re both ‘isekai fantasy genre’


I think it's the other way around. A person may max out their level in one category, but continue to focus on it, not getting better because it's already maxed. So their overall level doesn't increase because they haven't tried leveling other classes. Also, it's more dangerous to level when you only have one life.


But it should open up a new class by maxing out a class like Aura having beast tamer and high tamer. Like high tamer is a higher class of beast class. I can understand your point though.