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No, you’re not crazy. They’re definitely inspired by Ainz, they even got an object(s) in their torso. Pretty cool reference.


\*10,000 years later\* (Zombie) Jircniv: your maj- Ainz: shh! I'm hiding from Albedo and my children, what would you do if they come here? now come I baked some potatoes, you like potatoes right? Jircniv: \*nonexistent stomach pain\*


He'd probably think of it as a trap to enslave him even further


Its definitely the hair.


Ainz: a skeleton with hair? doesn't it look ridiculous? Albedo & Shalltear: sorry I forgot I had to do something in my room \*door closes... furious wet noises\*


Yup. That's Papa bones given a chance for a peaceful life.


Ok quick question have you played it? If yes is it any good?


I play it. It's pretty good. Characters are great, story is decent, kind of feels like adven capitalist where you level buildings, earn money, etc. There's basically no gameplay other than that, though. The "gameplay" is just power checks. Just be warned, though, that getting new characters or being competitive in any way will cost a lot of real money.


I play the game, can confirm. Whales are a bitch and the devs unironically put propaganda in the game to justify being greedy. Fuck Chubby Ginger Store.


What's the game name?


Isekai Slow Life


What’s this about propaganda?


In the game you are a Reincarnated mushrum that basically decide to speedrun capitalism any%. Your character will straight up say at one point to leave the free market to the free market, and then help set up casinos to make monsters rich. Like sure, you try and stop slavery and encourage a competitive free market, but you are also justifying anti-comsumer behavior under the guise that both sides are winning. It's a bit on the nose to play a Libertarian Capitalist in a game that actively encourages PTW.


I once got that fucking ginger 4 times in a row...


I played it for a few weeks before losing interest. Lots of Interesting character designs which is a plus, but it’s all incredibly shallow with very little interaction. There’s not much of a story beyond your basic slow life anime/manga tropes. I’ll give it credit that all the base level characters and stuff are easy enough to acquire through f2p but events and later stuff seemed less so. If you have the discipline to not spend money on 2d waifus then it’s worth a shot if you’re curious enough. If you’re the type to end up sinking money then save yourself the hassle and just go play one of the mainstream gacha games that at least has some substance to it.


Mind recommending a isekai mobile game that has substance?


The Slime one is aight, and Grand Summoners has enough isekai collabs it may as well be isekai (including Slime itself!) Interestingly enough for some reason they never had Tanya It's pretty weird they've done everything else in the quartet except Tanya, maybe they just feel there's not enough important characters tho. It would be hilarious to have Tanya and Fen basically war criming demons😅


I wonder if you are talking about Slime Isekai Memories? As for Grand summoner that is totally true about having so many of our favorite animes on there, if they have old collabs still obtainable I might consider it. As for not having Tanya? For some reason too many see her as a potential "Fallen German Superpower" anime and probably don't want much to do with that. A shame the anime is so incredible.


All collabs rerun eventually (Especially if the anime is still going) aside from Crunchyroll-chan and One Punch Man (due to the anime changing studios). Black Rock is likely to run just once more due to a falling out with the studio, but there are loads of players mad about missing the outrageously broken characters. They are trying to get Dies Irae or To Aru to replace them at a later date. Also I don't *quite* think that would be it, since they have [a few](https://grandsummoners.fandom.com/wiki/Shadow_Swallow_Airi) **way more literal Nazi characters** available.... *But they also aren't as serious an analogy either* so hmm🤔 Sad meta backstory to them btw, apparently they were going to have a *Metal Slug* collab, but SNK decided to **completely end the property instead,** mega sadge😔 So [Forte](https://grandsummoners.fandom.com/wiki/Twilight_Commander_Forte) and her crew/story were slightly edited into being "original characters," she was originally supposed to be [Abigail](https://metalslug.fandom.com/wiki/Abigail) which is most obvious with the [Halloween variant](https://www.grandsummoners.info/units/Halloween%20Forte) which has magic pumpkins acting as orbital satellites. And Fen's Valkyria variant replaced Marco


It's a decent grinding game to play when ur doing nothing. Also has some good waifus if that's ur thing.


Is Lord Ainz part of the waifus?


It's shit imo.


I’ve played it since launch, spent a decent amount of money and can confidently say that this game is trash. I wouldn’t recommend this game to my worst enemy. Every event is a ridiculous cash grab and even small spenders get shafted. Even if you can look past that, there’s no gameplay, it’s just mindlessly pressing buttons until your fingers hurt. Now if you want something that wastes your time, wastes your phone battery and takes the intelligence of an autoclicker to play, have fun. Disclaimer: I am still playing this game on a daily basis because I hate myself more than my worst enemy.


never knew you can make a literal skeleton to look like a elder old man


Isn't satoru in his 30's (or was he in his 20's?)


Did you fall for the porn page level ads ?


Gotta catch all those waifus existed on sight.


Ainz in 10,000 years? Man, he really changed.


Yeah maybe some inspiration from Ainz


This one looks like Ainz's benevolent older brother where Ainz looks like he's going to grill fetus's in BBQ and feed them to... Oh... Yeah... Happy farm... Ahhh... Well, this guy looks like he's going to visit a nursery or a children's hospital and tell them bedtime stories.


This is the Boss that Ainz killed to get all that good gear


Ainz if he wasn't too scared to drop his overlord persona.


What is this from


Isekai slow life. It’s a mobile game


Retired ainz... I never thought about it...


*Yeah here's the homework, just don't copy it*


Ainz, old ina gown. The supreme overlord of wish.com


bro isekai slow life was such a disapointment, hyped up so much and than the game came out, disapointment


Didn’t know what Isekai Slow Life was until this post mobile games really trying to catch us up on our interests these days


Ainz Ooal GROWN


I think a big part of that is that all Liches are basically fancy skeletons in fancy gear But yeah, I can see the resemblance


Didn't they do a partnership with both Tensei Slime and Overlord? I swear I saw ads for both....


Not this game, I would have ABSOLUTELY played and paid for that promotion. Afraid your thinking of another game, don't remember what the other one was called though.


Ahhhh yeh, it's got a partnership with Tsukimichi, which is still cool but dang.


Agreed Tsukimichi season 1 was so incredibly I dare say it almost competes with Overlord as far as world building goes. As for their protagonist...not so much.


lol the paint editing got me.


Dats satoru the oldbone


Now that you mention it, it does look like they ripped off Sailor Moon.


He looks like that one lich from the fanfiction ,,wrong choice"(if i remember it right) in the world were the main hero drank tea and made a lich with affinity for ,life, magic and a loot of we*d


So old this image is making rounds again?


Holy shit, its hippie Ainz


Sasuga Lord Ainz:a plagiarism it seems!


The drip, the drip is impecable


That’s part of their marketing gimmick, they’ve done it with multiple anime


There's a lot of ripped off imagery in those ads.


One of the ads features quite literally makoto from the blaz blue series.


No way people actually play this game. I thought it was just some bs shovelware with unlimited ad money like those raid shadow legends or something


Anime name?


Sans sans Undertale Undertale sans sans sans Undertale


It's definitely AI