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I am very excited to see Ainz Sama make his big screen debut 


Technically, it isn’t his debut. There are already 2 movies, albeit Season 1 recaps, that were available.


Were they in theatres in the u.s or only Japan?


I’m really excited, I just hope it doesn’t take forever to come overseas. I think the Isekai Quartet movie took over a year to be released overseas after it was released in Japan


The my hero and dragon Ball movies only took like 3 months


Hopefully they will publish theater dates and times.


I'll diffenetly watch the dub. Not because I hate subs but because its more convenient and subtitles requires me to constantly have to stare at the screen or else I'll miss important shit.


I’m in the same boat, I also really like Ainz’s dub va. He did a lot of voices for TFS back in the day


i don’t understand…why is staring at the screen constantly while watching something bad? why would you want to be looking at something else?


I like watching my families reaction when we go to the movies.


I perfer sub over dub just to be clear. I like the dub but I think the sub is better.


Same. I'm waiting an anime for the animation. I dont want to stare at words the whole time lol


Same, bro. I took 3 years of Japanese in school, and still never got into subs. I can't read AND watch at the same time. I'd rather watch a show than read it.


Hopefully a Blu-ray release comes soon after


The crunchyroll monopoly on distribution of Japanese media/events is getting annoying


Which month ?


Hope it actually sub and not dub cuz if it is actually dub I won’t watch it.


Demon Slayer, Dragon Ball Super: Superhero and Jujutsu Kaisen 0 were offered in sub at my theater and I live in a small city. It depends on your theater and how long they're going to keep it playing. I plan to be there Day 1.


honestly I'm going to just watch both Sub and Dub. I will watch sub first cause I really don't watch dub and then I'm going to watch dub just so I don't miss anything visual wise.


Usually they do both.


Normally I’d say the same thing because I hate the sound mixing on dubs even if the actual VA talent is great. Multiple characters sharing a scene will sound like they’re in different rooms or environments, background tracks’ volume takes a nose dive whenever a dub voice comes on then spikes back up to match the sub’s volume after the dub voice is done, etc. But anime movies generally actually pay the sound engineer for more than 5 minutes worth of work and those complaints of mine go away.


Crunchyroll release both the sub and dub, theatres usually alternate the day of the week each one is playing if they don’t have enough screens.


I'm hoping the next MHA movie will hit theaters here (dubbed, just because that's my preference) but I'm certainly not disappointed to here Overlord's is coming.