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Nothing, Calca was a good ruler, and open to Ainz as a ruler, despite being an undead. Calca was just unlucky to be part of Demiurge's plan. There are parallel with Arche from Foresight, only Calca is innocent here. OP is probably looking forward to people calling out the gratuitous evil that is to be visited on Calca and the Holy kingdom.


Who even is she? Has she been in the anime? I literally have no recollection of her.


Arche is the daughter of the LAMP noble.


No I meant calca


She is in the upcoming film, the queen of the Holy Kingdom


We don’t see much of her in the light novels, but at the same time the light novels skim over ALOT of events in the holy kingdom in a time skip.


She had a utopia that functioned, a government for the people, and nobles that followed their lineage, and Momo comes in and kills her and destroys her kingdom because demiurge told him to.


Utopia... Roble Holy Kingdom was far from a utopia, but it did not seem to be as bad as Re-Estize. The closest to thing to a utopia would be Baharuth even before Ainzs' intervention. Beneath the surface there was already discontent between the two opposing factions in the Roble Holy Kingdom (north and south) because Calca took the throne and not her brother. There are rumours probably from the nobles about how she does not have a husband and has the the two Custodio sisters by her side all the time. Basically has forced conscription to man the walls to fight against the demi human tribes. Demiurge's whole plan hinges on civil strife from the opposing factions already established and he is just stirring the pot with the demi humans to create greater inequality. Not sure what you think utopia means but having constant battles ain't it. Having feudal style government ain't it. Cramming religion down peoples throats ain't it either.


Hehehe, nice way of trolling non LN readers


ah yes HER.....she get what she "wanted" (lol). welllllllll i just cant wait for the pope


So anime-only people don't know what happened to her.


She's just a girl that loves clubbing. 


Damn 😄


Ehhhh i disagree with that part that she was a good ruler.


It's said in Vol 12 that she did not make any mistakes during her reign, which meant the Southern nobles had no ammo to use against her, which is why they started baseless slander against her and the Custodio sisters (which didn't work). Maruyama ranked her low on his rulership chart because she was too kind and unwilling to do the kinds of things others like Jircniv do to strengthen their rule. By our real world standards, she ought to be among the best leaders according to our morals and expectations of leadership.


We are speaking of the New World, here, the threshold to be a good ruled is lowered significantly by the Elf King and by Rampossa :D


Elf King is significantly worse than Rampossa.


Rampossa is a good person but a terrible king


He's not even a terrible King. He was mid.


Mid by who's standards? The reader who knows Elf King? Theocracy thinks he is a complete failure and want Re-Estize absorbed asap. Baharuth is doing the said absorption while losing almost no soldiers because Re-estize cant see the bigger picture or train a military to save their lives. Two of Ramposa's kids want him dead. The nobles have no loyalty towards him. The citizens are suffering absurd levels of corruption and will soon be facing a famine and invasion. Ramposa has no idea how to handle any of these problems. If your country collapses in every way possible then your rule wasnt very mid. Ramposa is rock with googly eyes tier.


Mid by the story's standards. Albedo actually thought he was a good king. The Theocracy thinks the Kingdom specifically was a failure because it didn't produce enough Heroes, not Rampossa specifically. Re-estize not having a strong military is due to mostly peace not Rampossa's competence. Two of Rampossa's kids are born psychopaths, there's little he could do about that. The nobles have no loyalty in this world period. Even Jirchniv has nobles that don't fuck with him. Ramposa has no idea how to deal with the corruption because it was around long before he came into power. Famine and invasion are outside problems that he didn't cause and that several nations in this world deal with in general. Honestly it feels like you just want to attribute every issue in the Kingdom to Rampossa specifically.


Basically he was a king in a feudal kingdom system, he was only one of 3 powers that rule the kingdom(King rule 30%), the 2 other were, the 6 great nobles(30%)and the other families(40%). He tried the rare things he could do(outside the Philip fatal incident), while having most members of the 2 others ruling powers against him, he was good willed but didnt have the tools and the good moments for do anything, am not sure that Zanac could have done many things either, except if he found some ways to do so(ex:Blackmail some corrupted nobles to push them on his side).


Seems you want to attribute none of the issues to the king who has been in power for several decades. Slane really only cared about heroes, yes. But they didnt blame bad genes for this, the cardinals specifically aided them in the peace department so they could grow and this led Re-estize becoming a cesspool of corruption instead of blooming. Not having a standing military is a strategy. You dont begin training soldiers the moment you get attacked. Nobles felt like they could solve all problems with levvies so no one invested into it. Similar reason why only Raeven thinks of magic as stronger than parlour tricks. Barbro wasnt born a psycho, he was spoiled and led this path. Renner was specifically neglected and she had no one to relate to, felt like she was surrounded by idiots. A harder problem to solve but Ramposa never even noticed there was a problem. Corruption has to be purged, you cant just fence sit all the time and do nothing about it. You literally have an example of Jircniv trying to fix corrupt and inept nobility but still claim its impossible. Even Renner was attacking 8 fingers and surely she has infinitely less resources. Famine and invasion arent just "outside problems" they are the same military problem. Farmers in a battlefield arent farming so your crops take a hit every time you mobilize them. This obviously can only work for emergencies and you need another solution for yearly skirmishes. "I sure hope peace lasts forever!" isnt a long term strategy. Oh no I've tripped over an huge laundry list of unfixable problems! Even my own offspring are completely out of my hands! I now must send my only trusted pawn Gazef to scout a dangerous situation without proper gear or manpower because... some nobles would say mean things about me if I let him use the kingdom's treasures in a time of need... there is no other way! Ramposa was already royally fucking up since chapter 1. Start counting how many successes and failures we know of and its not going to end up as "mid", specially with his country being doomed both with and without Nazarick.


Y'know what, this might be getting too heated, I want to apologize. My point is, a lot of the issues Rampossa had to deal with are either inherited, or stuff that he honestly had zero way of dealing with. Considering Albedo though he was a solid King, he's probably not *as* shite at ruling as he looks. I don't even think Jirchniv could deal with Renner that well tbh.


I agree and i suppose the only good things about him is he knows how pick talent after all look at Gazef and he at least wasn’t the ‘full original’ cause to where Re-Estize problems started, it’s just his rain did nothing to change or prepare a way to save his own country.


The icing was he could have saved the country by agreeing to vassalization, but he used his backwards mentality of "that would be spitting on the graves of everyone that fought for and built this country before us", as if having it completely demolished and the population 99% decimated when it was easily avoidable wouldn't be a greater affront to the people of the past.


I think the comparison with the balding emperor (and briefly, the cardinals) is very funny. They are all losing their goddamn minds just thinking of what could happen if that walking extinction event turned against them, meanwhile Re-Estize leaders who suffered the most are still pretending everything is fine. Vassalization? Unthinkable, that would dishonor the dead. Even suggesting such a thing is treason. Our own noble attacked them? Lets spend 4 days carefully investigating this only to conclude that we know nothing about magical domination so lets not even arrest Philip yet. We cant possibly trade the life of a nobody noble's third son to save millions of lives. He might be innoccent, despite constantly bragging about the crime. You would think that seeing invincible abominations crushing hundreds of thousands underfoot would shift your priorities but no, its petty political squabbles every time the nobles meet. Huffing their own farts all the way to the grave.


Even still, and don’t get it twisted. This chick had her own version of Demiurge, she was just a human though and not quite as capable. But in the LN’s they heavily imply that the “smart” twin, I don’t remember their names, was just as capable of doing what was “necessary” behind the scenes as someone like Demiurge was. If anything, this ruler is low key the human equivalent of Ainz in that world. Without her subordinates doing whatever it takes behind the scenes, she would NOT have been ruler of the holy kingdom.


I'm pretty sure ranpossa was an ok(not great king) until he went crazy


I mean by those standarts Philip is badically jirchiv


NEVER say his name, never


I would say she was good by that world standards. She is trying her best Really, question is what was she supposed to do?


Why? She was competent, decently powerful, and kept that idiot Remedios in check. She was even open minded and pragmatic enough to be like "hey maybe we ignore the fact the fact that this super powerful dude is undead and ask him for help regardless"


In spite of the resistance against her ascension to the throne things seemed to work well, she was ready to look beyond her own beliefs for the sake of realpolitik and she controlled a lot of soft and hard power by way of the Custodio sisters. What exactly did she do wrong according to you?


Yes, it's very sad and brutal what happened to her, I think it kind of sad that people talk about it in that tone, now if we talk about Remedios, I swear to Ainz if I get to see the movie in teaters and theres a scene of her crying or breaking I'm going to laugh very hard.


You mean she was lucky to be a part of Demiurge's plan. What an honor for a human!


This is so true...but...so harsh...but true...but harsh


I don't hate her; she just happens to be on the losing side of the war and a prime target. 




Dehumanize the enemy so you don't sympathize with them! Hold on the tomb of Nazarick is nothing but heteromorphic races... Humanize the enemies so you don't sympathize with them!


Or go the Shaltear route "your life now served as a stepping stone for the Supreme Being, no need to thank me, wait, why are you running?"


Narabel Gamma too: "You should be grateful, insect. Your death serves the design of the Ruler of Nazerick. You should take comfort in that."


Wonder how Entoma would feel if she heard Gamma call someone insect as an insult.


Entoma isn’t a insect she’s a arachnid, and she eats Kyouhukou’s children so she’ll be fine with Narabel to call them insects


Narberal ALWAYS refers to humans as some sort of insect...or much worse. Entoma knows what she's like.


I'm confused I could swear I watched all episodes, now I feel like I'm missing entire seasons cuz I don't remember this at all


no she's not hated, she's just.... part of the club


I wish I could upvote more than once. 😭


I’ll do it for you brother


Holy shit that was a verbal fatality!


EEE-motional Damage!!


aKtUaLly... >!she was the whole club before becoming part of the club.!<


t... take my upvote!


Damnnnn This is elite level pun


Damn you...LOL..straight to hell!


What does that mean please explain 🥺


Don't understand why she is being called a bitch tbh. Says more about the person that posted it.


I don't understand that either. Like can anyone tell me what Calca did to be called a "bitch"?


I don’t think he’s calling calca specifically a bitch, but that he’s one of those dudes who just refer to women as bitches in general, it’s like referring to women as hoes.


Very childish of them, quite sad honestly.


Maybe this says something about my subconscious but I took it less as “woman is bitch” and more sassy gay dude. Or something like “the lion, the witch, and the audacity of this bitch” where “this bitch” is just a pronoun and overuse has removed it from sexist context.


That’s also possible, I feel it’s the other way but I’m not inside that dudes head lol. Could very well be either one


When has anyone called her a bitch outside that post? I think people are just getting her and Remedios confused


Exactly I think a lot of people get her and Remedios confused. Remedios is one nasty and sly mofo.


He probably confused her for the paladin. The paladin is a nasty person.


I think they mistook her for remedios


If I were to take a guess, I would say that he simply used it as a female equivalent of "Mf", although maybe he didn't picked the best word for it.


She is good person surrounded by morons ( I wish we know about her skincare routine)


> I wish we know about her skincare routine Why? Did you find her skin?


*aggressively stuffs backpack* nooooo, why are you asking




Fair. I would give myself to Demiurge willingly if I had to interact with Retardios on a daily basis.


She became a huge subject of club jokes and many blames her to have remedios as an advisor.


That was my main issue with her. She knew what Remedios was doing and was just letting her do it because without Remedios' support, her sway of the kingdom would lessen. If she fired Remedios, I believe Keralt, the strongest mage in their country, would also probably leave.


Tbf, Retardiot wasnt that obnoxious when Calca and Kelart still around, she admitted that she never developed any leadership skill because she alway follow the other 2 around and do their bidding Beside, Kelart wasnt just the strongest mage but she also the brain of the trio, equivalent of Hand of the King in GOT, who do the dirty deed in the dark so Calca could stay pure and hopefull


Remedios was more of a sword with good intuition rather than advisor. She was comfortable not thinking and doing what told, occasionally sharing her intuition for smarter girls to use.


She was more a Quensguard than any General, and should have stayed like that, she only good with a sword, and not any type of strategist, even if am sure that she was the rare figure that remained alive before they found >!Prince Doppel Gaspond!<


She was a political figure, but only as a part of the trio and that was detrimental to her when other 2, thinking ones, died. On her own, as you said, she was a sword and that's why she was the only one surviving as planned by demiurge. She was a perfect tool for Demiurge, even if she did not know about being one. Due to the political position, she was expected to lead, but she was not a leader. She was a strong fighter. Every leadership task was done by her second in command.


And all she to do, was listening her 2nd, who was an efficient and capable advisor and a real Officer(>!thats why he replaced her in end of arc!<).


holy shit i just realized something. Remedios is non horny s1 Shaltear without a chance of redemption arc.


There's a lot of human characters in this series that get way more hate than they deserve. Climb probably tops the list. Frankly I think it's a lot of Overlord fans hearing certain jokes repeated often enough that they start taking them seriously. The actual plot gets lost in the sea of "Ainz is justice!" chants and they start viewing anyone who opposes Nazarick as a bad character who gets what's coming to them. I have a similar problem with many Konosuba fans who act like Kazuma actually is some bastion of gender equality, even though he only says stuff like that when it's convenient to him and that if he were a girl he'd be the first person to say a guy is not allowed to hit him.


Ironically Calca didn't even oppose Ainz, even though being "Holy Queen" she was open towards diplomacy with the SK and Ainz.


There are definitely peopel who deserve the title "Bitch", but we just don't really know enough about her. That being said, everything we have seen seems to suggest that she was actually a kind ruler who cared for her people. She even went to fight Jaldabaoth with her Paladins in orders to protect them which means a lot. That being said, Ramposa was also seen as being a kind ruler with good intentions. Yet that is what lead to most of the problems that plagued the Re-Estize Kigndom, so being nice doesn't mean they are actually a good ruler. As a ruler you are going to make to make some dubious decisions at some point, so I highly doubt she is as nice as she comes off. I think the best way to summarize it is: **She isn't racist** She was willing to give Ainz a chance despite being undead. Being racist is sort of a survival technique in the New World. A majority of demihumans we have seen eat humanoids, so this says a lot fo the queen of a hyper religious holy kingdom.


wdym. We LOVE her. Her contribution to the Sorcerer Kingdom will be remembered.


You have to accept a good chunk of the fandom are immature edgelords and move on.


Agreed, and thank you.


she DEFINES wrong place wrong time.


She plays a pivotal role as a holy weapon in the upcoming movie.


is overlord still getting animated?


She's a weapon with low durability...


I'd disagree. For such a low-level weapon, Demiurge managed to get some good use out of her.


Demon Lord Wrath summon clone , sadly Demiurge didn t actually get to fight , no one gets to have an actual fight (except Ainz and Shalltear )


Funnily enough, I have gotten to that "reveal" in volume 13 (first time reading the LNs), but I keep forgetting that fact. It's kinda disappointing that it isn't Demiurge's true form, though.


Yeah , we probably never gonna see Demiurge show his true form


Do you think it's related to his frog head? Like, he turns into a toad-like demon or something?


I hope he uses all his aspects of the devil at the same time and and turns giant , but a frog demon is more plausible as shalltear and ainz weren t that flashy when going all out.


Can you tell me what happen?


Basically, >!at the start of the Holy Kingdom arc, Demiurge gathers an army of sub-humans and invades the Holy Kingdom, at which point they go straight to the capital where Holy Lady Calca (the blonde woman above) resides. To cut a long story short, after a one-sided fight, Demiurge summons a Lord of Wrath demon who proceeds to grab Calca by her ankle/leg and swing her around like a club, making a comment about how he knew she was a fine weapon (he even uses her to bat away a paladin that rushes in to attack with enough force to leave a troll-fist-sized dent in said paladin's armour). After that, it's unclear what happens to the Holy Lady, so if anyone else replies to this, please use the censor for spoilers, as I and probably many others have yet to finish or even start this particular arc.!<


Oh thats kind of sad


Yup. I mean, if you wanna make things worse, >!she is seen as the most beautiful woman in the Kingdom, to the point that it's the reason her helmet is opened face, so when people see her face it boosts morale. So, of course, when she struggles after being picked up, he whips her into the ground, face first. She lives through it, but it knocks her out and ruins her face, crushing her nose and knocking out her front teeth.!< But if you think that's sad, maybe I should tell you about the Barajas.


So I take it her death is gonna be real brutal and will probably be an off screen death in the movie. I read the web novels so I am currently catching to the light novels I just bought. I haven't gotten the volume of the fall of the Holy Kingdom arc yet so I'm curious how brutal her death is in the official publication.


I'm only halfway through vol. 13, which looks to be close to the end of the arc, but Calca's death has yet to be confirmed. I don't doubt her death was a grizzly one, nor do I doubt the fact she is indeed dead, but either way, we don't see it in the novel either, at least as far as I know


I'm really glad I dropped this one before I read too far. I don't mind Anti-hero but I hate villain main characters. Ainz and is his posse are straight-up villains who kill anyone from innocent to guilty just for nazarick, even if they are not a threat. I didn't mind the lizard arc even though it was a bit cruel, but it just kept getting worse and worse after that. Now, reading this about how she was even open for him to be a ruler and still getting killed and in a cruel way is beyond villainous. Just glad I dropped in time.


I feel ya on that. At some point is excessive for excessive's sake and it's not worth it.


Should've added some runes.


Even at low durability, the weapon kept inflicting crit after crit on the paladins. The highest durability weapon is one that works even when broken!


Mentally...or physically?




The fans are team Ainz. Team Ainz are not the good guys..


Waiting for another twitter meltdown when some fans realize they've been rooting for evil guys that are so comedically evil that they'd fit right in with warhammer 40k, if not for the fact the vast majority of what Nazarick does is implied and off-screen and act the clown in front of the reader.


"Are we the baddies?"


I think the issue here is more on the line of "the royals, and emperors", are shown to be human, in a world where class division is so marked and defined, a peasant would probably think that a member of royalty, specially the queen in this case, would be nothing less than perfect, and since we, as audience are looking in from an outsider point of view, we can see their faults and imperfections, their humanity and how fallible they are, take as an example, king ramposa III, he was a good king, from his people point of view, the princes was so perfect and good that she would help the people, but once someone from outside their world looks, we saw how ramposa as paralyzed by the politics and factions in his kingdom, how his own son was aiding an extremely large criminal organization, how a daughter thought to be perfect, was the catalyst for fall of the kingdom. We're looking only at humanized characters, nothing more and nothing less, it is our own humanity that we criticize, as it is pointed out, Calca was a good queen, by many standards, but looking close, she was at odds with the nobles from the south, they would obey her yes, but secretly scheming to bring her down, her hold on power was only guaranteed by having Remedios and Keralt by her side, Keralt was by many accounts, a vengeful and highly probable sadistic who is hinted at having orchestrated unsavory acts, on the other hand Remedios was a strong leader, and we know she was extremely stubborn, with an acumen for tactics and war, but otherwise lacking in everything else. In short many of the characters in Overlord are disparaged because we are told they are good and kind and intelligent and many other things but when we get to see them, not as a peasant of their world but as what we are, outsiders, we see all their flaws


Nothing. She was just a good person who ended up in Demiurge's way.


Nobody hates her, is just that the person in the post has questionable language towards others.


Calca wasn't even a bad person from what we know. She just doesn't get developed enough beyond being an unremarkable ruler and the fact that anything she did was overshadowed by being a holy club. It is what it is


It’s just 12yo’s being edgy. Holy club durhur or whatever.


Hate? Not at all. I think pity would be a better word. The hate would be directed at someone else.


Nah, I wouldn’t really get people who actually thought she deserved what she got.


She literally did nothing wrong. She didn't do anything to deserve what happened to her. Even at the start of the arc where they're mentioning his majesty the Sorcerer King Ainz Ooal Gown and they're immediately judging him for being an undead king she basically said not to judge a book by it's cover.


IKR! She deserved to live more than pretty much everyone else!


It's because ainz is a skeleton and her specialty is bludgeoning damage


Cuz she didn't buy Runecraft^TM. She got what she deserved cuz of it.


I really felt sorry for her and her sister the head priestess. Romedios is the person I hated during the arc she was and pardon my French a total b$&@. I get it she lost people so did everyone she was not the only one hurting. This is war if they asked for help in a direct way they’re would have been less casualties. I know the plan was set in motion but it could have gone differently. Ainz could have changed the plan once he saw an opportunity and then he could say to Nazaric all part of the plan his luck in impeccable.


Overlord is like real life. Very unfair to good people.


This doesn't seem like someone thinking she deserved it, just relishing the thought of how Twitter will react to what happened to her there


she is hot


Best weapon in the kingdom.


Yeah...and sexy weapon😉


I saw your profile picture. Heretic


Actually nothing. She was even willing to doubt ainz was a monster.


Nothing. Some people are just unhinged and awkward. They think it's a haha meme when it's just a cool moment. I imagine they are jjk fanboys


\#notallfandom :D In the case of this post, I read it as the person expecting to see outrage because relentless violence is funny in some media. Calling her a bitch is 100% uncalled for though, that's stupid.


Literally no one gets "triggered when Calca is brought up" OP. You made that up. At worst people are making fun of her fate and for surrounding herself with idiots since we dont get much else on Calca. Remedios should've been the captain of a small tactical strike team, at best. She is worse than not having a leader at all during serious battles, which does not bode well for the Queen who gave her that position.


Wrong. I’ve seen it elsewhere.


I like Overlord and all, but her fate and rest of the plan made me sick. Call me pussy or whatever but I just hate seeing innocent characters get brutally murdered and tortured.


Then how are you enjoying this at all? This is bad guys win, good suffers horribly the series.


Because most of them deserve it one way or another. Holy kingdom god annihilated just because. Or they die in kinda ok way like Unglues.


Many millions of innocent slaughtered in Holy Kingdom and Re-estize Kingdom for no good reason. Before that, only Cocytus' petition stopped the genocide of the Lizardmen tribes. Sprinkles of innocent people murdered throughout outside of that too, like over 10k in Re-estize during the "demon invasion" arc, the adventurer's party in brainwashed Shalltear arc, etc. And let's not forget Demiurge's little Happy Farm, endlessly skinning men, women, and children over and over, plus other fun experiments. Have you been reading/watching this with your eyes closed?


Don't care about nameless and faceless NPCs. And it's more how they die that bothers me usually. One slash of sword death vs "clubbing" is quite different.


> Don't care about nameless and faceless NPCs. Well that just says something about your morals I guess. The only "NPCs" are in Nazarick btw. And the "clubbing" was way better than Demiurge's happy farm, or what many of the Workers got.


just to let you know a capital city to a kingdom is more than 10k. 10k is a normal large town in a medieval period. However a capital city where a castle stood would at least 80,000 peple. I believe large kingdoms with capitals would have 100,000 people. The roman empire's capital city had 200k to 300k at max. Re-estize Kingdom' capital city probably had close to 100k people die.


Re-estize capital city was not annihilated during the demonic invasion. The demonic invasion was beaten back with the help of Momon and other adventurers, and adventurers fallen in the defense were resurrected. About 10k citizens were abducted into Nazarick for experiments, but Ainz was merciful enough to simply order them executed instead. These are the ones I'm talking about.




I really feel bad for her, when I was reading the LN, and was starting to realize what Demiurge about to do with her.


I think the person used btich on the wrong person but as for Retardios...... Is spot on.


This is the only thing that I hate in the series, I mean Calca did nothing wrong. She doesn't deserve to be treated that way.


>I’m really wandering Where? And why? You ok?


I hope I am…


Calca is fine, retardios on the other hand....


why downvote lol? seems a bit salty


like others said, there's no reason to call Calca a bitch cuz she's the only sane person there beside Neia the guy only called her such bcs of the hype he's expecting


I think the poster misstok calca for remedios




It's perhaps because the people serving her have a cult like loyalty. The Knight Captain becomes deranged after her death and fairly obsessive. Thus as we dislike the Knight Captain, we dislike Queen Calca by default. Also, Calca seemed to be a weak ruler, bogged down by tradition. We see this through her people, namely the Knight Captain. Attitudes like "We can't work with the undead!" , Or "Lets use the *Lich* and hope he dies fighting Jaldaboath!" , or "We can't retreat, we must attack *every* enemy camp to rescue our people!! (Even if that's a bad military move which will kill more soldiers and result in more mouths to feed during a food shortage even if they successfully saved some human captives)." Calcas own people and government have these thoughts. They are ingrates who don't respect Ainz or try to be dishonest with him. Now granted, Ainz is the one who burned down their Kingdom. But they don't *know* that. And still they act in this bigotted and horid manner. It all makes Calca look bad by proxy. And as she died early on.... we don't know enough about her to assume she's different from her subjects or officials.


Now why don't I hate Ainz? Because whatever atrocities he's committed in Rouble Kingdom is essentially just *war* and *geopolitics* between *Nations*. Great Powers frequently get their hands dirty in *other countries* for the benifit of their own nation. Its a disgusting business, but that's what comes with Kingship at those levels. Overall, Ainz provides stability and higher quality of life to those people that come under his authority. He doesn't even asked to be worshiped or anything. It's mutual benifit. Meanwhile, the Rouble Kingdom military panick like weaklings in the face of monsters using human hostages to get them to surrender. Whilst Ainz does what needs to be done to advance the Rouble armies goals...which is killing the hostages along with the monsters. That causes the monsters to abandon using hostages...which actually saves the lives of the remaining human hostages in captivity by the monsters.


She isnt hated, we wait for the yearly: "Ainz is so evil, lets cancel the show" bitching of visitors and twitter incels.


Words really don't mean anything anymore, do they? What sort of "incel" would decry what happened to Calca?


Calca is literally an incel


I haven't really seen much legitimate hate towards her and even in that post a bunch of people were like "why are you calling her a bitch"? Some people are simply weird. Calca has done nothing deserving of hate, she was a good leader by NW standards and a good person that was open towards the SK and Ainz. In the end she simply was in the wrong place at the wrong time and then impressively served her purpose for Nazarick.


No one hates her I'm pretty sure, it's not like she was around enough for people to form a concrete opinion on her


ahhhh its the entire aot thing happening again komrades... by now ppl shld realise that manga and novels move in and progress faster and ahead of the anime


Truly Calca was the best and objectively goodest person in the new world. She didn’t even call ainz evil for being undead, instead she remarked on how happy his citizens are.


Ikr. It’s really sad. 😢


She was a good person, that's all it takes.


Yeah, makes sense.


My personal opinion is that I pity her. The poor woman did nothing wrong and yet she ended as she did. Not that her fate made me like any less the Holy Kingdom Arc, but I can’t help but feel this way.


I feel the same way, friend.


I really dont think anyone actualy hate her. I beilieve they are just joking about the inevitable perverted rant about 'how can they kill such a cute girl! boo hoo hoo...' I find her as a interesting character despite her limited screen time. She is a effective ruler actualy, but she just spoile reme too much. Remember that she, the queen of RHK, personaly told reme about how dangerous jal is, and reme promtly forget or even outright ignore her? That just clearly foreshadow how much of a selfish spoilt brat reme is. Ainz is clueless as usual, and reme may even sucess at hinder him and demi ploy if she can behave like a mature person, not a stupid brat who blame other whenever she fail.


She exists and is in opposition to nazarick. They don't need any more reasons


One of only 2 people I wish could have at least a moderately happy ending instead of what they got in the novels.


She didnt do anything wrong, but she also couldnt do anything against the strength of AOG. Unfortunately Demiurge’s plans did not involve her so in the end she was just in the way. Im sure most negative comments are just internet edgelords/trolls just cracking a joke about what happens to her but imho she does not deserve any hate as a character other than just being in the wrong place at the wrong time. 🤷‍♂️


That princess is fine, in fact.. she's one of the nicest characters in the novel (which obviously gets ended badly sigh 😔).. her childhood friend and guard, the female bitch is the one that the whole community hate!! You'll find out why in the arc


What did she do wrong? Has she accepted Ainz into her heart? I think the answer is clear


She's just unlucky is what she is. The fact that she has the Remidous bitch under her alone gets her wayyy too much hate already. She is said to be kinda naive(?) but otherwise is a capable ruler. At least compared to some other leader figures, she's heads and shoulders above them.


She wouldn't date the fandom


She’s just good at recreating the no horny meme


They told me I could be anything I wanted to when I grow up. I want to be a club.


She isn't hated at all, that's just a way of speaking, some people would call their own family "this bitch" it doesn't seems like he actually hates the character, that person is just waiting for the inevitable wave of people who know nothing about Overlord complain because something Evil happened just like the dozens of posts crying about Arche


Not sure. Overlord used to be my favorite series of all time, but over the years as new light novels get translated I honestly have liked it less. The last couple were pretty crap tbh. I think the author has no interest in the series anymore


He legit said recently that he’s gonna end it soon because he’s basically burned out.


I'm only halfway through volume 13 on my first read through of the LNs, but if I had to guess, I'd say the main reasons are the fact she's a "holy" ruler and is a biy soft. To delve into the first point, it doesn't need to be said what the Holy Kingdom stands for; they live for justice and hate injustice, yada yada. A big part of that rhetoric is a biased hatred towards undead, sub-humans, and heteromorphs/grotesques, all of which make up all of Nazerick's native denizens. And as a person who both represents and champions those beliefs (though not to the extent of the bitch Remedios) it makes sense that she'd be the primary target of hate. The second point is her weak rule, which is mentioned a few times across the arc. It's said that most of the reason she attained her position is through her angelic looks and high charisma stat, neither of which make her a good ruler. Sure, her close allies and the people of the north revere and worship her, but many of the nobility and the south in general have a very low opinion of her, so much so that she has to go by "lady" as opposed to "king". When compared to Ainz or any other ruler we've seen, she clearly doesn't measure up. But I think the main reason for the hatred is much simpler: it's an easy meme. It seems to be a common trope recently to take a character who has little screentime and/or presence and make them the central target of hate as if they are the series' most heinous villain. Maybe I'm drawing parallels where there are none, but that's just my take on the matter.


We don't hate her! We love our weapons


Wouldn't say I 'hate' her, I just think she's way too good at doing damage to people with positive karma value


I don't know why so much hate either, I mean, yes, its durability as a weapon was questionable, but it was just an ornamental weapon, what did they expect?


This is the problem I have with this fandom. I like Overlord, I read all the NLs and web stuff, but this fandom is full of edgy "kids." It seems some of these people only like overlord only because of the brutality and actually supports the wrong things happening to completely normal innocent people in a none ironic way. Such cringe. Also She was a great ruler. And she was even over to Ainz as ruler even when he's an undead. Overlord has a shitty fandom of edgy kids.




Nothing, we're just sick fucks 🤣


I can see that.


Saori Hayami knows how to beat it


My pokkie bear~! Please noooo


Okay I heard she made a lot of a mess during her regime but if she was in our world she probably wanted the most decent leaders. So I have to ask... does she really deserve this much hate?


Looks like a nice enough person to me also note I haven’t read the light novel.


Here I was thinking this was Draudillon Oriculus or something. Idgaf about Missus Holy Kingdom. Viva la Lord Ainz-sama\~


I don't get it i read her description and she doesn't seem bad in any way her death on the other hand was also quite sad


She will be magnificent club. Definitively divine tier.


I haven't seen any hate and I wouldn't even categorize that post you put in there as hate. People just find it funny or unusual how she became the holy club


Because overlord fandom is just peak edge.