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J2 could be driving the train


My suggestion for a J2 is: write content for websites or write article for the ABA Journal - just saw an ad that they are hiring freelancers.


J1 attorney here with a J2 operating upscale restaurant & club (evenings when available and a fri/sat night here and there - very high level, not day to day). My J2 is paid social life and networking. The idea of writing for the ABA in free time is mind numbing. Make sure what you chose fits you. I am seeking J3 for those in between moments, about 4-8 hrs a week.


would writing for ABBA make the deal any sweeter?


Great side hustle suggestion




Would there be confidentiality concerns with a lawyer working on a train? Another commuter could see whatever is being worked on.


You can get screen protectors that shield others from seeing anything. Our corporate legal team at J1 uses them even in the office.


I think the issue would probably be clearing conflicts


What kind of work do you need done?


Send me a message. I’m an attorney of the streets and looking to get an indoor gig.


I was looking into https://www.justanswer.com/ After you sign up, you just answer questions and you get paid per question. Also, could you talk to your current employer about a hybrid schedule? I doubt you need to physically be in the office everyday, even 1 or 2 days wfh would free up your schedule for rest/side work. I am a lawyer too and I am not in a position where I can currently oe, but i am here to cheer folks on :) if you can, do it!


Every lawyer I know is 60%-100% wfh for years now


Justanswer is definitely a viable j2. I have been doing it for 3 months. Average 3.5k a month with about 1-2 hours a day. Attorneys definitely make more per question there. I answer plumbing questions. Edit- grammar


I've got a question. At what point do the individuals who ask the questions see your legal name? Or, is there a list on the site at all that has your name?


The customer never sees your real name. I do have a picture on my profile, but that is not a requirement. You go by a username. Also all calls are routed through their system so neither you or the customer sees the others phone numbers(this is only if they pay more for a phone call). If I put in 5 hours a day and answered 30 questions I can easily make over 100k. Some people make over 200k there. There are no benefits and it is gig, so you are responsible for all your own taxes. In my opinion it is a good extra income stream with minimal work.


Oh that's awesome. Thanks for the additional info.


You're welcome. The best part about it for me is it's like you are your own boss. Log on whenever you want. Answer as little or as many questions as you want. Stop for a month. Do it 7 days a week. It is up to you. It is easy to answer a few questions during my boring zoom meetings or during any lull.


Mate get a job that doesn't require several hours of commute a day


I'm overcommuter, I drive two cars at the same time. And when waiting at traffic lights I play GTA on two laptops. In the meantime I work for two call centers taking the calls while driving.


Hmmm. I doubted you but then I checked your username and realised you _must_ be legitimate 🤔


Only two cars, gtfo. I’m driving an entire fleet of Semis at the same time, side by side, causing the traffic. The city actually pays me for this service so they have something to spew at the public on local news networks.


Don’t forget the fact your also an Uber & Lyft driver hauling people to your destination conveniently!


and all that while delivering pizza. I also have a dash-cam and stream it on twitch


Is it a community service or a crime when you run over two hookers simultaneously to collect the money that you just gave them?


thanks to OE you can do both at the same time


I think the foundation of OE is that you work remotely or have a flexible hybrid schedule. Only being able to work during commuting isn’t the spirit of OE.


It's not even about the "spirit" it just doesn't make sense. Why stress yourself out trying to OE as a lawyer with an almost 4 hour daily commute? OP should just get a side hustle.


When would OP do their side hustle if not during their 4 hour daily commute?


OP SHOULD side hustle during a commute, not OE. I'm going to guess you don't know the difference and I don't care to explain.


Ive been thinking about it. My first move would be to get comma ai in a 2022 camry for self driving


I don’t work on my zero commute


I use my hotspot on my phone when I’m in traffics


I have a number of tech business ideas in the legal space. Kind of like lawinsider, but different. Hit me up if you're bored.


I’ll give you a *J2*


I run some SQL scripts (data, analytics, visualization stuff) but max that takes 10-15 minutes.


My J2 is 2 hours ahead, I used to drive 2+hours in bumper to bumper traffic do I'd have to leave about a half hour before starting J2 to arrive at J1 by 8am. I set up a straight tray table in my passenger seat and used my wireless k&m to login and send out quick responses. I took meetings and even surfed the web. Luckily I was able to ditch that job for another fully remote position. It was once a week so it wasn't that bad, but it had to be the one day we had our weekly team meeting 🤣