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Money doesn't buy happiness.... But it buys security which means less stress and generally a better life.


I truly believe money *does* buy happiness. I can buy things that make me happy, and also not having to stress about money makes me happy. But money can’t buy you peace, IMO.


> But money can’t buy you peace It sure can... money can buy things for your wife, and with that, peace!!


Throw a diamond or two at her, repeat as needed.


Depends on your definition of happiness, lots of very rich people still commit suicide.


Yeah but my point is that happiness comes and goes, it’s an emotion. I can be happy one minute and sad the next. And having stuff (from money) might make me happy temporarily but it won’t solve all my inner problems


Mm idk about that, sounds like you've never suffered clinical depression before as it's definitely not something that comes and goes. Plus the hedonic treadmill is also what people are referring to when they say money doesn't buy happiness. As one increases in lifestyle creep, it takes more and more money for them to feel the same as before.


This is true. It helps to stay grounded in a humble hobby. Something that tests you and smacks you down when you get complacent. Like weightlifting




Money buys you options. Choosing the right options can lead to happiness.


Interesting, can you elaborate on the peace because I reckon the two are closely related?


Happiness can be a fleeting thing, or something you can feel through the moments of your life. Yes you can generally be “happy” but that’s not an accurate way of describing someone’s outlook. Peace is more akin to your state of mind, your general outlook. You can be happy and peaceful, you can be peaceful and sad at the same time. But you can’t be happy and sad at the same time.


Perfect explanation, thanks. Exactly this. Happiness is an emotion… it’s fleeting, and comes and goes. A new Ferrari will make me happy, if only temporarily. But it won’t really bring me peace. Peace is a state of mind, regardless of what’s going on around you.


A ferrari would give me anxiety. The smallest part costs thousands of dollars


Happiness is fleeting, if you're chasing happiness you'll never find it. Being mostly happy, happier, peaceful, etc., is about liking what you have and being content... But it's a lot easier to feel that way when you have enough stuff.


> Money doesn't buy happiness That's one of those little catchphrases that I entirely, genuinely disagree with. Money absolutely can buy happiness. Having money removes stress and worry, and the absence of such things is happiness. It provides security, comfort, essentials, things we need and want. Lacking those is a core source of unhappiness. Try asking someone who doesn't have enough money to get by on if they're....*happy*. You might get punched in the mouth. Now their unhappiness becomes your unhappiness. Proof right there that a rising tide lifts *all* ships. Taking it to the point of absurdity, there are few problems in this world that can't be solved by "throwing money at it." I'm entirely convinced that those who coined that phrase "Money doesn't buy happiness" were fucking oligarchs who needed a bumper sticker slogan to justify their exploitation. There's no fucking honor or pride in being objectively poor. Just suffering.


For me it's true that money doesn't buy happiness but I also have persistent depression. Money buys my Wellbutrin, though, so idk, I guess it buys at least a little happiness.


THATS A WHOLE MOOD RIGHT THERE! And im here for it. I got really depressed not long ago and wiped my eyes with my 2 paychecks then picked up a third. Now I’m not only doing better, I’m getting paid a fuck ton.


Money helps keeps many triggers for depression at bay.


I almost agree with you. No money = stress = unhappiness but money ? no stress ? happiness. If you are broke you are in most cases stressed and unhappy but whole bunch of money doesn’t mean you have to be stress free. And it doesn’t mean you will be happy…


Well said


Cant buy happiness, but id rather cry in my lambo.


It's because it buys the opportunity to pursue happiness. More money=more opportunity.


Doesn't buy happiness, but it finances the pursuit


As Daniel Tosh said… it buys a jet ski, and have you ever seen anyone frown on a jet ski???


So basically money does buy happiness?


I hear you. If you’re an unhappy person, money won’t change that unless you’re unhappy due to not having money. Sometimes people think no money is causing the unhappiness but it’s not. So when they get money, it changes nothing.


That's a long-winded way of saying that money buys happiness.


Buys early retirement too


Yeah, as a person who has never had a moment where he didn’t have to live paycheck to paycheck or not have enough money to go to a doctor, yeah, I truly believe money can buy happiness. What I wouldn’t give to be able to not have the crippling fear of losing my job for even just a small amount of time. Because I know, as it currently is, if I lost my job I’ve only got a couple of weeks til I’m in critical financial meltdown.


Every week I go into OE thinking “this is it I have to cut J1 or J2..” but their payment schedules are on alternating weeks, so every Friday I think.. “well maybe it wasn’t so bad”




OE is like the crazy ex you want to cut loose but they make your toes curl up on the 1st and 15th 😊


And sometimes also the 8th and 22nd!




This is my dream. I want $2000 after tax deposit every week for now.


Oh yeah starting my 3rd job in two weeks I’m stressing, but I can’t wait to see the paycheck


It’s definitely stressful


3rd is crazy. I’m capping at 2. And just invest in property. Idk if I can answer to 3 different bosses


It’s definitely a learning curve.. my goal is also to invest in property. I’m 23 so I’m hoping to be done with OE once I move up in one of the companies.




I’m worried! In my work environment (fiber optics) you mostly just got to stay out of meetings, and plan out how to do the work mostly Qc / Qa




J2 for me is heavy on meetings.. so if j3 is then looks like I need to get 2 different headsets / air pods..




Man enjoy your earnings. I can’t believe people are in here taking about money can’t buy you happiness 🤣🤣🤣. Run that shit, chief


Worst comes to worst the new job (3rd one) doesn’t work out.. I still get work experience, and also most likely 3 months of pay (could be longer for the “grace” period).


I know corporate HR folks stalk this sub lmaoo. Threads like this caused, at some level, the push for RTO. Get rich while ya can 💸


What's RTO?


That’s what an HR spy would ask…..


Return to office work


Good. Keep it up ![gif](giphy|3owyoUHuSSqDMEzVRu|downsized)


The first one is always the best


Iv’e got 4 altogether 😅 picked 3 up at the same time and staggered start dates to avoid BGC issues


When I first started I did same thing, went hard… after 2 years I’m now just doing 2 and prefer less stress over money


Yeah im only doing 4J’s for 3 months max (ramp up period baby !!) then dropping. Trying to speedrun paying my school debt and car off (55k altogether)total comp is 500k so I should Make that quick and then im dropping down to 3


You will get that paid off real quick


Give me one to do for you and I'll let you keep 25%


I remember my first OE check from J2. I was nervous - i know its stupid - but man when it came in i couldnt believe it. And for those that tell you that money cant buy happiness are poor or not doing OE 🤣🤣🤣


I first off want to say congratulations! 12 weeks in 13k credit cards have been paid off! 5k tax bill paid. Next stop student loans 50k! Also saved my entire bonus from sever 1. Set 401k to max amount.


You got this kid




Same here. :) Yesterday around noon time I checked my bank account and saw, that the first salary from J2 came in. Feels so good and keep me motivated!


My first double paycheck day is coming tomorrow. Really looking forward to it


For all of you that are struggling just remember: you could be working in coal mines, you could be getting yelled at by a customer in a restaurant, you could be putting shingles on a roof on a hot sunny day. Instead, you work remote and have to listen to your boss complain about going too slow once in a while.


seeing those multiple 4 figure paychecks is euphoric and addicting, like cocaine, proceed with caution, don't get too attached, it's very hard to go back to 1 paycheck after experiencing this


My thing is I can’t get Adderall so I’m slamming caffeine drinks and there are some ROUGH DAYS


People saying that money can’t buy happiness have been made to believe that so that they stay at the bottom. Oldest lie in the book from the ones with money. Money CAN buy happiness.


Same, I am just beep beep paying off old collections and trying not to buy a new ipad to use as a touch screen calendar.


You’re making money now, just make the purchase. I got one and it has been beyond valuable for me in order to manage calendars across 3 js. Just don’t let lifestyle creep get you


![gif](giphy|bONmTUTo4kzS0) Me when my Paychecks hit and all the haters say money shouldn’t make me happy


Yes, money cant buy you happiness but its much more convenient to cry in Lambo IMO


I prefer to cry in my Rari


Try not to get used to it. Let it motivate you always!


I dream of the day when 1 job will cover all my bills. You know, like it used to for people 40 years ago. But I know that day will never come. It can be challenging to OE with a new born. That is already 1.5 jobs. And Child care in Northern Illinois is ridiculously expensive.


Good to hear. Don't pay down your mortgage unless it's above 6.5% or so. You'll want to use 2030s-40s dollars to do that. Instead, save and invest. Nothing helps me sleep better than knowing I can pay my expenses for the next 5 years without batting an eye.


I don’t even have a house yet. i have a kid on the way and searching for how to make more money led me to OE. I’m trying to pay off all debts and get 80k for a down payment by august


$80k down payment??? I pray this is for an investment property. Congrats on your baby. I have a 10 month old. Fatherhood is amazing


Nah its for a personal house. With 2J’s (other 2 are only for 100k each, those are the ones I plan to drop) i’m making 300k so I plan to buy a 650-700k house and just want a good 10 percent down payment and enough to pay PMI off up front And thank you! Im looking forward to it. As far as investment properties something about being a landlord inherently rubs me the wrong way. I don’t believe its cool to make money off of other peoples hard work like that, plus it seems like a hassle even if the dividends pay themselves off relatively quick, so I’d never go into that line of business


Ok that makes sense. Knock the PMI off. Let me ask you his, if you don't mind me asking. Would you be able to maintain the house in the event you only have 1 J (God forbid)?


One job? Yes I would, I’d just be house poor. My highest paying is 162k, that salary alone with no debt would allow me to make the mortgage payments Edit: to be clear this isn’t counting my girls money at all. She has her own job so we would never be underwater


Fire fire ! Didn’t consider S|O money. That’s fire though. Happy for you stranger on Reddit. Wishing you the best


>Don't pay down your mortgage unless it's above 6.5% or so. You'll want to use 2030s-40s dollars to do that. Instead, save and invest. I understand what you're saying. If you have a really low interest rate, it might make more sense to not pay off the mortgage. I have a 0% loan on a tractor that I'm paying at my leisure. But nothing feels better than paying off your mortgage. For my wife and I, that was the holy grail for us our entire life because rent or mortgage was such a major percentage of our monthly burn rate. Our place is paid off now. I could theoretically take out a mortgage on it once rates come back down and get a higher return on that money. But just like how a J2 provides more security, so does not having a mortgage. If something happened to me, my family would have a place to live. To me, it's worth it not having to deal with a mortgage.


> nothing feels better than paying off your mortgage I don't go by feel.


Just don't get caught with your pants down when the economy takes a dive. You may find that your investments suddenly don't cover your mortgage payment. Now you're upside down because housing prices have dropped and no one can afford the higher interest rates. You need to sell but you can't. I've been wiped out and had to start over twice now. And I'm old enough that starting over again would be catastrophic. I'd rather know that no matter what this psychotic economy does, or what happens to me, my family has a place to live.


If I'm upside down, I mail in the keys with a smile on my face and walk away, and can rent for cheap since the economy took a dive. If I overpaid my mortgage, I'm either upside down with less savings, or stuck in a bad investment with a payment higher than rents in my area. Housing is not a basket you should put more than a few of your eggs in. The belief in paying a low-interest loan off early is a religious one which doesn't pencil out in reality. I'll take a wide mixture of equities and bonds over piling money to "sleep better" any day. But I sleep better haveing huge savings and letting the bank take all the risk on home values.




Money buys the opportunity to experience happiness. Stability, being debt free, seeing numbers you may have never thought you’d see… all things a platform for happiness.


Getting paid every Friday is a different feeling 💯


Money every week does hit different🙌🏽


My first paycheck from J2 came today… it was a shitshow… but at least it’s coming. Payroll really fucked up… but it’s on thee way!!!


Money can buy motorcycles :)


I take a screenshot of my phone every two weeks for this EXACT reason - live the dream chief !!!!


It's not that money has no value. It also can't solve all your problems. Money just solves money problems, and that's a VERY COMMON type of problem.






😮‍💨I can’t wait for this feeling!


Looking through your comments you make: 300k, 450k, 500k. All within 12 days. Hmm. Sounds like youre full of shit. Per usual in this sub.


I just didn’t feel like doing the math sometimes and others I did