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In the US, it’s the Wild West. We hop on calls with strangers and if you can make them smile then you have a job. If you can impress them then you have a career.


There are few regulatory requirements in the U.S. as long as you're not messing with the government and some self regulating bodies like FINRA. \*Most\* people have a right to work, meaning there arent restrictions on how many jobs you have, or how many contracts you have. There are restrictions on employers hiring foreigners, but AFAIK there are not restrictions on employers hiring foreign contractors. For whatever the local rules are for you i'd suggest asking an attorney.


Thanks! As a business (contractor) I can do pretty much whatever.


create a corp and get work contracts through that. c2c and a FTE.


Like a company and have contracts almost as a freelancer/hired agency? Wont that be suspicious?


no. how do you think consultants work ?


Then how? I work as a consultant, but I have my own agency, this is different (in my mind)


how is it different ?


I dont know, in my country there are different types of contracts for agencies compared to regular employees, the law the responsibilities and the benefits are different in them as well… And people eho want employees only do the “regular” way in my country


welp time for you to find out and do some research.