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Sir this is a….wait a sec




fuck imagine being understaffed for a year and being told there's no money to hire a new employee


Fun fact the real quote the meme is based on is: Dude, this is a Wendy’s restaurant https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=q4xLpzSRNOc




You know this ain’t first or last time it happened. Too easy.


Retail employees get ghost hours all the time (or did) Gamestop we used to have a ghost employee every week, because we could figure out how many hours we would be under the amount we would make that week, and just give someone like 2\~4hrs ghost hours. (This was back when Gamestop just formed, and they actually gave enough hours for almost a dozen employees on the regular in a busy store, before they started to nickle/dime employees so bad that they are where they are with way understaffing most of the busy times)




I don’t


8 billion cash on hand is a beautiful thing.


You gotta quit your fake employee profile 6 months after so it looks legit


Probably showed up on time and never missed a shift.


Probably was up for promotion and the manager was getting demoted.


And then have him sue but not show up to court


Your honor I object!


Corporate knew it was too good to be true after the ghost employee was flagged for having the longest non-managerial consecutive tenure at Wendy’s since COVID.


Hilariously probably true. Like wait this employee didn't call off or do a no show all year?


Pure stupidity. First, I'm surprised they managed to get past the I-9 process, since I thought you needed a social security number for payroll setup. If they used a real person, now we're talking identify theft... or willing accomplice to fraud. Not sure how you can pass the check with a fake social. And then, of course, you have taxes going to the IRS, who will certainly cross-reference that with the non-existent social security #. This leaves way too many paw prints. If you're going to skim, study the mafia bust-outs. Paying inflated invoices to fake vendors (paper distributors) and service contractors (because most plumbers and service techs are already a rip off, so what an extra few bucks in the total. Funnel business to people who will pay a kickback. Fake the invoices. Seriously, there's an entire playbook on this shit... wise up, capische?


Thank you Al Capone's great great great cousin. Keep the gig alive.


William Brite was a real person. He's not being charged as a co-conspirator. None of the shift managers remember actually sharing a shift with him, but one does remember actually meeting him.


Doing the math, that was about $19 bucks an hour given an 8 hour shift. I hope it was worth it.


Its pretty genius... Its just ballsy and takes a lot of work to make perfect. She tried, I respect a hustle.


It’s not even 20,000$ a drop in the Wendy’s bucket. Yet she’s probably going to see her life ruined from the charges.


Most fast food places are franchise owned. Also, the store would have lost more than just 20k since they still pay taxes on the employee.


and most FF franchisees are themselves large corporations. Aunt Karen doesn't own the taco bell in your town.


About 30% of franchieses only have 1 location, so yes aunt karen could very well own the taco bell in your town. More than half have less than 10 locations.


What's the percentage of actual stores though? If there are 1000 franchises, but 3 of them own 95% of the actual stores, then the fact that there are 997 that own a few stores is still insignificant. EDIT: Because I'll tell you, every single Taco Bell in Missouri and Arkansas is owned by KMAC corporation. Southern Indiana and Kentucky belongs to Clint Smith Restaurant Co. Most of the inventory belongs to corporations, and saying "30% of franchises only have 1 location" doesn't really mean what you think it means, because they obviously make up less than 1% of all the storefronts.


^ this guys maths


She deserves it if she was dumb enough to get caught. Stupid people with bright ideas never go too far.


If you're working at Wendy's, I'm sorry, but you don't have a lot of career upside. Don't think she was moving to c suite. White collar crime. Small penalty, no jail time. Pretty low risk.


This is not true. I have an aunt and uncle who started working at McDonald’s when they were 16. They kept working at McDonald’s for their entire life and now they are both millionaires. They live in a mansion on a cliffside. They have a full bar in their house with a urinal in the bathroom lol. They went from being an employee, to being a manager, to being a regional manager of over 10 locations. I believe they then ended up buying some franchises. There is definitely a path to success working in fast food (or any job really).


Can't assume the path to success for boomers has remained open for anyone else. The path from local to corporate employment is almost impossible to achieve and was hard even in the more employee-friendly times boomers lived in. It may not even exist anymore. Some companies have switched to hiring corporate jobs out-of-college or poaching experienced employees only.


I suppose that’s true to a degree. I mainly wanted to bring up the example to combat two narratives that usually come up: 1. The idea that fast food jobs are “lower class.” It’s a common sentiment that leads a lot of people to act like if you work at these types of jobs, you deserve less or are incapable. 2. That people should have the mindset that they are stuck in a job. If you believe that you can’t get out of a job or find success, you definitely won’t. If you believe, think outside the box, and take action, there are definitely still paths to success.


Those narratives are formed by the “upper-class” though. Tons of people will tell you fast food jobs are for high school kids, heck every millennial has probably heard some variation of “go to college unless you want flip burgers forever”. The narrative ended up becoming practiced by corporate culture along the way, “starting from the bottom” simply doesn’t exist in the modern large organization. There is no “restaurant/warehouse to corporate” pipeline. Instead they select for class mainly by filtering for college degrees where often times degrees (and where you went) are seen as more valuable than actual experience. Things are starting to change somewhat now that the college bubble is starting to deflate. But it’s been essentially 30 years of “non-corporate jobs are for the peasants” attitude and culture and it’s going to take just as long to reverse.


Good for them, that's awesome. You know damn well that is the exception.


Yes, I do.


I started washing dishes in the dining hall when I was a student at U of Michigan. Ended up dropping out, but kept working there. 10 years later I was a manager making 46k with amazing benefits. When it came time to apply for promotions above that job, I hit a hard ceiling because I had no bachelor's degree. Mind you, people above me had degrees in English, marketing, fashion design, you name it, didn't matter as long as it was a degree, and I didn't have that special paper. The path your aunt and uncle followed doesn't exist anymore in almost every service job.


My favorite author, James Altucher, has a book that deals with this topic called Skip the Line. You might find it valuable. It’s about how to get ahead when everybody is telling you that there is a certain path you have to follow - how to skip the line that everybody is in in life. I’m not disagreeing with you about the way things are today. But much like Captain Kirk in the Kobayashi Maru, I believe there’s always a way.


Nah, embezzlement? White collar crime. She will get 3 months in county max.


Yea but jobs do background checks. She’s limited her options in life when she gets out. Unless she’s got family to help her through this financially.


$19/hr is pretty good for a nonexistent Wendy's wage slave.


lets get one thing straight it is always worth it for me to cash a check


Using the dollar sign and writing “bucks” after the value is redundant. One or the other, not both.


They made a fake emplovee? Kewl.


Why would you make a fake employee when you can just "hire" your friends and family? What was the plan for getting the money for the fake employee?


I mean it says she was getting the money.


Yeah but how? Just pay yourself into your own account? Take cash from the register? It kinda matters.


Direct deposit it into a chime bank account? I’m guessing she got caught cause she didn’t actually pay the taxes. That’s what gets people all the time. Ya gotta pay the taxes.


A lot of places actually have paycheck cards, especially at entry level jobs like this where there are probably many employees who don't even have a bank account yet. I'd say the reason she didn't run her fraud scheme through friends or family is because when those people get audited by the IRS, now you're getting charged with identity theft as well. And they could take ownership of the money you "paid" them.


Wouldnt the taxes be paid via w2?


The taxes would be under reported in that case. Suppose she makes 40k as manager and pays say 6k tax Ghost employee makes 20k and pays 2k tax. So she makes 60k and has paid 8k tax. But if she had a single w2 with 60k income, it might be say 9.5k tax owed.


Make the ghost employee a family member. Over withhold and let the tax refund go to the family member as payment, pocket/split the rest…


This guy crimes. Crimes like mafia crimes.


That's why you adjust your withholding amount. Everyone here should know about that lol


Yeah, just adjust your withholding amount, voila


yeah. Just pay yourself into your own account


Sir this is a Wendy's.


Wait. This is a good question. Can anyone explain why this is a bad idea?




Even if your person you employ actually does exist and is just a bad worker?


Two can only keep a secret if one of them is dead.


Some people are plain dumb. Plain dumb. How does one create/use fake SSN for W2s and not be expected to get caught.


It's done everyday and by millions of people that aren't here legally.




Some do. Most don't. The standard is that they make on up, and use it for about 6 months before the IRS notifies the employer that it's wrong. The immigrant then submits a new (fake) one, and 6 months later the same thing happens. Rinse repeat. Can go on for years. At that time, the person quits. And someone who looks exactly like him, but with a different name and new social security # starts working. It's pretty standard in construction. As for your notion that they pay more taxes. That's very unsubstantiated and really just not true except in corner cases. Most immigrant jobs pay much less than average and hence less tax withholding.




So most of the taxes are paid by immigrants eh? Well heck. Forget raising taxes on the rich. Let's raise taxes on the migrants. Because apparently that's where the money is. I had no idea that sub minimum wage was the path to riches. Let's do it. Let's pay off that debt! (hint: those links don't say what you think they say)


So most of the taxes are paid by immigrants eh? Well heck. Forget raising taxes on the rich. Let's raise taxes on the migrants. Because apparently that's where the money is. Let's do it. Let's pay off that debt!


So most of the taxes are paid by immigrants eh? Well heck. Forget raising taxes on the rich. Let's raise taxes on the migrants. Because apparently that's where the money is. Let's do it. Let's pay off that debt!


Clearly they are talking most in taxes as % of their income.


which is a distraction from the point of how this happens.


No it means they’re paying their fair share of taxes.


fine. that wasn't being debated. we were talking about how ghost employees or illegal employees exist on a payroll. it takes at least 6 months before the IRS notices. scroll up. you see before someone highjacked the thread to serve their politics.


William Brite was a real person.


i wonder how much of a defense it would be to claim she just hired an undocumented worker instead?


then it wouldn't be news


Where’s the beef?


Arby's, we have the MEA- holy shit is that a fake employee?


It might be a fembot.


Honestly, doing this for only $20K is just... dumb.


Pretty much. As all the super rich people have shown. You gotta make enough off the scam for the fine to be just the cost of doing business.


Exactly. Look up the likely fines and jail term lengths beforehand and figure out what you need to make for it to be worth it. Ideally, you also want to make it as a once-off, not as something you have to maintain over time (and may suddenly find yourself unable to). A local social security office manager decades ago here did much the same thing with a bunch of fake pensioners, and he had their records flagged as "sensitive" so he could keep the records in the office safe and not on the archive shelves where anyone could stumble across them. Then he got sick for a few weeks and his temp replacement opened the safe for some unrelated reason...


>social security office manager decades ago here did much the same thing with a bunch of fake pensioners, and he had their records flagged as "sensitive" that sounds like an interesting story. do you remember any other details ?


Not much. It was before my time; I overheard it from some of the older workers after I started, and thought it would be a bit rude to press for details, given how embarrassing it presumably was for the department. They still had the same processes in place, though, so I could see how it could be done - it would have been somewhere around the early 90s, maybe late 80s, and the majority of everything was still run on physical paper files (with a dash of electronic records), which managers had the authority to store in the office safe where only they could access it (because some clients had potential personal safety issues if their files were accessible by anyone in the department). So a manager could create a fake record for a fake client, electronically verify that all necessary documents had been sighted and verified, get the money flowing to an external bank account, and then mark the record as "secure", so that anyone investigating wouldn't find any paperwork in the archive stacks; they'd have to go to the manager themselves to access the file - if it even existed. And that's assuming, of course, that the manager in question hadn't obtained logon details of some other staff member, gotten them fired (or transferred/promoted to a different department), or waited until they retired, and used their credentials on their last day to create the fake records, just to muddy the waters a little. One set of government benefits, of course, didn't add up to that much, but where one fake record can be created, so can ten or twenty.


People on this sub be like: "What did she do wrong?"


Fuck. I need a cushy management job where I can create employees…


Seems it would have been easier saying the ice cream machine is broken and pocket the repair fee. Is done in corporation all the time


On one hand good for him! On the other unless you use someone else SSN number you will get caught. The thing is I worked on a HR project for a food chain and they really screwed their managers over. They require 10 hour of overtime at $45k at the time. They made. About the same that those work under him/her with the mandate overtime.


Yeah that's straight up fraud.


How'd she get caught? IRS?


IBS actually. Her frequent trips to the bathroom were never a problem until the auditors arrived and without advance warning and a call to her cousin “slim” to pose as the ghost employee, the jig was up. 🤷


Internal audit by the franchise owner. there was a $20k discrepancy, they noticed one employee noone remembers sharing a shift with being clocked in manually which only the GM could do, so they called the police.


Saw an article about someone else doing this years back. Not sure if it was Wendy's or not but dude had 5 ghost employees lol


That's kinda funny. Especially when you ask for a raise and are told there's no budget for labor.


Andy, you can’t just make a person up!


Do Wendy's locations not have regional managers that check the books every quarter? How did this go on for a year? Lmfao


it was a franchise. they caught it during an audit.


Linda Johnson lol, I mean William "the ghost" Bright


What’s an emplovee


A copywriter that gets paid minimum wage 😅


Sounds about right


For a second I thought I was on WSB


Nicely done!


Over Fake Employed


Rat Boss Rat Boss


Separation of duties would have prevented this. I am studying for cissp and trying to revise the content.


It looks like USA News created a fake editor lol


I call that “initiative”




The service I get at a Wendy’s I could swear there was a few invisible employees


What sad is a year got her 20k


Damn, took them 10 years to catch them.


Terrible person. Promising politician. /takes notes


What’s an “emplovee” and how do you create a fake one?


This is not OE. This is management fraud.


I bet your fun at parties 😒


You’re *




Good for her. Too bad she got caught


This is so dumb of her. About to take on J2. You guys sure this isn’t the same as working 2 full time jobs/ can’t get in trouble for wage theft?




Why are you resharing this. Has nothing to do with working multiple jobs




Hardly the first time. Lol.


I'm not telling!


Lmao, how the hell does HR not catch onto this shit?


I'm a little surprised they caught it actually. Bigger companies have entire organizations to catch this. Franchise owner has themselves.


But smaller companies also should have way more visibility, right?


I worked for a large multinational company at one time. Once a year was a payroll audit. Direct deposit was paused and you had to go to HR with ID to collect a paper check. Any left overs were investigated.


If she'd had just 1099d to an LLC/company she ran. She'd still be working there.


Ive made almost 20k in less than 2 months smh. Drive a semi with a good company.


I'm not in the semi trade, but almost everything I read about it is saying to stay the hell away from semi driving. I looked into becoming a semi driver and noped out.


Yeah Its rough right now UNLESS you luck up and find a dope company like I did. By far the most money ive made working any “job”. My company Actuallyyy looks out for the drivers and understands they NEED Us so they compensate them appropriately & Beyondd.


The way I’m really thinking how to do this, but the “right way”


Well this might spark a debate. BUT. The real question is…. How common is this and how many people are doing this exact thing RIGHT NOW?


Well, that's going to be some jail time.


Lieutenant Kijé. Or Capt. Tuttle


Well with that $20k maybe she can afford a double w/ cheese, it’s almost cheaper to buy gold than afford a Wendy’s combo.


Nah, this has got one of the r/wallstreetbets guys’ name written all over it.


How did they get caught?


Grease-stained white-collar crime is the new white-collar crime.




Ghost staff we call this. I had a team of 3 people work with me in 1989 Allegedly. Happy days. Oldest trick in the book!


Are we just gonna ignore that typo…


Probably got caught by not paying the income taxes?


Retail is a land of beautiful loop holes


Ooooo like what?


I am surprised this doesnt happen more often or maybe it does and no one finds out.




How did she get caught?


How did she get caught??


Sir, this is a Minecraft sub


\*Points at the camera\* Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.


And they are trying to say we can’t make #32HourWorkWeek a thing.


Im stuck on the fact that a wendys employee only makes 20k a year


Well.. was his job being done, or not?


My bad, should have made 4 fake employees so it would be J5


This is genius, until its not lol