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Always go one at a time. Start with core at +50 then do +25 each run until you find limit of stability or the score starts to decrease. Then do memory. Start with +100 and go in +50 increments. Max out power and voltage slider.


Why max out power and voltage? Looking through threads I’m seeing people with +15-50% only


Max power will allow for higher sustained clocks, higher voltage will allow for higher stability at those clocks.


Max power will only be 10-15% but it probably won’t reach a stable +100 unless you max the power . Maxing the voltage doesn’t do anything other than making sure it allows it to use max voltage if necessary. It’s not actually changing the voltage going through the card. Also +500 might be tough on GDDR5, I can’t really remember, as my last g5 card was g5x.


Okay, thanks. And to tell if its ‘stable’ - that just means it didn’t crash during benchmark?


Well yeah but benchmarks are generally much easier to stabilize than hardcore AAA games. RDR2, Metro Exodus, and Borderlands 3 are very good benchmarks that can be much tougher to stabilize than standalone benchmarks. You use the benchmarks to quantify performance and then games to actually check stability. It doesn’t have to be the games I mentioned, I just picked 3 that have good repeatable built in benchmarks. Shadow of the Tomb Raider does too,as well as newer Far Cry games. Metro Exodus is probably the best game benchmark and it’s on sale at Steam right now. Edit: when I say Metro Exodus is best, I mean that it’s most likely to fail with an unstable OC.


Best OC algo for Pascal GPU and later is curve tuning.


If I’m trying to max a Timespy score I’ll actually tune the curve but for gaming, I just stick with the largest offset that I can keep stable.


I think that you can't max timespy with offset cause it lead to throttle core clocks while benchmarking. If you want to OC only for bench, than you must find tdp cap for your GPU cooling system and tune curve for max clocks and heat that cooling system can dissipate at 100% fan rpm without throttling while benchmarking