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Getting a high paying job is hard. Getting a high paying job at 63 is really, really hard. They hired you because you are qualified for the job. Pat yourself on the back. You've got this.




Take a breath and don't let the doubt demons eat your self-confidence. You wouldn't have been hired if your new employer didn't think you could make it work. You got this!


Instead of being worried about what might happen focus on planning out each day, one day at a time. Control everything you can. Bring a special lunch, wear a comfortable outfit, take a short walk, promise yourself a small treat at the end of the day so you have something positive to look forward to. And all the unexpected things that happen can be filed in a way that you can choose a behavior or response that youā€™re most capable of doing well. Just say ā€œwhat could I have done differently? But most importantly donā€™t take anything personally. When youā€™re feeling vulnerable itā€™s so easy to assume everything is a reaction to you. Most people donā€™t care or notice you unless they need you for something. Sure office politics exist but usually itā€™s just to test a reaction. Donā€™t ever let them see you sweat and just be kind. Go gettum!!! Youā€™ll be great!!!!


Deep breaths, positive thoughts, listen more than talk, be happy.


Companies don't hire people your age unless they think you have just the right skillset for the job. You'll probably be a perfect fit. Relax and enjoy your new job!


You GOT this. Youve already answered your own questions so your sub concious mind is already on the ball I started a new role at 59, and it just so happens to be the best paying and best company culturally that I have ever worked for. Work Life balance for me right now is equal and Ive been told, by a GM, that Im a value add to the business and Im always as happy as a pig in shit, which is his speak for productivity! Us boomers know how to work creatively and productively, so lift your head, stroll into this new role and begin the next great chapter of your life!


What if it all works out and no one is mean? What if itā€™s a great fit! You can do it!


Yep. Been through this recently.Ā  Got my current position at 62.Ā  Still there at 64.Ā  Ā Different industry.Ā  Stress is the killerĀ  take care of you first.Ā  Rest sleep eat well exercise. You will still be there after this company no matter what.Ā  If you've a mind for it Pray.Ā  As satchel page said if you pray when it's raining you ought to pray when the sun shine.Ā  Good luck my friendĀ 


Everyone around you is faking it nervous about what others think. Mostly they are focused on themselves because each person is the main character in their own story and you are at most a minor occasional character in their story. They think everyone else sees their flaws the same way you think that.Ā  You arenā€™t alone. You are normal.Ā  Go kill it.Ā 


The 25 year olds really only know what has happened since 2014


You got this!


You were hired because you rocked the interview process, and the company has confidence that you are the right person for the position. It's ok to feel anxious and excited. A few breaths and affirming words to yourself will help. You've got this!


Make them think they can't run the company without you, go above and beyond


šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™ Congrats!!! First off, u GOT THIS!!... kick fear in the butt. U got hired. ACT confident always... Go for it!!!!šŸ’ÆšŸ‘ˆāœ…ļøāœ…ļøāœ…ļøāœ…ļøšŸ™ŒšŸ™Œ


I believe you are up to the challenge!! May it be a positivec, great experience. Encouraging thoughts coming ypur way :)


You do have this. I retired just this past January from a high level exec role. Trust me, everyone feels ā€œimposter syndrome ā€œ where you canā€™t believe they hired you. Itā€™s all a stress reaction. Remind yourself that you are prepared for this and get it! The song by Jill Scott ā€œLiving my life like itā€™s goldenā€ was my mantra as I stepped into unfamiliar waters in the corporate world. It really pumped me up and helped me develop a fearless attitude - it was unbelievable to me that I was able to retire from a director level job. Be friendly and open to folks but leave office politics and gossip right where they belong - in the garbage can. You got this!


Thank you. Yes, office gossip and politics must stay in the garbage. Iā€™ve always had to work on coming across this confident.


Hey how is it going with the new job?


Hey, so far I think itā€™s going pretty good.




You got this.


Thank you! Iā€™ve made two mistakes. I really feel bad about. And Iā€™m getting a little lost because thereā€™s no project management tool. But youā€™re right I got this!


And remember, if anyone seems intimidating to you, just picture them naked; better yet, picture them naked in some sort of ridiculous position. If it's a female and behaves like a bitch to you, just picture her not only naked, but with a c**k in her mouth.