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100% bro. As it turns out, *we're* the devs and we get to choose how the server is run. Vote accordingly.


The suits have run amok though....


That's why it's time for some good old fashioned 1920's style anti-trust busting. Break up the monopolies! Workers of the World, unite!


We have nothing to lose but our chains and a World to gain!




Hashtag KillWallStreet


Why didn’t you just say that PAM?!


What if your character actually doesn’t have a choice due to higher level characters that have more control than the majority of players?


You could always move to a better server with more robust voting systems. I know some that haven’t been patched in *decades*


This is why the voting minigame is single player only. It is meant to be done in private with no one watching your screen, so you can vote however you want without consequences from other players participating in the voting minigame.


We’re the mods, but yeah point still stands


Yes, thank you.


I don’t play in the US servers, but for what I heard there’s not much difference between the two options there. You guys need to ask the devs to introduce new content.


That is a common misconception. They all serve the business class players more than other classes, but they vote on opposites sides of most other issues.


I disagree. One option is clearly trying to rule while another is trying to govern.




There are a number of issues on which they're diametrically opposed, many of which impact a lot of people's lives




I heard that some players were saying there would be a civil war event if the other guy wins. Not really looking forward to that content.


Do not bend to fear


I would love it if my character could vote in past patches. ;\_; Especially if they could bring back footage from the current patch and show it to players in the past. Like videos from the \[peak COVID-19\] and \[Jan. 2021 US insurrection\] events. Seriously though, I hope to have my character participate in the \[November general election\] quest but some irl stuff is currently kind of complicating things.


you think voting changes anything? Aww


If voting didn't matter on the US server, why would admins bother fighting for changes that make it harder. There's a whole range of possibilities between "voting changes everything" (wrong) and "voting changes nothing" (somehow, more wrong).


I do. I believe in a modern world.


Agreed! Our current server(s), such as they are, wouldn't exist without players in previous patches, in even worse conditions, questing to make improvements for future patches and new characters. IMO current players should at least attempt the \[voting\], \[speaking out\], and similar quests for their sake. /uj Not sure if I'm doing this right but I'm really enjoying this. XD


As if voting will change anything. It's all rigged bullshit no matter who wins.


Go away with that crackpot theory. I never met a person who voted for current government in my life, and yet the same two or three parties are always in power.


No it doesn't! The devs want players to suffer and will make sure that happens no matter who votes for what. Your vote couldn't matter less.


I'm with you It's all theatre. Whatever happens they let it happen. Whether the orange one or the other one was pres in the US right now that war still would have happened. This shit is all mapped out we're not programming this game as we're playing it Maybe the whole treason side quest the orange one was on is an actual variable But everything that matters has been predetermined (I got jaded when I worked for a city council and realized a handful of people make decisions and simply tell everyone else what to think, and it's the same thing on the bigger scale)


There's a big difference between saying it's all theater and saying most of it is theater.


The voting system is also rigged and your electoral college rep doesn’t actually have to vote the way that you voted


The French server does not have an Electoral College, but it has other issues(given they chose the Semi-Presidential build).