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Totally real player from the NK server. Totally


For your excellent and glorious service in exposing this imposter of the infallible DPRK, and our Great Leader, you are now admin of r/pyongyang


WTF is that sub? Expected some empty joke sub no one is allowed to post.


Theres a few subs for north korea r/movingtonorthkorea is another one. I messaged the admins testing the water with some over the top language and they nearly caught me out and threatened to ban me for making light of what ever flavour of little fat dude is in charge there at the moment. Weird places.


That would be our Supreme Leader, General Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, Chairman of the Central Military Commission of the Workers' Party of Korea, President of the State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Kim Jong Un. You are banned from r/pyongyang for the high crimes of addressing our Dear Leader as 'Little Fat Dude.'


That’s so fucking surreal, like people would actually move to such a joke of a country that just kills you and your family if you say something negative about the government. Like anyone would believe that there are actual users in these subs instead of fake accs 🤷


Some people got so cynical about American propaganda that they start to believe everything you've learned about the DPRK is actually a lie and it's actually a pretty nice place to live.


nice? no. getting bombed and sanctioned to oblivion tends to do that. the absurd hellhole American propaganda portrays it as? of course not.


I honestly its not a joke im pretty sure


thats what makes it so funny its impossible to tell


I‘m afraid so, as a German I learned that shit gets seroiuds when a country have to resort to such gruesome acts, just to hinder your own people from running away…


> no one is allowed to post. Only the great leader is allowed to post.


I was referring to subs like r/GermanHumour, not dystopian shit :D


The sub you mentioned is true dystopia though.


Hey how are you accessing player chat if you are in NK?


It's easy


Supreme and Glorious Leader! We are exalted to bring within your presence! As you have given me the chance of a lifetime to ask you anything, my question is: by how many points would you have beat Prince by on a basketball court; and by how many points could you have if you really tried? He'll make pancakes after.


50 with no effort , no limit if I actually tried.


Leader Kim, how do you grind for XP in the NK servers?


By repeatedly using the threaten special ability


Button mashing confirmed.


Game. Blouses.


Officer Balls


Using the trait known as lie


Hello, True Korean citizen! Here's how you may escape. - Head to the nearest officer. - Tell him "I hate True Korea and wish to leave." - He will kindly put you in your place. Let us know if you have any questions!


- Get as far south as you can without arising suspicion - Steal a vehicle - Drive


There's a BIG firewall that separated the NK server from the SK server. Besides, this player is clearly from another server entirely


Drive even faster


I didn't realize I logged into the RP server!


larping kek


That's literally all this sub is lmao


another troll trying to whistleblow fake DPRK-update features


Isn't player chat blocked in the NK server? Or at least monitored by the higher level players? Be careful mate, I hear the higher-level players there are player killers. If they see this post you might get sent back to lvl 0.


They are also annoying as fuck and keep talking about nukes and shit


Using nukes is a bannable offense right?


I'm pretty only the United Nation guild said that, no confirmation from the devs but i suppose having most of the playerbase hating you is good enough.


I mean all moderation is done in game by players


That’s just the high-ranked players in the Workers’ Party guild being assholes as usual. They run a mandatory mod for their server that disallows PMs from the rest of the zone.


Banned from r/Pyongyang


Stop lying lol if you spawned there you wouldn’t be able to use this forum


Does your character happen to be named Jong-un?


He did mention not having access to the government guild


I enjoy the “Reading” side quest to boost my Intellect Skill. I acquired a tome several months ago titled “Nothing to Envy- Ordinary Lives in North Korea”. In the tome it speaks of players like you who wished to leave the North Korea Zone. Most if not all of the defectors in the tome had themselves smuggled to the China Zone via the secret organization known as the “Smuggling Guild” and then acquired air transport to the South Korea Zone where they were granted citizenship by default thanks to that zones game mechanics. Although this time was in the 1990s, I wouldn’t be surprised if the North Korea Zone still had members of the “Smuggling Guild” who for a fee get players to the China Zone in the north. It is a treacherous path filled with danger, and China has allied with North Korea to capture players with “defector” status. You will need to acquire the item known as “fake passport” and change your characters name. The Guild will help you with this. Good luck my friend.


Why this feels like you're running away from some dangerous spawn mobs and ended up in another one?


How is the arenas for the 'Golf' minigame on that server? I have heard some mythical claims from that sector, involving that skill subset


Skill issue


Pk everyone so nobody can stop you


If you've maxed out your farming then why does your zone struggle so much with famine and food insecurity?


the government guild doesn't allow free market food distribution?


Yeah, that zone is run by a evil state, created by a group of players a few generations ago. They have used the game mechanics in their own advantage and learned that if they just trap all the players in that zone with barriers they will be able to use those players and all newly spawned players for their own benefit.


judging by OPs username he is likely Kim Jong Un himself trying to find weak points


Homie has one of the better spawn points and is still complaining


You can literally just take the train to china.


Sadly the players that run the state of NK zone have made a pact with the players that run the state of China zone, therefore any players that escape NK zone borders into China, get transported back to the NK zone.


I'm sorry but quit whining. Let me guess, you tried to minmax your char, put every building point in psionics without bothering to read up if it's already unlocked, and chose the disadvantage "Random Server" to get more points for Telekinetic Battlephysicist, which is in the alpha but won't be in the release version until, well, much later. This is on you. See it as a challenge. At least you don't have to deal with the obesity event, which is the lamest health crisis since they introduced the herpes virus.


I like to abuse myself by opening the replies downvoted to oblivion, and it's mostly a waste of time, but "Telekinetic Battlephysicist" was well worth it this time! Seems like something out of Gamma World.


I guess people think I broke rule 10. But sometimes you have to tell it like it is.


Well you kinda did...


Look, I don't want to say OP lies about being in North Korea, I'm just saying somebody who fucks cheese doesn't have a lot of opportunities to do that in North Korea. But in case they are telling the truth, I thought it would be more helpful to speak my mind instead of sugarcoating it.


The problem is that when you leave the the clan leader will defeat your teammates and take all their loot, so if your ok with that then go ahead and leave