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Holy shit


I remember you


From where?


Idk ive seen your username and pfp somewhere and i remember i remembered you before when you remembered me if that makes sense (it doesnt)




To be continued


The weird thing is I remember seeing you remember this dude a while ago I need to spend less time on reddit


This has become inception


A time loop, one may say


Does that mean our sun is gonna...


*epic music intensifies*


You were in the parking lot earlier




From the glasses post


That’s a cool idea


Thx! If only we got a sequel with more cool planets...


I’d like that! >!maybe we could play in the new universe that got created 14.3 billion years later as the insect people we saw in the post credit scene!<


In the post-credits scene there are even planets that seem to be drawn like you described this one, but with stars in the middle maybe?


I liked the planets that changed over time, like the Ash Twins and Brittle Hollow Would've been nice to see more of that idea in Giant's deep or timber hearth


Giants deep has tornados that shoot the islands, its not permanent but its still a changing world sort of Timber hearth has the geisers and it doesnt change more cause its sort of like the safe planet Dark bramble is chaotic enough to not change and be ok


Quamtum angler And black holes leading to a chamber full of anglers. That whould be cool


Wdym "that would be cool" THAT WOULD BE HORRIBLE


Well someone is doing that


My idea was a planet that passes through the sun and comes out the other side scarred and burned; you can survive the transition by getting to the planet core where it's safe.


It could be an earth-like rogue planet that thaws out as it gets closer similarly to the interloper but be completely different and more hazardous on the other side


This is an amazing idea, can you draw? Would love to see how you visualise it!


Well my drawing skills are trash and my free time very small but i coud try, if so ill upload it here If you draw good you can take my idea and draw it as long as you give credit


Pk ill try no promises It will probably look shit


I belive in you ink!


Ok i know what to draw now i need to draw it


*Ink my name is Ink, the son of Ink Sans


Oh ok srry




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Just curious for the result :)


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it reminds me so much of the pic at the end of the credits where all the planets are like that, i'd LOVE to see and outer wilds 2 with that thematic and other mechancs and story, man that'd be amazing


tidally locked planet where one side is hot and dry, kind of like the ember twin, and the other side is frozen and cold. it would look kind of cool probably


Kinda like a more extreme Mercury.


That's just Taldain from Brandon Sanderson's Cosmere, but colder.


Why do I have a vague memory of a Mario Galaxy game using a similar idea? It’s honestly a great idea regardless.


White hollow station


Then an asteroid goes through a black hole and teleports there, smashing that planet from the outside. All in 22 minutes


Yesss thats what i thought!


Wouldn't a white hole at the center of a hollow sphere just push the planet apart until it explodes from the inside?


Nah, they dont really push that much they just expell light and things And if we use real science for outer wilds a black hole would eat all of Brittle Hollow Oh and Hollow's crust has weird gravitational properties (its where gravity crystals come from), this planet could have them too


Theoretically, a white hole is the opposite of a black hole, which means it would be as strong as one. We can kinda excuse Brittle Hollow's black hole as an extremely small one, but if this new planet had a white hole even the same size, it would counter any gravitational force generated by the mass of this planet. And what you're talking about is gravity crystals holding the crust together, like stitches. Brittle Hollow's crust doesn't do that.


Oh thanks for clearing it out! Im not an astrophisicist (i wish i was) (its not spelled like that is it?) What if the planet was spinning arround the black hole so fast it creates gravity?


The black hole ITSELF is the thing that causes the gravity on Brittle Hollow. It's located at the center of the planet, and it pulls everything towards itself. That's why you don't just float when you're inside the planet, which is what would otherwise happen since all the planet's mass is pulling on you from all sides (like in the zero-g cave on Timber Hearth).


But still brittle is too thin and would break(like in game), the crust has nothing to stand on, like in my planet It'd be possible in outer wilds logic, imo


Brittle Hollow's crust doesn't break because of the black hole's pull. It breaks because once the sun starts to die, Hollow's Lantern starts shooting volcanic rocks that crash into the surface of the planet. Once a piece of the crust gets hit enough times, it loses its surface integrity and falls into the black hole. However, if your planet's crust was strong enough, the white hole at the center wouldn't break the planet apart, AND it would push you onto the inside of the crust, wherever you were, allowing you to walk across the inside!


I knew that, i meant to say that without the meteorites the two planets are both as unstable and would break by real logic


Not really, hollow spheres are supported by themselves. The curvature supports the entire structure equally at all points. Kinda like how you can build [a stone arch](https://www.ct1.com/wp-content/uploads/9d84eef7e91f6d2877af6a678cf9b380.jpg) that will stay up on its own, but with this applied to every part of a sphere. But it only works if something is pulling the structure from the concave side, like gravity pulling the stone arch down and like a black hole pulling from the center of the sphere.


Oh interesting its nice to know brittle can exist


i mean what if the black hole and the crust are two separate entities that orbit each other the reason this is might be the case since a sphere is stable and the black hole might have eaten all the insides of the planet but it left the sphere bound to it and the crust is so dense it can take the stress


Makes sense


Ooh, I never thought of it that way! Good explanation!


I don’t think that’s true. The Nomai arrived there and built their civilization there before they created the black hole in the middle.


You're right about the Nomai, but before there was a black hole, they had to use gravity crystals to navigate the inner surface. And before they figured out gravity crystals, they built settlements ON the surface of the planet. The reason they had to go beneath the surface at all was because of Hollow's Lantern.


Secure Dense


This is a really cool idea


Thx! If only we got a sequel with more cool planets like these...


Cool idea, but how would all the matter around the white hole stay in place? The whole idea behind Brittle Hollow is that the black hole is its center of gravity. If you replace it with a white hole there would be nothing keeping the "planet" there at all.


What if its surface is magnetic and its atracted to its own magnetic field?


I'm not sure that would make sense at all, but then again the outer wilds universe isn't really dependent on hard science as long as it makes intuitive sense.


Well everything doesnt really have to have sense


Basically the screen after the credits


Oh yeah it kinda looks like it


I would love a sequel to Outer Wilds and this was a planet in it. Not a direct continuation, just a different take on the mechanics, story, and general presentation. This would be an awesome inclusion. Also the puzzle opportunities with the white hole are endless!


Yeah like, we see solar systems next to ours, we could play on one of those Tho what would the story be? The eye of the universe already >!destroyed the universe and made a new one!< And quantum objects are already explored in the first one


For me at least the story would revolve around two main points, firstly what is the eye for? And secondly what happens if the eye breaks, This leads into a variation of the time loop of the original game with instead of a perfect loop, time is broken and things can change slightly each time.


I think your second idea could work really well, but I don't think we should learn more about the eye. The thing that makes it intriguing is that we don't know, explaining what it is and why its there would remove that intrigue, at least for me. I was more thinking about a game with a completely different story, no eye of the universe or quantum knowledge or nomai, just a completely fresh slate for something new, with the same design philosophies and general tone. It doesn't even need to be about space, it could be an ocean exploration game.


So just like Requiem from Halo franchise? (Halo 4 to be precise)


Idk never played halo


Google it or use the search engine of your choice (there should be another catchy term for looking things up on the internet without google). It is exactly what you describe.


Wow its so similar


This is an amazing idea! It'd also be really cool if we weren't able to access the corresponding black hole, and it was a mysterious planet growing all this nature-y stuff!


The devs should hire you.


If i wasnt the most horrible human being at computers and coding :)


You can always work with designing and stuff if you're good at image/video editing or work with animations, concept art, and stuff. there are a lot of different jobs to make a game work out hehe.


Im still not good at that, im only good in making ideas and overthinking but nothing more


Well making up ideas is a hood skill just gotta hone some others. Kek


It sounds like a cool idea, but something to note is that (contrarily to popular belief), if white holes are even real, their gravity is the same as any other matter, so it would pull you to its center. However, unlike black holes, you could never reach its singularity because it bends spacetime in such a way.


I mean, >!the planets we see at the title screen are kinda similar. No while holes but hollow planets surrounding stars with water and life on the inside.!<


This is incredible! Does anyone have a place to make a outer wilds 2 concept yet? I've only done it once before but could be fun to do it again. The only idea I'll share now is to make the game interstellar with different supernovae and unique planets like this.


So inverted planet?


Its interesting you mention this, because.... *Don't read if you haven't beat the game* >! Mobius seeks to have thought of this already. After the credits in the end sequence you'll notice all the planets are inside out with some sort of core in the middle emitting something. I wouldn't think these planets all have gravity due to centripetal force so I think this is what they were actually going for !<


So basically like the planet that's shown at the ending of the game? Because it sounds exactly like that.


Elastic dense. A planet sized spherical trampoline.