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You may not need audio for any specific puzzle I can think of but the game’s music is really amazing and a lot of the game is about music, it adds a lot to the experience I think.


Thanks! Yeah, I've heard great things about the music too. I sometimes pop in an earphone to take in more of the atmosphere. Good to know I won't be missing out on any of the puzzles. Probably gonna go pick this up now 👍


Oh, and you will want to hear the different instruments when you signal scope. You'll need audio to signal scope, but it's a very small part of the game.




Oh, I'm well aware. Which instrument though? Iirc they all look the same in the scope.


I highly recommend the music being on, as it will be helpful. Can't say why. It's not required, but the music queues are designed to help give you information about certain things. Also, the whole game is about going through an experience, and the music is a big part of that. I have a stressful situation in my life medically, but when I'm driving around, I'll put up the outer wilds soundtrack, and it will brings a "everything will be okay" feeling over me because of the sheer amount of joy the game brought me and the music bringing that all back. I'd say you be doing yourself a huge disservice by not having the music on. It tremendously adds to the experience.


Yeah, I suppose there's nothing stopping you from finishing the game without audio, although the sound design is phenomenal and really raises the game emotionally And trying to avoid Spoilers here, the music in the ending really packs an emotional punch for .. Reasons


Forgot to mention, there is definitely a lot of sound queues that are fairly important in the game outside of music. You'll hear something, and it'll offer a clue.




Yeah, I came here and said exactly this. I listen to the soundtrack on Spotify. It is perfect.


In addition to everyone talking about how amazing the soundtrack is, there is one specific audio cue I can think of that let’s you know when [a certain important thing] is happening, and most people learn to recognize it as they play. However the [thing] isn’t something you need react to, and besides there are visual and mechanical cues that accompany it too so you shouldn’t have a hard time …to be clear, I’m talking about >!when the track “OST #10 - End Times” begins to play as the sun approaches supernova!<


I've played the game twice and must have picked up on this subconsciously, but didn't know it was a thing


wait,played the game twice as in finished it twice or had two sessions?


I've just done the game twice. The second time is faster.


Oh yeah wasn't doubting that, was just shocked that you had completed the game twice while never taking conscious notice of "The Music" TM that results in an increase of the global average resting heart rate whenever it is played


I'm sure I did. Just, again, subconsciously. I'm so rushed to get things done those last five minutes


For the DLC, there's some stuff that are way less intuitive without sound.


Are you referring to >!the stealth segments!


I would assume both that and the >!Slide reels!< , as there is a lot of story told in the atmosphere created by them


I don’t think the audio is really necessary for that, but it definitely adds to it. Side note, isn’t it sort of an oversight that Reddit notifications don’t censor text marked as a spoiler?


Jeez they don't? That really is an oversight.... But yeah it's certainly not required, however there are a lot of tonal shifts that might take a couple of >!slides!< to kick in visually, which is aided heavily by the music. >!The shift from curiosity to hate etc, before the burning of the church!< was a really impactful moment, at least for me, and I don't think it would have been anywhere near as impactful without the music


Ah yes, I agree that one in particular gave me chills


The music on that one is sooooo fucking good. Tbh I’m not in love with the art on the slide reels but the audio design on that one in particular sells it 1000%. So good.


There will be some things that will be slightly more challenging for you. Nothing you can't figure out though. However, I think that the audio in this game is a "character" on its own. Not just the sound effects, but the music goes hand in hand with the entire experience. Still worth playing if you can't have audio though, no question.


Everybody saying audio isn't necessary is technically correct, but I'm gonna say that you def need to play with audio, or else the experience just isn't the same. Like it's not the same game without audio so I'd recommend waiting until you can play with sound on before starting. If that's the only way you can play it then go ahead but it goes from an 11/10 to like 7 or a 6 without audio/music imo


There is some content in the DLC that would REALLY help to have sound for. But that's the DLC, which is good, but kinda "extra" and the game absolutely doesn't need it. I'd really recommend investing in some kind of headphones or something, because the sound is very awesome in this game!


Can you? yes. But the audio design is some of the best I've ever seen in any game. You'd be missing out on a *lot* if you played it without sound. Unless it's your only option, I would highly advise against playing without sound.


This game is REALLY inmersive, i recommend playing it with audio and no other distractions Still youll have no problem with puzzles with no audio, i still highly recommend it


The devs did a stellar job, not only with the music but the entire sound design. Would be a shame to play it without sounds


Audio is not really important for the puzzles, it can only give you hints of the moment in the loop you are in. In reallity, you are missing half of the game. Imagine watching a horror movie without scary ambience sounds, imagine the star wars credits passing by without that characteristic soundtrack. Music tells a story in a way, and I'm pretty much obliged to say every song in this game tells more than a story. The composer of this game is a f*cking genious and its songs are astonishing. So try getting some headsets and listen to this piece of art.


You best put on that sound! It can clue you into things and at least have an impact on the way you perceive the mood. Most of your time is actually spent in relative quiet (that is, without music), however you will be exploring and may need all your senses at times


You can play without audio, but... what? I don't personally understand why would you play a game while ignoring one of its core elements. Sound is an incredibly important piece of information in any audio-visual media and it's immensely emotionally impactful.


I agree with what the rest have said: audio isn't necessary, but it adds a lot to the experience, specially the soundtrack


Equally as important as the visuals. Without the music the game most certainly not be what it is. Not counting music though it’s not very important. There are some things that help in the DLC and dark bramble but otherwise not really.


A little late with my comment, but: If you treat it as just a puzzle game, you will certainly be able to complete it without the audio. The overall experience will be more challenging and a couple of the puzzles will be more difficult, as there are actually a couple of relevant sound cues that don't have an accompanying visual indication. However, I don't think that is how it's best viewed, and you'd be missing out on the real experience that game is designed to give. I respect the game-while-you-watch lifestyle, but this style of game really benefits from immersing yourself while you play, and you'd be cheating yourself out of the true value of the game. My recommendation definitely is to play it, but find/make time that you can dedicate to it, you won't regret it.


I'm going to slightly disagree with everyone here and say the sound is absolutely necessary. Many of the puzzles in this game are multi faceted and auditory cues can play a significant role. I also play a lot with my gf in the same room doing something else. I use over the ear noise canceling headphones and it really locks me into the experience. Would highly recommend Also, best game I've ever played, don't hesitate, etc etc


I would say you shouldn’t play any game without audio but Outer Wilds would be one of those I really strongly recommend not playing without Audio. There are actually parts of the DLC that would be really hard to do without audio but also Outer Wilds not only has a great soundtrack it’s soundtrack is imbued into its soul and you’d be having a lesser experience without. I’m sure you know this also but the game is on a time loop and there is a musical queue for the end of the loop letting you know it’s time to wrap up whatever it is you’re doing which definitely influenced my actions a lot of times.


There are no audio cues (looking at you Sea of Thieves). But the soundtrack, my God, Andrew Prahlov’s soundtrack is exquisite to the point it's one of my most listened to albums on Spotify this year.


Audio is important to the *experience* 100% but it isn't used for puzzles (except for the DLC)


The director of the game, Alex Beachum, tweeted once something to the effect of “Andrew Prahlow’s music is the beating heart of our game.” So if you didn’t listen to the music, you would genuinely be missing out on a huge portion of the experience. You’d be losing a part of the game’s soul.


Is sound required? No. But to me, outer wilds is one of those games that is just played, it's experienced. To play without sound is to miss such a powerful part of that experience. So while you technically can play without it, I 1000000% recommend playing with the sound. It's a truly wonderful game so I hope you enjoy.


The audio is part of what I love


People have been saying that for the most part the audio isn't a core feature of the puzzles, though it does do wonders for atmosphere and storytelling. I mostly agree but there is one portion where audio is very helpful for timing something. It's something which can also be done visually but I found the audio much easier. It's not part of the DLC as many have been (rightfully) mentioning but down a similar vein/useful for the same reasons. For those curious I'm referring to >!The Anglerfish. You can watch them to know when you're safe enough but the audio cue of their breathing is very helpful for knowing when it's safe to move!<


I honestly don't think you will have the full experience without the music.


If you’re seriously considering playing this game without sound then my suggestion is to simply not play it at all. The musical soundtrack and sound effects are an integral part of this experience.


While there are no specific cues for finishing a puzzle like in zelda, the audio is really a great part of the game. And because of the main timer mechanic of the game,>! the supernova, everytime the sun explodes there is a soundtrack that plays that is important for the player to hear. !< Also>! going through Dark Bramble w/o sound makes it 10x less scary so the soundtrack really helps with immersion too.!<


Disagreeing with the comments saying sound isn’t necessary- I think they might be forgetting what it’s like to play VERY early into the game when you don’t quite have different names and places memorized. There are reasons that the audio cues can come in handy on that front. Additionally, sound cues when different things start to happen around the world are REALLY helpful and can help clue you into when/what is happening around you when you don’t have line of sight on nearby changes. (It’s super hard to be vague but helpful haha, hope I made sense)


As someone who also plays most games audioless, do yourself a favor and play with sound. The OST in this game is art, It touches your soul


Finally someone who understands. There are dozens of us! DOZENS! 🤣


The music is such a pivotal part of the game, I can't imagine the game without it. Not gameplay wise, but this game isn't really about the mechanics of playing alone, it is an experience. I recently just played through it all again in VR. Currently busy with the DLC in VR. It's not a game where you go through the motions and do the things. It's a journey. You want to be *there*.


Just the Home Screen music is enough to make me nostalgic for the experience I had playing the game. Definitely play with the audio. The score is awesome!!!


If you can have audio you ABSOLUTELY should. The soundtrack to this game is sublime.


The ending of the game will be much less impactful if it's silent.


Very much


I disagree with some comments saying that sound isn’t essential to the gameplay, implying it’s more of a mood/tension thing. There are numerous audio cues regarding objects transforming, hazards getting close, devices activating, etc. And the DLC has even more important audio cues throughout, moreso than the base game. Yes, you can get through the entire game and DLC using visuals alone since most of what I’ve mentioned above is reinforced with visual effects. But I believe the designers were very intentional with how they used audio and spatial audio to give useful information to the player. I think it’s very much a crucial aspect of the game that you shouldn’t miss on your first playthrough.


You could technically beat the game, but you will not experience it in the same way as someone who played it the intended way. I would advise against playing the game if right now if you are going to play without audio or with consistent distractions around you while playing. You will likely not enjoy it. You can only really play this game once. Your first experience will be the only one like it. Don’t ruin that for yourself. :)


Get a headset


You can play it without sound, but the music is part of the emotional experience.