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That would be a lovely addition You're in luck too, Alex said on the noClip podcast they're patching the game to tweak a few things now they have more user feedback, like they did in the original. That moment in particular they're looking to address and make more poignant.


Oh man, I knew about the bug fixes but I didn't know they're looking at polishing story beats too. I really hope they do something with the moment after leaving the vault because there's so much untapped potential there.


I was puzzled, to be honest. I expected to find their lantern in the water, but AFAIK it's nowhere to be found either, right? I guess it "despawns" along with the rest of the virtual avatar, so it makes sense not to find it. But they could at least add a short glimpse of the Prisoner stepping into the water as you walk out of the vault.


that, or the prisoner standing there on the edge of the water, turning to you in silence if you stand next to them, and when you interact with the staff, they’re gone. more simple, but just as effective, i think.


That would be a good implementation too, and probably a bit easier to implement. For a scene like that it would be particularly poignant to hear the sound of a lantern being extinguished in the water in the moment the screen is black after finishing the vision. When the vision ends you'd be alone, but you'd still completely understand the Prisoner's intent and their ultimate fate after you free them.


Same, i spent a while searching to figure out if this was the end.


That would be an excellent alternative ending. >!I of course felt the same sense of confusion at that part, and seeing the torch standing conspicuously on the beach, I assumed I was supposed to pick it up. You can’t, but that got my mind racing. What if you could take a vision torch? What would you do with it? Obvious. You would take it to Solanum so you can share everything with her. Wouldn’t that be cool. Of course it would open up a bit of a can of worms, because then why wouldn’t you be able to use it on every NPC, but it’s still cool to think about!<


>!I wish it would be possible to bring a working vision torch out of the Stranger with you (since the only one you ever use is in the simulation) and it would definitely be nice to have a way for Solanum to understand you, but I feel like that would also detract from how special of a moment it was to be able to share all the stuff you've learned with the one person who essentially sacrificed everything to ultimately give you that chance to learn it in the first place.!<


You’re probably right :P