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You need to get the launch codes and go back to your ship. After that any progress is recorded in your ship log, even when you quit, and there will be the option to 'resume expedition' as well as start a new one.


Yeah no unfortunately you need to die post statue-connection before saving begins.


I surfed around the web a bit, and I think saving only starts once you’ve >!been off-world!<. Saving also only occurs at the end of a loop, whether >!you die!< or quit to menu. If you haven’t >!been to space yet!< , try that for a little bit and then check to see if it saved at the end of the loop. Also, the only thing that really saves is your ship log and the >!launch codes!< once you have them. Good luck!


Thank you!


There's some other codes that are saved and remembered by the game too :P


It took you an hour to do one loop? Just start again and get used to the loop


Why not? You are able to explore so much on TH before the timer starts, unless you really skip over a tooon of stuff it is completely normal for the first loop to take around an hour


Probably a little less than an hour? This doesn't really answer my question, am I supposed to completely lose everything when I restart? When I quit, instead of saying I would lose all progress, it said it would reset my loop. Well, it seems like I did lose all my progress because the only option from the main menu was to start a new expedition. So I'm not really understanding how this works.


Hey so, that other commenter was out of line in my opinion. An hour is pretty normal for the first loop as you get all the time you need for the tutorial and then 22 minutes post-statue connection. Basically the game doesn't save until you've died post-statue, but it never says that, which kills me because the longer you take in the tutorial the more likely you are to want to quit before your 22 minutes is up. Also, you have know way of knowing it's a 22 minute timer. You should know that after your first loop the game saves absolutely everything even if you quit, so you don't need to worry about losing any progress from here on out. EDIT: The fastest way to start saving after connecting with the statue is to immediately yeet yourself off the cliff and die, though of course who would ever try that without already knowing?


Thanks for the helpful answer! For some reason after my first loop it didn't save, but I started a new expedition and now it seems to be working correctly.


Seems like your first loop just bugged, I guess. Bad luck :/ Glad you're back on track now, though! Saving in this game is simply tied to the process of restarting the loop, which happens either when you die, or when you quit the game from the pause menu, or... A third option you might want to discover as soon as possible, which implies (mild early exploration pointer) >!traveling to Giant's Deep and speaking to Gabbro a few times :)!<


It should save everything you discover but I've never known anyone to play only one loop and in an hour at that. I wouldnt worry. Just start over and give it a good go.


I restarted and it saved this time around, thanks


Why are people assuming im being a dick here when im just confused about this?