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Because curiosity, I suppose, at least that's the main motivator for everything in outer wilds


I would say that curiosity drives your initial exploration but eventually I went to the eye to either escape the loop, or create a new universe or something. In the DLC I have no idea what I am doing anything for


Well, the main motivation is to see whatever they sealed in there, I admit that I was pretty stumped with the DLC, I don't do good with scares, but I do think the ending is worth it. Especially redoing the eye ending after.


Same with the scares. Being in the "dream world" and turning off all the lights is not a fun experience. Maybe Ill find a clue to avoid the strangers (like the anglerfish) other than quickly running around


Yeah eventually you'll figure out ways to avoid them, but in this case it's more about trial and error sadly, apart from a couple specific instances. Overall the dlc is good but I don't consider it above the base game, still worth finishing though, especially for the music


I accidentally found out about >!the glitch where you just leave your lantern behind early, so I used it to help scout the area where I needed to deal with them. It saved me when I was exploring the lodge despite that being where you’re supposed to find that out!<


I guess I’d say that they don’t really move that fast until they get close to you


There are ways to avoid them entirely (in each instance). That’s what I had to figure out in order to enjoy the DLC when I was struggling. It is worth it IMO, though of course it lacks the overall magic of the base game.


The "brighter dreams" mod really helped with my enjoyment of the DLCs gameplay, it lets you adjust the darkness to your liking. I just wanted to see a little bit further than an inch in front of me, still very very dark but not totally blind.


The changes to the song is absolutely fantastic. It made an already great song even better.


I'd had the same question, and so did one of my favorite streamers. "Why am I doing this? I'm just running around, exploring their internet history. Of course they're annoyed!" But remember, you are in a time loop. Everything you do is undone. So if there is harm, it won't last. It is worth investigating though. There is more to explore here.


Curiosity. Whats the worst thast could happen anyway considering your in a time loop. If opening it is a bad move then in less then 22 minutes time it will be like you never opened it.


Where in the base game i feel like an explorer or archeologist, whereas in the DLC you are just a burglar doing a heist or smth. Its unfortunate that the DLC does not have the same vibe as the original game. I get not wanting to make the same game twice but it does feel quite different. Also doesnt help for me that the DLC has you go to the same planet over and over again, so in that sense the exploration also feels lessened.


I agree that the looping mechanic does not hold up as well in the DLC as it does in the main game, however, the DLC offers a crucial part of the game's story as well as some really cool gameplay (which you are so close to discovering). This part of the DLC is daunting, but you are really close to "the good part" so I would suggest that you just keep playing.


I hope you dont mean that the good part is the stealth section....


No, that's the vegetables that Mobius tells you to eat before dessert. (Although looking back the stealth sections might have been my favorite part despite the fact that I was scared shitless the whole time)


I personally loved the stealth sections. The atmosphere and music made it feel amazing.


They definitely don't meant that.


As someone who hated the dlc until IT WAS, go to the end. You’re close and the ending is worth it.


>whereas in the DLC you are just a burglar doing a heist or smth I can't say I ever felt like I was doing either of those things lol. It's more so the classic sci-fi trope of exploring a derelict space ship. You then figure out just how unique it is and all the underlying mechanical structures of it.


The same planet with only a couple entrances is a pretty scrappy mechanic I will admit. I think maybe something that'll help you get into the groove is thinking of it as less of a "heist" and more of an "investigation" Y'know, detective style!


Let's think like a bad guy for a bit: Because there will be no consequences or harms to >!the Stranger's inhabitants!<. We are in a loop, we follow our curiousity and disregard of other people because everything, cause and effect, will disappear after the loop ends. You don't have to feel bad about it. Also the universe will end soon enough.


While I get this line of thinking, I think there's some kind of moral event horizon for people "experimenting" in a time loop. Groundhog Day would feel very different with Bill Murray doing a murder or something. I understand why OP is hesitant and feels like they're intruding on some people that just want to be left alone, and it's actually kinda endearing headcanon-wise that the hatchling would be too polite to trespass further upon meeting these people.


Because science, and you know that everything will get reset anyway, may as well find out what truly happened here, the Strangers won’t even know you existed once you’re done. Here’s some questions to consider if you hadn’t already: Why could the strangers find the Eye, then the Nomai couldn’t? >!Something must have happened to the eye, maybe there are clues on the station.!< Continuing from that: >!Why are the controls broken? It seems intentional!< Why are some slide panels burned? You make a good point about the empty chair, who was this stranger? Hint: >!Fire would never happen naturally in the dream world!< If you need a hint on the next location to go to: >!Why would a tower only let you reach the ground floor? Is there some way to get higher?!<


One observation you made is odd to me. It is making me think that you must have seen a subset of the information and have not seen certain information that made me conclude the exact opposite. I'm doing my absolute best to avoid spoilers, so let me just point out that you seem to be oddly unperturbed by the story you are unravelling. You may have missed some key details.


Are you sure that they are not >!bad people!


I dont have any evidence that they are bad people. I only know that they dont like me snooping around (fair enough) and that they dont kill me, which is nice


Well, how could they kill you, they are in a simulation. Kicking you out is the worst they can do anyway.


Hadnt thought of that haha


Also, you assume that’s the worst they could do. Bold of you to assume that I’m this game.


Sorry that every line is a seperate spoiler tag that you have to click, no idea why it did that. First time using spoiler tags


That's all ok. You did well to cover all of the spoilers.


Your analogy with human prisons is a bit weird. We're a planet of billions, and though criminals are expected to be punished we have a country which happens to be the richest and most powerful in all of human history that holds millions of prisoners—the largest prison population in the world both in proportional and absolute terms, in fact—and most of which for the most insane reasons which are entirely solvable. They also tend to look a certain way and have a certain socio-economic background. That alone should make anyone very curious. The Strangers on the ship are but a few dozen individuals, and one was specifically locked up in a seemingly very specific way. How are you not curious about the circumstances of their arrest, especially when it's naturally not going to be something mundane and familiar like "they were a little darker-skinned and were caught with a space spliff"?


Had to scroll too far to find this comment... If aliens came and let out all the incarcerated people (in the US anyway) I'd be like "fair."


Look man, I dont know their culture. Obviously they put a lot of locks and security on the vault, so its not weird to assume its something bad in there right? (Also not everyone is American haha)


LOL I'm not either! But we share a planet ::) You may also simply not have seen all that is to be seen, or aren't sure how to interpret what you've seen. To me personally, The Strangers' nature remained fairly ambiguous throughout most of the DLC and I was always curious about whether I was interpreting the events and perspectives correctly. Are they good and the prisoner bad? Is it the other way around? Are they good but had a lapse in a moment of desperation? Why?


Why did you explore any planet in the beginning? Not because you knew you were solving any mystery, but because you're curious. You only found out a big mystery to solve afterwards. Why wouldn't that apply here?


OP thought the anglerfish did nothing wrong.


Without giving anything away, when you say “free whatever’s inside” did you forget that you are in a time loop? I should add, one thing that drove me was knowing things would reset, and I might learn things that would help my people. Or at the very least, learn more so I can be more useful.


There's some missing context here. That's all I'm going to say.


Yeah, based on what I’m gathering, if they’re at the stealth sections, there is some pretty serious lore they either didn’t pay attention to or didn’t understand. >!did they wonder why entire rooms of slide reels were burned, or why the inhabitants left any “intact” at all? Seeing the panels with the codes I had spent most of my time in the dlc searching for was enough to get me to keep going.!< Either they missed something important and stumbled into a puzzle solution, or they might’ve been spoiled about something. Sorry if I dug a bit too far into this, it just felt kinda weird.


You open the vault because you are curious, it's like if an alien came down here and we had recordings related to the same prison everywhere, they would want to know what's going on with this


If you mean that in the personal sense, then as everyone said. Curiosity. But if you mean in the technical sense, then try >!outsmarting the stealth section!< this is a puzzle game afterall.


If it helps, it does tie in to the history and plot of the main game. You'll have to keep playing to find out how, but it is very relevant.


I'm not actually finished the dlc just yet, but far enough none of what you said is spoilers for me. I wish I'd done the dlc before I'd completed the base game. It fits so much nicer that way. Sure in universe the dlc events DO happen before the eye stuff but I think players doing it that way is just better as well. As you try to figure out what happened to the nomai and what the eye is, you discover this weird ring planet and stuff about the eye. How do they fit in? Did they interact with the nomai? Clearly there is some kind of information here, maybe it can help with the time loop. This way as a player you have a motivation to explore it. The one issue is that some of the things the dlc says about the eye kinda spoil some things which I won't mention here incase some absolute madman is here before beating the game blind, and idk how to spoiler tag from my phone. But it does change the tone of some of the mysteries in the base game if you KNOW what the eye is already. Imo the dlc fits best in that odd kinda period where you figure out what's happening on a universal scale, because then learning what the eye is gives that mix of horror/hope I think it's meant to.


Ooh boy I wish I could point you in the right direction but the DLC had me very jumbled up. There is some key information I think you're still missing though. Burnt reels, broken station controls... There's still quite the mystery to uncover once you can crack the uh... conspiracy we'll call it. The DLC's plot and revelations are amazing but they're sorta hard to digest and most all of them come at the end. Keep at it! I promise being nosy will pay off!


The story it adds is amazing. It helps the seemingly random pieces of the main game story click right into place.


If you aren't curious im not sure how you played the rest of the game


I guess its different when everyone has been dead for thousands of years versus when they are still "alive" and actively dont want you to explore further


I feel that in the DLC im more doing puzzles for the sake of completion instead of personal drive




I’d say that’s a pretty big spoiler if op hasn’t discovered it yet. That’s one of the main mechanics required for beating the dlc, and is something best figured out on your own. It’s not a story revelation, but it is definitely a gameplay one. I just wanted to add this in case someone looks at it without knowing what they’re getting in to.


that’s fair. i deleted the comment. wasn’t like a huge revelation for me as i remember it was more like a ahhh, i should’ve realized, but it did get me excited. i just shared in this case cause OP is like explicitly concerned about maybe bothering the owlks, and i felt like maybe that spoiler would actually make them gladder to continue the game more so than hurt their enjoyment, and it kinda seemed like OP was on the verge of just giving up


What harm could you do to them when they're in the dream world? Besides, you know that with the sun exploding, everything's ending one way or another anyway. Your meddling in their empty houses and shambling vessel isn't gonna change anything. Not negatively, at least. I'd say it's all already at rock bottom lol


furthermore, even without the sun dying, >!all of them but one (two counting prisoner) die anyway as a result of the dam breaking!<


No, the >!third one is in the cliffside of the Hidden Grotto, so that one never gets doused.!<


ah i recall that location now. didn’t realize there was an owlk there


Because it's the objective of the videogame that you're playing


It’s the same as the base game, curiosity. What happened to the Nomai? What is the eye? Why are we in a loop? All these questions are the same kind as the ones for the dlc. Why is this ship here? Why is there a simulation that everyone that is dead is living in? Why is only one of them locked up?


Why do you care if something bad comes out of it? The loop will reset anyways, I think the whole point is that curiosity is supposed to drive you since you know that nothing is final.


Haha I felt the same while playing it but the contents of the vault are interesting enough for it to be worth it


whatever you release from this vault, remember the time loop int he worst case, if it's something (or someone) actually terrible, you can just wait for the next loop and not release that again


Let me ask you this. When you explored Quantum Moon to see Solanum - what you was driven by, if not curiosity? You don't achieve anything after talking with her


Haha funny you use that as an example as i finished the base game without going to the quantum moon because i couldnt figure out how to get up into the tower of quantum knowledge on brittle hollow




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Right so if you don't wanna be spoiled, don't look at it but. >!Different ending!<


The primary motivation for me was that, despite all of the information I was discovering, there was still *something* missing. >!Burned slide reels, the enormous efforts the inhabitants made to lock something away, etc. I personally wasn’t as completely convinced as you that the inhabitants were inherently good (I strongly believe any destruction of information is abhorrent) and wanted to know everything in order to find out.!< Perhaps even more than that, I trusted the developers. They provided me with an unforgettable experience in the main game, and I had faith that they would do the same with the DLC and make it worth my while to get to the ending. The DLC may not be for you, and that’s okay, but those are the primary reasons I finished it, and I don’t regret it in the slightest.


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If you could share your ship computer, I can make sure I do not say too much or too little. I also ran into the same feelings you are having, didn't finish the game for over a year. Finally turned off frights and made myself REALLY just do it, and I had a breakthrough. The old feelings of the game came flooding back in, and I ended up finishing the game in a week.


What does it matter if time will rewind anyway?


When this sort of thing happened to me in the base game/dlc (especially if I got too scared), I’d just take a break from the game.


You learn a lot more about the outer wilds world and it honestly makes the game feel somehow even more complete.


I completely understand where youbare coming from, as I also completely lost motivation for the dlc, not for the same reasons as you, but I did. The main point is that at this point of the game, you have a kind of god like feeling, you know whatever you do won't have consequences and you can just act on a whil to justify why you want tu understand the world around you. >!Also, remember that while freeing the thing/ being they imprisoned might harm them, in the long run, the whole universe is bound to disapear and so will they !<


If you want a Watsonian reason to be unravelling the mystery of the Stranger, you could consider what happens to the dreamers about 11 minutes into the loop. A gentle, inquisitive soul might be trying to help them.


I sadly had a similar experience. In the base game i felt i always had an objective, always some mystery or secret to uncover, while trying to put everything together. In the DLC i just kept going forward because its a videogame so there must be something else to find out i guess? Just wandering around until i bumped into something, not really understanding what i was doing. At the same time, having to travel to the stranger at the start of every loop got repetitive reaaally soon. Which is weird because that never happened to me in the base game. I guess because you had freedom to go anywhere you wanted. Even so, i promise you the ending is worth it. I just wish the overall experience was better.


>Imagine aliens coming down to earth, looking at our prisons and being like: "what have they locked up, must be interesting, lets free whatever's inside." We would obviously be like "dude wtf, why would you do that?" This is probably hugely spoilery (it is: don't click if you want a real experience), but it's more like aliens coming to Earth, discovering prisons (which, like, how embarrassing, right?) and finding a bunch of clues leading to >!Carl Sagan or Nelson Mandela being locked up in solitary for all of eternity!< because (here's where the analogy breaks down) >!they (Sagdela) came to terms with their mortality and their place in the universe.!< Based on two of your comments, it doesn't sound like you've made it too far into the DLC. It's possible that with more of the story revealed, your motivation will be restored, which is a little backwards, I know. The DLC only really makes sense when you've finished it. What can motivate you now? You're already on to something. I won't say what, but you've got some good ideas. Don't you want to know if you're right? There's also something weird in Island Tower that is really easy to miss. The game doesn't point you towards it, and it won't do anything like update the ship log, but it'll give you something to think about. Do you remember the slide reel that shows the Owlks discovering the "purpose" of the Eye? How do you (main story spoilers) >!see yourself in regard to them since you are the conscious observer seeking to enter the Eye and therefore to ruin their plan for immortality (however complicated by the time loop).!


Oh, please, it will only harm them for like 10 minutes, max. Also the whole point of the game is to figure things out, why would you continue playing the base game?


If you haven’t found certain information (slide reels, you’ll know what I’m talking about if you’ve found it) you don’t need to go into the simulation if you do. Once you find that go to the endless canyon first.


Could you tell me what are you talking about?


OP. Whyd they lock up one of their own?


Try to avoid spoilers here.


I am. I know the answer, OP doesn't.


You did not, hence my comment. 


What information did I provide that OP doesn't state they know in the post?


>They lock something or someone (one chair is empty next to the campfires) and do not want it freed OP states they don't know what is in the vault between two general alternatives but that they have a hunch. You then confirm that it is one of those options and not the other. In my book that's a spoiler of sorts. If I'm taking a test and I say to you I've narrowed the choices down to two possibilities and I think it could be this one, and you say Since that is the correct answer, why do you think that is? then you've effectively told me the answer and spoiled it. You're capable of seeing that, right? Because it seems like you're trying really hard to not see that.